Page name: Asu [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-05-01 10:22:55
Last author: Gry
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House: Aoor
M/F: F
Hair: Very, very long blonde hair collected in a long plaid decorated with plants and flowers.
Skin: Pale with a green hue.
Eyes: Blue
Clothes: Varies, but the colors are mostly green or yellow.
Other: Her fingers are a leafy green.
Mother: Poponim
Father: Kelthain
Siblings: Leyana (f)
Children: Ossis (f)
Lovers: She is one of the many mistresses of Tallas
Other relations: Aunts: Bloomo and Lillana. Uncle Daerian. Cousins: Zoolk (f), Alanni (f), Fino (f), Felit (m), Mik (m) and Larka (m); Nieces: Pekkim, Aumlig, Bogg, Elen, Ooga; Nephews: Korith, Sahriam, Yaolin, Shivn, Ix, Nix
Abilities: She has green fingers, in the metsphorical sense. The plants love her (literally), and she can make anything grow anywhere.
Personality: Asu is a source of happiness wherever she walks, with her eternal optimism and naïvity. She always believes the best about people and really cares for the next person. She has a strong maternal instinct, and likes children in general, so her daughter Ossis had a very safe and loving upbringing, if perhaps a bit sheltered. Asu likes to watch things grow and get better, be it flowers or people, so she always tries to help others to improve themselves. This isn't always a good thing, since many take advantage of her helpfulness.

As of late she has been getting bad feelings and omens about her daugthter, and though outsiders would say she has always been a tad overprotective she has of late been verging on paranoid. She keeps track of Ossis wherever she goes, and worries constantly. Not that she lets others see this, and struggles hard to keep up her positive image. But she knows that something bad is going to happen, and happen soon...
Ambitions: To find a nice and faithful husband who can help her raise their future children. To grow a walking plant. Found her own noble House.
Fears: Losing her daughter.
Likes: Working in the gardens. Children. Constructed sculptures.
Dislikes: People who use others. Animals.
Habits: Fidget with other people's hair. Hums when she works.
Occupation: Head of Gardening for Aoor. Responsible for all flora within their lands.
Tresured posessions: Magical bracelet which lets her know where her daughter is.
Quote:  "Cheer up, I'm sure he's not as bad as you think."

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