Page name: Chapter Two: Dementophobia [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-06-20 05:21:50
Last author: She cried WAR
Owner: She cried WAR
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Chapter Two: Dementophobia

or go back to The Blood Zodiac RP

Jason caught the older woman's arm,squeezing a little, "Stop."He ordered with that cold rationale that demanded to be obeyed, squeezing against the woman's arm as he took the rock from her.

The elderly woman jerked her arm from Jason. She glared at him and brushed off her dress. "Why are you protecting this monster? How could you even think about defending this...this creature?!"

Jason raised his lip in a snarl, more dog then human, but just as vicious."Because I have seen people who act worse, and she's only trying to help. And she is your princess."He snarled, looking just as vicious and hard as his wife could be for once, the jason that medea had fallen in love with was showing through."You could be executed for raising a hand to a royal."

The elderly woman's eyes welded up with tears of anger. "...Apollo killed my family when she set her last city on fire. I have no one left."

Aries looked at the woman, her eyes full of sorrow. "I am sorry. And I understand your pain. But, I promise you, I am trying my best to free you from this tyranny." She told the woman.

The woman stared at her for a moment and then sighed softly. "...You have the eyes of King Zuaes." She told her, feeling a sense of calm coming over her.

Gavyn stood next to Aries as she walked to the women. He was more a physical precence then anything else.

Aries's eye glistened as she fought tears. She swallowed it down. "Like Lord Jason said, I am here to help." She told the woman as she climbed back onto the horse. She looked down at her, brushing her blonde hair from her face. "Prepare yourselves for a new queen." She told the woman. She then looked at Gavyn. "Lets go, my friend." She told him.

"Go."Jason held out a arm to the old woman, "Come.I'll escort you home."he said waiting to see if she trusted him enough to really see her home.

The elderly woman nodded and took his arm. She paused briefly, looking Aries over. She looked at the light from the moon that gleamed as its rays fell across Aries's long blonde hair. She saw the strength in her eyes that once belonged to a loving yet stern king. "...She, with the help of good men, will save us." She whispered. 

Apollymi sat down on the bed and then looked at her friend. 'What is it My Queen." She said softly, looking slightly worried for her friend. For as long as they have known each other, she never once talking about the family line.

Apollo sighed slightly. "My mother, Eden Lucifia...she was..different." She told Apollymi in a serious tone. "My father, King Zuaes, rescued her during a war he was fighting against a crusade. He found her as a prisoner in the home of an enemy soldier. He instantly fell in love with her and her beauty. She had a charm to her that could never be replicated by anything, not even the most luxurious diamonds. So, he took her back to this palace and let her live here. He then soon asked her to be his bride, and of course, she was more than willing." Apollo took a breath and exhaled slowly and continued. "I was the first born, of course. After the birth of my sisters, King Zuaes began to notice very strange things about Eden. She spent almost all of her time was spent in her personal tower. She was a very distant mother, she never truly cared for me nor my siblings. And King Zuaes began to have these awful visions in his dreams. Terrible things always happened in his dreams. He dreamt that he was beheaded, and he would actually feel his head being severed. He dreamt that he was drowning, and he would feel his lungs burst. And soon, his visions were more than just in his dreams, he would hallucinate his death while he was awake. And he could feel it each time. It slowly drove him to madness, he could no longer communicate with people in a sane manner. He invisioned his death over and over until one day, one of the kingsmen found him collapsed on his bedroom floor with a spilled gauntlet of poisoned wine. The kingsmen went to find the queen to tell her the news...but when they found her in her tower, the concrete floors and walls were covered in spells and enchantments. Her eyes were black as if Satan himself resided in her. Automatically she was charged with the crime of witchcraft and for the murder of my father. She was taken and locked away..." She told Apollymi, looking up at her.

Apollymi nodded and then looked away. She sighed, "All foramities aside." She said. "I mean we've known each other since, well forever." She said and smiled. "I think your father was a good man." She said. "As was your mother." She added. "Now. I think. With each girl she had. She let it get to her and eat her away slowly. Granted. A daughter came become Queen. As you have. But A male heir is always...seen as more of a power." She said. "Now. If you and I weren't so close a friends. And I hadn't known you forever. I would say yours just as crazy as your father. He was a madman that fell for someone he knew nothing about. Her background. Nothing." She said. "But I love you, care about you." She shifted a bit looking at her. "Do you know where your mother is?" he asked. "Or has the time come that he has passed?" She asked her. Granted Apollymi always thought that Apollo's sister were more beyond help them anything. She was slightly surprized. But wondered if her close friend had the same 'power' as her mother. And weather or not she would use it agianst her.

"She has it. We all do." Hissed a voice from behind them as Artemis walked into the bedroom.

Apollo glared at Artemis. "You are a thorn in my side, sometimes little sister." She growled, sitting up. "What do you want?"

Artemis grinned smogishly at Apollymi. "Our mother was completely insane. Our..father..was just weak." She said lowly. Artemis had never looked up to her father. She had never gotten the chance to get close to him. She was basically raised by servants and handmaidens. She felt like her father was never fit to be king. "Our mother is Satan incarnate." She said, in a sing-song voice with an evil grin.

Apollo stared at Artemis briefly before she turned and placed her black crystal ball back on her bedstand. "Her annoying element aside, Artemis is correct." She told Apollymi. "Eden Lucifia is demented, deeply. But, as soon as she was striped of her title as queen, I was corinated. And I figured....he power would be more useful to me if I kept her alive...She lives." She told her friend.

Apollymi swollowed softly and turned to look at Artemis. She watched and listened to her as she spoke then nodded. "Has your mother proven to be usefull?" She asked her. SHe shifted her foot behind her ankle as he hung off the bed, looking over her friend. She never cared much fo rthe youngest. Believed she was to young to understand everything that was going on.

Apollo grinned dementedly, losing herself for a moment. "Why, yes. My mother is an enchanter. She was born as a sorceress and is said to be one of the most powerful ones known to our world. She can destroy lives..except the lives of me or my sisters, we are invulnerable to her black magic. Why do you think these plagues are so permanent among my cities. I have her locked away in a secret place. I have her preform her hexes anytime I need them. They keep these wretched people in line. Well, most times anyway. The sicker or weaker they become, the more they need me. When turning to God doesn't work, they'll flee to the next best thing. For example, what I proved to all of you when I cut the limbs off of that bishop. He had been in his God-serving profession for many, many years but when his God didn't show up when he was going through mind-breaking pain, he turned to me. He screamed that I was his queen and God." She told her, leaning back. "But, if I let the fool live, it'd only lead those towns' people that I show mercy on those who betray me. And I am merciless."

Apollymi nodded. 'And that my Queen. That is one of the many reasons I love you. Just the way you are. The way you rule. With power and demener." She added. Mulling things over inside of her. Wonding, almost worrying now.

Artemis began to laugh obnoxiously loud. Apollo glared at her. "I am sorry, I am sorry." Artemis said, slowly ceasing her laughter and turning to Apollymi. "Don't be such a weak person to where you have to suck up to feel secure. I'd love her too if she had the power to demand satan's lovechild to cast a horrible hex on me." She said smugly.

Apollo exhaled in annoyance. "Leave this room at once, Artemis." She ordered. "You speak out when you are not permitted to do so. I could have you beheaded at any point in time, so remember that next time you open your mouth in an insulting manner towards ANY of my court, especially Apollymi, whom has been my dear friend long before you were even thought of." She hissed.

Artemis took a step back in shock and anger. "All I do is try to keep you as protected as possible. I work so hard to keep things in order for you and all you do is threaten me. Just so you know, I had been planning to get to the bottom of Aries's plans to eliminate you and this court, with the help of Apostolos who is driven by his love and infatuation with you. But fine, solve your own mysteries and strategize your own wars." She growled, walking out her sister's door.

Apollymi had jumped up and was now bowing low to the ground. Looking down at her, she was a pool of her dark colored dress and her light brown hair. She had nothing to say. Nothing at all. She just had to sit there and beg for her bestfriends forgiveness for not telling her about her cousin. She closed her eyes and clentched the dress in her fist as she lowered her head to the floor of her Queen's bedchambers. She was unsure how Apollo would take that. But for not telling her. That was the worse thing that she could have done to her friend. That all those women he took was to fill a void that he knew none of them could fill. She bit the inside of her lower lip so hard she started to taste the blood running down her mouth and throat.

Apollo looked down at Apollymi. "Rise, Apollymi. I am not angry with you. The only thing you guilty of is being a good family member to your cousin. You haven't betrayed me at all." She told her friend, holding out a hand to help her up. "Apostolos is handsome, but I am sure it isn't love, just...admiration." She told her bestfriend.

Apollymi took her hand and rose, her head still hung low. She then looked up a little and moved her hand to wipe her mouth, blood smearing over the back of her hand. "I'm sure your partly right." She whispered softly. Swolling back the small amount of blood. Her chest tightened a bit.

Apollo watched her wipe away the blood. She smiled slightly, handing her a
tissue from inside her bedstand. "I do not want you to shed your blood for me, I want you to be my side always." She told her. "I trust you so much, and I know you would never wrong me."

Apollymi nodded took the tissue. She then wipped off her mouth, then her hand and sighed. "Thank you, Apollo." She said softly. "For I wish and dream to never lose you." She said. "For you really are my best friend." She added then sat back down and smiled at her.

Apollo nodded. "You are my rock, Apollymi." She told her, sitting back down on her bed.

"As you are mine. over and over." Apollymi said, reaching out and taking her hand into hers. She kissed it and then pulled back off the bed. "Sleep well my Queen." She said, bowed and then started to walk away from her.

Apollo smiled at Apollymi as she walked out the door. "You as well, Apollymi."

Apollymi smiled at her as she closed the door then sighed, sitting int he room outside of her bedchambers. She cosed her eyes and tried to relaxe, falling asleep.

"BANG BANG BANG" Echoed Apostolos's door. "Let me in!" Screamed an inraged Artemis at Apostolos.

A moment after Apostolos stood there in the doorway. He yawned and then looked down at her and sighed. "What is it?" He asked as he stood over her, naked as any man could be. After all he was asleep.

Artemis's eyes went wide when he opened the door. "Do you have any sense to put on clothes when someone knocks on your door?!" She yelled, pushing past him and sitting back down in the chair she sat in last time.

