Page name: Blazen Inn: Dragon room [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-09-21 16:45:31
Last author: Big L
Owner: Lady of Lore
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Dragon Room

Camilla led the way to the Dragon room. True to its name the dragon room was decorated in evreything dragons. The large four poster bed had dragons carved into the woodwork. All of the fabrics had silver dragons embroidered into them in the position of crouching, leaping, and soaring with wings outstreched. A large window taking up the whole wall on the west side stood shuttered.

Camilla walked to the dragon designed fireplace and poked some of the embers to life. The sound of the dwarves downstairs softened a bit as more ale was unkegged.

Karlo awoke to the sound of the morning birds as the sun was beginning to rise. he didn't like the sound, such sounds should be a signal to think about going to bed, not to wake up. He sat up and stretched. That was the price he payed for living amogst men. It was, after all, his own choice, and he was free to opt out any any time, so he couldn't complain.
  Looking around he took in his surroundings for the first time, having just flopped on the bed and fallen instantly asleep the night before. There seemed to be an overevidance of dragons. Was that a coincidance? He took a moment to study the pictures, the artist had obviously gone for what looked good and told a good story rather than realistic designs. Although few people got to get close enough to them to see what they actualy looked like.
  Kharagoradoth was lying on the fluffy rug by the fire, already awake, and watching him.
  "Morning Krix." Karlo said brightly, but the Krix gave no responce, his eyes showing his distate for being cooped up inside all night. Karlo sighed.
  "How about you go and get me some tea? And some milk or something for yourself if you like."
   Karagoradoth glared at him, but knew that if he refused Karlo would order him to do it. Without so much as a sound, the Krix simply vanished.

A few minutes later he returned, the tray of milk appeared on the bedside table, and the bowl of milk besde the rug in front of the fire.

"Thanks Krix" Karlo said gratefully pouring out a cup of tea and adding cream, but no sugar.

Kharagoradoth made no responce, but went to his bowl of milk and lapped it up.

Karlo stood up and stretched, re-adjustig his cloak to make sure nothing unwanted was on show. "Well, I'm going down to see what's going on. You can come with me if you like. Or you can stay here." He told the krix, and walked out of the room.

Kharagoradoth stopped in the room for a while, then got so bored he decided to find Karlo again.

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2006-05-31 [moonscale]: Lol That is so funny. It sounds like my room. Only I do have more stuff :D

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