Page name: -BF: Crystal Fellowship [Exported view] [RSS]
2013-01-30 16:38:13
Last author: Eyonic
Owner: Rook.
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Poe smiled and lightly bit his neck,a dn the magic streamed in. "You feel pwoerful." She finished.

"Very." He balled his fist as more power streamed in.

She severed teh powerstream. "But you need to build up the power yourself." She teased.

He opened his eyes and looked at her. "Okay, how do I do that." He closed his eyes again and tried to build the power. "Like this?"

Poe laughed. "No silly." She said, twirling away from him, like a dancer. "Through training."

He opened his eyes slowly, then blinked. "Oh. Well, then, would you train me?" He looked at her with teasing puppy eyes.

Poe stopped twirling, and put a finger to her lips, thiking. "oh, I don't know. I'll have totalk to Pup about that. She knows more than I do. I just turned you, which makes me your mistress, but she is the true power house of us both." Poe grinned adn sauntered up to Cephas slowly.

Cephas rose an eyebrow. "Misstress? So you mean, I have to do what you say?" He crossed his arms, and leaned against a tree.

"No." she said. She changed into a raven adn flew upto his shoulder. "It just means I'm the one who changed you. Its a title." She expalined. She pecked at Cephas's head with her beak.

He took the Raven in his hand and placed her on his finger. "Good." He said looking at her beady little eyes. "Show me how to do that." He said, then placed her on the ground.

Poe changed back to her normal shape. "Do what? Shapeshift?" she asked. She sat on teh ground adn crossed her legs. "Its easy, but it takes a huge amoutn of concentration." She smiled.

He sat down in front of her and crossed his legs. "Yes mistress, I want to do it."

Poe reached out and smkaced his shoulder. "Don't mock me." She said.

He grabbed her hand. "Don't be so dramatic..." He let go, and picked up a pinecone, examining it. "Are you going to teach me to shapeshift, or not?"

Poe sighed adn took teh pinecone from him adn placed it on teh gorund in front of them. "Of course." she sighed again adn looked at him, then closed her eyes. "Picture an animal in your mind, then focus on changing your body into that animal."

"Alright.." He trailed off as he closed his eyes and pictured in his mind himself. Gradually picturing himself changing, as he did so his outward appearance gradually changed. After a few moments of this, he was fully transformed into a clay-brown and black Timberwolf. He let out a long howl.

Poe grinned at turned into a pure black wolf and stalked around Cephas, rubbing her nose aginst his. "Very good." she said. She stood close beside him.

"Thank you." He barked with a prideful grin, and touching her shoulder with his muzzle.

Poe let out a playful bark and tackled Cephas."Never a problem."

Cephas nibbled at her leg and tackled her back.

Poe let out another back and nipped his tail. "You can't out do me, youngone." she grinned wolfishly.

"Exactly how young do you think I am?" He teased, smacking her with his tail playfully.

Poe changed back into her human shape adn tackled teh wolf-Cephas. "Not oyunger than me." She joked.

He followed and turned back into himself, now under her, he said. "Would you kiss me already?"

Poe smiled and looked at him. "Gladly." She leaned her face towards Cephas.

Cephas smiled back, and leaned towards her kissing her gently on the lips.

Poe kissed Cephas and closed her eyes.

Pup appeared out of one of the many shadows and grinned. "Awwwwww, how oh-so-absolutely-disgusting. Tis bout time you two kissed, no matter how mortified I feel right now seeing it."

Surprised to see Pup appear out of no where, he broke the kiss and turned his head toward Pup. "We..weren't kissing..she was teaching me dark magic and we..fell.." He tried to explain and stood up, helping Poe up as well, he brushed himself off.

Poe rolled her eyes and shook her head, walking over to Pup. "Yes we were, don't let him fool you. "S he laughed. "You have a new trainee, Pup." Shesmiled and crossed her arms, looking at Cephas.

Looking at Cephas, pup shakes her head. "Hoh no! I am NOT training him! Never ever again am I gonna train someone who is or used to be a demon! Besides, he seems to be learning oh-so-well from you." She smiled and winked suggestively.

Cephas narrowed his eyes at Pup. "And why not?" He took a step towards Pup. "What's wrong with teaching me?"

Pup shrugged and grinned. "Cus; 1. I don't like teaching guys, 2. I had enough of demon stubborness trying to teach that damn blood demon, and 3. ummmm well I don't do well teaching people I'm not overly fond of yet...Not that I don't like you or anything, ya just ain't close enough to me for me to put up with ya."

Poe laughed. "Oh please Pup." she looked at Cephas and then at Pup. "I don't think we'd get very far in our lessons if I teach him." she laughed and stepped in between Pup and Cephas.

Cephas looked at Poe and chuckled. "I agree. Pup, please? I'll promise to be good." He made the puppy eyes again.

Pup raised an eyebrow. "You really think the puppy look is going to work on me? Honestly, I don't see what you want me to teach him anyway!"

Cephas rolled his eyes, defeated. "We want you to teach me dark magic. Poe said you were way better than her at it, so she suggested you instead of her."

Poe laughed. "yes, please Pup??" Poe looked longingly at her friend. "Please?"

"Gah!!!! "Pup made a puppy face at Poe. "Do I have to? I hate teaching people!!!"

Poe stood by Cephas and looked up at him, then over at Pup again. "Note: to much attraction to teach or be taught."

Pup growled. "Grrrr, fine, so be it then. I'll show him to the library of shadows. But that's it!"

Poe grinned and nearly tackled her frined when she hugged her. "Thnkayoutankyouthankyou!!" She grinned in delight. "well, shall we go to the Library of Shadows then??"

"Then let's go to the Library of the Shadows then shall we?" Pup frowned at the thought, but went anyway.

poe stood in teh clearing.

