Page name: balth's story7 [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-03-08 00:37:27
Last author: Balthezar Arith
Owner: Balthezar Arith
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‘The egg!’ she thought in terror. She froze in her spot with her back to the egg. She could not bear to look at it for fear of what Balth had said. Airee knew she would not think anything of it if she ate her own hatchling… she would have eaten off her own tail if it weren’t for Balto! Although Airee felt like a bad mother for not watching her baby being born, she could not bring herself to look at it. Airee clenched her teeth when she heard it whining at her. She slowly turned around and eyed the red baby dragon eating away at its shell. She watched the hatchling fill its belly by licking itself free of the egg. Airee could not resist herself any longer. She leaped to the hatchling dragon and snatched it into her mouth. A tear came to her eye as the child kicked and screamed in her mouth. She dropped it out of her mouth and she started to cry. She remembered her promise she had made. Balthezar found her lying in a corner curled into a ball. A puddle of tears had formed around her. He looked at the frightened hatchling hiding behind her half-eaten egg. She was afraid of him. Balthezar curled around his mate and stroked her silently. He did not speak.
“I tried to…” she cried. “I… turned my own offspring… into food…” Airee was overcome by sadness. Tears crowded her every thought.
“It’s ok”, Balth told her. He was trying to comfort her as much as he could. She rolled over to face him, and he massaged her stomach. To Airee’s surprise, it made her hunger go away. “You have food in you already.” He rubbed her belly and looked at her. “You have it here. You just need to tell your body to eat it. You will shrink to your normal size, and your scales will grow back. It won’t be long before you can hunt for yourself.” Airee knew it would be all right between them, and her tears stopped as she heard another crack. The two dragons looked together at the second egg. A small crack slowly appeared down the center, and the top began to crumble. As Balth and Airee watched, the head of a white dragon poked through the top of the shell. It had been growing inside, and already had signs of scales. Airee looked at Balthezar and knew they were truly going to stay together forever. The two dragon mates had finally given birth to all of their young. The white dragon was a male, like the two light blue dragons. The rest were females: three red, and one light purple. The proud parents watched as the white dragon hatchling ate his shell.
“We still have to name the rest.” Air said softly.
“Yes”, Balth replied, “but first you need to apologize to your youngest daughter.” She tilted her head down.
“I know…” Airee slowly got up and walked toward where the red dragon hid. She was still afraid of her mother. Airee stopped a few feet from the youngest and put her head down to the ground. Air purred softly as the young red one slowly crept near. As the little dragon continued to draw closer, Airee closed her eyes. She could feel the small cold whiffs of air coming from the sniffing of her baby’s snout. The young one did not see her mother as a threat anymore and crawled on top of her huge head. Airee did not move a muscle as the small dragon closed its eyes and fell asleep there on her head. It gave off a small purr, and Airee decided to fall asleep with her newfound friend.
“I think I will name this one Versailles…” She whispered as Air fell asleep. Balth curled up to her and listened to her purr as the three of them went to sleep. The other hatchlings were already in bed. Balth decided he would name the white dragon Shahara. The next day, Balth was the first one to wake up. Versailles and Shahara were pulling at his tail to play. They took after him: he was an early riser. He put them back to bed on the rabbit blanket and looked at his sleeping mate. He shook his head, guilty for having naughty thoughts. Balth crawled back into the alcove and looked at his mate again. Open eyes met him. Airee was awake and looking at him with a smile on her face The dragons lay in silence. After an hour, they got up and tended to the children. Airee had a twinkle in her eye as she gave the base of her tail a shake as she walked away from Balth to feed her young.
      Legacy was first the first to be named. He was a light blue dragon that had grown reddish spikes down his back from the top of his head to the tip of his tail. The purple dragon they named Duria. She was the first born girl, and was very special to Airee. Singapore was next. She was the first red dragon to come from Airee. Smoke had been trickling from her snout since the day she was born. Balth and Airee both knew she would become a fire-breathing dragon. They named their second male Yoshima. Yoshi seemed to keep quiet about most things, yet he purred the most. He was always content with what he was given and what was happening around him. Sairei was the second red dragon to be born. Her wings were bigger than the rest of the hatchlings. Balthezar saw her to be an excellent flyer some day, and maybe posses the power of wind. The two hatchlings had not yet shown signs of their powers yet. The red female was named Versailles, and the white male dragon was named Shahara.
