Page name: Arianova rp page 6 [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-09-05 21:04:10
Last author: Lady_Elowyn
Owner: Lady_Elowyn
# of watchers: 2
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Makaan grinned, though he felt that he could have done more damage if he pushed himself to use the Blue fires, but then he would have killed his two 'comrades'. He took a couple of steps forward, but enough to keep everyone out of striking distance, just so he had time to react to any assaults. "Now put your back into it Siara, you seemed to have forgotten that our master supplies us with armour to protect our hide and someone of your stature shouldn't put yourself at risk. And not noticing that you were being followed? tisk tisk girl." He grinned from behind his helm, knowing that he features were hidden but the tone of his voice clearly stated his pleasure at his rival being in a tight spot.

Siara growled at him. "It wouldn't be above me to 'accidently' kill you. Remember that," She warned, pulling out her daggers as she stood.

Lerayel was not surprised that the two were arguing about something so simple. She remembered Makaan, and his thirst for power. But she didn't have time to think about that. It was obvious they were preparing to attack. Chris, too, had drawn his weapon and was silently advancing. Oh how she hated him. Still, she made no move, waiting for Jalen to join her.

"Remember dear, that the master apreciates my unique talents. You are replaceable." Makaan sneared, drawing his sword with his free hand so that he can defend himself, while muttering a few more dark words of power, readying a delayed spell.

Lerayel heard his muttered words, recognized the power in them. He was casting a spell- and she had no defense against magic. She could heal, that was all. She had few magic-workers in her ranks. She paled, almost imperceptibly. What could she do agaisnt his spells, aside from dodge? And even that was unlikely.

"If you were as great as you make yourself out to be, you'd be higher up, now wouldn't you?" Siara hissed, pulling her daggers from their shielth. She flipped then once, then took a stance, ready to fight.

Luna finaly stood from her tent & walked out she needed to talk to Lerayel, she figured she would ask around before serching the woods for her. After no luck in the camp she walked off heading towards the outer area of the camp, she blushed as she walked up onto Ben & Lei then said softly to them," I'm so sorry, i should have been more careful." She then turned to head back to her tent.

Lei Fang blushed, she jumped down from Ben embrace then ran after her. "Luna wait."

"Luna, is it? Any way, it's okay, you were fine. I honestly don't mind."Ben says, swinging along the upper branches, springing down in front of her.

"Yea. Ben this is Luna." Lei Fang smiled, catching up. "She's second around here."

"Hello, dear Luna."Ben says, bowing.

Lei Fang giggled lightly, then smiled at them both. "Sorry, you had to see that, Luna."

Luna nodded to Ben & then said to them both," No it's ok, it's just it made me think about Alec & i don't even know where he is. I was looking for Lerayel & i can't find her either, i guess today is just not me lucky day or even my lucky week at that matter." She then sighed & rubed her arm absently, though it was still in it's sling it was healing slowly.

Lei Fang sighed, "Anything I can do. Ben here is looking for Lerayel too."

"Yes ma'am I am looking for the other leader, but You canhelp me too, right?"Ben says, smiling and standing straight up, towering above all.

Luna nodded then said softly," I can help you, just depending on what it is & if i can not then i will be able to sugest who can."She then looked up at Ben & then back at Lei, she gave her a look as if saying,'He is alittle sure of his hight isn't he!'.

"Well, I'm looking to join. And if you are going to think about my height, just say it. I know aboiut it. It isn't a big sercret."Ben laughed and smiled.

Luna looked back at Ben & then said," As for joining, you will have to pass Lerayel's little test & she will ask you some questions then that will determine if you may join. Though i may be second in comand as some might say, Lerayel is the one to determine if those who wish to join are actualy capable of being in the clan & as soon as i find her i will send her your way." She then nodded to him & looked at Lei, she then just stood there.

Lei Fang smiled, "Sorry Ben. I forgot her little tests. Althought I never really had them." She shrugged, then smiled at Luna. "Hows the arm?" She asked eyeing it.

Luna looked at her arm & then said to Lei," It's doing better, it twinges once in a while & thats only anoying more than anything." She then smiled alittle, but it was more a forced one & she then looked to the ground.

"Luna.." Lei Fang said stepping closer to her. "Everything okay with you?"

Luna shruged then said to Lei," Just have a few things going through my mind right now & i need to talk to Lerayel about it, it's not that i don't trust anyone else it's just i have known her longer. I feel more comfortable with talking to ehr about things, it just seams that it feels as though not only have i angered someone & let my thoughts knock me from my duties it's that i 'm just confused with myself. Thats why i need to talk to Lerayel, i just hope i can find her & hope that she cna give me advice on what to do." She then looked at Lei, the confusion in her eyes showing more now & she lightly smiled.

Lei Fang nodded, "I understand Luna. But I'm here if you need me." She smiled, then looked up to Ben and smiled at him. "That goes for you too." She said to him.

Luna nodded then absently started to walk back into the woods, she stopped several feet from the camp & sat down under a weeping willow. She let the drooping mossy branched hang low around her & hide her from sight as she thought to herself, she just sat silent staring off at the leves covering the ground.

Lei Fang watched her go then leaned agianst a tree. She sighed, looking down at the ground.

Ben smiled contentedly and sat down on a lower brach.

"Ben?" Lei Fang asked looking at him. "Do you like me?"

"Of course."ben smiles and helps her up to him.

Lei Fang titled her head, face to face with him. "Mind if I kiss you agian?"

"No, not at all."Ben says lightly, smiling.

Lei Fang nodded, then kissed him. Wrapping a arm around him. Licking his lips, asking agian.

Ben smiled and opened his lips, allowing her tounge into his mouth.

Lei Fang brushed her tounge agianst his agian. She wrapped both her arms around his neck, holding him close to her.

Ben leaned into her lightly, accepting her tounge.

Lei Fang pulled back from him and smiled, "Nope. Still nice." She said leaning totally agianst him.

Ben leaned back and smiled."I'm nice."He says gently, smiling even more.

Lei Fang nodded, "Nice. Yes. Why? Is nice bad or something?" She asked a little worried.

"No, no problem."Ben smiled and stroked her face lightly.

Lei Fang smiled and closed her eyes, leaning her head into his hand. "I like the feel of your touch." She smiled.

"It's nothing special."Ben smiles and kisses her forehead.

Lei Fang blushed, "I beg to differ. I'm starting to want more of it." She smiled, looking at him.

"Really?"Ben asked, looking astonished.

Lei Fang nodded, "Yea. I like your touch." She smiled, cupping his face back.

Ben smiled and kisses her lightly, smiling a little more.

Lei Fang kissed him back, resting agiant him. Her hand on his lower neck.

