Page name: Batista Lovers - Badges [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-06-18 09:43:25
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Here they are... you want 'em, need 'em, crave 'em,
and you know you would DIE without them...











LOOK! Mood thingies!

To use a mood icon first check to see if it has been pubicly uploaded to the mood icon database if so, the proceed as usual. If not, simply save it to your computer and upload it via clicking on the word "Mood" and following the directions there and putting up a link to the wiki.

<img:img/mood/40490_1109225644.jpg>  <img:img/mood/40490_1118995624.gif>


[If you have made a badge and would like it posted here please message it to me first!
Do NOT put it in the comments section below.
If you do I will disable the comments and no one will be allowed to use them.


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2005-02-23 [LovinLIFE]: how could you not join with a face like that on the badge! AWWWW!! he so SEXY!!!

2005-02-24 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Yes, so far that is my favorite badge. He looks so... "Lost puppy-ish" in that pic. *MEEPS LOUDLY* ^_^

2005-02-28 [The Rejekt]: batista rocks

2005-02-28 [juvi phase2.0(new poll)]: yeah he's gonna take Triple H's title at wrestlemania21

2005-02-28 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: YEEEAAAA!!! Dave Batista new World Heavyweight Champion!!!  Can I get a "Woooooooooooooo!!!"?

2005-03-01 [juvi phase2.0(new poll)]: Woooooooooo

2005-03-01 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: YEEEEEAAAAAAAA!!!

2005-03-20 [irulan]: Please note that wiki banners must follow the Uploading Art Rules. Therefore celebrity image cannot be used to make banners that will be displayed in houses. They will be removed from houses now. Please make a new banner - [TheRogue] has a link in his description to a wiki that provides an excellent tutorial on doing this. :)

2005-03-20 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: It also states that if there has been dramatic changes to the photo that they are ok.... and there have been to these.... o.O (Did I miss something?) But they can stay on wikis thought right?

2005-03-20 [irulan]: Well I don't think these have really been altered significantly...but yes they can remain on the wiki.

2005-03-20 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: OK, the first 3 I didn't really alter alot... but the last two I did. o.o (Oh, well.. as long as they can stay on the wiki I guess, I don't mind so much.)

2005-05-30 [Calico Tiger]: You are not to upload copyrighted images and the sort to Elftown... This will get your wiki upload privs taken away :-/ It's alright to have them in a wiki if they're linked from outside Elftown. But we do not want to be filling the server with all these images that we don't want here :)

2005-05-31 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: If there was a problem with that why wasn't it addressed when the other "Problem" was addressed with these badges. >.<

2005-05-31 [irulan]: I didn't think of that sorry - we all make mistakes.

2005-05-31 [Calico Tiger]: It happens :D

2005-06-01 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: *Sigh* So, now what do I do? Are these going to stay up or do I have to finda new host for them?

2005-06-01 [Calico Tiger]: Well, the problem with these being up is that you've indicated to people that it's ok to put them in their bios. Including the html code to do it :) And they're very much not ok to put in someone's bio. As Irulan stated before, they're ok to keep on the wiki, but they cannot show up in peoples' houses :) It was because they were in houses that I ended up here, hehe.

2005-06-01 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Actually... I just never really got around to taking the HTML codes down after I talked to Irulan. Also, I had done alot of work to these to change them from the original images (Not the first 3, but the rest of them) and that was all before the UAR had changed. -.- The last 4 (Not counting the mood icon) I had done quite a bit of work to alter it from the original.

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