Cephas stepped into the clearing, and stood by poe.

Poe looked up at him. "So?? What now?"

Gail stepped into the portal and latched herself to Cephas' burly arm.

Cephas rolled his eyes and ignored her. "I say we go find another village."

Gail looked down at her feet. "After all, we need to fix that hole."

Poe glared at Gail and stalked off, her back as straight as a stick. jealousy rolling off of her in waves.

Gail smiled triumphantly.

Cephas pulled his arm from her grasp, and stalked after Poe." Poe, where are you going?"

Gail's smile turned into a glare as she slowly followed the two.

Poe continued to walk quickly. "Anywhere she is not." Poe jumpd down into a ravine where a clan of winged folk lived.

He grunted as he darted off into the sky, with a mighty jump and help of his wings. He veered down the ravine and landed by a large wooden shack. "Who does she think she is?" He growled and grabbed the scythe from his back.

Gail stared at them in disbelief. "How am I supposed to get down?!" She shouted in an irritated tone. "I wonder why I hang around these people.." She sighed turned, and walked away.

Poe slapped the back of Cephas's head witht he flat of one of her drawn blades, hanging upside down by a chain behind him. "I happen to think that I am who I want to be, and that is Poe."

He jerked forward when he felt something smack his head? Were the villagers fighting back? No.. He swiveled his head to see Poe. "Obnoxious... What gives you the right to go smacking people around." He turned toward her and stepped forward. "Especially me." He swung his bladed staff in two hands and slammed it on the ground.

Poe just watched with amusement. Her blood red lips twitched in a smile. Her eyes quickly looked him over and she grinned, tossing a dart towards his shoulder, arm extended.

Cephas gasped when a dart hit him. "What..was that...for?" He said between short breaths and was knocked out cold. His limp body falling to the hard dirt ground. One of his wings draped over him, and the scythe crashed down beside him.

Poe looked confused. The dart hadn't been laced with anything. It was clean. The jumped down and looked at him, rolling him over. She saw a dart embedded in his neck. She looked up in time to see a winged person fly away. She cursed. "Centries." she pulled Cephas back into teh shack and closed the door.

Cephas shifted in the shack. He mumbled something and his eyes shot open. "AGHHH! He screamed out in pain and clutched his head. He was building up a fever, it spiked past the normal temperature of a fire demon which was 300 degrees. "Make it stop!!" Her wailed, and punched the wall of the shack, making the one wall shatter into pieces. HIs muscles were rippling as he twisted around in the small area.

Poe held Cephas down with all of her strength, waiting for the fit to pass. She soothed him, wiping the hair from his face. She incanted a coolign spel she prayed would work.

He felt like he was being torn apart. "What is this?" He demanded, snatching the dart from his neck, that had ventured deeper into his skin since. His fever refused to go down and he still felt horrible pain in spurts. He willed himself to calm down and lay still, tossing the dart aside. "Where is Gail?!" He demanded again.

Poe pulled back the cloak she had worn and revealed teh huddled form of Gail. "She's fine." Poe said. Poe touched the tip of the dart with her finger, extracting the poison. She tasted it, then spat. "I know what I need now." She laughed. "So easy. They aren't beyond still using Hostill Weeds." Poe pulled a smeely leaf out of a pocket and put it to Cephas's lips. "Chew on it, then swallow." She ordered. "It will revolt you, but it heals this poison."

Cephas took the leaf and chewed it. He felt a little better as he did, then swallowed it. He could feel his temperature lowering. "Thanks..." He also felt his temper go down as well. Cephas put his hand to his forehead.

Poe knelt beside him and wrapped her amrs around his shoulders, putting a hnad on his forehead. "good. Your tempurature is going down. We should stay here for the night, tehn head out in the morning." Poe sat back and crossed her legs, sitting so Cephas was resting with his ehad on her shoulder, leanign against her. "what do you think?"

He stood, "I think we should finish what we came for. Afterall, we can't stay here in a villaga full of angry villagers...." He glanced sideways through the hole in the wall, about 7 angry villager were standing there.

Poe agreed and stood up, warping tehm further down the valley.

He stood there, in an open field of wheat. "This place is nice..." He said, looking at Poe.

Poe nodded, shivering somewhat. "Yes. I almost had forgotten what it looked like..." She said quietly, then waled forward.

Cephas jogged forward until he caught up. "So much for our slaves...guess we can try again later." He then layed down in the feild. "I see the time of day fit for a nap..."

Poe sat down on his chest and crossed herlegs. She was glad he was much bigger than her. "I'll keep watch from up here..."Its high enough to be a mountin." she teased.

A puff of air escaped him as she plopped herself down on his chest. "You do that.... I'll be napping." He placed his arms behind his head. He enjoyed the view he had of her from below.

Poe rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, tucking her wings in close to her body.

Cephas then opened his wings and flew up still lying on his back. "I like it better up here..."

Poe wrapped her arms around Cephas, buring her head into his chest. "Geeze Cephas, at least tell me before you're going to do that..."

He wrapped his arms around her too. "but it turned out just how I wanted." He teased then kissed her fore head.

Poe laughed. "You Terd." she muttered.

He shook his head and thumped her on the forehead.

Pope jsut wriggled free of Cephas's arms adn stood up on him, falling backwards, opening her wings shortly after.

Cephas closed his wings and freefalled past her. "Catch me?" He said, the ground closing in on him.

Poe shook her head. "No...I dont think so..." she said, grinning.

He grunted and opened his wings floating upwards. "You're no fun...."

Poe laughed and winked at him, flapping her wings adn soaring upwards, flippin g and falling backwards, spinning downwards.

Now we're getting somewhere!" He copied her movementys if not made them better.