Ben continued to kiss her, leaning against the trunk.

Lei Fang slid from the tree and wrapped her legs around Ben. She kissed him, her arms wrapped around his neck.

Ben continued to kiss her, growing more passionate by the minute.

Lei Fang moaned softly, pressing her body agianst him. She held on to him, kissing him.

Ben started to kiss her neck softly, licking her neck gently as well.

Lei Fang tilted her head aside giving him more room. She hand on hand in his hair then other on his lower neck.

Ben smiled and continued to kiss her neck.

Lei Fang whimpered lightly, eyes closed.

Ben kissed her slowly, soon kissing her neck.

"Hm...Ben." She smiled holding a little tighter agianst him.

"Yes?"Ben says, backing off and wiping a little saliva from the corner of his mouth.

"Huh? Oh nothing."Lei Fang blushed. "Sorry."

"It's okay, what is it?"Ben says, concern on his face.

Lei Fang shook her head. "I-I just." She blushed, then smiled.

"Go on."Ben encoraged.

Lei Fang shook her head then leaned agianst his shoulder.

Ben hugged her after nodding.

Lei Fang moved her head a little, "Like I always want something I can't have." She sighed, leaning agianst him. Loving the feel of his strong arms around her.

Ben nodded understandingly at her.

Lei Fang sighed, pulled her head back and looked up to Ben. She smiled, "I'm not to heavy am I?" She asked worried, that she is a burden on him.

"Do you think that a man my size would think so?"Ben smiled and shook his head.

Lei Fang smiled, "Didn't think. I guess." She shruged, leaning in to him agian and biteing lightly his lower lip. "Sorry. Tempted."

"Ot's okay, I wouldn't think a vampire such as yourself to not be tempted to draw blood."Ben smiled and laughed.

Lei Fang raised a eyebrow, "It's not often that I'm called that." She thought for a moment and licked her lips. "But now that you say something."

"Fine, here's my neck."Ben smiles and exposes his neck for her fangs.

"I wont do that." Lei Fang said. "I don't want to hurt you or turn you agianst your will. Cause Once I bite you, I turn you or I kill you. And I can't do that."

"Comen, you can't really kill me, but I wouldn't mind being turned. It actually might be the most fun I've ever had."Ben smiles and turns his head so sharply, he pops his neck.

Lei Fang licked her lips. "Are you sure?" She asked now biting her lip, drawing little blood. "I'd never what to do this unless this is what you wanted. And you'll have to feed from me afterwards to finish it."She blinked looking at him, with a slight smile.

"You think a part giant, such as myself, would mind a small bite in the neck? I honestly would like you to, It wouldn't bother me."Ben smiles, and exposes his neck even more.

"Okay." Lei Fang leaned in and licked a small part of his neck. She smiled then kissed it. She pulled back then bite own on hs neck. Oh yea, she needed this. It had been far to long since she feed last.

Ben felt his muscles grow taunt and felt a couple pints of blood leave his system. He relaxed and let her feed on his blood.

Lei Fang pulled back slowly, licking her lips. "You okay?" She asked trying to look him in the eyes. "I didn't take to much, did I? With your size. I just took a little more then I normally would. But you are okay. Right?"

Ben's eyes glazed over and he felt his canines grow longer. He let out a ragged sigh and smiled.

"How do you feel?" Lei Fang asked tilting her head, neck showing. "You need to feed. Take me."She looked at him and smiled, head tilted.

Ben smiled and felt his lower canines grow large as well, kissing her neck and slowly sinking his fangs into her neck, slowly drawing blood.

Lei Fang sighed and relaxed in his arms. She tried to keep her eyes open, only to find it helpless. She closed them and felt the blood drain from her.

Ben finished and licked the blood from his new fangs, leaning back against the trunk of the tree.

Lei Fang smiled and cracked her neck back in place. "How you feel?" She asked looking at him, a little worried.

"I'm fine. I've never felt any more energetic. I feel like a kid again. And my pnemonia is totally gone!"Ben marveled at this new change in him.

Lei Fang smiled, "Good. Just remember. Feed before you become to weak. You will learn to go longer as you have to." She smiled sweetly.

"I will always try to feed. And now that we are both immortal, I can feed every hundred years or so."Ben says, smiling and hugging her.

Lei Fang smiled, hugging him back. "Would seem so." She said.

"Is it natural to have fangs both on top and bottom?"Ben asked, lightly touching his new fangs.

"Males more-so." Lei Fang said, remembering that her father was the same way.

"But is it common among males or just those who have some different birthright thing?"Ben asks, accidentally drawing blood.

Lei Fang shruged, watching him. "I'm not sure. Sorry."

"It's okay."Ben says as he sucks the blood from his fingers.

Lei Fang bit her lip, "You sure you feeling okay?" She asked watching him, wanting to lick the blood.

"I'm fine."Ben says, holding out his hand, giving her his finger for the blood.

Lei Fang smiled, like a two year old in a candy store. She took his finger in her mouth and lightly sucked on it and licked it.

Jalen had darted out of the bush as well when Lerayel had moved and now stood like a guard dog, ready and deadly just behind and to the side of her, obviously ready to spring to her defense. He was growling softly as he looked at the three opponents they now faced, deciding quickly that Makaan was the most deadly threat, but Siara was the most willing to attack, even if the two were currently bickering with each other.

Lerayel breathed a silent sigh of relief as Jalen appeared. She had known he would, but still it was a relief. She smiled slightly at him, silently assuring both of them that victory was theirs. She waited for the first attack, deciding to defend herself first.

Chris sighed, watching the two bicker. What was the point? He focused his attention on Lerayel and the man near her. "Who's this?" he taunted. "Your new boyfriend?" Only he knew how much this little comment could hurt her, coming from him. He smiled slyly.

"I prefer the term 'guard dog'," Jalen hissed angrily at Chris, baring his slightly sharpened teeth at the elf.

Lerayel blushed angrily at Chris's comment, narrowing her eyes at him. "What if I said he is?" she hissed. "Would you be jealous?" She knew he wouldn't. He never had any feelings for her. She hated him!

Chris didn't so much as blink at Jalen's bared teeth. He laughed at Lerayel. "Oh, but you know I would be, my dear! Never have I understood why you left me. I thought you loved me!" he put on a pout, clearly fake.

"Who could love dust in their eyes..." Jalen muttered, his hard honey eyes now darting from each of their enemies to the next, keenly aware of any movement.

Lerayel ignored his hurt look. How dare he mock her? "You deserve to die, Chris," she muttered under her breath. "For all the pain you caused me, and so many other girls. You've no right to live."

