Page name: Chapter Five of Violent Vibes [Exported view] [RSS]
2004-05-16 01:48:21
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Chapter Five

Smith and Callaghan decided it was time to take Stu back to there elegant home. The child of course, followed for it seemed to be the only home she had. Once there, they had a marvelous feast that Arobi wasn't apart of. She was given a can of cold peaches that she accepted joyfully. Stu on the other had did not feel like celebrating. Arobi was the smart one but only he knew it. He refused to eat no matter how much the succulent meal taunted him. He pushed away the plate and excused himself from the table. He glanced at the girl who was sitting in front of a window. The moon shined on her and her can of cold fruit. He joined her.
“Arobi,” He began. “You're the real smart one. Why wouldn't you tell anybody?”
“People are entitled to their own opinion.” She answered as she scooped out some pears.
“And you just go with that?”
“They can believe what they want. I'm not forcing them to believe me.”
Stu felt shamed again. He was forcing Cleo to believe he was right. She was right too in her own way. She didn't talk back but she just clearly stated she wasn't wrong. That kid had much to teach him and he was willing to learn.
“Look, I know that those people haven't been the nicest but can we get the turtle to move? I don't whats behind her but I just really would like to thank them for their hospitality.” Arobi smiled and nodded.
When the house was filled with drones of snoring, the two of them snuck out back to the huge sleeping turtle. Arobi awakened it with some pellets. It yawned once more and arose, following her. Soon she was out of the way and the entrance was opened. Stu stared down in the mist of the cave. Stu turned to stare into the cave and there stood Cleo, dressed in a red jumpsuit with flowing silk scarves.
“Cleo!” He exclaimed with delight.
She merely cocked her head with a satisfied smile. “You've learned will. Remember to listen and learn.”
Then out of her back came two, huge, crimson butterfly wings. A sudden wind picked up, swirling around her. The grains of sand turned red and engulfed her. Stu screamed her name but it was no use. The wind lifted her up and she flew away, waving down at him. He watched her float gracefully in the sky until she disappeared along with the dessert, Arobi and the turtle. The darkness returned and he set off to find his way home.

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2004-04-26 [mywolfalways]: I loved the visual of the butterfly wings at the end of this. Another good chapter.

2004-04-27 [Blaze the Nameless]: To bad the next couple are sucky!

2004-04-29 [Chi]: WINGS

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