Page name: ATNGO Characters [Exported view] [RSS]
2004-10-03 16:42:19
Last author: Raiko Fire
Owner: Raiko Fire
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As the Night Goes On Characters


Name: Riku Akashimi (Ree-koo Ahka-shee-mee)
Age:unknown, appears to be in his early 20's, probably centuries old, though
Race: Upper-class vampire
Description: Short, spiky, black hair with long, dark red bangs that usually cover part of his face. He's around 6 foot and very lean and muscular.
Past: No one really knows except him, and he's not willing to tell... yet

Name: Hana Odori (Ha-nuh (not Hannah) O-door-ee)
Age: 21
Race: Human
Description: Long, slightly wavy, blonde hair that hangs just past her shoulders. She's a ballet dancer and has a slim build. She's 5'6" and weighs 119 lbs.
Past: Apparently very famous among the undead

Name: Rathemaru "Rath"
Age: unknown
Race: Middle-class vampire
Description: Mid-length, deep brown hair. Fairly muscular but usually wears torn or patched clothes from lack of money.
Past: uknown

Name: Kaesu (Kay-soo)
Age: Unknown, although he is younger than both Riku and Rath
Race: middle-class vampire
Description: He's the smallest of the group. He constantly has messy hair that falls to about the middle of his ear. His hair is a dark brown with chunks of sandy blonde thrown in.
Past: unknown (again...>>)

Name: Sonoran Toryuu (Tor-you)
Age: yet another unknown
Race: High-class vampire
Description: (we haven't worked this out yet o.o)
Past: Had some relations with Hana in the past >>;

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2004-08-22 [Raiko Fire]: lot's of unknown crap >>

2004-08-22 [Raiko Fire]: and Rath needs a last name e.e

2004-08-22 [YokoTsuta]: TT

2004-08-25 [oxyJ3N]: pick a random name from the dictionary...

2004-08-25 [YokoTsuta]: we're not giving him a last name, Jen! ><

2004-09-04 [oxyJ3N]: grrrrr...

2004-09-04 [YokoTsuta]: ^___^

2004-09-15 [pinkhater]: if you just pick random name from the dictionary his last name could be brooger or something....scary thought

2004-09-16 [Raiko Fire]: brooger? @.@

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