Chris laughed again, ignoring Jalen's mutterings. "Who's decision is that, my dear? I was not aware that you had the authority to say who had the right to live or not." He tossed his hair. "Now, my dear, I'm terribly sorry, but I've been ordered to kill you. And your boyfriend here, too, come to think of it." With that he took his sword, darted foreward, and swung it at Lerayel's neck.

A loud snarl came from behind Lerayel and a second later, before the sword had so much as touched her, Jalen had thrown himself into Chris's stomach, knocking them both to the ground. He got up quickly and stood defensively in front of Lerayel, growling and glaring at the elf on the ground. He was the one to do that to her?! This was that Kerrigon!? Jalen was livid, his claws and teeth already out in preparation of a battle. His eyes had taken on the mad, wolf glint that only meant danger to his enemies. He was a trained attack dog, as fine tuned as the razor sharp edge of a sword, and only needed to hear 'attack' from Lerayel and he would with no regard to his own life. This elf truly did deserved to die...

Lerayel couldn't help but smile slightly at Jalen's sudden attack. It was for that reason that he was her guard. "Attack," she said calmly, knowing that was what he waited to hear. Knowing that as soon as he heard that, Chris would be given the most challenging battle of his life.

Chris felt the werewolf throw himself against him. He cried out in anger, turning on Jalen, who was clearly mad. "What's wrong, little puppy? Jealous?" he taunted, but it was clear he was cautious now.

Jalen hadn't bothered to even listen to Chris. He heard the order and that's all he needed. He leapt foreward on Chris and grips the elf's rib cage, digging his claws into him while sinking his teeth into the others shoulder. He did this only for a second, no time for reaction and leapt back, only to dart foreward again, aiming, claws at the ready and teeth barred, for Chris's middle.

Chris gasped, a rapid intake of breath that was the only sign of his pain. He thrust his sword, but too late, Jalen was already gone. Now he came again, aiming for his stomach. Chris put his sword foreward. If the werewolf kept coming, he would be impaled.

Jalen grinned, a rather frightening expression with his fangs. He side stepped the sword, and all the way around Chris. He slashed the elf's back as he passed it and dashed around to return to in front of Lerayel before darting foreward again, bringing a ready claw up as if to grab Chris's stomach and rip out whatever his fingers latched on to.

Makaan frowned and left Siara be when he saw the wolfman leap for chris. If anyone was taking him out, it will be me wolf boy? And with that, Makaan released his pent up spell, knowing fine well what it would do. Another Burning red line of fired darted forward, directed towards the Lerayel, hoping the blast would either disfigure the poor girl with mutation or the wolf would stop his assault and try to dive to her protection, in turn letting the changing powers of mutation affect himself rather than his keeper.

Lerayel's attention snapped back to Makaan as he released another spell, clearly aimed at her. It came fast, and she knew Jalen would try to intercept it. No, that couldn't happen. She didn't know the nature of the spell, whether it would follow her or not. She had to take a change. She bent her legs, and jumped, landing on a tree limb above her. But she had misjudged. The limb wasn't strong enough; it snapped under her weight. She fell once more.

Jalen barked foreign curses in his mind as he swept around, his claws barely catching Chris's shirt and leaving small tears. He dug the hand into the ground to gain balance without stopping and lunged at Lerayel, catching her in mid air and landing quite a few feet away from where the spell passed by in a crouching position. Jalen set Lerayel down gently before turning and darted foreward at Chris again. He would continue attacking until Lerayel said different, as he had always sworn and promised to do. If she was dead.. Well, then, an army was in serious trouble...

"I see you like my hand. More or less, my finger."Ben says, smiling.

Lei Fang pulled back from it and smiled, "Maybe..." She said, looking down then back up with a smile.

"Now what happens when you are a vampire?"Ben asks, smiling.

Lei Fang smiled, "Nothing really. Your the first person I've turned. So I kinda don't know." She shrugged, "Its all I've ever known."

"Well, what happened to your father at night?"Ben asks, puting his arm around her shoulders.

"He would dissapear for a while. And sometimes he would take me with him. That was only when I was older though." Lei Fang said, then turned her head looking up at Ben.

"You mean like, on a hunt?"Ben asks, curious.

Lei Fang nodded, "Uh huh. Once I was old enough. He took me out on a hunt."

"Ahhh, hunting. My favorite past-time."Ben says, smiling and kissing her lightly on the cheek.

Lei Fang blushed, hand pressed to her cheek lightly. "What was that for?"

"I don't know. maybe because we are so much alike now. But I don't know."Ben says softly, smiling once again.

Lei Fang nodded, "True." she smiled. "It's nice. I feel close to someone agian."

"I finally feel close to someone."Ben says, hugging her lightly.

Lei Fang smiled, hugging him back. "Yea. It's nice."

"I wouldn't mind you kissing me again."Ben says lightly, shrugging.

Lei Fang blushed looking down, "What? Really?" She said, faceing the ground.

"Honestly I wouldn't but if you don't want to, thats cool."ben says, looking up.

"No. I want to. I just didn't think you wonted to agian." Lei Fang looked up at him and gave him a soft smile.

"Okay then."Ben says, smiling.

"You know. I can't kiss you all the way up there." Lei Fang smiled teasing him a little.

"Are you mocking my height?" Ben asked playfully.

"Nope. Just saying that I'm to short."Lei Fang smiled, looking up at him.

"Well I might just have to bend down."Ben says, bending over slightly, at her height level.

Lei Fang smiled at him, "Hello." She said softly, moving her braid behind her shoulder. "Nice to see you down here."

"You like making fun of my height, don't you?"Ben asked, smiling.

"Teaseing more so." Lei Fang smiled, rocking on the ball of her foot. She smiled at him and held her arms behind her back. "If you want. I can stop." She looked down, feeling like she messed up agian.

"Trust me, I'm used to it. It isn't a rare occerance for me. You may continue if you would like. It doesn't phase me at all."Ben says smiling and lightly tilting her chin up to look him in the eye.

Lei Fang smiled at him, then cupped his face in her hands. "I like the feel of you." She then blushed at how bad that sounded.

"How do you mean?"Ben asked, smiling and looking at her with calm eyes.

"The feel of your skin under mine." Lei Fang smiled, up at him, running her hand down his face then down his chest.

"I like you."Ben said softly, leaning against the trunk again.

Lei Fang blinked at him confuzzed, "Like me? Like me how?" She asked looking at him, with a soft smile.

"I really like you. More than friend like you."ben says softly, then adding hastily,"sorry If I'm scaring you."

Lei Fang shook her head. "It's not that. It's that, nobody has every liked me as more then a friend. "Your nice, sweet and I like your eyes."

"Oh. My eyes. Why do you like my eyes, dare I ask?"Ben asks, smiling and looking at her curiously.

