Page name: Animated Guitar [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-08-10 22:15:16
Last author: Coldfire1
Owner: Coldfire1
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Its a play on words. This is were i, [Coldfire1] post anime music for guiatar. It can be other music but they usaually have an amv to it ^^ Its usually the melody and mabye the cords. I can take requests so please enjoy.ALSO these are for the acoustic guitar so if you play electric it might not work >.>

I have my own way of writeing down guitar music for an explanation go to AG Music
Also the small thumbnail is easier to read so try that ^^

Song 1:
Opening song to DNAngel
Melody (a little background)

421 34 52 411 324 421 32 24
322444 421 32 4224 52 4412


34 412 244 30 412 34 42121 32 24
34 412 244 30 52 442124 324
3424 42 3424 422 523 44 52 41
424 522 4422 34 4241
421 34 52 411 324 421 32 24
322444 421 32 422244 34 421

421 34 52 411 3224 4224 52
34 41222 34 41242
34 42 52 44142

Song 2:
God ia a Girl(Fruits basket)
Melody + Techno

233 301 23 301310
31 23 301 23

213131313 311111 21 310130 :]]3

]211 31101 2333 301 2333 301
2111 31 21 33 :]] 5

211 31101] 311 40 31 4111 31000
40 313 33 400 33 40:]]2

Song 3:
Going under (Final Fantasy Unlimited)

13203203202 222440 1202      1
13203203202 20224 3242
22 30 24242

132032032022 222440 1202      2
12302302302 2202244 30 242

22 132 22 123 22 30 24242     3
20 244 30 2200 30 24242020
12 22444 30 220 30 24242

Back to verse then to 3

22 30 242 13 224 12020 (too low)
30 24 30 24 30 242 133 214
1222 30 24242

Back to 3
30 24240 :]]

Song 4:
NGS (fruits Basket)
bass line >.<
4020 320030 230 13 203

Song 5:
In the End (DNANgel)
Dragon Boy (Spirited away)
24 (inuyasha)
Bass lines

31 433 3433341:]]

51 403 00 40 3013
51 4030 53 40 513

10 33 342 40000
10 22 342 222 300
20 32 442 51111
20 32 442 22 34 504

Song 6:
Hanging by a moment (CCS)
bass + melody
14 24 14 31 24
14 24 14 343 24

Verse 1 (cords back)
24 41 34313
24 413 331
24 4111 34313
33113 24

Refrain (op)
24 3431 34 3111 24 33
33431 24 31111 244
24 3431 24 3111 24 33
33431 24 3111 244
(31113 24 24 3431 24:]] 311 244)

Verse 2 (verse 1 a bit diffrent)

Refrain or high refain
41 621 5424442 61
6121 54244422
6121 5424442 61
4111 524422

Diffrent part (high)
6121 5422
52222224 61:]]
621 54224 61 43:]]
621 5422

Verse 3

24 3431 24 311
24 3431 24 31 24:]]
24 3431 24 3111 244

Part of The Anime Chain

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2006-06-12 [Coldfire1]: leave comments ^^

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