Page name: AOD storyline [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-01-10 19:26:38
Last author: Omega Zeon
Owner: Omega Zeon
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in 665 B.C, 7 evil warlords came together to plan an attack to take over the earth. They combined their powers to unlock the gates of hell and all of it's evil. It worked. In 666 B.C the anti christ became free and wrecked havoc on earth for 334 years. When the Christ was born, the spirit of his birth vanquished the form of the anti christ but his spirit remained. In 1769, the anti found a new home inside of the future emperor Napoleon. Once Emperor he concured most of Europe but eventually fell. Once again the Anti was a spirit. It wasn't until the year after 1918 when he had found a new home. It turned out a German soldier whom had a genius for military power and strategies, and who also suffered a corrupt childhood began suffering from insanity. The anti christ saw this and took him over. In 1933, the new anti christ known as adolpf hitler became leader of Germany. He also took over most of europe and killed over 10,000,000 people with is army. He also failed due to being over powered. Now 117 year later he arose again except the portal that had been opened up 2,339 years before, became unstable opening up another diamention letting loose creatures of untold horror. These cretures and the cretures of hell constantly battle for dominance. That is until God opened up the heavens and allowed angels to help reduce the fighting. Humans with powers finally reveiled themselves and also helped. And extra terrestrial beings called Saiyans landed on earth. Their purpose was to destroy all of its inhabitants and take it over, but what they found was not what it seemed. They had to fight for their lives and help the people of earth. With new diamentions opening will there be any hope for earth, or will all this evil finally prevail over the light.

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