Lei Fang smiled, rocking on the ball of her feet agian, looking cute. "I just like the look in your eyes when you smile at me and when I teased you. Also when you tower over me."

"Let me guess, when I tower over you, it makes you feel secure and my eyes are always calm and they never get cold or angry at you."Am I right?"Ben asked, lightly picking her up and setting her on his lap like a father and a daughter.

Lei Fang leaned agianst him, "Yea. Pretty much." She smiled, "Oh and your comfy to lay on." She said looking up at him.

"Thanks, I never figured it would have worked like that."Ben says, smiling gently.

Lei Fang nodded, "Yea. Well it did." She smiled, looking up at him.

"I'm thirsty. For something thick...and warm...and blood."ben says suddenly, his vampire blood kicking in at an unfortunate moment.

Lei Fang raised a worried eyebrow. "You sure everything is okay with you, Ben?" She asked worried. "Nevermind. It's all coming back to me." She smiled, tugging him close for a hug.

"I'm positive."Ben says, smiling.

Lei Fang nodded, "Good then." She grinned looking up at him, "Can you come a little closer? I wanna kiss you agian."

Ben leaned foreward slightly. "Like this?"

Lei Fang smiled, "Yea." She said placeing her hand on the side of his face. She smiled then leaned the rest of the way and kissed him softly.

Ben smiled and leaned foreward even more.

Lei Fang wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself close. She brushed her tounge agianst his lips.

Ben smiled even more and leaned even farther into it.

Lei Fang pulled back biting his lower lip. She smiled at him then straddled across his waist. "There." She smiled, leaning close to kiss him agian.

Ben smiled at this and held her with his massive arms, biting her lower lip, as a sign of affection as she does.

Lei Fang had her arms around his neck and whimpered when he bite her lip for her. She smiled, then leaned in and kissed him, grinding agianst him a little.

Ben let go of her lip and kissed her back gently.

Lei Fang pouted pulling back, missing the warmth of his body.

Ben smiled and hugged her again.

"Thanx." Lei Fang grinned, leaning agianst him.

"No problem."Ben says, keeping her warm.

Lei Fang snuggled close. "Who needs a blanket? I have you." She smiled.

"I know."Ben says, smiling.

"Hmm." Lei Fang smiled, "I like you, Ben. Really."

Siara moved forward, putting one dagger on defense and the other on offense. She was aiming for Leyrel.

Lerayel was relieved that Jalen had caught her. "Thanks," she muttered, but now she saw Siara turning to her. Why did they all aim for her? She knew, but she still didn't like it. She went on the defensive, her sword out.

One of Siara's daggers lashed out to the left of Leyrayel.

Lerayel knocked the dagger aside with her sword. She was only slightly unnerved by how good the aim was. She knew of the Kerrigons' skill, and the second in command was among their best.

Just as Lerayel knocked her dagger aside, Siara lunged her other dagger. She has no time to react, Siara thought.

Lerayel saw that she didn't have time to block the second attack. Even as she swung her sword around as fast as she could, it wasn't fast enough. She felt the dagger plunge into her side. She thought fleetingly about why she never wore armor. As she felt the blood flow over her, she fell to her knees, suddenly seeing everything in slow motion.

Makaan frowned, looking to the wolfman who was back on the offencive against the injured Chris. I'm not letting you weaken our command for now mongrel. He began to move forward, chanting another incantation under his breathe as he gripped for his sword and drew it. "Pick on someone who is at least a bit challenging mongrel!" he shouted as he kept his spell delayed for the right moment.

Chris has his teeth gritted, clearly not happy. Was Makaan sayign he wasn't a challenge? No, he would not stand for that. Already Chris's wounds were healing; he would have to thank Lerayel for teaching him that little trick. She'd be furious, of course, if reminded. No longer in pain, he noticed Lerayel on her knees, apparently at Siara's hand. He smiled slightly. The second in command could weaken her, and then he could deliver the finishing blow. Much stronger now, he focused again on the wolf boy.

Snarling and barking at all of them in rage, Jalen swiped a clawed hand down across Chris's head, knocking the elf to the ground. He growled at Makaan for his threat and glared at Siara before darting to Lerayel. He deftly picked her up in one swift move and dashed off into the trees. "We must go, Lerayel, you need healed," he said, his normally honey warm voice slightly rough like a wolf's growl.

Lerayel tried to protest, to get out of Jalen's grasp, but she was already too weak fron blood loss. This feeling was not one she was used to. It had been so long since she was injured... so long since she had battle anyone. She tried thinking about this longer, but she found the blackness of unconciousness fighting to take her. Finally she relented, falling limp.

Luna stood instantly feeling that something was wrong, she could hear the sound of someone running & carrying something that sounded like a body. She then headed towards it & stopped dead in her tracks as she saw in the distance Jalen, but he was carrying a body alright it was Lerayel.

"Luna!" Jalen stopped once he had reach the woman. He was blood stained, but hardly out of breath. "We need a healer, quick. Lerayel's been injured." His face was firm, and anyone who knew him could tell you that when he used Lera's full name, he was intent and serious.

Luna nodded then said to him," I'm not sure who can heal her, but i know alot about first aid & i'll do what i cna to fix her up. Follow me to my tent quickly & lay her on my cot, i can stop the bleeding then suture the wounds but the rest is up to her. I can give her potions to help her heal & i asure you i'll not leave her side untill she is better, she is all i know in live Jalen." She then turned running towards the camp & then stopped dead infrount of ehr tent, she held hte tent open for him.

Jalen growled softly as he stepped inside. He lay Lerayel on the cot before stepping outside and knealing by the entrance, his eyes sharp and wild as he stood guard.

Luna worked quickly & swiftly even with one hand barly moveable, she moved on cleaning then stiching lerayel then stepped outside the tent when done. She placed her hand on Jalen's shoulder & said softly to him," You can some back in, i did the best i could & now all we do is wait. "

The only reply was a soft growl from the werewolf. He did nothing more, only continued keeping guard.

She then went back in and sat down beside Lerayel in the floor & placed her hand on Lerayel's arm gently, she lay her head down then silent tears fell as she waited for any sign that she was ok.

Chris was knocked down only long enough to watch the wolf boy escape, taking Lerayel with him. He swore, angry that his victory had been taken from him. He looked at Siara and Makaan angrily. "You let them get away!" he accused. He said no more, turning and stalking away. He found his way to the nearest town, where he went into the tavern. Buying a drink, he sat at the bar and looked around.

In a well lit corner of the bar was a young elf girl. She was speaking with an old man who looked rather red in the face, very drunk, and she had a serious expression, as if worried. The old man said something to which the elf quickly scowled and stood, storming out of the bar.

