Page name: Canicus [Exported view] [RSS]
2014-07-19 21:09:19
Last author: ancienteye
Owner: ancienteye
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Owner: [ancienteye]

Name: Canicus

Age: 18

Race: Human

Kingdom Born in: Kingdom 3

Kingdom where loyalty is: As the heir to the throne, he is entirely loyal to the Third Kingdom.

Good/Bad Guy: Good.

Personality: A kind enough young man with princely virtues such as self-control, politeness and politcal wisdom. However, he tends to be a perfectionist as far as his own appearance and accomplishments go and has a very weak constitution in the presense of blood. He greatly believes in giving his all for the sake of the kingdom, but Canicus still harbors a wistful desire to leave and explore the outside world.

Description: Canicus has a slender, wiry build with dark brown hair and blue eyes. His hair is always kept short and tidy and his skin is fair--not especially pale, but obviously untanned.

History: The son of Cinderella, Canicus grew up listening to his mother's delusionary rantings and--at night--her horrific screams. Despite this, his father insisted that he learn to be a proper monarch and he was taught every lesson a King aught to know, from dining etiquette to swordsmanship. Although he excelled as a student of the sword, he came to dread drawing blood--partially due to his mother's volatile reactions whenever she saw so much as a scraped knuckle. He desires to be a great and just ruler for the Third Kingdom and does everything he can to limit his mother's interactions with diplomats and influence over national or international affairs, a duty that takes up much of his time and energy. It is because of this that he greatly enjoys fencing outdoors and going on hunting trips, as it gives him a taste of the outside world and freedom from Cinderella's bouts of madness.

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2014-07-31 [Kbird]: poor prince~

2014-07-31 [ancienteye]: XD

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