Apostolos looked down and then shrugged as he closed the door. "I sleep better naked." He said as he walked from the sitting room to the bedchamber. He pulled on some of his pants, leaving them untied. He walked out then sat down and poured himself some wine. "So what can I help thee with?" he asked her.

"Um.." Artemis began nervously. "So, I went into my sister's chamber and..umm...we kind of had an argument and I accidently mentioned your name to the Queen. I-..uh...I think I might have let that fact that you are in love with her slip out of my mouth." She said, bringing her knees to her chest.

Apostolos shrugged. "So be it." He said. "She was bound to find out sooner or later." He added. "Guess sooner was just as good as later." He added then took a long drink of his wine and se the glass down, rubbing his face

Artemis rolled her eyes. "And you were just too weak to admit it to her yourself?" She said, standing up. "You are weak, like your cousin." She growled.

"Oh sush." Apostolos said. "I'm not of the weak." he said. "I'm just...slightly thoughtfull, sometimes." He added.

Artemis laughed. "If that is how you feel." She said. She stood up and walked to the window as if something drew her to it. She looked down below and saw Aries heading to the stables and Gavyn at the gate. "Apostols....come here. Who is that?" She asked him, pointing at Gavyn.

"Gavyn the Great." Apostolos said. "Well that's what he's know all. 'Good' as all hell." He aslo said as he stood there next to her, towering over her for the most part.

Artemis watched him ride off until he was no longer visible. "So, you know him? Have you ever spoken with him before?" She asked, curiously.

Apostolos nodded. "Yes. I grew up with him." He said with a slight sence of saddness. "It's a pity he picked her of Apollo." He said then backed up and walked back over sat down then took a long drink. Almost finishing it off.

Artemis sat down infront of him, interested in Aries's potential allie. "Where you once close with him?" She asked.

Apostolos nodded, "Yes. Very close." he said. "Him and I went to the same training. Same teachers. Same father." He reveled. He looked down into the now empty glass. "Need more." He muttered and then got up and grabbed another full bottle, drinking straight from it. It still took a bit for him to feel it. And after seeing his half brother. He wanted to feel it.

Artemis sighed and leaned back in her chair. "You aren't alone, Apostolos. At some point we are all betrayed by our siblings. He wants our queen dead and my sister wants our queen dead. We have a lot in common. Prepare yourself mentally towards the fact that you might just be the one to take his life."

Apostolos nodded then sat back down with a 'huff' from the chair. "Yes. I'm very aware of the fact that I might have to kill him." he said. "Just cuase we share a father. That doesn't mean I care for him, any longer." he said and then smiled as he then took another long drink, setting the bottle down and then exhaled softly.

Artemis thought for a moment. She thought about her own sister. She swallowed, harder than she wanted to. She knew deep down that she felt something than just anger towards Aries. But, she would never admit that to anyone. She was much too proud. "Sometimes you have to spill blood, be it your own or with ones that have the same blood as yourself."

Apostolos nodded in agreement. "But I'd much rather it not be mine." he said and then sighed. "No matter what happens. I'd like to live to see it as everything falls down around the loser." He said, the venom dripping from his statment.

Artemis sighed and nodded her head in agreement. She closed her eyes and thought she thought about Aries. She thought about her own childhood. She remembered times when she would be at play in the castle and she would trip and fall and cry out in pain. She remembered Aries coming quickly to her side and holding her, telling her not to cry and that the pain would go away. She calmed her down...where as Apollo was always too busy. She choked back tears and pressed the memories to the back of her mind. She knew that she needed to seperate her emotions from herself. She relaxed and slowly drifted off to sleep in the silence of the room.

Gavyn nodded then heeled his horse then took off at a trot. He swollowed and looked around. Making sure noone was waiting for her to make a move.

Aries followed him, her horse trotting alongside his. She was silent and she looked ahead towards the castle with a determined look in her eyes. She thought of when she should tell Gavyn what needed to be said about her mother. But, instead of telling him, she kept it bottled away.

Gavyn slowled his hourse down a little and relaxed a bit. "Nice night." He said softly and was still looking around everwhere at once.

Aries looked at Gavyn, forgetting her thoughts for a moment. "Yes, yes it is. And its even nicer because I am beside you..." She said shyly.

Gavyn smiled as he turned and then looked at her. "Really?" He asked and then started to grinn. "Cuase that is why mine is so special. Cuase i'm here...with you." He said.

Aries chuckled slightly. "Well, I am happy the feeling is mutual." She told him as the approached the castle.

"Oh very much so."Gavyn said. He then saddened a bit. "I guess this is hwere I leave you." He said and then reache dout and kissed her head softly.

Aries was thankful that it was nighttime so he wouldn't see her blush. "Very well, Gavyn... Until we meet again." She told him, walking her horse towards the stable.

Gavyn nodded to her. "Till then." he said, watching her go. He turned his horse around then shot off from where he came from. Disapearing from the eyesight and view.

Aries watched him and then turned, saddened at his depature. She walked her horse to the stable. She sighed as she entered back into the castle. She knew she had a lot of planning to do. She walked past the servant chambers and was about pass by Apollymi's chamber when she noticed that the door to it was open. She peaked inside to see Apollymi asleep in a chair. She thought of how easy it would be to go in there and slice the throat of her sister's dearest and most intelligent friend. She knew her thoughts were evil but it pressed her mind so much that she her hand began to gravitate to one of her daggers. "No..." She whispered, pulling her hand away from the dagger.

Apollymi scrunched up her face and then sat up and rubbed her face. Pulling her headress from her hair. Letting the light brown hair spill out over her shoulder. "Medea." She said softly. 'Is that you?" She asked and then stood up. She kicked her foot wear off then walked from the room to her bedroom. She then started to take things off and walked out. "If it is. Can you help me unlace this?" She asked, with a tired yawn following. "It's killing my ribs." She added.

Aries inhaled softly, again fighting with her own body that ached to take Apollymi's life from her. She felt the beast within her trying to break free, her fighter's instinct to kill the enemy screamed at her to do it. That it would be so easy. But, instead, she slowly exhaled. "No, it is not Medea." She said in a quiet voice.

Apollymi's eyes went wide as she then dropped her hands from her laces then turned around. "My Lady Aries." She said softly then bowed a bit. She rose then looked at the Princess with soft eyes. "To what do I owe the honer of this visit." She said as she looked at her. She didn't hate Aries. Just didn' her fully. There was some things She did that she did see understandable. But her love and loyalness lied with the sleeping Queen in the next room.

Aries watched her, her eyes distant and cold. "There is no honor in my visit here." She told her with an empty voice. For she didn't hate Apollymi as a person. She in fact had known her for a very long time. But, in Aries's one track mind, you are guilty by association, just like she was among the towns' people because of who her sister is. She looked down briefly and then looked at Apollymi. "These palace halls can be unsafe at night. I suggest you keep your door locked." She told Apollymi, subliminally telling the lady in waiting to more or less to keep safe from Aries herself.

Apollymi nodded then bowed a little. "Thank you for the advice." She said. "But I would very much like it if you left now." She said. "I'm very tired. And you need to rest as well." She said.

Aries nodded in return. "Yes, you are correct." She told her. "We are all going to need our rest...because things are about to get hectic..for everyone." She told her harshly, beginning to walk away.

"Good night Princess. May you sleep sweetly." Apollymi said and then walked after her and closed and locked the door to the room. She huffed then sighed and looked down. She was still laced in her dress. She slumped into her bedroom then fought getting it off. She tossed the now shredded thing aside. Dagger in her right hand as she stood in her undergarments. She cried out a little then threw her dagger into the wall. She then pulled everything else off then pulled on a gown. She grabbed the dagger from the wall, then stabbed the wood table next to her bed sitting down then sicking to the floor. Crying. Much like she always had before bed for the past three years.

Aries returned to her room. She sat down on her bed and sighed. She knew that the next day would be the day that she would reveal her secrets to Gavyn.

Early the following morning Apollymi was laced up and ready for another day. She then knocked on the door to the Queen's bedroom. "Apollo." She said softly then opened the door.

Apollo was already awake and was seated infront of a mirror as a servant brushed her long blonde hair. "Good morning, Apollymi." She said, looking at her friend from the view of the mirror.

Apollymi nodded to the female then smiled as she then handed the brush over and then left them be. "Morning." She said softly then contuined to brush the Queen hair. "How did you sleep?" She asked her softly.

Apollo sighed. "I slept fine, but I could have sworn that I heard weeping coming from your room." She told her, concerned. "Is there anything you need to talk about?"

"Oh no." Apollymi said softly. "It was just Clrissa." She said. "She had another fit last night. I tried to comfort her." She said. "Calm her." She added and smiled to her. "Nothing more then her crying over her dead husband." She said.

Apollo's mouth frowned slightly. She sensed that Apollymi wasn't telling her the whole truth. Apollo was very gifted with her senses. She sighed. "Well, I know you wouldn't lie to me and you would tell me if something was wrong. You are so very trust worthy, Apollymi."

"Apollo." Apollymi said. "You and I both know that It's the same thing. You know I cry and I know I cry. I make up a excuss." She said. "And I stick to it." She said then started to braid the Queen's hair. "And you know if it was anything worse then what it has been. I would tell you. I would pour my heart and soul out to you." She said. "But I'm fine. Nothing out of the sorts here." She said then tied off the braid with a ribbon that she braided into her hair.

Apollo shifted slightly. "If you say so." She said in a low voice. "Alizia." Apollo said loudly, demanding the aid of one of her servant girls. The girl quickly came forward. "Yes, my queen?" She asked as she bowed at the queen and Apollymi. "Go and find Lord Apostolos. I want him at the breakfast table in exactly one hour." She commanded. Alizia nodded and bowed. "Of course, my queen." She said, quickly scurrying off.

Apostolos was out in the stable. He mounted his horse then took off into the fields of the land. He ndded some time to be one with nothing around him. He wanted to be himself. Like he used to be. If only for a short time.

Gavyn sat up and looked around then spotted his half brother race down the field. He sighed then stood up. He then got up, mounted his horse then chased after him. It was about that time of the month that they went back to being brothers. Not enemies. For only those few moments. He was the brother younger brother to his older brother.