Chris noted the elven girl storming out. She intrigued him, so he followed. "Excuse me, milady," he said as he came up behind her. "You seem upset. Would you care to tell a lowly gentleman why?"

The girl spun on him with cold eyes. "I would care very much. What concerns me is of no consequence to you. Begone, lowling," she responded quietly and curtly before turning and continueing down the dirt road.

Makaan Grinned when Chris stormed off, then looked to Siara. "I think Chris has a problem with temper. Anyway that was fun." He turned and looked in the direction that the camp was in, though it was unseeable from this distance. "Plus I thought you two had to go back to camp, but I guess Chris is insignificant enough to not matter."

Siara scoffed. "I have bussiness of my own," She said, glaring at Makaan. Burry....then kill.

Makaan smiled, then replacing his sword to his side, he continued. "Maybe so Siara but you still answer to our Lord and she does enjoy disaplining her followers."

Siara flashed her eyes at him-a warning. She wouldn't mind ending his life right there and then-less competition.

"I can tell."Ben says, smiling and looking down at her.

Lei Fang looked up, "Is-Is that bad?"

"If it was, I wouldn't be smiling."Ben says, smiling again.

Lei Fang nodded, "Yea. What about you? You like me?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?" Ben says, smiling at her.

Lei Fang smiled, "Good." She leaned on him, "Your so soft."

"I figured I was big and muscly."Ben says, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

"Would you ever hurt me, Ben?" Lei Fang asked shifting in his lap and looking up at him.

"What reason would I hurt you for? I don't try to hurt anyone."Ben says, his smile fading quickly at the sudden question.

"Would you try to save me if I was captured?" Lei Fang asked resting her head on his chest.

"There would be no try. There wuld be a I will save you."Ben says, his eyes snapping open.

"Ben. Why would you save me?" Lei Fang asked, nibbling on her lower lip.

"Because I want to. Because I absolutly would love to, because I can't stand to see someone in prisoned like that. Most of all, I can't stand to see such beauty imprisoned like that."Ben says, sniffing the air quietly, thinking he smelled something dangerous.

Lei Fang nodded, "Somethings not right." She said gettin up and looking around, trying to feel for the one person that had to watch her back.

"I don't know, maybe."Ben says, jumping down lightly and landing without stiring the dust.

Lei Fang looked around herself, "I'm going back to camp." She turned and headed back. Figured he could follow or take care of himself.

ben stood there, shuffling his feet constantly, waiting for something to burst out of the bushes.

Lei Fang was in the cap for a good hour before walking back to were she left Ben. "I have no idea were she could be, most haven't seen her, and I'm worried."

"Okay. Let's go back."Ben says, offering his hand.

Lei Fang nodded taking his hand. "okay." She said looking up at him.

"Where would I sleep for the night?"Ben asks, smiling again.

"The empty tent next to mine, atleast for now." Lei fang smiled, looking infront of her.

"I would be honored to."Ben says, walking slowly to let her keep up with him.

"I'm slowlying you down." Lei fang said.

"No, not really. I prefer to walk this slow so I can Walk with normal people."Ben says, smiling and picking her up onto one of his shoulders.

Lei Fang smiled leaning agianst him, "Thanx." She smiled, "I like the view from here."

"And my head makes a lovely arm rest."Ben says, shaking his head, his hair going all over.

Lei Fang laughed, "Ben." She smiled, almost falling off his shoulder.

Ben held her up, smiling."Yes?" he asked, looking at her.

Lei Fang smiled, "Nothing." He said, leaning agianst him agian.

"Well, here we are."Ben says, upon reaching their tents. "I believe this is where we part for now."

Lei Fang smiled "Would seem so."

"Well, see you in the morning."Ben says, letting her off his shoulder and opening her tent flap for her.

Lei Fang smiled then ducked inside stripping off her top, and looking around to change.

Chris ignored the insult, not something he would normally do. But he had a mission. He followed the girl. "I apologize, miss. I meant no offense. I only hoped to bring this fine world a little more happiness." He had used similar lines with Lerayel, he realized. He forced such thoughts from his head. She was not his concern at the moment.

"Ah, and do you honestly expect that load of horse dung to work on me?" the young girl said in a bitingly sweet tone.

Chris laughed. "Perhaps not," he conceded. "But does it matter? The land is perfect already. With total peace, what else is needed?"

She stopped and gave him an odd look. "Are you feverish? You must be, or elsewise mentally inhibitted as you seem to think I wish to listen to you speak nonsense and make a fool of yourself. I'm not interested. Go away." She continued walking.

"No," Chris said. "I never thought you wushed to listen. Nor shall I make a fool of myself." He continued following. "I'll assume you wouldn't want me walking with you, so I won't bother asking."

The young elf sighed but didn't stop him. If he wanted to follow like a lost puppy, that was his own business. At the end of the lane, a good ways from the last houses, was a small hut that the elf walked into. The door had been open and she left it that way as she entered.

Chris entered without invitation. After all, when did he ever do the polite thing? He looked around breifly before looking back to the elf. "I don't suppose I could know your name?"

"It's Hana," she answered curtly as she moved about the one room cabin, picking up herbs here and there and dropping them into the pot in the center that was nestled over a small fire and was bubbling merrily. She crushed or cut some up before putting them in.

"Chris," he introduced himself without being asked. "Pleasure to meet you. Nice place."

Lerayel awoke slowly, and in stages. It was her touch that returned first. She felt a hand on her arm, and something wet. Next returned the use of her ears. She heard some one crying softly, near to her. It was only a moment later her sight returned, although she kept her eyes closed. Her side hurt. Her memory returned. She remembered Siara's two daggers, remembered the look on Chris's face, the spells Makaan had cast. She remembered being carried away by Jalen. She opened her eyes now. It was Luna crying, sitting at her side. "Luna..." She whispered, trying to sit up. Her voice strengthened. "Is Jalen alright? He didn't go back and fight, did he?"

A soft comfirmation growl from outside the tent entrance. Jalen's own little way of showing where he was.

Lerayel sighed. "Jalen, you may come in." Her side still hurt, where the dagger had hit her, though Luna had done a good job binding it.

Jalen peeked in hesistantly before walking over to her and placing a hand on the side of her hair. "How are you feeling, Lera?"

"I'm not sure," replied the injured woman. "Glad nobody got hurt." But now she remembered some one had been hurt. Alec. She had never trusted him, until it was too late. She was sad for his loss. But it was over now. And Chris had gotten away. Again. She realized Luna still didn't know about Alec. She sighed, knowing one of them would have to break the news.

Makaan grinned then looked back at the little girl. "Well should we collect the 'brave' Chris before we head back, or should we finish 'your' business first? I have express orders to acompany you." His bluff at the orders would probably have a hint of suspicion but knowing what his Lady is capable of, he hoped that Siara would have to oblige him for now.