Poe opened her wings, purposefully crashing into Cephas, then swerved away. ^.^

Cephas was gonna go after her, when he suddenly felt a cold wind on his bare chest. He swerved downward and landed in the field of tall grass. "The grass is frozen?" He touched a long stalk and it was so brittle with cold that it shattered.

Poe went into a freefall and landed lightly on Cephas's shoulder. "What? In the middle of summer?"

He grabbed her by the ankles and picked her off his shoulders, setting her down beside him. "It is strange..." Just then he saw a fog seeping out of the forest. "It's coming from there?" He said, the cold beginning to frost up the blade of his scythe.

Poe yawned boredly, the slowly drew out her two blades, the metal against the scabbard ringing. "Not suprised. I've had a lot of interesting experiences with the forest." She said, an odd emotion at the back of her voice.

"You dont mind if I heat it up a bit?" He said and sent out a wave of fire. It seemed to trevel from his soulders and down his body until it ringed out from his feet, that withered all the tall grasss in the field. "There, nice and warm and cozy now." Cephas smiled, pleased with himself. And without amoments notice he was off into the forest.

Poe rolled her eyes and followed.

The mist got thicker and thicker as he ran deeper into the forest. He kept himself heated, because he cant be cold for long.

Cephas was running to fast, so Poe melded into his shadow as he ran.

He stopped, "The fog is too thick...I can't se well.." he used his wings to blow away most of it.

Poe screached from within his shadow. "Oh my gosh! there's something alive in here!!!" She batted her way out of the shadow, franticly clawing at the ground to get out.

He looked at her confused. "In my shadow??"

Poe settled on his shoulder again. "where else?" she batted her wings to aid him.

He was going to reply when he heard a struggling scream. "let's move." He flew quickly in the direction of the scream, and arrived to a man dress in blue fighting off three large and heavily armored Orcs. He jumped into action pulling out his scythe.

The orcs were snarling, "Give it to usssss, or DIE elf!"

Poe sighed and flicked her fingers at the orcs. The earth shook, and a pit formed under the orc's feet. they fell in to the deep pit, and Poe walked ot the edge. "You never learn, do you, demon?" she said teasingly. She snapped her fingers twice, and the bottom of the pit cracked, lava seeping in slowly. As the orcs sturggled to get out, Poe waved her hands over the pit, a boulder covering the hole. The only thing that was heard where muffled screams. Poe sat down wearily, leaning her head back. She took a deep breath, and opened one eye at the stranger. "who are you? and what did they want?"

Raziel fell against a tree when the demon jumped beside him and when the ...witch? opened up the chasm. "Aghh!"

Cephas looked down at the boy, the fog seemed to be coming from his mouth. He looked at him curiously.

"NO!! You won't have it!" He screamed viciously, putting a messengers bag around his shoulder.

Poe flicked her fingers at the boy, binding his mouth with black magic, stemming the fog. "Shut up already. We don't want what you have." she added as an after thought. "Whatever it is."

Raziel began to look angry. He traced his finger along his lips and the spell was broken. " didn't come heer to-to take the crystal blade?" He clutched his bag.

"No. Can't you see that by the way we destroyed those orcs?" He gestured to the scar in the earth from the large fissure. "What is this crystal blade? And why do they want it

He reached into his bag and pulled out something wrapped thickly in cloth. "This. Is the crystal blade." He unwrapped it, and underneath was a footlong sliver of crystal.

Poe eyed the crystal and shivered.

"Did you steal it from them?" Cephas said, a wondering in his voice.

"Yes. I stole it. But only cause they stole it from us!" he wrapped it back up and put it back inside the bag.

"From who?" Cephas asked.

"I cant' say. I've already revealed too much." He turned his back to them. "I should kill you for even seeing me, but since you helped me with the orcs..i'll let you live."

Cephas clenched his fists.

Poe growled and launched herself at the elf. "You ungratefull little runt." she grolwed, pinning the elf down to the ground by the shoulders. Her eyes burned red. No magic or strength could stop her in this state. "After all we did for you... the least you could do is tell us who to look out for." She lifted him by the throat, his back against a tree. Her wings shivered angrily. "Why shouldn't we kill you now?"

His hands clasped on her wrists. "I said I was grateful! Release me and i'll tell you what you want to know." He released her hands and touched the crystal in his bag. The crystal glowed and light seeped from under the flap. The crystal spoke to Poe and made her do exactly what he said.

Poe shuddered and withdrew her hands. She stayed away from the light, glowering at it. "Yeah, well, you're more of one." She spoke to the crystal. She paused, then snorted. "Oh shut up already. I can shatter you easily. O yes I can! I've heard of you, vaguely. I know how to destroy you, monster." She snarled.

"Stop talking to the inanimate object ya loon!" Cephas shouted at Poe.

Poe glared at Cephas. "This thing has got an attitude problem!" She sulked and stalked over to him, standing under one of his wings, which could easily shelter her.

Cephas layed his wing on her shoulder.

Raziel looked at her desperately. "You sense the power? You felt it speak to you. You understand why I can't let the orc lord have it. They'll use it to destroy the world! That's why I stole it from them."

"I trust you. Now tell us who you are." He stepped forward still holding poe.

"I am Raziel," he said looking at the ground "I am a sacred race of elves that are only known in legend. A Moon elf. The crystal Blade was stolen from the high priestess of our forest kingdom." He looked as though he was choking as he spoke. He composed himself and continued. "The priestess was killed by the Orc Lord. She was my mother... I went against the councils wishes and went after the Orcs." He clenched his fists, "They captured me, I was their slave for years. They took my clothes and weapons and my mothers ring...." He gently touched the ring strung onto a silver chain around his neck. "I escaped, though, and slaughtered any who came in my way. I searched for the crystal blade and stole it. I ran. They chased. And now you." He looked up at them.

