Page name: Acco Police Station [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-10-20 05:51:55
Last author: kay-chan
Owner: kay-chan
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Acco Police Station

Ah, the police station. Here is where you go to register as a bounty hunter, put in a private bounty, and collect any bounties. The police will hold a Hunted for a specific amount of time for a fee during collection of a private bounty.

The bodies/individuals must first be identified before the bounty is collected, no matter the procedure. This can be a personal identification or by coroner and computer work. And no, DNA tests do not take the 13 seconds they do on CSI. Expect to wait a few weeks for the most complicated identifiers (translation: don't fuck up your bounty too much, visual identification goes faster).

And with any government institution, there's corruption. Just watch your back.

Day 1

"You see what we got on Twilight?" the receptionist asked an officer who had stopped by the desk to grab some water.

He shook his head. "Nothing besides the stuff on the news. Why?"

The receptionist shrugged. "Sometimes we have insider info, but when I went to go look it was all confidential, locked up. Just thinking you might have access, Paul."

"No dice," he admitted. "I dunno if anybody in the police department here has access at all. Got a lot of people offering bounties on this one."

perfect bounty

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