Page name: Cast of Tales [Exported view] [RSS]
2014-07-31 23:06:21
Last author: KnightAngel
Owner: Eyden13
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Cast Of Tales

Welcome to the character sheet for actual characters from the Fairytales! So here is how its going to go. Most of these are going to be NPCs. Let me know if you want to be one of these. 


1. Cinderella:

2. Prince Erik:

3. Dopey:

4. Grumpy:

5. Doc:

6. Bashful:

7. Sleepy:

8. Sneezy:

9. Happy:

10. The Beast

11. Belle:

12 Aurora:

13. Phillip:

14. Jasmine:

15. Aladdin:

16. King Triton

17. Mad Hatter


P.S. If there is any you guys think I should add let me know!


Go To:
Cast Of Fairytales
A Book Of Miss Guided Fairytales

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2010-10-06 [The Dizzy Raven]: is curious :D

2010-10-06 [Eyden13]: Feel free to play one!

2010-10-06 [Flisky]: I feel as if I should play Aurora and Phillip...but I'll leave that up to you.

2010-10-07 [Eyden13]: If you want go a head. Just make profiles for them then they are yours. ^-^

2010-10-07 [Flisky]: Okay. Will do.

2010-11-24 [Eyden13]: hows it going on the profiles?

2014-07-29 [ancienteye]: Mad Hatter? :o

2014-07-29 [Kbird]: MAD HATTER!!! <3 =D

2014-07-29 [Eyden13]: lol, I have a player who is in the process of making a wonderland character. Let me see what he comes up with and then I'll get back to you guys. If you both are interested I'll do one on one roleplay to see who is closes to the Mad Hatter I have in mind.

2014-07-29 [ancienteye]: No, no. I step down from Mad Hattering. XD I was just curious since I didn't see any other Wonderland references.

2014-07-29 [Kbird]: I loooooove Wonderland, as Ancient knows, so this idea makes me very excited~

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