The neutral Island of Adoivaealumanth sits closest to the Elven territories, and has managed to keep from being over taken by the Drachii, and the Dominion by paying a yearly tithe that increases with every new citizen that is not elven, and though the people of this island nation are neutral they do enjoy the protection of the Dominion Navy and can call on the Dominion at any time for help if anyone would threaten there peaceful lives. The Island has two major cities.
The first is the Trade port to the south, Iumathiashae, and the second is a city that is fully owed by the Dominion, and garrisoned by an elite Drachii army, Baelnorn, is governed by a Drachii Vampire lord, and has named the city for the guards. Baelnorn meaning Undead House Guards... Other than this the Island has a few small hamlets and villages, and small coastal fishing settlements. The island is temperate and has large regions of woodlands, a swamp, and even a small mountain range that cuts Baelnorn off from the rest of the island.