Page name: AstheRavenFlies [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-03-22 12:54:33
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AS the Raven Flies

Written by;

© 2005- 2007

Out-line /Idea’s of As the raven Flies.

  Seline wakes to the faint smell of blood. Coppery. Sickly.

  Walks over to wall. Wall is covered in coagulated blood. An arm protrudes through. It bears a green ring, a black slit through the centre. ( Katsci) Sees all, knows all.

  The hand (An elegant woman’s hand) beckons to the table in the corner. Seline picks up the letter opener, bewitched. Gives it to the hand. The hand turnss the edge towards Selina, and Selina holds out her wrist. The hand nicks it. Blood ozzes from the wound. Selina gazes at the bright red blood trickling down her arm. She licks the sweet syrupy liquid, blood trickling down her lips. She is sent into a psychedelic trance. She is subjected to a series of random catastrophic events…memories. The universe’s memories.

  She is beckoned to cross the barriers of Time Slips, a pocket of time which is suspended within her room., between her wall and beyond.

  Her molecules as she enters the ’split’, separate, and merge into the vortex creating a ’water-like’ effect. She emerges on the other side, her D.N.A. restructures once more.

Selina comes out onto an Altar, a plain, simple church. Two child-size coffins are by a chalice which is full of blood, dark, syrupy.

 A flower floats in it.. A white rose. A monk, dressed in brown robes, approaches the table with the chalice. . He does not see her, and picks up the cup, drinks from it. A rivulet of blood trickles down his chin, he wipes it away, with the back of his hand, looking around secretively, eyes ferverantly.

He mutters Latin Scripture whilst moving over to the coffins. Lifting one of the lids up, a small boy lies inside. Selina looks away, sickened. The boy was blue, twitching in rigor mortis. He had not been dead for very long, it seemed.

  The monk threw the rose soaked into blood inside the coffin, shutting it quickly. A black mist seeps out of the coffin, and the monk coughs violently. Moving over to the second coffin, he pulls off the lid, and a flurry of black feathers fills the small church.

  The old monk steps back, horrified. Mumbling some other language, perhaps a protection spell, he stumbles and cowers in to a corner. Stood before him, a seven foot, see-through shadow with huge, raven wings, and two glowing embers of hot coal burnt evilly within the faceless form.

  Selina’s heart skips a beat. A girl with an open mind, this apparition blew her mind out of the water.

  Terror gripping her throat, icy shivers crawling up and down her spine, like hundreds of icy spiders, legs prickling the surface. Perhaps it cannot see her?

  No, it could not… but it could feel her. It spun round, the monk still in the corner.

 Guttural breathing sounds came from the creature. It was not of this earth.

Sniffing the air, its breathing became rapid…almost excited.

It spoke, in a thick, gruff voice.

  ‘You come from another place, don’t you? I can smell you, woman, and now I have your scent. I will come for you. You will not speak the forbidden tongue of the world.

  It is not meant for human ears. How did you become? How did you come to be? If humans learn of the metaphysical secrets of the multi-universe then the very fabric of time itself will be ruptured. We cannot allow that.’’

Selina freaked She had no idea what the hell to do. Suddenly, the monk spoke.

‘Spare my life, and I will give you some infant’s blood to reveal your spy!’

The beast turned to face the monk. ‘Friar Davis, my will is your command. Do so, and I will spare your pathetic, wretched life.’

The monk rose slowly, side- stepping past the foreigner hurriedly. He slipped into another room at the far end of the church briefly, returning with a small vial of blood.

The creature nodded to where he sensed Selina to be. The monk threw the contents into the air.

Selina had nowhere to go.

She closed her eyes, hoping she would not be discovered, but she knew it was in vain. After all, here stood before her, was a creature from hell, its searching eyes boring deep into her.

After a few minutes, her image shimmered, fading briefly, like a fading hologram, then came into sharp focus.

The beast snarled, showing sharp fangs that could cut through steel.

Selina screamed, muttering ‘Oh my god‘ repeatedly under her breath.

The monk gasped in surprise. ’So… ‘he managed to stutter, after a few moments himself. ‘ your end of the bargain?’

The Dark Angel twisted its body round to face him sharply. ‘Never trust a creature from the fires of damnation!’ He screamed, producing a glinting axe from out of nowhere. The axe came crashing down on poor Friar Davis, cutting his head clean off.



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