Page name: Blair Keystone [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-04-26 12:00:44
Last author: Rice
Owner: Rice
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Blair Keystone

Username: [Rice]
Name: Blair.
Age: 20.
Gender: Female. (Presented as Male)
Height: 5'8ft.
Weight: 120 pounds.
Personality: Multi-faceted to the extreme, she behaves how she feels her present company would expect her to behave. Usually a woman of introversion and repression is is always in control of what goes on around her and leaves little to bend out of her reach. Blair's domain stretches endlessly and you're never quit sure what people she has trapped under her wing or under her gaze. To disrespect her would be to sign your own death warrant for she has armies of eager hit-men and assassins just waiting to do her business and possible win over onto her good side. Some see her as a martyr who is trying to take control of things for the greater good whilst others view her as nothing but a merciless psychopath with only one thing on her mind, and that's herself.
Picture: <img:stuff/aj/87488/1272282933.jpg>
Weapons: Mostly guns, but she rarely has to do any sort of combat, that's what her henchmen are for.
Weakness: Her over confidence and lack of realisation hat she does indeed have loyal friends at her side. She is slightly paranoid and tends to keep people at an arms distance, this means when she is in trouble her close friends find out a little too late. The only person she truley seems to care for is her best friend.
History: After the death of her father 5 years previously, Blair took over hold of the Criminal underworld her father, Mikhail, had built and ruled over. His friends became her friends just as his enemies became hers. Not many people knew of Mikhails family, they knew he had a wife and child but no details were allowed out into the general public. Blair used this as an advantage to create somewhat of a figure she felt would better easier in the life of Crime. She took on the guise of a male, cutting off her long black hair and starving herself to the point she was lanky and boyish shaped. Only a few close friends know she is female, for instance friends and bodyguards. It is unknown what her motives are, but her curiosity will no doubt leave her wanting and desiring more than she currently has.


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