Artemis awoke, got up from her chair and stretched. She looked around in surprise, having forgotten that she fell asleep in Apostolos's room.

"Morning Princess Artemis." A female servant said. "Is there anything I can get you this morning." She asked. She was holding the bed linen from Apostolos's bed.

Artemis looked at the servant and then shook her head. "I must have really been tired to fall asleep in Apostolos's room." She told the servant.

"I'm sorry I didn't wake you." The servant girl said softly as she shifted the bundle of sheets in her arms.

Artemis shook her head. "Its fine." She said. She inhaled a deep breath and then exhaled slowly, trying to gather her thoughts.

The servant lady nodded and then started to walked out. Cleaning the rest of the bedrooms and such.

Artemis stretched yet again and walked out of Apostolos's room towards the dining hall.

"My I ask why it is you want my cousin at breakfast?" Apollymi asked her as she then pulled back and then walked over to her side and looked at her. "Want my help to get into your gown?" She asked and smiled.

Apollo shook her head. "Apollymi, I appreciate your help but that is why I have servants. You do not always have to be the one to take care of me." She told her, smiling slightly. "And, I want your cousin there because one of the servant girls told me that she found my youngest sister asleep in his room and I want to find out what they are privately discussing. I refuse to be the last person to know anything."

Apollymi sighed. "I enjoy helping you get ready. I'm a lady in waiting." She said. "It's what I do. I live and breath to serve you." She said and smiled. "So which shall it be today?" She asked walking over to her closet. Apollymi herself was in a dark blue one with hints of silver all over it. Her headress and shoes matched.

Apollo laughed slightly. "Oh, I don't know. You should pick something for me. You have great taste." She told her with a smile.

Medea stepped into the room,smiling a little as she bowed to her queen."Good morning m'lady.Is there anything I can get you while you wait for apollmyi's choice in clothing?"She said looking up.

Apollo smiled at Medea. "Hello my beutiful friend." She said. "And no, but thank you for asking." She patted the space beside here on the large seat she sat on. "Come, sit down." She said gently.

A young servant boy was sent to find Apostolos on horseback. He searched for a good while before he finally found Lord Apostolos in the company of a man that resembled him greatly. The boy trotted his horse up to them, cautiously. He bowed in their presence. "My Lord, Queen Apollo demands your attendance at the Royal Breakfast soon." He told him.

"Yes. Now get!" Apostolos said then stood up and then glared at the boy. "You speak one word to anyone. About who I am with. ANd i'll be sure to cute your limbs from your body. Starting with the smallest." he said then looked at the groin of the boy then back to his face.

Gavyn stood up then waited till the boy was out of sight and earshot before he said his good byes to his half brother.

The boy's eyes widened in fear and he kicked his horse and quickly rode back towards the castle.

Apostolos sighed then looked to Gavyn. "Sorry to cut things short." he said softly. He then extended his hand to his brother.

Gavyn sighed. He then shoved the hand away and embraced his older brother. 'Till later." he said. He then ran mounted Thunder then took off.

Apostolos watched him ride. "Storm." He called out then grinned. he readied, then jumped onto this running horse then took off at a fast pace to the castle.

Apollymi nodded then pulled out a deep purple gown with a gold trim. She smiled. "You always look great in purple." She said and then smiled as she then laied the dress out across the bed. She nodded. "Yea. Fitting." She added then grabbed the rest of the things she needed to help her get dressed. Part of being a women, she guessed.

Medea smiled sitting down next to Apollo."Did you sleep well?"She asked as she relaxed, mostly there her mind wandering a little.

Apollo smiled at Apollymi. "You always have the best taste in clothing." She then looked back at Medea. "I slept fine, thank you dear." She told her, then standing up and stepping into her gown. "Would you be so kind as to zip me." She told Apollymi.

Artemis entered into the room. She sat on her sister's bed. Apollo paid her no attention. Artemis eyed Apollymi slightly, but said nothing.

"Glad to hear you say that." Apollymi said. She shuffled around as walked about Apollo. She then smiled zipped up the Queen. She smiled then started to lace up the back to hide the zipped. She pulled and tugged then tied it off and smiled. "Fits well. And looks very good on you." She added, walking out from around her.

Artemis quickly followed behind her in silence.

"May I help you Artemis?" Apollymi said and then turned and looked at her, crossed her arms over her chest. "Anything at all?" She asked and then waited.

"No, Apollymi." She told her, sounding short with her. She sat in her chair at the breakfast table. "But, I do hope Apostolos arrives soon. There are things I need to discuss amongst everyone.

Artemis sat in her chair.

Apollymi huffed as she then sat down and looked around. waiting for a sign of her cousin's arrival. She hated it when he was called for.She rather he would just go and serve else where. Don't get her wrong. She loved her cousin. Just not the manner in which he choose to do things. That was a entirely different matter to say the least. Then there it was a rushing servant to anounce that he was here.

"My Queen. Lord Apostolos." The servant called out just as the tall, lean male walked through the door and then infront of Apollo. "My Queen. I bid thee good morning." he said then rose and smiled. He wlaked around, took her hand, kissed then then his cousins. He then sat down next to his couin and smiled. He smelt of grass and the lake. Bu that was semi normal for him.

The Queen nodded towards Apostolos. "We must talk." She said to Apollymi, Medea, Artemis, and Apostolos." She said, taking a sip of wine from a gauntlet infront of her. She sat the cup down and stared at at with empty eyes. "My sister, Aries, conspires against me. We all know this for sure." She said. She then looked at her youngest sister. "She knows our most internal secrets." And then she looked to the rest of her court. "She gathers aid as we speak. We must strengthen our defenses and prepare for a fight." She told them.

Medea tilted her head."We need to find out who's loyal or not."She said, her mind already unwillingly turning to her husband, her loyalty to her husband warring with that to her queen. But who would win this tug of war for her was up for grabs.She sighed softly as sheh thought about it..

Apollymi nodded and then shifted a bit. "I understand. She said and smiled to her Queen.

Apostolos grinned. "Sounds to me that fun is only beginning." He said and then stood up next to the Queen.

Apollo nodded. "First, we must seek out those among the inner workings of my court that are not loyal and eleminate them. For they have the most power in this situation." She told her court, looking eerily at Medea, as if telepathically telling her that her husband is the first to be questioned.

Medea turned, moving towards the window, looking out. Eyes sad as she realized this war was going to cost her her husband, one way or another. If any hand was going to be the one to end his life, it should be at least hers."My Queen....I ask permission to be with you when you question Jason. He'll be willing to talk more if I'm with apostolos."She said turninng to look at the man, knowing he'd have no problem torturing Jason, but even then her husband would hold out if it was just the man. To her, he told everything. She could convince him to spill everything.

Apollo nodded. "I see no wrong in you being there. I am not accusing him of anything as of yet. But do know that, despite how much I like you, I will not soften any punishment for anyone." She told her. She then looked at Apollymi. Apollo's eyes glistened slightly.

Apollymi gave her a soft, sweet simple smile. She then looked away and took a sip of her wine.

Apostolos had taken his seat and was making listening with strong ears to what was being said. After all he dare not speak unless spoken to. ANd this was a listen at your on risk kinda thing, right here. The kinda he almost lived for sometimes.

Artemis had seemed fidgety the entire breakfast.

Queen Apollo's eyes shifted to Apostolos. "And I am to question you. It has come to my attention that you are the brother of Aries's strongest ally, General Gavyn The Great." She told him, her voice stern. She eyed him intensly.

Artemis had told Apollo of the fact that Apostolos's brother was conspiring against them.

Apostolos nodded. "I have nothing to hide my Queen. Your questions. FOr I have the answers." he said and smiled at her. "But I swear to you, right here and now!" He said standing up. "I swear that I bow to you and only you. For only you. Hold my heart so dearly and close to yours." he said then grinned, stood then bowed and walke dout.

Apollymi smacked her face agianst her palm and then sighed. He really was the biggest ham ever.

Apollo took a sip of wine from her gaunlet, annoyed that Apostolos left without permission. She then looked back at Apollymi. "Keep a close eye on your cousin." She told her. She sighed. "You are related to Gavyn, are you not?" She asked her.

Apollymi shook her head. "No. I and not related to that." She said. "Apostolos is the only cousin I have." She said. "But I shall do as you ask, My Queen." She saisd softly, nodding to her.

Aries awoke and went to the stables and retrieved her horse, Aurora. She mounted the horse and rode off to find Gavyn. From a short distance, she saw Apostolos riding his horse towards her, heading to the castle. And not too far from him sat Gavyn upon his horse. Aries slowed Aurora to a trot and eyed Apostolos.

Apostolos slowed then bowed his head. "Princess." He said. "Excuss me. The Queen Summoned me." He said and then took off heading for the stables. Leaving her with the backside of Gavyn as he rode away from the meeting place of his half brother.

Aries looked at him in disgust but rode on towards Gavyn. Once she reached him, she narrowed her eyes. "And what was that about? What could you possibly be speaking with Apostolos about?" She asked him, unaware that they were brothers. "You are on my side, aren't you Gavyn?" She asked in a concerned yet stern voice.

Gavyn looked up at her. "Princess Aries." He said and then bowed on the house then looked back up to her. "Looks like I have something to talk to you about." he said and then smiled at her. "And not to fear. I'm for you, 100%." He said. "For you have me heart and soul." He said and smiled.

Aries's face relaxed. "Alright." She said. "And, there are things I must tell you as well. But, feel free to go first."

Gavyn sighed and then dismounted then let his hourse over to the edge of the woods. "Well. Apostolos and I share something." he said looking to her. "We are half brothers." he said. "We have the same father." he said. "And once a month we put everything aside. And just, are brothers." he said adn turned to look at her. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you." He added.

Aries sighed. "You must understand Gavyn, If you are going to be with me on this, I need you accept the fact that Apostolos might die."

"And others."Jason said as he neared them, nudging his own horse closer, a slight frown marring his features.

"And I'll say this. Him and I are fully ready to kill the other if we have to." Gavyn said to her. Not really listening to Jason. In his mind Jason was a traited. Sleeping with the enemy. Never to be trusted. Atleast not fully.

Aries looked at Jason and nodded. "You are right my friend." She then turned to Gavyn. "Well, death is inevitable for some in this."