"Follow Chris. I'm sure he'd be much less likely to kill you," Siara replied coldly as she turned away.

Luna looked at Lerayel & smiled alittle seeing that she was ok , she then siad to her," Lerayel I'm so glad your ok, I was so worried......" Luna then looked to Jalen & then looked away, she figured that he was still angery at her about their conversation in the woods before anything had happened. She just looked back at Lerayel & said to ehr softly," I'll leave you to talk to Jalen, i'll be just outside the tent if you need anything." She then stood & walked outside the tent, she sat down silently paying no atention to any conversation that might have gone on.

Jalen watched her go, and once he was sure she had quit listening, he looked at Lerayel sadly. "Ok, so what's really wrong?"

Lerayel wasn't sure Luna needed to leave, but too late, she was already gone. She looked at Jalen with a sigh. "Chris," she said simply. It was a moment before she added more. "It's been so long since... since I last saw him. It was before I left. But to see him again... My thoughts were repeating my hatred for him. But there was something else... way deep down, I felt something. I... Jalen, it felt like I still loved him." She closed her eyes, feeling guilty at these words.

"Love is not an easy thing to break free of," Jalen said quietly as he sat down in the seat across from her. His face was sad, as if he didn't approve of what Lerayel was saying, but he would not tell her she was wrong. He didn't think she was. "I would think you rather fickle if you said you didn't love him anymore, but once again, you have proven yourself to be the passionate person I've always known." He smiled gently to show he wasn't upset with her.

"Thank you, Chris," Hana replied and added the last ingredient before putting away her things and turning with a large spoon to stir the simmering liquid. "Are you going to tell me why you insist on imposing your presence on me then?" she asked, looking up with just her eyes at him.

"Your'e welcome." Chris looked at her. "I must say, I'm slightly impressed. You're a lot better than most of the swooning ladies I gather. Alright. I was hoping to ask you to join a group I'm part of. A club, if you will."

"Coven's more like it, the way you are pathetically trying to trick me into joining you," Hana replied, returning her eyes to her potion. "Tell me what it is or be gone, I don't play games where my loyalties are concerned." She was quickly losing her patience with this man. Did he honestly think he could charm her? She almost snorted at the very thought. She'd had better attempts at winning her affections than this pompous elf, and if he wanted her for anything, he'd have to be much better than the racoon he was at the moment.

Ben smiled and went back into the woods, looking for pray to drink the blood out of, hopeing he didn't find a human.

Lei Fang changed. She was in her hunting gear. She felt weak and faint. She cracked open the flap to the tent. She smiled as she saw noone around then darted for the woods. Once in there she walked around for a little while before coming across a tall shadowy figure. She climbed the oak tree and sat there. Waiting for what ever it was.

Ben sniffed the air, smelling for an animal he could maim. he moved quickly towards and area where he smelled a badger. he bared his fangs, and pulled it out from its den, breaking the neck, killing it, and sucking it's blood out.

Lei Fang about fell from the tree. She'd ever seen someone like that before. Other then Ben. She tilted her head, trying to get a better look at the giant shadowy figure.

Ben threw the body away, the dead badger making a wet thud against the trunk of the tree. Then, he smelled the air again and smelled a bear, now going to hunt the bear for both fight, and a meal.

Lei Fang watched it. Once it was out of sight, she climbed down and followed afer it. She stayed a fair distance away, carefull of falling tree branches and leaves.

Ben soon found it and, my, was it a massive animal. It was about twelve feet tall, and almost a ton. Nevertheless, Ben growled and tackled the beast, getting up right after.

Lei Fang watched from the tops of another tree, "Ben." She whispered, watching him stand up. "No. It can't be."

Ben grabbed the paws as the bear charged, swinging it until it hit a tree, crashing straight through it.

Lei Fang scream jumping down, like a cat. "Trying to kill me?" She asked looking up at him, after looking at the bear and fallen tree.

"Lei?"Ben asked, unable to see through the dust and splintering wood.

"Yea it's me." Lei Fang said trying to walk around to see him better.

"What are you doing out here?"Ben asked her, waving his arm, to clear away the smoke.

"Hunting." Lei Fang smiled standing infront of him in black leather pants, calf high leather boot, that lace all the way up and a black thin strapped shirt with a thin leather jacket over it, hair in a high ponytail. "Need to get out, if you will." She smiled, her siver earing shining in the moonlight.

"Ah, how silly of me, not to know."Ben says, moving swiftly past her, grabbing the bear, that was still stirring, and throwing it across the clearing.

Lei Fang watched him, "Enjoying urself?"

"Quite."Ben grunts, heaving the bear, biting it's neck, draining it of blood.

Lei Fang nodded, then looked away and headed off deeper in the woods. Anything was better then watching the limp bear in his arms.

Ben finished and hurried off after her, wiping his hands and mouth clean of blood.

Lei Fang paused and climed a tree, she looked out and spotted a young man. Shr grinned and climed back down and quickly and quietly snuck up behind him and attacked breaking his neck then biteing down on his neck and feeding from him. Glad he was alone.

Ben saw her jump and he heaved his bulk up, jumping to the top of a tree, watching her everymove from above, so as to not interfer.

"Thank you." Lei Fang smiled pulling back. "You've been a help." She set him down after she kissed his still warm cheek. She pulled out a cloth and wiped her mouth and stuffed it back in her pocket. She loked up and saw Ben. "Coming down or am I coming up?"

"I'll come on down. Move please."ben says, jumping down, and shaking the Earth so hard, the entire camp felt it, almost five miles away.

Lei Fang fell over and landed on her butt. Looking up at him even more. "Thanx."

"Sorry. I didn't mean to."Ben says, lifting her up onto his shoulder.

Lei Fang held on to him. "Not what?" She asked looking around.

"I dunno. I guess we could hunt together."Ben says, smiling up at her.

"Could. I don't need much more." Lei Fang said looking down at him, giving him a half smile, fangs still bared.

"Then what could we do...together?"Ben says smiling.

"I donno. But I'm taking this off." Lei Fang said carefully taking her leather jacket off. Only a bra-like top under it.

"You're very beautiful, you know that?" Ben says, turning away.

"Thank you, Ben. And No. I'm not told that a lot." Lei Fang said drapping her jacet over her lap, sitting on his shoulder.

"Well, I guess, that you are."Ben says, blushing slightly.

"Ben." Lei fan said, running her hand thru his hair. "Could you put me down, please. There is something I wanna do with you."

"Sure."Ben says, a curious note in his voice, setting her down.

Before he could pull back, Lei Fang pulled him down and kissed him, hard. She pressed close to him, as well as she could.