Poe thought about his story, leaning into Cephas absently. "Hmmm... a moon elf... who would have thought?"

"Yes, a moon elf; and now that you know my story. Will you help return it to my kingdom, and destroy the Orc Lord? They'l come after me in numbers and I don't know if i'll be able to fight them all off."

"Demons aren't always accustomed to helping people." He pressed Poe close. "I dont know if Mary-queen-of-snots will help you or want to."

Poe rolled her eyes and shook her head at Cephas. "I'll help, as long as you tell that stupid rock to stuff a sock in it and leave me alone." she suddenly caught the reference to her. "Hey!" she flapped her wings and came closely face-t0-face with cephas. "What did you call me!??!"

Cephas walked infront of Poe, "Nothing." He said and put a hand Raziel's shoulder. "We should get going. But first we'll stop at our home to pick some things up."

Raziel nodded. "Your home? You live in the forest?

"Yes, but i've only been here for a few days. Poe's been living here most of her life with her sisters. And her boy-" Cephas dropped the subject after he remembered that Cykes had left. So he grabbed Raziel's shoulders and flew up. "We'll get there faster by flight. Come on Poe!"

Raziel wiggled out of Cephas's grip and a wind picked him up. "You don't have to carry me, I can fly by the wind."

Cephas nodded slowly. "o..kay..that's new." He straightened up. "Anyway, follow me."

Poe caught the change in subject. She flew beside Cephas. "He hasn't been here for a long, long time. We're way past over. Like, that relationship is dead." She said, trying to confort him.

"Ok, i'm sorry.." He flew towards the manor and they were all there ina matter of minutes. He stopped in front and landed on the bottom step. "Are Pup and Anya home? Do you know Poe?"

Raziel cut off the current of wind that was carrying him and fell back down. "There are more of you?" He looked at Poe.

Poe nodded. "Yes, there are... but Pup and Anya aren't home right now."

"I thought they might be." He shook his head. "I thought we could their asistance. No matter. Let's get some gear." He entered the house

Raziel, out of curiousity, followed.

Poe nodded. "alright, lets grab, and meet here in a few hours."

Cephas emerged from the house with a messengers bag full of thing slung over his shoulder and hanging off his hip.

Raziel asked, "Everything you need?"

"Yes, medical supplies, food..-' He named things off that are his bag.

"Wow, all that in that bag." He said.

"You'd be surprised what you can fit into an enchanted bag." He hopped down the steps and looked around for Poe.

Poe free-fell from her thirdstory window,, snapping her wings open before she hit the ground. Her new cape billowed out behind her, the blood-red embroudery standing out barbarishly. Her assasin's armor and clothing made her nearly invisible, and her face was painted with some tribal war paint, and her eyes shone yellow. "Let's go."

Raziel jumped back, startled by her. He composed himself and straightened out his tunic. "Alright."

Cephas shook his head. "Why the face paint?"

Poe smiled, baring her fangs. "Because. I'm going to be a ceremony in the forest later tonight before I meet Raziel's people. It's best they know me for who... and what... i truly am." She laughed and spread her wings, taking to the sky.

"Ceremony? This doesn't sound good.." He and Raziel followed.

Gale was sitting on the rooftop eating some candy when she saw Cephas, Poe and someone she had never seen before. She shrugged and put her candy in a pocket took off after them on her wand with the little wings flappin so you cpouldn't even see them.

Poe sighed. "By the snap-cracking of my thumbs, something wiccked this way comes.."

Gale stopped behind Poe.'What's up guys? Who's that?" She pointed to Raziel.

'No time to explain Gale.." He said dismissevely.

"Can I come?!" She said, actually bouncing on her wand.

"Guys..??" He asked Poe and Raziel.

Poe rolled her eyes and tok off, flying to the forest. "I dont care. Just dont let me near her."

Gale snorted in laughter. "What a childish girl..!"

"Gale!" Cephas snapped "Watch yourself..."

raziel looked confused. "Is this witch going to be traveling with us?"

"'fraid so.." Cephas answered. "Poe come back here!!!"

Anya watched silently from the shadows, undetected but interested as to what had her friend and sister so upset. She had been here for so long now that she knew Poes voice and knew how to hide from even her. Slowly she snuck up behind Gale, the one who had called her sister a witch and heartily sank her teeth into the girls ass, her sharp wolf fangs sinking deep into the flabby flesh there. She snorted in satisfaction and darted back, on her guard, a small shred of the cloth hanging from her still clenched teeth.

Poe grinned as she felt Anya's magic. She perched on top of a tall pine, watching the scene, then flew again, high into the air.

Gale made a loud breathy gasp and her eyes wide with fear and shock. Then her face twisted in rage and she withdrew her 2 long daggers from sheaths on her lower back. She twisted around and slashed at the space behind her. But then she realised the attacker has gone and she was slashing at the air. Tears welled up behind her eyes and she blinked hard to try and hold them back. 

"Gale!" Cephas souted in surprise. He caught a glimps of Anya and glared in Poe's direction.

Raziel shot forward to see if the unknow girl was ok. "Ma'am! Are you alright!"

Gale said a healing spell and the wound left behind disappeared as if it closed up on its own. She sniffed and a tear streaked down her face leaving a salty trail. "I'm...fine.." She choked out.

Raziel held her head against a shoulder.

Poe rolled her eyes and sighed, shrugging. She wasn't sorry Anya had done it, but she didn't want Cephas to be upset with her either. She dove into a free fall, landing softly and silently behind Gale and Raziel, wings touching the ground as she crouched. "Are you... alright... Gale?" She asked quietly, choking out the last words.

Gale turned toward Poe glaring angrily. "You've no right!" She shouted at her.

