Page name: About HaRPy! [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-03-03 23:33:57
Last author: Chimes
Owner: Chimes
# of watchers: 3
Fans: 0
D20: 4
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We bid you welcome, and are impressed by your thirst for knowledge, pull up a chair and the Guild-master will be with you shortly.

HaRPy! is a rather specialist guild, even in the Rping sense. All of the Rps on our network are unique and thoroughly vouched for by the four esteemed members of the guild. We mainly exist for three reasons:

1. We needed a good central place for all like-minded Rpers to meet and discuss their work and the work of others.
2. HaRPy! members are guaranteed members in their Rps as these pages are a perfect place to advertise and the featured Rps on the front page are generally fantastic.
3. Finally, the reason I thought up a creating a guild is I hate it when good Rps die. This site is fantastic but slightly brutal towards writers and their pages. HaRPy!'s main function is to make sure members Rps play through to the end.

Members of HaRPy! get two main benefits, besides the charming conversation of the guild leaders. These are automatic access to the HaRPy! Rp’s without needing to proves yourself a 'good' Rper and the right to advertise your Rp’s on the main page (once one of the leaders has seen it, of course). An added extra for HaRPy! members is that The Resident Sorceress, aka [Chimes], is willing to make graphics for any HaRPy! RP if asked.
So come and have a look, read the roleplays and breathe the air, can you smell the creativity? I sure can :-)

[Barock] Guild-master extraordinaire



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