Jason studied gavyn, knowing the man didn't trust him, didn't like that he loved his wife. But he couldn't help it, Medea tugged at his heart like no one ever had."Every man dies- not everyone lives. Lets make this life worth living for."

Aries nodded. "Gavyn, I request you gather your best fighters. We are going to need only the best for what I am planning. But first, you must know something." She told him.

Gavyn nodded then crossed his arms and shifted his weignt. "Yes my Princess?" He asked her and then awaited what she was about to say. Ready for about anything about now.

Aries swallowed and told him everything about her mother. How she was a sorceress and had been keeping the cities under a plague. She told him how Apollo keeped her locked away so that she might make use of her powerful abilities. "Are first move is a visit to my mother." She told him.

Gavyn nodded. "And how do we get in, get her and get out?" He asked Aries. "And are you sure she is kepts in the same place. Apollo doesn't move her every so often or nothing?" He asked, looking her over softly. She really was beautiful.

Aries looked down and then back up. "No, Apollo hasn't moved her for over 10 years. But, I don't plan on setting her free or taking her out of the prison she is confined in." She told him. "I am afraid that the best thing for me to do is to kill her..." She said quietly but sternly.

"Kill...But she is your mother." Gavyn said as he stood there looking somewhate stunned at the idea of it. "Really? I mean if you think that is best." He said. "Then fine." he added.

Aries swallowed, feeling as if Gavyn thought she was a monster because of her plan. "Its the only way to end the plagues. Apollo would track her down if we let her free and...I am not even sure if it would be safe to let her out into the world."

Gavyn nodded. "Then who do we trust enough to send in to kill her. Cuase I will not have to risk getting caught by your sister." he said firmly. "I refuse to let you." he added. "So don't fight me on it." He added.

Aries narrowed her eyes. "I will do what I must it is you that should not fight with me." She said coldly. "I'll do what needs to be done to get this country out of hell. But if you wish to condemn me for what I must do, then stay out of my way." She told him harshly, kicking her horse slightly as she began to ride away. She was very headstrong.

"Aries. Wait." Gavyn called out then jumped onto his hourse then took off after her. He then cut her horse off and stared her down. "You and I will not part like that." He said. "I refuse to tlel you walk in there and risk everything." He said. "We need a plan." He then added and looked at her. "And I need to speak with you about a few thigns before you go in all high and mighty." he flatly stated.

Aries sighed. "All right then, speak with me." She told him.

"Come. I wish to speak to you...alone." Gavyn said then rode off a bit. Heading back to alittle off landish area of the grounds. He dismounted and then sighed. He was really going to tell her. Fianlly. He swollowed and looked around. Feeling nervous for the first time since he was a boy.

Aries followed him and dismounted as well. She looked at him with concern. She put her hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?" She asked him with a gentle expression on her face.

Gavyn jumped and then smiled at her. He looked alittle pale in the face, but he smiled. "Um...yea." He said and htne reached up and took her hand into his and smiled. "Aries..I-." He sighed and looked away. "The reason I'm so, uncofortable with you going is cause, well..." hje trailed off and sighed. "Gah. why can't I just say it." he said and then sighed, "Okay. Here goes." he said. "I'velovedyouforareallylongtime." He blurted out and then looked up at her, holding her one hand.

Aries blinked, her big amythest eyes glistened slightly. She turned pale as well. She sighed softly. She thought: What awkward timing. If I let him know that I feel exactly the same, I'll become weak and I can't be weak, especially not now. But, then again... I really need him by my side. He is an excellent fighter and a very skilled strategizer but...I can not just confess my love and then fight a war with him. It would put us both at risk.. "Gavyn, I love you too, but...just not in that particular way. You are my best friend. And only my friend." She told him, lying straight to his face. Her heart sank and she felt like she had betrayed him by being so dishonest. But she only wanted to protect him and protect their cause. "Now, stop acting so strangely. We need to toughen' up. We will gather all those that stand with us and we will breach the Tower of Thellon. For, that is where my mother is kept. We will speak with her and I will go from there with what I will do." She told him in a stern voice, climbing back on to her horse.

Apollymi shook her head. "No. I and not related to that." She said. "Apostolos is the only cousin I have." She said. "But I shall do as you ask, My Queen." She saisd softly, nodding to her.

Medea tilted her head as she turned away from the window, looking at Apollo and Apollmyi before looking back out again."Jason's back from his ride."she said over her shoulder.

Queen Apollo nodded towards Apollymi. "I only ask things of you Apollymi because I trust you most with my life, my blood, and the security of my reign. I would like it most if you and Apostolos worked together to follow General Gavyn and Princess Aries. You are brilliant and you are an amazing fighter. I have almost as much faith in you as I have in myself." She said with a wicked smile. She did truly love her friend, but she also could take advantage of just how loyal Apollymi was. "Medea will stay here with me...for she has her husband to figure out." Apollo said, turning and looking at Medea.

From a good distance away from Aries and Gavyn stood a tall and beautiful oak tree. And behind that tree stood a boy at the age of twelve years old. Dirt was crusted under his nails and his tan skin looked even darker then it was in reality due to the layers of dirt and days without hopping into a river much less taking a bath. His name was Ezekiel, but better known as Zeek. He had been orphaned at the age of ten when his parents had parished in a fire, set ablaze under Queen Apollo's command. He watched Gavyn and Aries from behind the tree, mean while wondering where Jacob was. Jacob was a teenage boy that he usually tagged along with and followed around, seeing him as an older-brother type figure, even though there was no relation.

Jacob finly saw Ezekiel, manly his adopted brother since he found the boy crying after his parents died. Jacob walked up to the durt covered boy and grabed his small sholder turning him to look at his face. "What are you doing here, I couldn't find you any were." Jacob was worried about the boy but would never say it aloud. How could he not worry about him; he was all Jacob had left.

Ezekiel shook his head. "Shhhh." He whispered. He then nodded his head towards the direction behind the tree. "Do you see that girl?" He asked Jacob, still in a whisper. "That is Princess Aries, Apollo's sister." He told his adopted brother as he then peeked back around the tree.

Jacob rolled his eyes, "Aries isn't that the one whos trying to get Apollo off the throne?" He thoght out loud in a wisper. He bent down to Ezekiel's hight and looked from the other side of the tree, eyes full of wonder.

Ezekiel nodded. "At least I think so. But she looks so much like that damn Apollo that its wierd to think she's good. I wonder who that guy is that with her. He looks...important. Have you seen 'em before?" He asked Jacob, speaking softly.

"No never seen him at least I don't think so. Why are you here waching them any way?" Jacob asked. He couldn't find Ezekiel and were, than when he does find him he's waching a princess.

Ezekiel shrugged. "I don't know. I was sitting here waiting for you and they just...rode up. I've been watching them for awhile. I ain't got nothing better to do when you go off anyhow." He told him, wrinkling his nose a bit. "I have an idea. You should go talk to them. Yer a good fighter and if she is trying to stop Apollo, maybe you could help..." He suggested.

Jacob shot him a firce look, "And mabey you should go say sorry for lisening in on them?" Jacob sighed, he was a good fighter and wanted Apollo off the throne but they would just think of him as a child.

Ezekiel gasped a shoved Jacob slightly. "Yer just scared." He told him. "If you'd feel better, I'll go tell'er myself." He said with a grin, standing up and getting ready to walk around the tree towards them.

Jacob grabed his color and pulled him down. "Fine I will." Jacob snapped and got up, and took a deep breath. "Ok mabey I am, but I'm just a kid to them."

Ezekiel grinned and looked back around the tree again but was surprised to see that their horse's had trotted so far away now. He frowned slightly. "I am sure that they will be back, I wouldn't chase after them like a wild banchee." He told Jacob. "I heard 'em talking something about goin' to that tower in Thellon but they needed more people from around here. You should take to 'em when they come back lookin' fer people." He then stood up and smiled. "And I'll fight with yall! I can fight too!" He told Jacob, punching him as hard as he could on the shoulder.

Jacob didn't move an inch. He took Ezekiel and put him on his sholders. "Yeah come on let's go to that place you were saying there going too." Jacob chuckled to himself but didn't smile. He wasn't scared at all but if he fought what would happen to Ezekiel he was to young to get a job, or fight himself. All he had left was him and he thoght the feeling was likewise. So what would Ezekiel do if he died?

Ezekiel giggled slightly. It was always fun when he didn't have to walk. But not soon after he started to knock on Jacob's head. "Limme down. I'mma man and we use our legs to talk around!"

Not too far away, another Princess sat upon a large brown horse. Her blonde hair falling against her back in two pig tails. A crossbow and a statchel of arrows rested on her back. She had been watching and waiting for Aries and Gavyn to disappear but was highly interested when she saw the two boys pop out from behind the tree. She put on her hood from her cloak and hid her weapons on a pack secured to the horse saddle. She slowly trotted up behind them. "Hello." She said in her unintentional but very eery voice. She smiled down at them, knowing she was well in disguise.

Jacob looked the girl up and down, her voice sent chills down his spine. "Hello? Do we know you?" Jacob didn't feel right about her there was something wrong here. He set Ezekiel down but held his sholder tightly.

Ezekiel felt the same cold feeling from her. He more or less got behind Jacob and peeked around him and looked the girl.

Artemis, unknown to them of her true identity yet, dismounted for her horse and slide the ground. Her silky black cloak just barely touched the ground. Ruffles from her pink skirt poked out of cloak in some places. "Oh, I am sure you probably don't. But I'd love to make introductions with you. What are your names?" She asked them, her voice slowly turning into a more gentle tone. She winked at Ezekiel, her eyes the only thing you could really clearly see with her hood over her head.

James still didn't trust this woman or girl? "Tell us your first." He moved Ezekiel behind him and looked her in the eyes.

Artemis frowned. "But I asked you first." She said, again her eerie voice resounded. "You seem like I make you nervousss." She said, slightly drawing out the "s" in nervous, which sounded like a hissing sound.

"My names Jacob. Does that make you happy?" Jacob snapted. He wasn't liking this girl at all she was rude and gave him a wired feeling.

Artemis winced. She hated having to wear her cloak. It made her feel like a common person. She looked down at Ezekiel. "And whats your name?"

"..E-Ezekiel..but most people call me Zeek." He told her, slightly popping out from behind Jacob. "We were here listenin' to the princess that was here." He told her.