Poe stood up, tucking her wings under her cloak. "I wasn't the one who bit you. But I'm seeing if you're alright. You have no right, Gale." Poe replied quietly, fingering her necklace.

She stomped her foot. "What do you mean I have no right?!"

"I mean that I'm trying to show concern, even though I do not want to, and you have no right telling me that I have no right."

"I-I..." She stammered. She turned away from Poe.

Cephas stepped in, "Girls...please." He slipped an arm around Poe and whispered to her encouragement. "Let's go everyone, we have to travel deep into the blood forest and we have no time to stay here and argue."

Raziel spoke up after watching."I agree." He said, when an arrow whizzed past his head and embedded itself inti the house. "They're back!" He looked into the forest but saw nothing.

Cephas shot flames into the forest.

Poe growled and turned to the arrow, putting her hand on it. She saw in her mind the path way it had come, and ran after it before it faded.

Cephas drew his sword in one hand and a scythe in another. "Gale, Raziel stay back!"

Gale nodded and went to the poorch of the house.

Raziel narrowed his eyes and spikes of ice came from his wrists and he gripped them then threw them at two orcs coming from the forest.

Poe ran swiftly, like a hound following it's scent. She found the archer and viciously ripped his throat out. she dragged him with her, killing the orcs in her way.

Cain appeared behind one of the orcs, a few seconds passing before blood erupted from the wound he made on it. "Having fun kids?"

Poe grinned. "Cain!!!" She ran and jumped on him, smothering him with hugs.

Cephas jumped and sliced down on an orc that was sneaking up on Cain and Poe. "They arent very lightfooted, you should have known." He teased Poe

Raziel pulled his chakram off a cord tied to his belt and stabbed it with the spike in the back.

Gale muttered a protection spell over them and made their skin glow faintly.

Anya felt a slight tingle of magic on her skin and let it sink in, feeling it be protection. She thought maybe this Gale might have learned her lesson. Anya flicked Cain and Poe on her way past, silently running with a speed she had not had before as she isolated the orc officers and took them out one by one, hitting each one and ripping out throats and hearts alike on each one before she targeted the next one. She quickly made light work of the officers that were left and listened in satisfaction as the other orcs talked in their orc language of ghost wolves taking them from behind and started to retreat in groups of four and five, their fear scent very strong. Anya returned to Poe and Cain, nuzzling both then standing near them, waiting.

Cain winced at the hug. "You are doing to be the death of me woman. And Cephas is right you know." He smiled lightly at Anya before pushing Poe away and dusting off his outfit.

Poe grinned. "That is very quite possible, Cain." she flipped back to Cephas, landing on his massive shoulder in a crouch. She flicked his ear for the teasing.

Cephas flinched and pulled her into his arms, and set her down lightly.

Raziel approach them and clipped his chakram back onto his belt so it hung down on his hip. "We should get going now. Head west into the forest."

Gale snapped her fingers and the spell cancelled. She perched her arm on Raziel.

Poe raised her eyebrows, but said nothing, heading west.

Cain shakes his head and casts a thought to Poe. What is with that other girl anyway? He quirked an eyebrow and grinned at cephas.

Poe shrugged. I haven't a clue, really. Ask Cephas. He brought her here. She looked at Gale and hoped she fell for Raziel... hard.

Anya couldn't help but growl quietly as she caught the nature of Poe's thoughts. She intentionally tripped Gale and stepped down on her chest, fixing the foolish girl with a deep purple eye, conveying a silent warning.  She then bounded back up to trot contentedly between Cain and Poe, nuzzling Cain as she joined them and set a steady but fast pace, knowing Poe was wanting to get where she was going fairly fast and knowing the group would keep up with Poe. Poe dear, its alright...this girl will not dare cause more trouble with me around here once more. She had to have caught onto the fact that she messes up and I will rip her throat out, no questions asked. Anya made sure both Cain and Poe heard her though the other three could not.

Poe nodded and glanced back, causing an updraft of wind to set Gale on her feet, and continues on her way. she took out her blade and fingered it, marking the way on various trees with similar markings. With each gash, she waved her fingers over it, and they shone out lightly with a green light.

A cold wind picked up Raziel and he dropped himself inront of the others to lead the way, shoifting course slightly.

Gale flashed a smile toward Poe, thankful she had let her up and followed closely behind cephas.

Cephas was examining the dead orc bodies, checking for some sort of communication device. He fou nd nothing and moved on to walk with the others, his cape brushing the dead leaved on the forest. He was alittle confused of what he should do or if this was a good idea at all. But he trusted Raziel, though he wasnt sure if the elf was letting on how dangerous this could be. He knew the orc king..worked for him as a high general. Which reminded him that he was still awaiting his payment.

Poe mentaly told Gale and Raziel to keep going as she dropped back in line and pulled Cephas off to a small glade nearby.
"What's the matter? Your eyes are glinting a blueish colour. I don't know much about demons... but you're thinking about something, and I can't read your mind with that helmet on." She flapped her wings till she was face level with Cephas, a concerned look on her face.

"It's nothing to worry about." he brushed the back of his hand on her cheek and took a couple steps past her.

Poe grabbed his arm and pulled him back, pinning him against the tree. "Why won't you tell me? After everthing, you're not going to trust me enough. What if I can help?"Her eyes reverted to their somber blue, and she let his wrist go in disgust. "I guess it really doesn't matter. It all obviously means nothing." she shook her head and flapped her wings, gaining altitude until the air was a bitter cold. She couldn't even see the forest through the clouds, and she hovered.

He followed her in the clouds which is pretty much how he felt at the moment. Unclear and lost. He rose the heat around hisself and te clouds evaporated away so he had a clearpath to Poe. He snuck up on her and slipped his helmet on her head then put his arms on her waist. "It's not that I don't trust you..i'm worried you won't trust me..."