Balthezar and Airee knew there would be a day they taught their young to fly. Balto led the children out of the cave single file up the steep cliff. Airee followed last. They came to a small clearing and gathered in a circle at the top of the waterfall. Airee told the dragons what to do while Balth showed it to them. The first thing she had them do was jump as high as they could and open their wings on the way down. The ground shook as Balth landed from his demonstration. Some struggled to land softly, and others tried flapping their wings while they were in the air. Sairei was the only one to land gently. Airee was pleased with the learning dragons, so Balth led them to the edge of the cliff next to the waterfall. Legacy was chosen to go first. Being the first-born, he had to set an example. Balthezar made him crept to the edge of the cliff, and quickly pushed him over the ledge. Balt watched as he fell. Legacy yelped as he plunged to the earth, but stopped after his wings were opened. Shahara seemed very interested while Sairei disliked the fact that she would be pushed and dropped. She ran to her mother and hid between Airee’s legs as she crouched.  Shahara, on the other hand, started walking toward the edge of the cliff. He peered over the edge and saw Legacy looking back up longingly. He did not know how to fly back up on his won. Yoshima did not make heads or tails of it. He cocked his head as he thought what good pushing him off a cliff would do. Luckily for Yoshi, he was next. Balth swung his tail around him as he was pushed off. Shahara watched in wonder as Yoshima flapped and flapped, trying to stay air-born. He fell the whole way and landed softly. Duria’s eyes grew wide with fear as she realized what was happening. Shahara was ecstatic now. Singapore watched him as he jumped up and down waiting for his turn. Balth nodded to him, and the white dragon grew calm. Suddenly, Shahara bolted to the edge of the cliff and leapt off. Duria froze in much fear now. The purple one turned pale like snow as she wet the ground around her. Versailles grew bored with her brother’s show. She lay in the grass and waited for her turn. Singapore and Versailles were glad the boys were gone. Except for Balthezar, it was girl-time at the top of the waterfall. Singapore ran around the calm Versailles, but she still did not stir from her spot in the grass; she secretly disliked the edge of the cliff. Sairei was still hiding beneath her mother, so Singapore decided to run around Duria. Sing made a grimace face when she smelled her pee, so she backed away slowly. Sing noticed the stare from Balthezar she was getting and knew she was next. She ran to the edge as Shahara did but stopped before she leapt off. It was a long way down. She crept to the end and leaned far over to gently let herself drop off the edge. The puddle around Duria grew as Singapore disappeared. The roaring waterfall was not helping. Versailles slowly got up as she took her tun. She tried to look calm as she looked off the edge, but she realized she could not bring herself to jump. She looked at the large blue dragon next to her, and Balth looked back. He slowly slid her off the edge with his tail. She opened her wings and glided in circles above the group of hatchlings below. Duria was crying now. She lay in the mud she had created and closed her eyes. Airee looked beneath her and found Sairei. Air looked over to Balth just as he looked at them. Sairei knew it was her turn. She slowly walked to the edge; she was ready. Sairei stood on the edge and started flapping her wings. She lifted up off the ground and hovered out over the group. She dove down, picked up speed, and came back up the land by Airee. She was very proud, but she needed her to join the group below. Sairei jumped off the cliff again and dove toward the group. She flared and landed by Shahara. The white dragon was very impressed. Balth waited while Airee went to the purple dragon. She crouched down next to her and covered Duria with her wing. Airee squatted as she relieved herself there with her child. The smell comforted Duria as the puddle around her grew. The purple dragon finally got up and hobbled to the edge. After closing her eyes, she leapt off and glided on tiny wings. Airee found Balth looking at her oddly… He walked over to her and nuzzled her chest. Air reared back and let Balth lay on her. After a while,. Airee had to pull her mate off of her because she realized she was laying in her own pheromones . She smiled, but knew Balth’s thoughts had to wait.
“Tonight”, she said. He looked confused at this. Airee gave Balth a hard squeeze, and the blue dragon’s eyes opened wide with pain. “Tonight!” Airee said again. She pushed Balth off of her, giving one last hard squeeze. Airee leapt off the edge of the cliff, and Balth was left to rub his own belly... He whipped himself off and he followed closely behind his mate. Balthezar realized he had been foolish for his forward actions, and he knew Airee would make him hunt for the whole family by himself tonight. He followed everyone into the cave with his tail between his legs. Airee was playing with the dragons all. She gave Balth a look when he walked into the cave, and he knew he had to hunt now. He got an early start on the meals before the sun went down. Balth found a small herd of elk and picked one off for himself. He ate silently in the bloody grass. When he had finished, he flew above the trees and found the usual herd of buffalo. Balthezar dove and picked one off from behind. He killed it in the air by sticking a claw thought its throat. He carried it back to the cave to find Airee waiting for him. Balth set the carcass at her feet and bowed. She pecked him on the snout with a small kiss as he got up to leave. He had to hunt for the children now. Balth followed his path back to the herd of Buffalo. A second kill would not come easily, for the prey knew of his presence this time. The blue dragon set his sights on a large female. She started taking off the moment she realized Balthezar was chasing her. No matter, Balth out-ran her easily, and landed heavily on the beast as he passed it. Balth carried the food slowly back to the lair. Airee was once again playing with the children; she had finished her own meal. He heaved the beast before them and nearly collapsed to the ground himself. Balth dragged himself to the alcove and slumped in on his back. His eyes were closed when Airee came to him; she owed him now. However much Balthezar deserved Airee’s gift, he was no where near the mood. The tired dragon was ready to be done doing anything for the rest of the night, so it surprised Balth when he felt Airee give him pleasure. Airee used her tongue to massage Balth’s chest and belly. Although Balthezar was very tired, the massage relaxed him. Airee gave Balt a tiny bite as she continued licking and kissing him. She let her stomach rub past Balthezar’s as she made her way up to his neck. Airee crawled on top of her lover and hissed him. Balth looked at the tip of her snout and noticed that he had colored it white; it matched his tail. He knew this meant they truly loved each other, for coloring scales by magic could only be done when used as such. They kissed again with closed eyes; their tongues intertwined as their tails did the same. Balthezar drifted further into his head as they kissed with passion. Airee realized that he had drifted off to a soundless sleep. She saw that her mate was smiling and knew he would have good dreams tonight. Airee slowly slid out of the alcove, but she let one hand linger behind to play with Balth. She knew she could secretly do anything she wanted with it while Balth was sound asleep. Air stroked against Balth and smiled showing her teeth as she took in the whole view of her sleeping mate. Airee covered the blue dragon with his fur blanket, and after she put her young to sleep, she returned to Balthezar.. Airee nestled herself in with her mate
Balthezar woke the next morning with the taste of milk in his mouth and Airee’s spit was all over his body. Then he noticed Airee’s white snout and realized that everything he had dreamed through the night had actually happened, though he could not get his mind around his mate giving him a lap-dance… 
He had looked over at Airee. She was drooling. Balth reached over and stroked her. She flicked her tail as he did so. The blue dragon made sure the kids were all sound asleep as the two dragons snuggled in the alcove. They drifted back to sleep until the sun bled into their cave. 

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Balth's story8

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