Page name: Arjac fell hammer [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-08-10 23:59:08
Last author: Talos Cyrion
Owner: Talos Cyrion
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Name: Arjac (pronounced A-ra-shok)

Race: Dwarf

Age: 100

Appearance: For a dwarf tall, at 5'5 he is rather intimidating because of this. His skin is a light brown, his beard and long well kept hair are a fiery orange, both of whom are proudly worn to his stomach. His eyes are a deep Saphire blue. He usually wears a fine plate suit of armor whose craftsmen ship is only matched by that of other skilled dwarf smiths.

Personality: He is jovial when he wants to be, though the past tends to lend to a far more sombre personality which usually lands him at the center of many a council. When amoungst friends he is abit of a jester and will regularly beat any foolish enough to challenge him in a drinking contest.

Abilities: A master at earth and metallurgy. He can hurl a chunk of raw granite at a foe as easily as he can craft and form a precious stone.

Weapons: Two Single headed battle ax, and a huge bronze shield when he marches to war. If he needs to he can draw a large double handed sword named Fell hammer which he uses in duels or for a particularly hardy foe.

History: Arjac grew up in the Southern mountains of the 4th kingdom. He quickly rose in the ranks of the home guard fighting against the raiders that plagued those hills. At the age of 76, he slew a lich lord Varnak and his undead body guards with a sword gifted to him from one of the last dragons for aiding him in ending the predations. In further testament to his thanks, the Dragon bestoyed Arjac with the surname fell hammer, after the sword he used in the war.

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2010-08-10 [Eyden13]: It' great. Just add the two links

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Cast of Fairytales
A Book Of Miss Guided Fairytales

2010-08-11 [Eyden13]: APPROVED!

2010-08-11 [Talos Cyrion]: sweet! i actually am looking forward to playing him. Never played a Dwarf before so this will be fun

2010-08-11 [Eyden13]: Cool. I know this idea for the fairytales just hit me then scream awesomeness.

2010-10-20 [Elwyne]: can you tell me where he's rping in? I'm doing some chibi art for the characters in here, and I'd like to have a better idea of what he's like.

2010-10-20 [Talos Cyrion]: i havent started him yet, but i'm thinking he's a master artificer for the 2nd kingdoms courts

2010-10-20 [Elwyne]: hrmmm (looks at the description again) mind if I draw him with a foamy beer or ale mug? 

2010-10-20 [Talos Cyrion]: lol go for it

2010-10-20 [Elwyne]: cool!

2010-10-20 [Talos Cyrion]: hmmm now where to put him in. I really like where to insert a semi-grouchy/jovial dwarf?

2010-10-20 [Elwyne]: hrmm... well there's at least one person I know that's in limbo who could use someone to play with. Nyru the dragon. I need to see where exactly though.

2010-10-20 [Elwyne]: Naggaroth in the 4th kingdom if you'd like to go there. It's the mountains and I think I read something about dwarves in that area.

2010-10-20 [Talos Cyrion]: hmmm ok ill check it out

2010-10-20 [Elwyne]: kk! (smiles and waves)

2010-10-20 [Talos Cyrion]: i didn't find him....where at in the 4th?

2010-10-20 [Elwyne]: Naggaroth... I'll look again to make sure and put a link up.

2010-10-20 [Elwyne]: Naggaroth there that should take you to it. The dragon only put up the one entry about the mysterious creature that I can see.

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