Poe kept her arms crossed, but leaned back into him. "Won't trust you. Like I could not trust you." The helmet shifted and the visor fell over her face with a sharp clang. she shighed and muttered something intelligable inside hte helmet.

"It could happen. I've lost people because I couldn't control my thoughts. Speaking out with no regard to others. But..i'll be more careful with this one. I won't lose you." he rested his head on her shoulder. " me as you wish." He said regretfully.

Poe took off the helmet and twisted her arm around to place her palm on his forehead. She giggled as she read what he was worried about. "Cephas, I knew about the Ork King and your history together when I changed you. Don't worry. I can help with that." she sighed and leand her head against his, enjoying the heat and the moment. "I agree about Raziel though."

"I'm glad you can fix all my problems." he teased and lifted his helmet off her head, then placing it back down on his own. "I trust you're finish prying into my mind." He hoped she was or else she might unlock something he had tried to keep locked away forever. "About raziel. Keep an eye on him, read his mind when ever he looks in thought. I would myself but I don't seem to have the ability to readminds. I can only return someting thought to me."

poe grinned and fluttered her wings. "Basic magic of all vamps. But you're a demon-vamp. I dunno if or when you'll get powers, like your mistress." She laughed and went tinto a freefall. Oh, and by the way... I've got that little sissy dagger you kept in your back pocket. she laughed.

Anya heard Poe returning groundwards and had snuck farther off the path, sneaking up on Raziel. As she felt Poe come to within feet of the ground, she saw her oppurtunity and leapt, pinning the little elf before he could stash once more the structured magic he had been playing with, knowing full well it was a form of destruction spell. She growled a warning to him, her teeth mere millimeters from his nose as she waited for the others to come help investigate.

Poe landed in a heap on the ground, then pushed herself up, walking over. She nudged Anya off and pulled Raziel up, pinning him to a tree. "Don't ruin my happyness right now, RAziel. What is it that you have that Anya doesn't like?"

Raziel slumped over and sighed, calmly pushing Poe off of him. "I don't know what you're talking about. I have my swords, my chakram, a med pack, bread, and the crystal."

Cephas approached, pulling his dagger out of Poe's hand and putting it in his sheath on his side.. "Now what's going??"

Raziel shrugged and sighed again.

"Anya sensed magic, adn I'm just warning Raziel to be careful. It puts Anya on edge when people randomly practice magic." Poe shurgged and walked away, humming to herself.

"Well, I was trying to figure more out about the crystal. Maybe I did something.."

Poe wasn't paying attention to him. She was too busy finding out where the music she was hearing was comming from.

Cephas motioned a hand at the other two. "Well, let's forget about it and get moving before Poe is a whole day's journey away." Raziel and he caught up with Poe shortly, along with Anya, Pup, and cain shortly behind.

"oh my..." She dove into the nearby bush. "I found it!" they heard her cuss. "I almost caught it..." She came out, holding a tiny jacket in her hand. She coninuted walking, her head tilted to the side, listening.

"What? A leprachaun? They're better for lunch than gold." He crossed his arms over his growling stomach.

Raziel hande dhim some bread and Cephas nommed on it.

Poe growled and threw a pin at him, eyes darting from side to side. "got you... you little midget.!" She dove after a small object that darted acrossed the path. She cahsed it all around, her wings getting in the way of everything she did. she finally moaned when her head hit a tree. She held her head in her hands and glared at an unseen object. "stop laughing you little twerp" She turned into a black cat and pounced suddenly, catching it in her mouth. She held it by the collar and proudly stalked over to Cephas jumping on Raziel's shoulder before jumping up to Cephas's.

Cephas picked the thing out of her mouth and petted her behind the ears. He was holding the little man by his shirt which felt like burlap. 'What do you want this for Poe?"

Poe started purring and lipped her lips hungrily.

Newton squirmed. "No! Don't eat me! I promise to be good to Mistress!"

Poe grinned a cat-grin. See. I now have a brownie pet.

Newton pouted. "I'm appaled at the word 'pet'. I would prefer man-servant."

Poe growled and unsheathed her claws. I could use the term 'lunch'..."

"Poe, you cant." He pulled the little guy away. "I like him." He grinned andpatted his head with a gloved hand.

Raziel chuckled.

Gale spoke up. "It's a brownie."

Poe turned her head and hissed at Gale. "What about it?

Newton crossed his arms and huffed. "Can I at least have my jacket back?"

Cephas picked up his jacket and handed it to him. "What's your name little fella'?"

Gale stared at Poe. "I was just saying. I have never seen one."

Raziel picked up Poe and cradled her on one arm, petting her softly.

Poe ignored Gale. She closed her eyes and purred.

The brownie eyed the 'monster' cephas. "I'm Newton. what are you... a freak? You're so huge!" He said spreading his arms wide to make the point.

Cephas dropped Newton and steamed. He waved his arms and said, "I am not a freak you're just so freakishly small everything seems so freakishly large to you!!!!"

Raziel's eyes got wide and he stopped in mid pet, and Gale giggled at his reaction.

Newton magicly put himself down on the ground gently, then ran over to Raziel and climbed up onto Poe, settling down in her fur. "You're temper is the reason why she's my master and you're not."

Poe purred and shot an amused look at Cephas. Really Cephas. You could have seen that comming.

"Yea, yea, whatever." He huffed and crossed his arms. 'You can eat him now."

Newton started and jumped off of Poe, hiding in Raziel's hair.

Poe stretched and jumped on Raziel's shoulder before jumping onto Cephas's shoulder. She curled around his neck and shot thoughts and certain memories directly into his mind to calm him down and cheer him up.

Hepicked Poe up and set her down."Stop the tricks, please. I'm okay."