Ben looked startled, at first, but then kissed her back, holding her gently.

Lei Fang smiled and pulled back, "Sorry. Your just so cute. Standing there all srong like and the typical male type." She smiled.

"But I'm no typical male."Ben says smiling and lifting her onto his shoulder again.

Lei Fang smiled, hugging him best she could from his shoulder, "You enjoy having me up here?"

"It's fun for me. I rarely get to, as most people prefer to run away from me."Ben says, smiling.

LEi Fang smiled, "I like it too." She said, leaning agianst him.

"What would you like to do?"Ben asks, looking up at her form.

Lei Fang shrugged, "I donno. I guess go back to camp."

"Okay."Ben says, shruging one shoulder, and heading back towards camp, taking massive strides compared to a normal person.

Lei Fang leaned agianst him and soon fell asleep there on him. She was smiling happily, in the comfort of another.

Ben lightly took her of his shoulder, and cradled her in his rams, soon reaching the tents.

Lei Fang whimpered lightly, curling up agianst his chest, gripping some of his shirt, not wanting to let go.

Ben smiled and hugged her closer.

Lei Fang smiled, "Mmmhmm Ben." She whispered, a slight moan coming from her, holding herself close.

"Yes?"Ben asked in response.

"Don't leave me tonight." Lei Fang said, clinging tightly. "I like the warmth." She blinked looking up at him, "Please."

"Okay."Ben says, reaching her tent and carrying her inside.

"Ben." Lei Fang said looking up at him agian blushing slightly.

"Yes?"Ben says again, looking down at her, sitting on her bed.

Chris shrugged. "Call it what you will." He was pleased with himself, despite her lack of cooperation. He had no doubt that he would succeed, and her attitude showed how good an addition she would be to his cause. "Alright. It's a group called the Kerrigons. You know, of course, that this land hasn't seen war for nearly its entire existence. Surely you agree, this lack of conflict is unnatural?"

Hana shrugged. Oh almighty power, he was growing on her. She almost groaned. "Yes I know, and I know who the Kerrigons are. Who doesn't? I don't believe it is unnatural, but I don't appose this war. I believe if a group has risen up to end the peace, it was meant to be." Did she just give him support? She cursed herself mentally. "I'm not sure I want to be involved though, if that's what you're asking, and you are. Why don't you go find someone else? Quit bothering me." She cursed herself again. She knew he'd feel like he won, or at least had the upper hand, now....

"There is no one else. At least not here. Based on what I saw in the tavern, you are the only person here with anything near the appropriate training and attitude nessecary," Chris replied. "Besides, if it is destined to happen, perhaps you are destined to join. Do you want to deny destiny?"

Lerayel smiled back, slightly reassured. But it faded quickly. Perhaps he saw it as a sign of her good character, but it made her feel guilty. After what he had done to her, how could she still have any feelings for him? Yet still, she couldn't shake it. "It's been so long," she said after a moment of silence. "I don't see how love can live so long. You know how long the Kerrigons have existed...." She trailed off, shaking her head.

"Lera..." Jalen began gently. "Love is the most powerful emotion a being can feel. Some don't feel it at all... If they did, they would surely die of the heart ache. You, Lera," he took her hand, "are strong, and have dealt with it for so long. Heart ache, anger toward the reason, if you will, is only love telling you something is missing. It's perfectly natural that you would still love something, someone, that made you so happy."

Lerayel didn't answer. Her gaze fell to her hand in his. Happiness. Had she felt such a feeling? Had she, since she left the Kerrigons, once had a reason to smile and laugh and be merry? She could not think of one instance. She had done nothing but work, training everyone she could to fight. They were people of peace, most of them, and didn't know the first thing about fighting. It had been difficult to teach them, and all her focus had been on that. She realized now, half of her motivation to work so hard was just so that she would have no time to think, no time to remember Chris and all he had done to her. "But what is missing?" she whispered, mostly to herself.

"A companion who loves you when you do nothing of significance," Jalen replied, just as gentle as ever. "You think there is no one else who will spend time with you and love you and care for you unless you do things for them. Chris gave you that, if only for a time, and you need it. It's all right, most do need it and rely on it once they have it. Just know, Lera, that more people do love and care for you, and we're here for you while you recover, ok? So just... take it easy. Everything will be fine. Good things come to good people. The world must stay in balance. There are bright stars on the horizon for you, Lera, just wait and see." He smiled gently.

Lerayel sighed. His words rang true, that much was for sure. How many of her followers would give their life for her? Luna and Jalen, just to start the list. Soon her axe-guard and sword-guard, too, would be entirely loyal. She smiled half-heartedly back. "Thanks," she said. She wasn't sure what she would do with his words. But they were slightly comforting nonetheless. Or maybe she just liked hearing his voice. She sighed. "I need to talk to Luna. Can you get her?"

"Of course." Jalen gave her another gentle smile before raising her hand in his to his slightly bowed forehead in a sign of respect before standing and walking out of the tent.

Luna sat silent outside her tent, her mind wandering & her ears closed to any sound around her. She had almost lost her best friend & she still didn't know where Alec was, she just felt so lost right now. All she could do was sit & think to herself, she seemed as if she had started to close herself off from anyone yet she didn't let sadness show, but instead confusion the one thing she was mostly filled with at the time.

"Luna?" Jalen's gentle voice broke through the silence, inviting in the drone of distant clattering tools and weapons to Luna with his words. "Lera wanted me to get you..." He knelt beside her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You ok?" he asked in a sincere tone, a soft, encouraging smile playing at his lips.

Aerion sat in her tent, her back to the 'wall'. What had she done? Ah well, it was of no matter now. She took a small dagger from beside her, and a small piece of wood. She slwoly began to whittle.

Hana was silent a moment as she stirred her potion. After a couple of minutes, she retracted the spoon and sat it down on a table and leaned back against the piece of furnature, her palms resting on it's edge. "No, I suppose I don't," she said thoughtfully, as if still debating her answer. "I don't really want to be wrong either.... Why should I join you? And don't try to keep using what I believe to convince me. Why are you a member of the Kerrigons?" Her eyes shifted to meet his unwaveringly. It was easy to see why most found her intimidating.

"Why did I join?" No one had ever asked Chris that. It caught him slightly off guard, although he wouldn't admit it. It had been so long ago, when he had joined. He was part almost since the beginning. "I joined because it gave me a chance to use my skills," he said. "There was nothing but peace. What need was there for swordplay? But it was something I wanted to use. So I joined. Surely there are skills you have that you cannot use in this society?"