Artemis's smile grew wider. She looked back up at Jacob. "Princess, eh? So, whats the scoop?" She asked them, crossing her arms over her chest. "Its not everyday that you get to hear Princesses conversate."

"It's nothing something about love and friends." Jacob said, and covered Ezekiel's mouth. He loved Ezekiel but he was out spocken at times.

Ezekiel mumbled something and narrowed his eyebrows towards Jacob. He shoved his hand away. "Jerk.." He said quietly, wiping off his mouth.

Artemis looked down at Ezekiel and then back up to Jacob. She sighed slightly. "I see, I see." She said. She sighed yet again and finally pulled off her hood, her long blonde hair falling down against her back. "Look," She told Jacob. "If you do know anything, I'll be willing to give you each fifty thousand dollars. Together, you'd both be millionares." She told them, looking down at Ezikiel.

Ezekiel's eyes lit up. "Wow, thats so much money Jacob." He said.

Gavyn took a step back from her as she spoke to him. His heart sank to his feel and he felt nothing anymore. Like he was now a empty shell of the Gavyn that was there. He nodded, then ran out, mounted his hourse then took off. His emotions set ablaze. He just poured his heart out to his 'friend' and agian. It was stomped on and squished. He hated this feeling like nothing else. Mostly cause his emotions ruled him greatly.

Aries sighed slightly. What have I done? She asked herself. I should've told him the truth... She rode quietly behind him.

Gavyn neared the castle and slowed the horse down and then stopped looking around. Checking to see if anyone was sent out and about the lands. No sign of anyone. For now. He looked around and then kicked his horse into a slowly paced walk a little farther ahead.

"Gavyn, wait." Aries called out to him, catching up.

"Princess." Gavyn said softly. "Please be silent. I do not wish to get caught." he said and then went back to leaning low agianst his horse, as he walked along to the castel. Keeping a sharp eye out for anyone. Then stopped seeing the outline of...Apollymi. He bit the inner side of his lip. Oh he had a bad feeling. Not only did Aries make him feel worthless. But her. She. That snake. He swollowed hard and sighed.

Aries narrowed her eyes. She stopped her horse and dismounted. She walked up to Gavyn's horse and pulled him off quietly like she were a ninja. She leaned over him while he was on the ground. She wanted to spill her guts while she stared into his eyes. She wanted to tell him how she felt. But instead of saying anything she kissed him softly and quickly on the lips and then stood back up.

"Aries." Gavyn said and then landed with a thud on his ass agianst the grass. "I-Um." He said and then stood. "Don't you dare toy with me right now." he said, getting firm with her."Please. I poured my heart out to you. And you respectivly declined." He said. "So please. Don't toy with me." he added and then sighed. Looking to see if Apollymi noticed. Nothing. Good.

Apollymi nodded to Apollo and smiled. "I'm glad you trust me." She said, "For I reign most control of my couin. We are at your will.' SHe said. "Just say the word." She added. "Other then that disapearence. I knew where he was pretty much all the time." She said, smiling softly.

Medea smiled,turning away from the window again, moving to stand next to the queen, looking thoughtful.Not saying anything, more then willing to stand and just think.

Apollo grinned. "Good. Good. Then, prepare yourself and your cousin. I will have a horse ready for you." She told her. She then looked to Medea. "Retrieve your husband for me."

"Yes My queen."Medea said bowing out, walking slowly, before finding jason. Returning a few moments later with the man in question holding her hand as they walked back in.

Jason offered a bow, smiling at his queen."M'lady, may I be of service?"

Apollo smiled slightly. "Medea, could you please leave us for a moment." She asked her, drawing her sword and touching the blade slightly.

Jason smiled a little as Medea squeezed his hand as she walked out, watching her go before looking at Apollo. Looking completely at ease with everything."M'lady?"

Apollo nodded towards a chair. "Have a seat, Lord Jason. Make yourself comfortable." She told him, still gazing at her sword.

Jason smiled slightly, taking a seat, leaning his head back against it."It's a beautiful day out."He said making small talk for the moment.

Apollo smiled as well. "Yes, yes. Its a beautiful day." She told him, looking out the window, putting her sword away. "So, I am curious. What do you typically do in a day?" She asked him, her voice beginning to sound more fierce.

Jason looked relaxed and calm as ever, as if nothing disturbed that bone deep calm."I go riding, I entertain other nobles, whatever my tickles my fancy for that given day."

Apollo grinned slightly. "Well, that sounds interesting. And by 'tickles your fancy' you mean, well, whatever you feel like doing or whatever you feel is right?" She asked him.

"Yes. It does make fights with my wife interesting when she has to wonder what I do all day."He said with a slight smile.

Apollo laughed slightly. "Yeah. So, do you ever spend any time with Princess Aries?"

"Sometimes."Jason smiled."She amuses me. and that's all I ever want. To be amused."

Apollo laughed yet again. "I see." She said, coldly. "I hear that you spend quite a lot of time with Aries, actually." She said. She looked back out the window. "A lot of time." She repeated.

Jacob loved the idea of money but than he would betray himself. But if he didn’t tell than him and Ezekiel could be killed. He looked down at Ezekiel who’s eyes were shining thinking of what he could get. Jacob couldn’t let him down he’s was through so much n his life already. “It was about love and friendship but they also talked about some ones mother, and having to kill her.”

Artemis was taken aback. "Really?" She asked in surprise. She then quickly mounted her horse. She looked dowm at them with her usual eerie smile. "Thank you your cooperation." She told them, turning her horse around.

"Hey, wait!" Ezekiel started. "You told us you were gonna give us money!!" He shouted, not knowing that this young fifteen year old girl was also the princess.

Artemis gritted her teeth and briefly turned around. "In due time." She told him, then taking off to the castle.

“You ass give us that money. We gave you the info far and square!” Jacob yelled.

Artemis stopped her horse abruptly and looked back at Jacob, her eyes seemingly on fire in anger. "What did you just say?" She hissed, reaching for her crossbow.

Jacob narrowed his eyes with a grim look, "You know what I bloody said!"

Artemis's eyes narrowed. She dismounted from her horse and readied her crossbow with an arrow. "Do you know who you are speaking to?" She hissed.

Zeek's eyes went wide. He ran out infront of Jacob. "Leave us at once! We do not want your money. We don't want any trouble." He pleaded.

Aries's eyes went wide and then relaxed. She sighed and then looked at the ground. She thought for a moment. "I think it would be best if I went to the Tower alone. I thank you for your help thus far and I am sure I will see you if..or when I return." She said, mounting her horse again. Tears welded up in her eyes. She turned the horse around. She had not seen Apollymi all this time. She swallowed hard as the tears fell down her cheeks. "...Goodbye." She said. And with that she rode off towards the Tower of Thellon, her horse at full gallop.

"No." Gavyn said and then took off after her. He cut her horse off, hushed her and then pointed to Apollymi. "SHe's your sister's most trusted friend." he said softly. "You don't just go running away like that into the belly of the beast." He added and sighed. 'Are...are you crying?" He asked and then shifted the horse and then walked it over to her and reached out and cupped her cheek. "Please, love. Don't cry." he said looking her over in the face.

Aries smiled a bit and wiped her cheeks. She then looked at Apollymi. Her eyes narrowed. "..That wretch." She hissed. "I am surprised she isn't glued to Apollo's side." She whispered. "We need to find out what she is doing."

"Or leave her be." Gavyn said. "Cuase you and i...nevermind. Not that is matters." He said and then sighed as he looked over to the woman standing on the ledge. Her dress blowing in the soft breeze. "What is she doing?" he asked and watched as she looked around and then walked through a door that you almost couldn't see.

Aries watched her as well. "She is probably being a spy for Apollo. Or doing Apollo's biding in some way."

'That's a fair good chance." Gavyn said. 'So...she disapeared. Does that mean we should contuine?" He aske dnad hten looked over his shoulder at her. She was so pretty standing there. He shook his head and felt a wave of pain swollow his heart all over agian.

Aries nodded. "Lets go." She told him. "I wish to reach the Tower before late noon."

Gavyn nodded. "Alright my Lady. I follow your lead." he said and them gave her his charming sweet smile.

Aries nodded and they galloped on. In about an hours time they reached the gate at the Tower of Thellon. A gaurd nodded to Aries and let her pass, not realizing that it wasn't Apollo because they looked so similar. Aries smirked at Gavyn as they trotted to the entrance of the tower. "Well...that was easy." She joked.

Jason looked at her, starting to feel worried though it didn't show."I spend alot of time with anyone who amuses me.Why should your sister be any different?"

Apollo sighed, starting to sense, or more or less, smell Jason's true emotion even though he could mask it well. "Only because most that have met Aries know her true feelings and they avoid her at any cost to eliminate the annoyance of her voice as she complains and speaks against my reign. I only wonder why you spend so much time with her when she clearly disapproves of how I rule my country. And who knows, she might have even poisoned your beliefs of me."

Jason shrugged a little."I neither approve or disapprove of how you run things."He said, looking out the window."What you do is your own business my queen."

Apollo narrowed her eyes. "You are in my court only because of your wife. I will be frank with you. I do not trust you. I do not think it is wise to allow you to stay in my kingdom. I've heard enough rumors about you and Aries 'talking' and I do not wish to hear anymore of them. I want you out of this castle. Medea may stay if she wishes to stay true to her Queen but you are not to come back. And if I see you within my walls again, I will surely have you killed. Or more likely, kill you myself."

Jason stood, offering a bow, almost mockingly."You mean you'll let my wife be the hand that ends my life. I know. She's threatened to do it."He said before walking out of the room. Needing to see Aries. Needing the comfort that he sacrificed everything for something, that he hadn't given up his whole life for a whim.

As Jason was walking out, Artemis was storming in. She was walking at a rapid pace to reveal what she had found out about Aries and Gavyn. As she walked to Apollo's room, she came across Jason. She glared at him. She had been the one to tell Apollo about his and Aries's conversations. She had been the one to tell Apollo that she had watched Jason try and help Aries free the bishop. She gave him an eerie and dark grin. "You're lucky she spared your life. And you're lucky she is even letting Medea stay here. Personally, I believe both of you should be gone. Better yet, dead."

