Page name: Ava Tateba [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-02-18 03:37:30
Last author: Pnelma Tirian
Owner: Pnelma Tirian
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User: [Pnelma Tirian]

Name: Ava Tateba

Age: 21

Appearance: She's petit, standing only 5'3" with a round, delicate face. Her eyes are peculiar in that her iris is broken just so that her pupil shows like a symbol of nuclear power. She has purple blue-streaked hair that curl around her face and flows in delicate bundles on top of her head, held there by beautiful pins.

Clothes: Ava dresses in the style of a gothic lolita, with petit black and white dresses and white lace leggings. There are frills everywhere, delicate black and white lace trimming the hem of her dress and her neat lace-up shoes. She is very fond of corsets.

Armor: <img100*0:>Ava's ninja armor is very modern, which gets her in trouble with her masters. She wears a gasmask, and her hair emenates light so that the color shimmers and shifts depending on how you look at it. She can control this light, and extinguish it, if need be. Her upper body is dominated by criss-crossing belts and tabs, holding together the rigging on her back and arms. The rigging consists of several hundred glass throwing knives lying flat and lining her spine on both sides. Over one shoulder the row of throwing knives curves up into what looks in one light a vicious hundred-petal flower, and in another light looks almost like a wing. She has another, smaller glass flower on her forearm and calf.

Personality: Ava is sweet and cute and has a biting edge that slips between her kind words and childlike tone.

History: Ava was born in Nagasaki to parents who had survived the bomb. Her mother died in childbirth, and her father was lost to cancer five years later. It was a miracle she had no deformations or diseases, and a complete fluke that she survived beyond the age of three. Her foster parents recognized the mutations the radiation had had on her and her potential, and trained her to control it. When she grew up, she pursued a career in music, joining an orchestra. She also sought the best of martial arts to hone her abilities.

Training: A combination of science and magic, taught to her by her foster parents, and various riffraff along the way.

Abilities: The manipulation of light and heat, and some dabbling in the arts of radiation. She uses special glass knives tempered to be nigh-indestructible that she can also use to manipulate light and heat.

Weakness: Lead, mostly.

Hobbies: Plays violin brilliantly.

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