Hana again was silent a moment, obviously thinking. It was true. Much of her skill was going to waste. There was little need for a magic restorive draught, or even a magic burn salve in this town. But how to explain that to this arrogant elf? There really was no way but to let him think what he wanted. "If I can be of help to the Kerrigons, I will join, but if I'm just going to sit around or be made to cook..." She let the threat hang in the air as her sharp eyes met his again, obviously not boding well for whoever asked her to do such a thing, and if her skills weren't used, even worse.

"Cooking?" Chris sounded incredulous. "Each member cooks for themselves. We have no one assigned to cooking. And even if we did, no one with such skills as your own would be given such a job! No. I know not your skills, but I can tell they would not be so mediocre as to have you assigned to cook."

"Good." The response was curt, leaving no room for arguement, and no hint of defensiveness. It was just what it was. Good. Hana looked at the potion in her pot, cauldren you could say. The light pink hangover potion sat quietly, light wisps of steam rising from it. With out so much as a word, she lifted the medium sized pot with unexpected strength and deftness, carried it outside, and poured the whole amount into the grass, then sat the container down. "I need to pack some things," she said and turned, walking back inside and grabbed a traveling sack and started stuffing things into it, leaving the lonely cauldren sitting in the yard with lightly smoking ground next to it.

Chris nodded, smiling slightly. He was pleased with his success. She had been more difficult than the normal airheaded girls he caused to swoon and do anything he said. And she was more likely to stay. He waited where he was, pleased with himself. Orchid would be happy with his success here. Perhaps he wouldn't be punished for failing to see the advisor killed. And if he never mentioned the resistance's leader was there, he should be fine.

"Let's go, day dreamer," Hana half-snapped at him as she stepped out of the cabin and closed the door. He hadn't seemed to be paying attention. She waved her hand to signal him to lead. "And don't you dare let my help boost you're ego. Any Kerrigon could have come and said that they needed help and I would have given it. You are nothing special, got it?" Her eyes were hard on him. She wanted to make it clear that she wasn't impressed and would no sooner swoon over him than at a puddle of vomit.

Chris nodded. He didn't have any expectations for her to swoon over him. In fact he was glad she didn't. Sure, any Kerrigon could have done it. But any Kerrigon wouldn't have the need to escape punishment. Not that he would ever admit that was his motivation. His smile was gone now. He began walking, leading the way at a very brisk pace.

Luna looked off into the distance, tears at the edge of her eyes & her words distant as she spoke to him," I don't know any more, i almost lost the only person i have really had as family & i don't even know where Alec is. I don't know what to do right now, but i guess i will speak to Lerayel since she wants to speak with me & who knows what i will do after it all. " She then stood slowly & rubbed her arm absently she looked so distant hardly the same as before.

"Luna," Lerayel said in greeting. She saw the distant look, the difference in her friend's posture. "Are you alright?" she knew the answer already. She also knew that what she had to say would not in any way make her feel better. She was dreading having to say it. But she needed to be honest. Luna needed to know.

Jalen noticed their need for privacy and quietly took his leave. He gave Luna a gentle hug of comfort and made slight eye contact with Lerayel before he left; a sign to call and he would come. Then went off to help with practice and weapons.

Lerayel shook her head. "Jalen, you needn't leave," she said, but he was already gone. She sighed. The prospect of informing Luna of Alec's fate was all the more frightening alone.

Makaan frowned, then looked around for a moment, makiing sure thing was out of place. "Well dear, that defeats the point. I'm not about to leave one of you to find the other, when Chris maybe long gone by now."

"Don't you have a thing called a life? Go recruit, kill a rabbit, do something to get out of my hair," Siara said simply and coldly. She wanted, needed to bury Alec, but not infront of Makaan.

Luna sat down beside Lerayel & then looked at her with a half hearted smile, she then sighed softly before saying to Lerayel," You wanted to speak with me?" She then waited for Lerayel to speak & she kept her eyes on her, with the same look as she had kept with Jalen. She still had that distant stare, she distance never lets her eyes & she jsut waited for Lerayel to say something.

Lerayel sighed heavily. She had no desire to tell Luna what she must. "We met Kerrigons," she began. "Two of them, a magic worker and one of high rank among them. It was she who injured me. And we saw...." She found she could not finish her sentence. She closed her eyes, unable to meet Luna's gaze.

Makaan grinned and looked back at her. "My life is for the Kerrigons. Plus recruiting in this place? There isnt much to choose from a pacifist nation."

"Try," Siara said, her voice having an edge of threatening to it. She gave him a look that ensued fear. Her glare was cold, and by the looks of it, she wouldn't mind stabbing him to death.

Arianova rp page 7

Arianova rp page 5
Arianova character page

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2006-08-31 [Lady_Elowyn]: The war hasn't begun. The Kerrigons are preparing. Then again... they've been preparing for a long time.... Ok. We'll say this. The Kerrigons are known, because they've already attacked many towns. The Sabrellans are entirely unknown.

2006-08-31 [Artsy]: ok, but really, hana doesn't know he's a 'bad guy'.... she just has heard of two groups called sebrellans and kerrigons that may clash in battle in their lifetime.... nothing more than that

2006-09-01 [Dark Necromancer]: Huh?

2006-09-01 [Akayume]: They aren't talking to you. You need not make any comments. -.-

2006-09-01 [Dark Necromancer]: Okay.

2006-09-01 [Lady_Elowyn]: No. She knows of the Kerrigons, but the Sabrellans are entirely unknown. They're very careful about that.

2006-09-01 [Artsy]: ah, ok, if you say so

2006-09-01 [Dark Necromancer]: *hums*

2006-09-01 [Artsy]: if luna finds jalen after finding out about alec, he can tell her what alec said to him... it may make her feel better... but right now, no one really knows they talked at all, just that they fought and after that, jalen didn't hate him so much....

2006-09-01 [Dark Necromancer]: *twidles my thumbs, humming*

2006-09-01 [Artsy]: uh... o.o... post for chris please...

2006-09-01 [Lady_Elowyn]: Sorry, did I forget?

2006-09-01 [Artsy]: i think so....

2006-09-05 [Dark Necromancer]: I'm bored...

2006-09-05 [Artsy]: uh... lady... we moved on to a new page o.o

2006-09-05 [Lady_Elowyn]: Oh that's wat happened to my post. Ok... thanks for letting me know... But next time could you wait and ask me to do it?

2006-09-05 [Dark Necromancer]: I didn't have anything to do with it!

2006-09-05 [Artsy]: of course ^^'' i'm sorry, it was just getting hard for my comp to load the page

2006-09-05 [Dark Necromancer]: Okay then...

2006-09-06 [Lady_Elowyn]: Yep. Fine by me. I kept forgetting to make the new page. I knew I needed to... eh.

2006-09-06 [Dark Necromancer]: Tum ta ta tums!

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