Jason's eyes chilled, showing the trained warrior that was usually hidden under the courtier. Walking closer to her."If my wife comes to harm because of you, I don't care if I die in the process, I will see you dead for it."He snarled softly walking away. Heading out to the stables.

Artemis grinned. She loved the adrenaline rush of a threat. Especially when it was a threat from someone that was worth a good fight. She inhaled slowly as if she had just done an intense drug. She exhaled and continued walking towards Apollo's room.

Jacob looked at Artemis hard, and grabed Zeek's sholder and turned his back on her leading Zeek away. He lost himself, he was just thinking of Zeek and how the money would help. They wouldn't have to find a place to sleep every night on the ground. Jacob sighed and keept walking not letting go of Zeek.

Artemis lowered her crossbow. She tilted her head slightly and watched them walked away before she remounted her horse and turned and rode off.

Zeek was shaking slightly. "You have to be more careful." He scolded.

Jacob looked down to him with a sad smile, "I know but I was thinking of you and how much better our life could be with it."

Zeek smiled back, but his smile was a genuine one. "Our lives are fine. We'll make it on our own. We don't even need help. Especially from a rotten princess."

Jacob looked at him shocked, "What! A princess how could I not notice. If there like that I want to get them off the throne. Why don't we go and help take the queen down?"

Zeek's smile became even brighter. "Thats what I am talkin bout!"

Jacob laughed and messed up Zeek's hair, more. "Ok than led the way."

Zeek stopped walking abruptly. "We are gonna need to find a ride. We gotta meet up with them at the Tower of Thellon. Thats where they said they were goin."

"Ok than come run lets first get to the road before we worry about that." Jacob said. "Is some thing else wrong you look worried?"

Zeek sighed "No, but we gotta hurry. They need us." He told him. Ezekiel smiled brightly. "Lets go!" He cried out, starting to run as fast as he could in the direction Aries and Gavyn had gone.

"That kid." Jacob said to him self and ran after him. Jacob quickly caught up to him and asked, "So were did they go again?"

"This way. Shut up and follow me!" He told Jacob, smiling slightly and now intentionally trying to out run him.

"Don't tell me to shut up!" Jacob pushed him back a little and ran a head of him.

After a good while running, Zeek finally slowed and collapsed onto the grass. They had gone a good long ways by then.

Jacob stoped and joged back to Zeek and layed next to him breathing heavly, "Were almost there right?"

Zeek looked up over towards where Gavyn had seen Apollymi before. "Yeah..." He whispered.

As Apollo watched her sister come in the room she inhaled swiftly and yelled. "Medea!" She demanded her lady in waiting.

Medea bowed slightly when she stepped in,"M'lady?"

Apollo looked at her with an expressionless face. "Did you know that your husband sided with Aries? Have you known all this time?"

Medea shrugged,"known for sure?No. Thought he might have?Yes."She said staring at the wall above Apollo's head.

Apollo stared at Medea. She was angry. "Thinking that he might have is just as important as knowing at this point." She exhaled. "He is not to be seen in this castle again. Penalty for him showing up is death."

"I know."Medea sighed softly, locking her own grief away."He said goodbye on his way out."

Apollo nodded and then looked to her sister. "What is it that you need to tell me?" she asked her.

Artemis grinned. 'I've learned that Aries and Gavyn are heading towards the Tower of Thellon."

Apollo sighed and looked to Medea. "Has Apollymi gone? Is she and her cousin watching them?"

Gavyn rolled his eyes. 'Yea. ran smooth." he said and then sighed. "For now" he added a bit softer.

Aries giggled slightly as she dismounted her horse, tying it a post. "Lets go one foot. We have a long flight of stairs to concure."

Gavyn sighed. He then left his horse next to her and then started out on feet next to her.

Aries looked at the long flight of stairs a head of them. She pursed her lips slightly, sighed and began the ascension.

Gavyn looked around and then started the climb right after her. Looking behind them to make sure they weren't being followed. So far. Nothing.

After a terribly hard walk up the flight of stairs, they finally reached a door. The door was wooden and tarnished yet very heavy. Aries looked back at Gavyn and then turned back around. There was no lock. Which was very strange if she was being kept as a prisoner. She slowly opened the door, her hand hovering over a dagger just in case. She opened the door to see a woman sitting in a gigantic throne-like chair. The room she was in was dark and smelled of death. The air was thick and heavy. She looked at the dangerously beautiful woman sitting in the chair. "Lucifia..." Aries whispered as chills ran down her spin.

Gavyn stood at the ready. Just in case something happened.

"D-Daughter?" Came a rough voice. " nice of you." The woman whispered and then shifted and stood up. The woman turned around and looked up from the hood she was wear. She reached up and pulled it back to reveil the face of Apollymi. "How nice of you to vist." She said and then smiled. Not making a move to attack or nothing. Just standing there. "Looking for someone?" She asked.

Aries gasped. Her face went red in anger. "What are you doing here, Apollymi?" She asked fiercely, trying hard not to snap in anger.

Gavyn shook his head. "Butting into other people business." He said. "Typical." He muttered.

"Typical is that you feel for a princess that would rather see you dead." Apollymi said and then looked at them. "Typical is that I was standing here." She added. "Now...Go!" She said. "There is no reason for all of us to get sick and useless...oh wait. It's to late for you both. Now isn't is." She said and then grinned as she pulled the hood and cape from off her and tossed it to the ground. A puff of dirt rising up. She then walked out past them and then disapeared. Heading off to talk to Apollo about the little visit she had. And where to permentaly move the mother.

Aries watched her for a moment, taking in what she just said. How dare she. "HOW DARE YOU!" She screamed, not letting her sister's rat disappear so easily. She darted down the stairs, catching up with the woman. She drew a dagger and buried it into Apollymi's shoulder, blood seeping from the wound. She backed her against the concrete wall in the hall in the stair well. "Go ahead, say your words! Throw them like daggers. Speak as much as you want, but thats all you will ever be. All you will ever be is a pile of empty words and wasted years spent serving a queen that would rather see you dead. You think she is such a good friend to you. You care so greatly about her and you think she cares for you." She hissed into Apollymi's ear, twisting the dagger in her shoulder a little. "She cares nothing for you. You are a pawn. An appreciated pawn. You can continue to walk around with that expressionless face, in the mind set that she is god-like. Your life will end in vain for a queen that will rejoice on the day you are wiped from this planet. You are just a stepping stone and she takes pleasure out of walking all over you. And you take pleasure in walking around, pretending you don't care that she never really cared a damn about you." She told the lady in waiting. She then pulled her dagger out and shoved Apollymi a little down the stairs.

Apollymi had screamed out in pain and then groaned and yelled. She then stumbled and leaned down. SHe looked back up then lunged at the other woman. Forcing her dagger into her side. She pulled out and stabbde her two more times before pulling back and running down the stairs and then around and intot he castle. "GET APOLLO!" SHe screamed then fell over face first. Hearing the muttereing of servats shouting out and padded foot steps.

Gavyn ran out and then gasped. "Aries. NO!" He yelled then ran for her. Pulling her agianst him. "COme on." He said and then picked her up and carried her to his horse. He mounted her up then rode with her back to camp. Dismounting and then carrying her to seek help.

Medea was running down the stairs as the servants came to tell apollo, not pausing to think about it, that gut reaction that maybe if Aries was in trouble, jason was to. Running in a skirt was hard,but she ran into the enterance way, looking around confused, not knowing where the girl had gone.

Apollo, retrieved by servants was taken into the hall that Apollymi had collapsed in. Her face went white. She knew who had done this. She stares at Apollymi without saying anything. She looked up to a servant. "Carry her to a doctor." She told the servant. He nodded and lifted Apollymi.

Aries was coughing up a little blood. Her body was drained of all color. "I-..I am fine." She said, her voice raspy. "I am an Aleya. He are hard to kill and fast to heal." She told him in a whisper, hiding her pain.

"Shush." Gavyn said and then laied her down on a cot then begain to cut and remove her dress. He pulled back her dress from her belly/side area and winced. "Carel" He called out and then met the man at the tent. He talked to him and then sighed as he let Carel do what needed to be done witht he wounds on her.

Aries closed her eyes. "Gavyn..." She whispered. "You know it wasn't true... what Ap-Apollymi said..."

"None of that." Gavyn said and then wlaked over and sat down next to her head and smiled at her. "Shush." He said and then moved her hair from her face. He looked to Carel and then smiled. "Thank you." He added and then sighed. He picked up the bottle of medication and then dipped his finger into the jar. "Open up." he said. "This will help with the pain and help you get some sleep." He said.

Aries took the medicine. She smiled and then drifted off to sleep.

Apollymi was in and out of it for a great deal. She looked around. "Pollo." She muttere. Her lips white. Her face flushed and a soft sweat on her neck and brow. "Where' Queen." She muttered. The words sinking in agianst her heart at what Aries has told her. She screamed in pain as they cleaned the wound on her shoulder.

A servant stood beside her. She placed her hand on Apollymi's forehead. "Silence, My lady. The queen will come see you sometime, I am sure of it." She told her softly.

Apollo looked at the puddle of blood that Apollymi had left behind. "Clean this up, please." She told her servants.

Apollymi groaned and then passed back out. The blackness over taking her body as she laid their in the care of ones she hoped to trust. "Praying almost that her Queen and friend wouln't stab her like her sister had.

Not to long after, Apollo arrived into Apollymi's room. Finding her bandaged up. She sat in a chair in her room, just watching her sleep. She must of sat there for at least a few hours. "Retrieve Apostolos." She told a young servant girl. She nodded and left.

The servant girl finally arrived in Apostolos's presense. "Lord Apostolos, The Queen asks for you to meet her in Lady Apollymi's room. She has been fiercely injured." She told the Lord, bowing to the ground.

Apostolos looked up from his work and then nodded. He stood up and pulled on a shirt, tucked it in and then grabbed a outer shirt then pulled it on and tired it up. He then nodded and walked out of his bedroom doors and then headed to see his cousin. He knocked on the door and then opened it slowly. FOr once not noticing Apollo's prescene first. He walked over to his cousin and then sat down next to her and looked her over. "Oh my. Who could do such a thing to such a person." He said and then moved her hair from her face.

"Who do you think?" Said Apollo from the darkness of the corner.

