Page name: Again it's more Neferoth [Exported view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2008-09-19 18:15:10
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Sorry it's been so long.. ^^;

Again, Shaun raised his arms in praise, and he said "This is a baby, eat it, and get full!"

Have you ever burned with so much hate, your blood began to boil, and your skin's started to melt?

Can't cadavers walk away too?

You know just who I am you say?

Sometimes when you look to deep, all there is is a mere reflection of yourself in every ones face.


I never did get a ride, and if I would have, this certainly wouldn't be here.

Maybe I like nature.. Maybe I just like to climb.. Or just maybe I love them both.

Rawr baby, RAWR!

I got tan, this is after I went on vacation.

Extreme Photo manipulation..

I think this was the original.. XP
Even hate can breed love, what can't?

Pretty things are pretty, as shiny things are shiny.

And as cute things are cute.

While you remain you.


I've seen the future.. It's golden, and strange.


This is the fourth of July, that is my older brother(the stupid looking one in the back left my younger one.) That's a shotgun shell.. It's full of black powder. Welcome to my family.

This is what we did with it.


[Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]
Neferoths picture gallery

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2008-09-19 [Diede.]: puhwettiness! :D

2008-09-19 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Thanks lovely. ^^

2008-09-21 [She_Talks To_Rainbows]: ooh Shaun...kitty thinks *uber handsomeness*

2008-10-21 [Rook.]: hmmm... I have to admit, I am as jealous as heck of you. I, no matter how long i lay out in the sun, do not tan. I remain pale all year long. *pouts* though, I do love the hat. my friend Chad has a huge pink fluffy version of it ^.^

2008-10-21 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: I don't like being tan.. XP

2008-10-21 [Rook.]: i envy you. I dont even get tan lies from my flip-flops, not to mention no tanlines from my swimsuit... :/

2008-10-21 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Sorry?

2008-10-21 [Rook.]: *waves it off compelety oblivios* dont be :P

2008-11-19 [Rook.]: So your family likes to play with explosives too??

2008-11-21 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: The older bro's quite a pyro.

2008-11-24 [Rook.]: 0.0 *gets happy* yay hehehehe.

2008-12-02 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: I like fire, but not as much as him.

2008-12-02 [Rook.]: hehehe.

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