Page name: +Accept Faggot+ [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-07-15 16:31:54
Owner: choke_on_dreams
# of watchers: 5
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.+. Accept Faggot .+.

Thanks for ♥ Accepting ♥, Faggot. Now we can get this beast on a Roll.


Mallyho:HEY get your silly little ass onto elftown. We need to make a wiki for our sexy selves.
Cassaspankme:OMFG WE SHOULDLDLD. <3

[T.e.h. .N.a.m.i.n.g. .P.r.o.c.e.s.s.]

Well basically, XcassandraX is super scary and impulsive. One time when mally was feeling like a [Camera Shy Ho] She insisted Mally went on webcam and said "ACCEPT, FAGGOT"

And that was that♥.

x.Because You Dont Love Us As Much As We Love Us.x

Sexy Erotic Conversations
We got S.p.u.n.k

Our Crazy Fads
We got even S.p.u.n.k.i.e.r. - would you believe it?

The Hotties behind the Screen
Look on in awe, at the sexyness.

The History of The Lovers
How the lovers met, lyk woahhh.

Because We Know Where You Live
Be our goddamn fan. Sexyness at a whole new level. lykewoah

So you wanna have Crazy sex?
The How-to-guide to what the people want most. Crazy sex baby

Guys Who <3 Crazy Sex
Guys who appreciate teh crazy sex whoopdefuckingdoo

Chicks who <3 crazy sex
Chicks who appreciate teh crazy sex-whoopdefuckingdoo

Because we're better than you
Yes, bitches. -- And we know it too.

The Continuation of the Spunk
Oh, yes. -- More fuckingerotic conversations.

We Love you like a Fat Kid Loves cake.

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2005-07-14 [PRESS COVERAGE]: <3 nrfgkjdjhksh. i love your ways of making no sense but fixing it anyway :)

2005-07-14 [choke_on_dreams]: yes my shitface *kisses everywhere*

2005-07-14 [choke_on_dreams]: yes my shitface *kisses everywhere* I want to be the friction in your panties.

2005-07-14 [PRESS COVERAGE]: malllllshit. as .. enticing as that is .. i dont think nicholas will approve. )=

2005-07-15 [choke_on_dreams]: He will appove as long as he can fucking watch. trust me. lol I know him.

2005-07-15 [PRESS COVERAGE]: Oh, KINKY. <3

2005-07-15 [you either love me or want to be me!]:    heyloo♥

2005-07-15 [choke_on_dreams]: HELLO WELCOME.


2005-07-15 [choke_on_dreams]: um yah. hunny darling your scaring the customers again!

2005-07-15 [PRESS COVERAGE]: ...oh ok.    bye

2005-07-15 [choke_on_dreams]: NONONONONO

2005-07-15 [choke_on_dreams]: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. please dont leave me :( X_X

2005-07-15 [PRESS COVERAGE]: <3 <3 i m j u s t k i d d i n g , l o v e r     YOU KNOW WHAT MALLY?

2005-07-15 [choke_on_dreams]: WHAT?!

2005-07-18 [PRESS COVERAGE]: .. im .. LEAVING TOMORROW =(

2005-07-18 [choke_on_dreams]: ...dont want you to go

2005-07-21 [you either love me or want to be me!]: ehehehehee u re random

2005-07-23 [PRESS COVERAGE]: I am back, fuck mally. <3 I have missed you like .. woah.

2005-07-25 [choke_on_dreams]: OMFG CASSHO I MISSED YOU SO MUCH

2005-07-25 [PRESS COVERAGE]: YOU BEST OF. <3

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