"Oh my Queen." Apostolos said and slipped from the bed and bowed. "I wasn't aware of you sitting there. I'm sorry." He said softly and then looked back to his cousin as he sat back on her bed. "Your sister." He said softly and then sighed, looking back to Apollo.

Apollymi shifted a bit and winced then fell right back to sleep.

Apollo nodded. "She wants a war, so she makes the first move." She told the lord. Apollo stood. "A war that Apollymi is so eager to fight in."

Apostolos then stood and looked back to his cousin. "What do we do now?" He asked and then looked to his Queen.

"Don't...leave.." Came a soft voice fromt he bed. "Please." Apollymi said and then reached her hand out to the Queen. "Need...friend." She added and then cough and rolled over the other way and then coughed up some blood. THen sighed and laied backa gianst the bed. Winceing as the bed hit her shoulder.

Apollo held onto Apollymi's hand. "We fight this war. And we demolish her." She told Apolostlos. "Now, I must ask you to do something for me. You will go to the dungeon. I have been keeping Eden Lucifia there. Bring her to me. careful. She is neither safe or sane." She warned Apostolos.

Apostolos bowed and nodded then tuirned and left them alone.

Apolloymi's breathing was deep and her blinks were slow. She tried to squeeze her friends hand then failed. "Aries." She said softly. 'I need to know." She added. "Are you...are you using me. Walking on me?" She asked and then looked at her. "Please. Kill me know if you are." She added. "Please. I wont beable to stand eing betrayed by my best and cloestfriend and the Queen I've done nothing but respect." She said adn then returned to her breathyness.

Apollo leaned down, to be on eye-level with Apollymi. "Quiet now, Apollymi. You know that I care for you and that you are my good friend. Don't be insecure."

"Sister's a bitch." Apollymi said nad then squeezed her hand before the deep darkness of her eyes and the pain over took her once more. Fianlly etting her stay asleep.

Apollo sighed and left the room, awaiting the arrival of her mother.

Eden Lucifia's pupil dialated. She felt a sense of urgency in the air. Her blood red iris's glistened slightly in the dark dungeon. Her black, silky hair fell elegantly down her back, despite the fact she was chained to the wall amongst the rotten corpses of the dungeon. She closed her eyes slightly and then opened them again. "Someone is coming..." She whispered to herself.

Apostolos threw open the door and then nodded. "By demand of the Queen." He yelled at the servant. Unchain her." He demanded. "Just do it." He said. "Then bring here right here to this spot." He snapped.

The servant/guard cautiously walked up the Ex-Queen. He unchained her. Eden stared intensly at Apostolos. The guard slowly led Lucifia to Apostolos. They stood still for a moment before Eden shot a glance at the guard. He went flying against a wall in the dungeon, landing on a pile of bones. Eden grinned, pleased with how powerful her magic was. She then looked back at Apostolos. She smiled a crazed smile. The moon light glistened against her beautiful jet black hair. She was a beautiful woman. Her daughters had her figure but their fathers hair color. "I am needed?" She asked in a dark yet harmonic voice.

"Yes my Lady. You are." Apostoles said and then offered her his arm, giving her his charming smile.

Eden gathered her composure. She looked Apostolos over. "Well, you can all go to hell. I am finished doing your pathetic little queen's biding. She wants my power but she will NEVER have it. You are just one of her little pawns in her game. Her game of destruction. She threatens to have me killed if I do not follow her commands. She takes advantage of the fact that my power does not work on my blood relatives. Aries has the burning spirit of the king. The same king I am charged with murder for." She hissed, backing away from Apostolos.

Apostolos sighed. He lunged after her grabbed her and forced her out of the chamber. Up the stairs and down the hallway. draging her along. He then shoved her at Apollo. Nodding his head then glaring at the woman.

Eden landed at Apollo's feet with a thud. She glared back at Apostolos, her eyes turning red. She slamed her open palm hard on the ground sending a line of fire towards Apostolos, catching his clothing on fire.

Apostols growled then reached his foot out and then slamemd it agianst her fingers. He stepped back and looked to Apollo. "I see why you keep her locked up." He added.

Eden pulled her hand back and gripped it, tears welded up in her eyes as she stood to her feet.

Apollo exhaled and glared at Apostolos. "Yes, she is a pain, but you are to give her respect." She hissed at him before turning back to her mother. "Hello, mother. Forgive Lord Apostolos. His fuse is quite short."

Eden stood quietly for a moment before she let out an unexpected scream that resembled a deep growl. "I am going to burn this castle down. I am going to fry you all aliveee." She screamed, her eyes rolling back. The ground started to rumble slightly.

Apollo's eyes went wide. "Restrain her!" She ordered as the guards took hold of her.

"I will kill you all. I will drive you to insanity... Just like this dark witch did to her own father." Eden screamed, pointing to Apollo.

"Forgive me my Queen." Apostolos said and then gripped his hand and then punched Lady Eden square in the face. He pulled back watching her as she went limp and silent. "What what you will with her." He said. "Then be ready. FOr she will wake in only a few moments." He added then stepped around her. 'I have a cousin to check up on." He said and then disapeared.

Apollo giggled a little bit. "She isn't going to be too happy when she wakes up. Who knows, she is probably going to dislike Apostolos more than she dislikes me...hehe.." She said to herself as she called a guard to take her to the Queen's chambers.

Zeek looked at Jacob as he slowly stood up, making his was towards a boulder not too far from the backside of the castle. He pointed. "This way." He whispered.

A cough came from behind them. It was Artemis, yet again. She stood with her crossbow on her back and her arms on her sides. "And just what are you two doing here?"

Jacob truned and moved in front of Zeek, "Just taken a walk." He said smiling silghtly.

Artemis shook her head. "Now you know we don't want any civilians this close to the castle," She said, drawing a bow from her back.

Zeek's eyes went wide. "Do something Jacob!"

Jacob reacted instantly, he jumped towards Artemis trying to grab the bow as he pushed Zeek down.

Artemis twirled the bow behind her and pushed Jacob to the ground, him landing on his back. She put her small foot on his chest, placing the sharp point of the bow to his neck. Her big bright eyes staring into his. "I warn you, stay out of this place. Don't come near here again, you pathetic vulture. I know how my sister killed your family as well as the child behind you. But, if you keep showing up where you are not wanted, I will gut and skin the child alive, right infront of your eyes and then I will do the same to you. Now," She said, removing her foot. "Leave and DO NOT return."

Jacob got up and burshed him self off as he walked next to Zeek, "How do you even live with your self after all you have done or let be done? Even when you know people die every day from your queen?"

Apostolos sighed as he paced backa nd forth next to his cousin's bed. He sat down and took her hand into his and sighed once more. "Come on love." He said.

"How is she?" Gavyn said standing next to the window. He walked over slowly and looked down at her and sighed. "I. It." He sighed. "This is just one big mess taht is much bigger then any of us thought it was going to be.

Apostolos looked up at him and nodded. "I must agree. "But get out." He said. "For if you take one more step closer. I will gut you where you stand." He added then nodded as Gavyn froze. "Now get lost. You've seen her. So scram. Don't you have a princess you look after anyway." He said, looked up at his half brother and then watched him climb back out onto the balcony and then away. Apostolos looked back to his half sister and sighed. "He was here." He said. "He was here and I didn't kill. I didn't kill him for." He said. He leaned down and kissed her head. "Be safe Sis." He whispered from her door and then walked out. Leaving her be. He may claim her as a cousin. But deep down. He knows they share the same mother. Just as Gavyn and him share the same father. He stalked off down the hall. Heading to his chambers.

Aries awoke with a start, leaning forward with a gasp. She looked around her. She was in a tent, wrapped in bandages. She gritted her teeth in pain, clutching her wound. She slowly stood up and walked to her clothing. She painfully slid on her dark dress and armed herself with her daggers. She looked around for Gavyn and was confused when she couldn't find him. No one was around. After she was dressed, she walked out of the tent and found her horse.

Gavyn rode up and shook his head. "Oh no Princess." He said jumped down, scooped her up and then headed back into the tent and laied her back dow. "Nothing else for tonight." He said.

Artemis giggled slightly, putting the bow away. "Simple. My queen and I are just two women from an enchanted royal family trying to get rid of the trash that floats around our world. And that trash, for example, would" She said with a grin, tilting her head the side.

Jacob looked at her with hard eyes, "You've never been a woman or even human, you and your bloody queen are monsters."

Artemis laughed heartily. "Its not like I haven't heard that name before. Monster.. Haha." She looked Jacob over. He was quite cute for just a regular human. He was tall for his age, being 2 years older than Artemis. She then glanced at Ezekiel. She sighed and shook her head. Sometimes, she did wonder what it would be like to be a regular 15 year old girl doing normal 15 year old girl things. But she did cherish her heightened senses, her ability to heal fast and her slyness.

"Still don't you ever want to stop, don't you want to help the people you hurt . Don't you want to help any one and stop hurting them?" Jacob asked. He couldn't belive this girl why did she want to hurt people?

Artemis sighed and rolled her eyes. "Understand something. I am not like you or your little monkey that follows you everywhere you go. I am a princess and daughter of a powerful sorceress. I wish for things to only be the way that I or my queen wants. Nothing will stand in the way of what I want to happen. If a town does not wish for me to succeed, then I'll burn it down. If a family does not wish for me to succeed, then I'll burn their house down. If a person does not wish for me to succeed, then I'll burn them alive." She said, dark passion corsing through her viens. "You'd never understand me. You'd never understand the way I think or what I do. Thats because you are you. You'll never be who or what I am. You couldn't be because you couldn't be able to take it."

"Of course I woudn't be able to take it, killing people because they belive in something differant. It's wrong yes some people desiver to die, like you and the thing you call a queen!" Jacob said, losing himself to anger.

Artemis grinned, the sun beams falling brightly on her. There was a short period of awkward silence, only to be interrupted by the sound of hungry crows in the background, squacking. "...In our own ways, we all deserve to die because of something..." She said to him quietly. "We deserve to die because of what we've done or what we should've or could've done. And, in this life, my job is to introduce people to their deaths. And apparently, your job is to question people of their actions. The world is what it is. I am your enemy and you are mine. Figuritivly speaking, yesterday, I might have hurt you badly...but tomorrow you could hurt me gravely. Its the balance of things." She told him, as the grin wore off her face, turning into a frown she wanted to hide. What was it about this boy? His words... She needed to leave before his questions could really get to her. She turned, looking at the castle.

