Page name: Auralis Estanzer [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-02-05 17:27:31
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Auralis, "The Count".

Played by [Barock]
in Rise of the Shadow: In The Beginning

Username: [Barock]
Character name: Auralis Estanzer / Dartarious (Together known as ‘The Count’) (On the appropriate sections a’/’ will indicate that the following will be about Dartarious and that proceeding it will be referring to Auralis _
Age: 16 / Countless millennia
Gender: Male / Male
Kingdom: Evil
Power: Demonic Possession
Talent within power: Inhuman strength, speed and seeming invulnerability/ Master Pyromancy and infernal swordplay
Physical appearance: Auralis has dirty blonde hair which is just long enough to lap over his eyes which means he’s continually knocking it out of his eyes with the back of his hand. His eyes are sapphire blue and brim with intense pain and loss, his skin is deathly pale and no amount of sun seems to darken it. He wears modestly rich clothing in, with a long jacket in red velvet and trimmed with gold thread, its buttons too are gold in colour though substantially cheaper. He wears a simple drawstring shirt under the jacket with a holy symbol of silver resting high up on a bare stretch of chest. This symbol is continually hissing and burning into his skin, leaving a blackened mark and causing continual pain to Auralis. His boots are brown suede laced with black leather thongs; his trousers slightly overlap his boots and are a deep red, like dried blood. He also wears a brown leather riding glove over his elft hand where the jewel is embedded /
Dartarious, when in full control looks to have skin which is made from molten glass, glowing orange and seemingly not solid. His eyes are smouldering pits of utter malice and hate which defies reason. Dartarious’ entire form either steams or smoulders depending on his mood, but regardless an immense heat is thrown off him at all times and the heat wearies and damages Auralis the longer the demon has control. When the demon speaks thick coils of smoke emerge from his mouth, his voice is raspy and fierce like a roaring fire.
Personality: Auralis was an incredibly troubled boy, the last scraps of a childhood of etiquette and higher class manners hang thinly over a black morass of pain, fear and a new, cloying insanity. To speak to him for just a while is to speak to who he was before, a delightful well bread happy young man, to speak longer is to risk him losing his grip on the scraps of normality which were once all he was, when this happens, beware. Auralis only loses control to Dartarious when he’s particularly weak at this point, there is no alliance between them, only fear on one side and loathing on the other. Auralis makes rash decisions angers quickly and more importantly hates himself with a fire almost as strong as Dartarious’ hellfire, this is only seen however when he loses control, and even then not for long… / Dartarious is as evil as they come, he hates almost every living thing and even more than that he HATES Auralis. Were it not for the boys stubborn will the demon could break free of his fleshy prison. Dartarious speaks with a burning wit and intelligence which as well as being impressive is cruel and malicious.
Most used weapon: Auralis has two, two foot long silver throwing daggers which he stole from his home when he left. He fences relatively well with these, mainly due to the demonic gifts which terrify him so much, but has an awful aim at this point / Dartarious has an immense sword of living fire which is aptly named ‘Char’. He is exceptionally talented at wielding his sword and can whip it around with a speed which defies the great weapons size.
History: Auralis is the first son of two of the Count Arrenes Estanzer, a very wealthy and influential family from the lands of good and light. He was the next successor to the family fortune and all the lands and powers which that entailed, unfortunately his younger brother was immensely jealous, longing desperately for the inheritance which was to be denied him. One night he went too far, having stolen an old tome from the families library he began to speak some of the words aloud, screaming them into the stormy night. Auralis found his brother chanting and begged him to stop, he was moments away from striking his sibling when Dartarious emerged in an explosion of sparks and heat. In less time than it takes to blink Auralis’ little brother was dead, run through by a blade which roared like a lion, Dartarious devoured the boys soul and then turned on Auralis. The young man stood his ground and the demon made to strike but only got half the distance, behind him a rift opened showing the fiery planes of hell. The demon began to lose ground, pulled further and further back, the creature screamed and lunged. With an immense effort he grabbed Auralis’ hand and they both cried out in agony as Dartarious’ entire infernal being was forced into the young mans hand.
When Auralis awoke there was a ruddy jewel imbedded into the palm of his left hand, thick veins of corruption forked out from the oddly pulsing thing and Auralis screamed again. When his family found him they assumed it was he who had summoned the demon and killed his brother. They tried to kill him there and then but the Demons gifts gave Auralis the power to escape and thusly he arrived in the lands of evil frightened and more importantly not alone, never to be alone again…

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