Page name: 10 Days of Photography - VeraAda2 [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-10-07 12:27:35
Last author: VeraAda
Owner: VeraAda
# of watchers: 2
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A competition hosted by [pixish]

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- What's This About? -

~ 10 days, 1 photo per day. ~

~ 10 days, 10 themes. A different theme each day. ~




Day One - Theme: Vegetables


A sweet potato, a cucumber, a carrot, some tomatoes, and cauliflower.

Day Two - Theme: Starts with 'B'


Bottles :D

Day Three - Theme: And This is My Collection of...


Bus tickets!

Day Four - Theme: It's Straight


Lots of lines.

Day Five - Theme: Fluffy!


The house-hold sheep skull wearing my fluffy purple hat :)

Day Six - Theme: I've Got the Key


Oh no!

Day Seven - Theme: Brown


A pretty, burnt tree.

Day Eight - Theme: Best Dressed


The Red Shoes.

Day Nine - Theme: Precious


My precious Daniel :Þ

Day Ten - Theme: Twisted


Twisted Thorny Vines.


10 Days of Photography
10 Days of Photography - Entries

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2006-10-07 [Doodle of Cydonia]: Heels still hurt, though. Either that, or I'm just not used to them. I'm guessing that's a general thing, though, because you and Loz always seem to take yours off at some point because of hurtiness. Wow... I relly can go on and on and on.

2006-10-07 [VeraAda]: Well these hurt me near the toes cos they were tight, not cos of the heels.
Heels hurt for me after a few hours, like that one time in town with my boots on, and i came home after like 7 hours of walking with them and my feet were DEAD.

2006-10-07 [Doodle of Cydonia]: Oooh, THORNY VINES! I love that photo. XD

2006-10-07 [VeraAda]: I love it too! Thanks :D
*Pokes* XD

2006-10-07 [VeraAda]: How modest of me... O.O
But it was taken on one of those supermarket cameras, so i think it's pretty cool...

2006-10-07 [VeraAda]: Actually, the one of Dan was taken on that camera too XD

2006-10-07 [Doodle of Cydonia]: oooOOOOOooooooh, yeah, I knew that already, dear. =) Supermarket cameras are Pav. I always use them for gigs and stuff.

2006-10-07 [VeraAda]: Yeah they ARE pav! You always get the best shots with them for some reason XD

2006-10-07 [Doodle of Cydonia]: You do! Maybe because they're crappy, and the crappy shots relly are crappy, but being as strange as we are, we just think they're cool. oO

2006-10-07 [VeraAda]: Haha, good point! Maybe the camera's crapiness, and then the crapiness of the photo in the end- get together and cancel each other out so it turns out good...? That made no sense.

2006-10-07 [Doodle of Cydonia]: MAYBE! A BIT! Hey, giant Dalek factory trying to take over the world that my dad works in and I tried to wee in. XD

2006-10-07 [Doodle of Cydonia]: I just felt like saying that.

2006-10-07 [VeraAda]: Whaaaa? O.o

2006-10-07 [Doodle of Cydonia]: That dream I had about the Dalek disguised as a factory that was trying to take over the earth.

2006-10-07 [VeraAda]: OH GOD XD I love your dreams, they're so odd.

Jobbi Jabber.

30 P

2006-10-07 [Doodle of Cydonia]:


2006-10-07 [VeraAda]:


2006-10-07 [Doodle of Cydonia]: YOU'RE FAT, TOO FAT!

2006-10-07 [VeraAda]: YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OF FATTIES!

2006-10-14 [Lothuriel]: Could this be? A fellow bottle collector?

2006-10-15 [VeraAda]: Possibleh ;)

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