Page name: Chapter 6- Hell Have No Fury(Past 2) [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-01-16 23:10:53
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Chapter 6- Hell Have No Fury (Part 2)
Memo: Dear readers from know on I will be switching back and forth on the point of view in the chapters. So next chapter will be Elliot’s.

Riley’s Point of View (POV)

“ I can’t believe that you waited until morning to tell me this!” Elliot screamed at me.

“You saw how I was. Laughing like a psychopath goes to show I wasn’t in my right mind.” Elliot and I were sitting in her room in the early morning talking about the previous day. “I was so out of it I ended up destroying not only my door, but my bed, Lain’s video game controller and the TV remote.”

“How in the world did you manage to break you bed?”

“I was jumping on it.”

“No wonder it broke, your fatness caused it.”

“I am not fat.”

“If you think so.” I glared at her, and before I replied I saw that Adam moved, both him and Max were sleeping in their beds, causing me to be quiet. Once we were sure we didn’t wake him up Elliot turned towards me. “Seriously Riles what are you going to so?”

“I don’t know. In so many ways I am scared to leave this room.” We sat in silence, neither knowing how to fix this. I started to shake when I thought about when awaited me today.

“Riley.” Elliot hugged me, trying to calm me down. I was holding on to Elliot, crying my eyes out when I felt the bed tilt. Suddenly Max’s arms were wrapped around me making were I was sandwiched between the two.

“Hey what’s going on?” Adam asked from his spot under his blanket.

“Giving moral support to Riley.”

“Want me to join.” I noticed his properness went to hell when he was sleepy.

“Na, I think I will be fine, but thanks for the offer.” I got out of the huddle and stretched my limbs. “If I am going to get through this day and face Pierce I need to be strong, and the first thing to do is stop hiding in here and get dress.” When I opened their door Pierce was about to knock on it.

“Riles?” I slammed the door and quickly turned around.

“Riley.” Elliot said, causing me to look at her with panic written all over my face. “You can’t run from him forever.”

“She can try.” Max muttered.

“What would it solve? When ever they run from each other they both just get hurt worse. I don’t know about you, but I am tired of our best friend crying over him when ever she is reminded about him. This has to end. Riley either open the door or step away from it so I can.” Shakily I slowly moved away from it so she could open it. She got off her bed and headed to the door, but Max cut her off.

“Don’t do it.” She looked at him, I mean really looked at him. She didn’t
look angry, sad, she just had this look. “Please don’t do this.”

“It’s not my fault you never told her, but if it helps I know how it feels.”

“Why? Tell me why? Out of all the times we argued over this you never told me why.” She sighed.


“That’s not an answer.” I looked back and forth between them. They were talking about something that I had no idea about. What ever it was, it was eating them to their cores. “Why El?” I looked at the in surprise, Max hadn’t called her that in years. It had always had a special meaning between them. Elliot shook her head no.

“This must be done, and it has nothing to do with us.” She tricked him by grabbing his shirt, and drew her face close to his, but before she kissed him she dodged around him, causing him to become disoriented.. She opened the door and Pierce looked just as confused as I did. “I want you to understand three things. One, I did not do this to help you out, and not in any ways have I grown to like you. Two, this is your last chance, I swear that if you hurt her after this I will let Max and Corey have their revenge. There are a lot of people I have stopped from trying to kill you. Thirdly, don’t you dare walk away, either of you. I’m serious listen to me Riles. Both of your problems come from you letting your emotion get the best of you and in return in the end one of you always walk, don’t you dare. Don’t you even think about trying to avoid each other. You have to much history and emotions invested. You will either end up as a couple or friends, but never enemies.”

“Why?” Max whispered from his place on the floor were he fell. Elliot looked up at the ceiling.

“Because they have something that no one else does.”

“And what is that, anger, betrayal, pain.”



“That’s why, because they see what we don’t. We both know there are things in their relationship we can’t even phantom. We both know what it is like to feel regret because we let other people make our choices. And we both know…” She barely put any effort in to the last of her sentence. “that you of all people know what the regret Pierce feels right know feels like because you know what it is like to walk out because of anger.” She walked out of the room softly, and shut the door behind her with out any noise.

“I hate you.” Max said, and for some reason I knew he wasn’t talking about Pierce.

“Look I didn’t even know that you were in here Riles. I just wanted to let Adam know that Damion’s care broke down so he took it into the shop and wanted to know if I could serve as a substitute instead.”

“Why would you volunteer for the job?” A dark look crossed Pierce’s face.

“I didn’t I was blackmailed.” 

“Riley do you mind.” Adam asked me. Honestly I had forgotten he was even in the room.

“Why not, plus why would it matter if he drove?”

“Did you forget that we were going shopping for school supplies today? Damion was supposed to drive, but as you can see plans have changed.”

“Actually I did forget.” I said sheepishly. “But how are we going to fit everyone into one car.”

“Were not, Conner is driving as well. Why my idiot brothers would want to is a mystery to me.”

“There just the best drivers, plus are the only ones with enough space for us all.” Adam stated factually.

“Yes, our father has tried to buy our love my giving us grand cars.” That was an iceberg I didn’t even want to touch upon.

“Well I will just ride with Conner, and Pierce don’t even think about being up set you don’t have the right. Now I better go find Elliot. Goddess only knows what is up with her.”

“I’m sure she is perfectly fine. She always bounces back. Sometimes she does it so well it makes me sick.” I looked at Max in surprise. I had never heard him sound so bitter.

“Max you have no idea what you are talking about.” I looked back up at Pierce.

“And how would you know that? You broke the girl you loved.”

“This has nothing to do with Riley. Elliot is one of the strongest people I have ever had the chance to met. In a lot of ways she is stronger than Riley, and it is not because she has the ability to ‘bounce’ back. Elliot internalizes every thing, meaning she doesn’t ‘bounce’ back, but hides how she is feeling till she is alone and can deal with it herself, with out people looking at her. Max you have always worn your emotions on your selves, but Elliot can’t do that. She doesn’t make a spectacle of how she feels. Most and for most she puts everyone else before her self.”

“I thought I was the only one who knew that about her.” I said in awe. “She doesn’t ever let people in. I worry about her a lot of times because of it. I’m scared she is going to be lonely forever.”

“She’s you best friend, of course you are going to worry.” Adam said with a warm smile.

“Okay I am going to go find her. What time are we leaving?”

“Two, but if your not there by two thirty we are leaving with out you and Elliot.”

“All right.” It took me about forty minutes to find her, when I did she was sitting in the lobby, people watching. “Elliot?” When she didn’t answer I tried again, and this time I got her attention.

“Sorry, I must have been daydreaming. So how did it go with Pierce?”

“Nothing happen, he is going with us shopping though. But, I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“I’m fine, don’t worry about me.”

“But I am. Something went on the room between you and Max.”

“You always are perceptive, except when it comes to yourself.”

“I didn’t need to be perceptive to miss that. You could cut the tension with a pen from the vibes you two were giving off. What happen?” I saw when the tears started to fall. “Elliot.” I rushed over to her and held her as she cried. When she was done we both went back up to our rooms to change. She never told me what was wrong, but I knew she needed to figure some of it out her own. She would come to me when she was ready.

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Riley's and Elliot's school take over

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