Page name: Casting Spells [Exported view] [RSS]
2004-12-20 15:54:18
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Casting Spells

-a part of the Guild of Pagans's Guild Book of Shadows.

WARNING!! If you are not familiar with such practises or are intending to use the information herein you do so at your own risk and descretion. These are not for anyone who thinks to toy with magick!!

To Break the Powers of a Spell........

Are things happening to you that you can't explain?
Well maybe someone's put a hex on you. Here is a spell to undue what ever has been done.

You Need: Black Candle, water and a black bowl.

Place the candle into the Black Bowl, Fix the Candle to the bowl using the wax, Drippings from the Candle so that it stands alone. Fill the bowl to the rim with fresh water, without wetting the wick. Breath deeply and meditate for a couple of Minutes. When your mind is clear, light the candle. Visualize the power of the spell cast against you as living within the candle flame. As the candle burns down, it will sputter and go out as it touches the water. As it is extinguished by the water, the spell is broken. Finally, Dig a hole in to the ground, pour the water into it, then bury the candle.

Ula Sava say Ve on toe Ve ontae
Ula Sava say Ve on toe Ve 
Ula Sava say Ve on toe Ve ontae
Ula Sava say Ve on toe Ve

Let Mystic Power I Take For My Command
Let Mystic Power I Take For Me
Let Mystic Power I Take For My Command
Let Mystic Power I Take For Me

Ula Hae Vela Asho Noe Day
Ula Hae Vela Asho Noe
Ula Hae Vela Asho Noe Kael
Ula Hae Vela Masha Noe Esh Ta

Let This Music Intrance Your Mind
Let This Music Insnair You
Let This Music Trap Your Heart
Let This Music Make You Dance Tonight

Song-Spell (s) by [KMR #1] S.Z.

Sacred Tree
(Performed with the planting of a young tree or sapling.)

These five elements I call to me.
I bind them to this sacred tree.
These five elements I call to here.
I bind them to its life forever.

Earthen mother come to here.
Make this tree live long without fear.
Make its branches blossom.
When ere the Maiden comes round.
Let its seeds fall to the ground.
When ere the Mother comes round.
Let its leaves fall and touch the ground.
When ere the Crone comes round.

Fire friend come to here.
Let nothing burn this sacred tree.
Fire I call for all year round.
Maiden, Mother, and wise old Crone.
Let the fire from the Lord shine down.
To make ye grow all year round.

Wind and Air I call to here.
Harm it none when the harsh winds blow.
Let your gentle breeze stir the seeds,
To help the forest grow.
Let your gentle sway forever play around the glen it grows.
Forever help it from being dealt with.
While the Earth spins round.

Water I do call to here.
Let its roots absorb you.
So it may grow and forever owe
You that made it sow.
Let gentle rains fall round the glen.
Help the time for growing.
Protect it from the storm and sun,
So it may sit and grow.

Spirit of the Lord and Lady.
Silent death and peaceful dream.
Protect this tree which I did see.
When it was planted on this day.
May it grow old and forever hold,
The memories it did witness.
From gentle play to lustful day.
May it forever know gladness.


This is a cantrip to rid your house of ants. It worked well for me; I don't know how well it would work with other people, but it was effective for me. [Fireblade K'Chona]

-Cast circle, if you would like.
-Repeat this chant nine times:
Nine times shall I repeat this chant
Flee from this house, small black ant
By air and fire and water and earth
Return to the soil from which you birthed.
-Open circle.

I don't know how strong the cantrip actually is. I have a suspicion that it needs to be renewed every so often. I wrote it myself. Message me with questions.
~[Fireblade K'Chona]

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