Poe stretched and mentaly shrugged, running ahead.

Anya laughed at the new addition to their already well assorted party. Poe's dismissal of Raziel's magic made her relax some. She quickly stretched into a lope that helped her catch the still running Poe and she ran silently next to her, feeling more like the older days were back now then it had in a long time.

Poe shifted into a wolf like anya and howled. She stopped and looked back at the rest of the party. Come on! Let's run! she shot back at all of them. She paced in a circle impatiently.

The three of them followed in a run.

Poe barked happily and bolted off, sniffing the ground as she ran. She suddenly stopped and howled. Orks. was all she said before running off to the right, following the scent.

Anya howled with Poe, her heart singing, the hunt truly beginnigng. As Poe ran on straight she circled to the right some, staying completely linked with Poe so they could keep track of each other. She screamed out to the group mentally All of you. Hunting time. Take no Prisoners but the King. Move quietly Anya knew all of them could feel her happiness to be on the hunt once more as she stalked to the side of poe, still silently running and watching for the orcs they were close to now.

Poe snuck silently up on the camp, watching what they were doing from the shadows.

Anya stopped a short distance to the left of Poe, also watching, wondering who the people in the center of the camp tied to the posts were the realizing they were villagers from the village nearest the Manor, she supressed a gasp and mentally told Poe her discovery and conclusion.

Poe growled softly.

Raziel crouched down next to Poe and Cephas went with Anya.

Gale moved into the camp clearly visible. She turned. "Guys, get the king! I'll distract the rest...keep the crystal safe.." She raised her arms and placed another protection spell on them. Then she chanted a powerful earth spell, as Orcs came fumbling out of their tents and towards her, earth rose up and spun around her. Now Gale pushed her arms outward and the earth flew in all directions hitting the orcs. "GO! The king is in that big tent! I'll hold them off her so you can get to the king."

Cephas cringed. "Gale no!" He watched as the things crowded her, and absorbed her look at him. It was bravery and fear. And in her eyes were something different.He ran towards the center of the camp slashing at anything in his way.

Poe growled and looked over at Anya. she's a foolish amature. shall i watch her back while you get the King, or vice versa?

Anya looked to Poe, murder in her eyes you get the king Anya jumped into the middle of the orcs, her fangs and claws ripping every piece of flesh she came into contact with. Abruptly she shifted to dragon form and started to take out the orcs 10 at a time with the flames from her mouth.

Poe grinned and shifted to her vampire shape, her eyes deadly. "With pleasure." She laughed savagely and sped her way through the mass, each orc that she touched dieing as she withdrew their lifesource.

Raziel's body became iced over and hepulled out his 2 swords. He slashed the orcs and whatever touched him became frozen and smashed. He ran with Poe, and Cephas followed them.

Gale shouted out spells and she was covered a hard metal purple material as armor and her wand extended to a 8 feet long with two blades on each end. She twirled it above her head, the n tossed Anya a ring. "Twist the diamond!" She said over the clang of her blades crushing orc armor. " It'll turn into a weapon you'll never believe!"

Anya cleared a wide path around herself, then went over and picked Gale up with her tail, setting her up on her back so that she could fight better still and have some protection since twice now she had almost been taken by surprise. Anya was grinning as she fought, enjoying the battle and the fact that every time and orc hit her, their blades shattered from the hardness of her scales. "You just worry about killing the ones around us Gale...I need no other weapon than what i have in this form already!" Anya was in a true blood lust now and killing all but a few at a time, leaving some work for Gale but not much.

She nodded and put the ring back on her finger. 'Right." She said a spell that set an orc on fire and it ran around catching tents on fire until it turned wild. She pumped a fist and sliced anothers head off. On anya's back she was protected by her wings, and her blade-staff had a long reach so she could hold off anything that tried to come close.

Anya kept moving, keeping her movements smooth as ever, making sure Gale had enough work to do to keep her busy as they both slowly made their way towards the Kings tent, ready to help Poe if need be.

Poe cleared the path to the King's tent, ripping the a hole in the wall of the tent. She couldn't believe her eyes. She trashed the tent, checked it with magic, then screamed in rage. He isn't here. He was NEVER here! Get out! She ihaled and caught a scent, the orc king's picture flashing in her mind briefly. ..what the... She grabbed the object, sniffed it, then sniffed the air. the scent went upwards. Cephas, did he fly?? She asked as she took off into the sky, following the scent.

He flew with her."I don't know..."

Poe growled and tossed the object to him, then sniffed again, getting a head onthe scent. She closed her eyes and flew after it, keeping her eyes closed as she followed the scent trail.

He pocketed the item and flew on.

Poe accidently flew into a tree. " Found where he was last." she held her nose and cleared hte air with her wings. She sniffed again. "Yes, he was here. and will come back."

He nodded. "So do we wait?"

Poe shivered and wrapped her wings around herself. "I'm hungry...." she mumbled. She looked around and saw Cephas as if for the first time. She growled and pounced.

He grabbed her shoulders and turned her around, pressing her back to him, his arms held her waist tight. "You won't find food with me." He chuckled.

Poe struggled to break free and spat out something in a different language.

He spun when he heard twigs snapping. "2 miles away, north north east." He unfurled his large black wings. "The others will be alright, you think?" He asked. "If we go?"

Poe nodded and flapped her wings, gaining altitude.

He leaped off the tree and lead the way, blinking to turn on his binocular eyes he called them. They were easier to fly through trees, and if you wanted tospy out somethingfar away. "The orc king has 2 legions. 7 in each. Take those out, he might run. Think you can find out a way to make him not able to run when we get there. It's crucial we don't let him get any further." He pulled out his sword and scythe.

"An ice spell should work." Poe replied.

