Page name: ABeautyReincarnate [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-05-31 02:58:47
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Beauty Reincarnate

You are the beauty devine,  
Sent from above.         
But nature of that below,    
Angelic face.            

Reflect thy winds of beauty, 
Correlate and centre.       
Spun forth from thy catalyst,  
From deep within.          

The mask worn, hollow, unreal,
You are cruel, vain.
Inside you wear your true self,
Caged bitterly sweet.

To release they true self free,
In beauty reincarnate.
From Cleopatra’s pride,
To the honeyed womb.

You’ve lived so many lifes,
And danced so many tunes.
You feel so old,
Yet your beauty reflects anew.

© Elle Loiuse Atkinson 2007

A Quick Reflection

Mercy me, marry me
A tone that inflects
Reflects and yet shields
Contadictory beliefs

That I have held
For so many a year
True that I
Have been confused
But somewhat amused

By people of today
They reflect so little
From the insides, so shallow
If I were to attempt
To dive into such shores

I would surely be killed
Or at least hurt
I could not swim to the farthest edges
For fear of hitting the bottom
Far too soon

These very same waters
That would refelect my very own image
Insides, and beyond
Oh, and how very lonely
It would have been
If I were, the only one!

© Elle Louise Atkinson 2007



uIn order to imagine
You must first posess an Imagination
Then, all manner of creation
Can be yours
In a matter of minutes

Imagine me, if you will
Stood before you
Not teaching you
For I never could
But slowly waking you

Gently breathing
In time to your own breath
We breathe as one
Slowly connecting a little more
I ask you to close your eyes




That you are no longer here
But in another place
You can still hear rythmic breathing
Both yours and mine
So you know that you are not alone

Believe, that you are unattached
To all earthly things
(But remember to keep breathing)
You are free of emotional ties
That perhaps suffacte you

Are you still aware of me?
You should be
For I am right beside you
After you have taken my hand, for comfort
We shall proceed

Remember, this is your education
You are teaching yourself
I am learning all the time
Are you still breathing?
Or are you breathless

Count to three..

We're going further..

Deeper inside your mind..

We'll traverse the past
I'm beside you
I'm not going to leave you
Please hold tight
I don't want you to fall

Stars hang tranluscent,
Like chinese lanterns
Illuminate the way
Dim, then grow brighter
To reveal my face, my lips

I'm talking to you
In the distance
So far, yet, so near
I'm whispering now, can you hear?
A universal lullaby dances,

Upon my lips
Through my body
Circles my entire being
Gathers energy within my soul
A catalyst

Born anew rich am I in mind
Come closer and I will transfer
Secrets that I have just learnt
I give to you

© 2007 Elle Louise Atkinson

Write My Name into the Sand


Write my name into the sand
And I will do the same for you
Our objective;
To record our love
For all the world to see
Immortalize our lives

It doesn't matter that the sea
Will wash away our names
Or that no-one will ever really see
For the earth has read
And taken note

And will know when we reach the stars
That we were entwined, by the earth
Air, water
And our own fires burnt bright
Like the stars that blink, sleepily

Reflected upon the beach
Watched their own beautiful rfelection
In waters so deep
We could have doved right in
Could have covered us, kept us warm at night

Earth will suspend our names
(Figuratively speaking)
Until we can dance upon the moon
And stars
Let loose the past
Like a caged dove

Soearing high above the seas
The mental shackles released
To know that we all return to teh stars
The ground and the sea
Is comfort enough to carry on living

And to know that we love life
As much as one another 

© Elle Louise Atkinson 2007


My thoughts bloom like a flower
Unfold into something with sustinance
Hour upon an hour
Each thought marking out
Seconds along the clock
Like grains of sand
They spill forth from my lips
Prisms of light refract
Within my eyes
Don't you see
My eyes betray thoughts
For they are mirrors
That expose me for who I am
Vunerable, lost, and afraid
In this I still carry on the thoughts
That help me to grow

Some words

  These are some of the 'insides' of myself. As truthful as I can be. They do not follow much of a format, or structure, for the simple reason that life itself rarely runs smmothly, and we do not posess such a map, or format.
If nothing else, I am truthful (and not in a contrive type of 'truthful') Just me, the bare bones, when it all boils down to it, with pretty window dressing for fun ;)

[Cascading water lillies]

I will add more.

Candle Life

As a child
Hair loose and wild
Memory fragmentational
Of a life once lived

I saw it all
In those eyes
New, innocent and pure
I saw it all

Danced in the tree's
Danced amongst the stars
Memories now, but a constant shadow
Moving as fast 
Speed of light

The fires of youth burn
Slowly away
Like the candle that I now gaze upon
In the weak light

It dances like I would
It reached high, catching a breeze
As I lay quietly here
Nothing but shadows to keep me safe

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