Page name: Break a leg! [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-01-12 18:14:32
Last author: Ms. Steel
Owner: Ms. Steel
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Break A Leg!

Costume designs and other theatre-related work.
Oldest designs are nearer to the top of the page, newest toward the bottom.

The following designs are all from the Tim Acito musical Zanna, Don't!


(Okay, so I said designs. More to come. When I feel like scanning them.)

<img200*0:img/drawing/1800_1225500122.jpg> <img230*0:stuff/missjulie.jpg><img230*0:stuff/missjulie2.jpg>

The costume design and final product for the title role in Miss Julie by August Strindberg.


A dress detail from Miss Julie from the above costume illustration. It was a pain cutting those pieces out from lace yardage, but worth it in the end! :-)

Kristine from Miss Julie. I have to dig the renderings out.


Finished costume designs to come. Eventually. Here are some crappy photos in the meanwhile:


For a student written work: Ouroboros, by Zachary Trebino.

The costumes were made of clear vinyl with jersey knit underneath. There was a lot of blood in the show, so that was my easy resolution for clean-up. ;-)


From Polaroid Stories by Naomi Iizuka:

(It's nice, how none of the images are the same size. Where the hay is the quality control?)

<img210*0:stuff/philframe2.jpg>Philomel <img200*0:stuff/eurframe.jpg>Eurydice <img200*0:stuff/orphframe.jpg>Orpheus
<img200*0:stuff/narframe.jpg>Narcissus <img230*0:stuff/echframe.jpg>Echo <img145*0:stuff/dframe.jpg>D <img215*0:stuff/skhdgrlframe.jpg>Skinhead Girl <img225*0:stuff/skhdbyframe.jpg>Skinhead Boy <img200*0:stuff/gframe.jpg>G <img250*0:stuff/perframe.jpg>Persephone <img250*0:stuff/semframe.jpg>Semele

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2011-04-12 [Nioniel]: I love the designs! :)

2011-04-14 [Ms. Steel]: Thanks! :-D

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