"I was thinking more along the lines of a time freeze. Are you up to it?" He landed a hundred yards from the king.

"I can try." Poe said, biting her lip. "You'll have exactly two minutes to dismember all of the people and get the king." she sighed and rolled her neck. "Here goes." she intoned the spell.

He nodded and watched the things around him freeze. He never noticed before, bu her hair looked beautiful under the silver moonlight, she froze along with everything else. He zoomed the last 100 yards and arrived in the center of the squall of orcs. He dismembered 4 with one slice of hisscythe. "10 to go, 72 seconds left." He sliced 2 more, the jumped into the last member of legion 1, slicing him in half. "7 down." He jumped over to the last seven members and took them down one at a time. "two are guarding the king..." He ran as fast as he could towards the the king and the ramaining to members of the legion. "17,...16.." He counted down as he took down the first. "11,...10..." He stabbed the last one and shot the sword out the top of his head. "5,..4,..3.." He attacked the king as fast as he could slamming himwith the butt of hissword. He pumped his wings and twirled in the air, shouting a "WOOHOO!" punching the air. "Poe!!!!"

Poe shook herself and fell to her knees, gasping for breath. She gave a weak thumbs up and propped ehrself up with her arms. She motioned for a series of vines to entangle the king, which they did.

Cephas went to Poe and helped her up, her arm resting across his shoulders.

Poe took a deep breath and stood up on her own as they neared the bound king. Anya, we have him... its safe to bring them here. she mentaly gave their location as she studied the bound captive.

Raziel approached Cephas and Poe. "The others are still back there fighting. Thought you might need some help." His body was glittery with frost, and twirlde his chakram around his finger. "Take care of the king, and we can finish off the army."

Poe nodded and looked at Cephas and Raziel. "Well... Raziel... you wanted him..."

He nodded. "Right. I know just what to do." he rose his arms and purple light glowed off of him. "Ancient spirits,I call on your name!" The light became more intense, and the light also came on the king. "Please. Open up it up. The Aurora dimension!!" A blinding flash of the light consumed the king and he shimmered away, his form going into the skylike wisps of smoke. Raziel lowered his hands and kissed one then put it to his heart. "Thank you for the aid spirits of light."

Poe looked at the place where the king sat moments before, then finally collapsed into Cephas, exhausted.

Anya killed the last orc with a claw and then took to the air, feeling Gale tense on her back as she flew the short distance to the others and landed. She gently put her nose against Poe and let her have a little energy, feeling fine herself as she did so. "good job everyone"

He nodded. "Right. I know just what to do." he rose his arms and purple light glowed off of him. "Ancient spirits,I call on your name!" The light became more intense, and the light also came on the king. "Please. Open up it up. The Aurora dimension!!" A blinding flash of the light consumed the king and he shimmered away, his form going into the skylike wisps of smoke. Raziel lowered his hands and kissed one then put it to his heart. "Thank you for the aid spirits of light."

Poe looked at the place where the king sat moments before, then finally collapsed into Cephas, exhausted.

Cephas and Raziel slapped high fives. 'Yea," Cephas said. "The crystal is safe again. And so are we and..i guess the rest of the world is too.. but mainly for me to destroy."

Poe looked at Raziel. "Anything else you have for us to do while we're here?"

He pressed a fist to his chin. "Pick up som grocery items?" he joked, then waved a hand. "Nah. nothing." He did a couple squats. "We took care of things. But there is something I need to tell you."

"Ha! I knew there was something!" He looked Raziel in the eyes. "Tell us."

Poe sighed and buried her face into Cephas's side.

"Well," Raziel started. "It's about the orc king. He wasn't our main guy. I just didn't tell you this before because if I told you you probably wouldn't have come with me to return the crystal and stop him."

Cephas made a fist and raised at Raziel, who backed up.

"Cool it! I'm sorry! I'l tell you everything now." He said and sat in the grass.

Cephas sat too dragging Poe with him.

"Malazar. His name is Malazar. He paid the orc king a unbelievable amount of money to get the crystal for him and do the dirty work. He's an evil dark elf, enemy of our kind for thousands of years. He's made many attempts to steal the crystal before and he has failed all those times. He sounds like a lame-oid, I know. But..he grew powerful over the years, getting into black magic and sorcery. When he failed, he thought he'd try to get someone else to try for him. The orc king succeeded o n the first try, but we stopped him. Now Malazar will be angry, angrier than we've ever seen him. He wants this crystal, it will open a whole new world of magic that he could use to take over the world and turn it into a dark and evil realm."

Poe groaned and used her magic to stone raziel with pebbles. "When is he going to come after the orc-king and the crystal?"

Newton crawled out of Cephas's shirt. "PHEW! It's hot in there..." he snorted and cleared his throat. "Not to mention stinky...."

Poe pushed Cephas so he was laying on his back and turned into a cat, curling on his stomach.

Newton walked up Cepha's chest and curled into Poe, promptly falling asleep.

Poe used her tail to move the sleeping brownie off of her and to another place, then started purring, half asleep.

Raziel shook his head, and stared at the cat. " Uhm, I don't know. He's always been unpredictable. None of our psi-lines have been able to track him."

Cephas pulled a pouch of treat from his bag and started to feed them to Poe. "Well, maybe we can just return the crystal, and if he comes after us..we'll take care of him. Like we did with his weakling servant."

Poe purred and nipped Cephas's finger playfully.

Newton yawned and snagged a treat. "I'm all for it."

"Alright then. An ambush." Cephas snickered.

Poe hopped off of him and turned into a wolf, then jumped back on him, pinnin ghim. Her eyes sparkled palyfully.

Raziel stood, "If you two are finished, we should grab Gale and Anya and head for my home."

Poe stood up, turning back to herself. "If you insist."

Back to: blood forest

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