Page name: Afien rules [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-02-24 02:46:00
Last author: Talos Cyrion
Owner: Talos Cyrion
# of watchers: 2
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D20: 12
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Here are the rules for the Afien RP, please respect them, and enjoy!

~No God moding
~please as much as you can, refrain from vulgar and/or sexual content
~Respect the other RP characters
~If there is to be a battle, then please pre-determine the outcome with [Assassin's Night Angel]
~Do not under any circumstances delete other people role play additions, this is reserved for the mods
~If you plan on being away please notify one of the mods so somone can be found to stand in for you

~All complaints are to be sent to myself; [Talos Cyrion]

Penalties for violating the rules:

1st offence=warning
2nd offence=suspension (this is up to [Assassin's Night Angel] on how long this lasts
3rd offence=deleation

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