Jacob looked at Zeek, "Zeek go just lisen for once and go I'll meet up with you later." Jacob turned back to Artemis, "Yes we all deserve to die because of some thing it my be small but we do. But no matter how many people your queen kills or how many people they hurt the world will never be how she wants it; there will always be people like me who question her. But insteed of killing and hurting people turning more and more people against her she could always help them so they would want to lisen out of beliveing she'll do the right thing. No most people only lisen because they want to see there childeren grow, or at least die of age and not hurt."

Artemis stood still, staring at the castle. "Enough. Enough of your talking. I said leave. Follow your young friend, get out of this place before something bad happens." She demanded, covering her ears to block out his voice.

Jacob walked in front of her and pulled her hands from her ears, looking her in the eyes. "I'm just telling you the truth, it will never change. Ask your queen she might say the same thing if she trusts you enough; sorry you herd it from me and am just learning it, but I'm not lieing to you."

Artemis pushed him away. "Leave me alone!" she screamed. "Leave! Go!" she pulled her crossbow and an arrow out and readied it and aimed it at him. "I will kill you myself!" she cried out, tear streaming down her cheeks.

"Fine I will," Jacob said backing up arms raised. "I'm sorry I hurt you, but like I said it's the truth and nothing will change about it. People just relise it when there told straight out like I just did with you or if some thing happens to them." Jacob turned to were Zeek when and started walking away. "Again I'm sorry, but I'm not going to lie to you because your the queen's sister. I would even tell your queen the same thing."

Aries pushed him away. "No, there is so much to be done, Gavyn. We need to leave. We need to fight!" She cried out. Hiding her pain.

"No." GAvyn boomed and pushed her back down agianst the bed. "Rest." He said a little softer. "Please." he said and then sat down on the cot and sighed. "Just. I can't lose you Aries." He said. "So please. Rest. Atleast for a day." He said.

Aries sat still, her eyes glistening a bit, as if tears would fall at any moment. "G-..Gavyn, I don't know what to do.." She started shaking. "I won't know what to do when...Apollo finds out that by killing mother, she recieves all of our mother's powers. Powers passed down by taking the blood of the sorceress before you..."

"Tell me waht to do to find your mother. TO keep her away." Gavy said, looking down at her. cupping her face and moving some of her lose strainds of hair from her face. "Tell me. I'll go now and then do something about it." He said.

"Its not enough. I must go with you! I must be there.!" She pleaded.

Gavyn shook his head. "No. Not tonight." He said. "I will stay right here in this cabin and watch you. Just to make sure you don't sneak off." He said, crossing his arms and shifting a little. Getting a little more comfortable.

Aries's face burned with anxiety. "I am sorry, but nothing will keep me from that castle." She whispered, jumping up, painfully, and hurrying out the tent to her horse before Gavyn could catch up with her.

Artemis sighed and darted towards the castle, literally running away from Jacob.

Zeek watched her run away with his head tilted. "What a strange and obscure person." He said to Jacob.

Jacob messed Zeeks hair up, "Yeah, I'm guessing she never heard it before it's a sham when some one only gets one side of the story, Hope I didn't cause her to much pain. But even for who she is she was pretty."

Zeek chuckled. "Haha! You have a crush on an evil princess!!" He giggled. "Thats so nasty! I mean, I know that girls are trouble in general..but her...Hahahah!!" He fell to the ground laughing.

Jacob sighed and kicked him slightly in the side, "Shut up, it doesn't matter any way. I don't think she'll change any time soon, and I can't or wont ever be on the queens side."

Zeek coughed a little bit and stood up. He brushed himself off and looked at the ominous castle. Suddenly, He saw the queen herself step out onto a balcony overlooking exactly where they were standing. Zeek's eyes went wide and he dove behind a tree, grabbing Jacob's arm in doing so. "Oh my god! She is standing right there." He whispered at his adopted older brother.

Jacob looked at him confused, "What are you talking about?" He snaped. He looked out behind the tree and looked around.

Zeek growled and pointed up towards where the queen was standing. "Right there, dumbass!" He hissed. "If she sees us, we are done for. But I don't think she can see-"

"You down there!" Boomed the queen's voice. "Show yourselves or I will have you killed imediately." She demanded, pushing the air out her narrowed eyes. Apollo didn't have time for annoyances from mere civilians.

Zeek's heart dropped. "Oh shit..." He whispered, beginning to shake as he slowly stood up.

Jacob can out and looked at the ground as he wispered, "If she doesn't kill us I'll kill you for calling me a dumbass."

Apollo looked them over and crossed her arms. "You are both old enough to know not to come this close to my castle unless you are important enough. You, the older boy! Answer my question, Why do you come here?" She commanded.

Jacob looked to Zeek for help, "We were, we were, well" Come on think! lie come on lie!

Zeek sighed. "Why do I always have to be the brains and you get to be the muscle. This is just getting ridiculous..dumbass." He whispered at Jacob. "Um, yes, Your highness." Zeek said with a bow. "We were only trying to find our horse that broke free from our father's stable earlier this morning. We happened upon the castle grounds and we are very sorry and we will leave now."

The Queen arched her eyebrows. "Is this true?" She asked Jacob.

"Yes but he's just an old girl she knows the way home; might walk back herself. Were very sorry your queen, well do any thing to make up for it." Jacob said than relised what he said was so stupid.

Zeek turned and glared at Jacob. "Are you stupid?.." He whispered.

Apollo laughed heartily. "You are both pathetic. I am Queen Apollo and lying doesn't work with me. GUARDS!" She yelled. "Aim your bows for these tresspassers and shoot on my command!" She ordered, as the guards sitting in the castle towers readied their aim.

Zeek took a step back and then crouched down to the ground in the feetle position. "This is the end!"

"Stop!" Screamed a voice as a girl ran out infront of the arrows path. "They speak the truth. I questioned them earlier of their reasoning for being on the castle grounds. Leave them be, your highness." Artemis pleaded with her sister.

Apollo sighed. "Fine. I don't have time for this...even though blood shed never ceases to be entertaining. Stand down." She ordered the guards as she left the balcony and went back inside.

Artemis turned around and looked the boys over. "Are you okay?" She asked them?

Jacob bent down and took Zeek in his arms, "You're fine and right I am a dumbass." He turned to Artemis, "Why did you do that?"

Zeek still shook intensly but looked curiously up at Artemis.

Artemis sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "I honestly... I don't know. I..don't know." She whispered, looking at the ground, awkwardly. "I've killed countless strangers with my arrows...but today I saved two strangers from the same death that I've inflicted.."

Jacob looked at her with a curious look, "Mabey me saying something help? And you were going to kill me before."

Artemis shrugged yet again. "I don't know." She said, still looking at the ground. "I might have saved you now...but I could easily go kill someone else in a few minutes. Maybe..its just you." She said, her eyes glistening a bit.

Jacob saw she was crying as a tear rolled down her check. He set Zeek down gently, anf huged her, "Don't cry, and yes you could slice me open now.... but I'll take that chance."

Gavyn lunged after Aries then ran out and grabbed her and pulled her down from her horse and back into the tent. He laied her back down and then did the only thing he could think to do. He crawled ontop of her and pinned her down himself. "I told you. To rest and heal." He said.

Aries wriggled a bit, trying to get out of his grip, but it was useless. She sighed a bit and stared up at him. Her eyes glistened a bit. Gavyn really was a great guy to her. Her face grew red in bashfulness.

"Now." Gavyn said softly as the heat rose to his cheeks. "I am very sorry for treating you this way. But you need to rest." He said. "And I shall only move if you swear it, that you will not get up."

Aries sighed. "Ok..okay." She told him. "I swear it."

Gavyn gave her a look and then nodded. He released her wrists and then pulled back off her carfully and slowly. He sighed as he sat down next to her on the cot.

Artemis froze. She didn't take to well to human contact usually. None of her sisters did. "Why would you take a chance like that?..."

"Why would you save us.... same reson I don't know," Jacob said. He let go of her and toke the still shaking Zeek. He turned his back on her and the castle."

Artemis watched him quietly. She sighed and sat down on the grass. She took out on apple from her satchel. "Do you want any?" She asked the boys.

Zeek lit up. He was so hungry. "Yeah!" He called out, darting over to here, forgetting about things for a moment as he devoured the apple.

Jacob sighed and walked over taking a apple with a smile, than slapted Zeek on the back of the head. "Slow down, you can pass death once in a day but not twice." He snappted and took a bite

Aries's eyes winced in pain. "You know...I really never thought it was my mother who was putting a curse on my father. I always thought she loved him and was wrongfully blamed.." She told Gavyn.

Gavyn sighed. "Well I'm sorry the truth hurts so much." He said and then tried to give her a smile.

Aries sighed. "Gavyn...we need to fight. I will be okay. I am an Aleya, we heal very quickly. Lets go. In fact, we are going. That is a demand from a princess." She said firmly.

"No." Gavyn said. "We will wait till tomorrow. For I demaned that you rest." he said. "Don't make me force you."

A man in all black armor with purple trim stood against a tree with his arms crossed, He seemed bored.

Artemis grinned a little bit. She liked the way these two strangers interacted. It was like they were a good family together. She sighed and looked slightly off to her right, looking curiously at the man in black armor. She slowly stood up. "You there! What are you doing so close to the castle grounds?" The princess hissed, readying her crossbow. Even though she felt a sense of being good around the two boys, deep down she was still a cold war machine.

Jacob watched Artemis with wide eyes, "Why don't you let him talk than put draw your bow?" Still he did nothing to stop her; knowing it was some thing she had to do and not waniting to upset her.

Artemis looked back at Jacob for a split second and then turned back to the armored man. She was posed, ready to fight. She was a small girl, but very brave, sometimes too brave under the influence of bloodlust and power.

The man removed his helm and let his golden hues fall upon her,she was quite attractive and seemed to be powerful in this area. " that a crime" pathetic wench thats what he really wanted to say,but he held his tongue to try to gain a good political standing point in this area.

Artemis narrowed her eyes. She had a good intuition and she sensed something...different about this man. "No, standing is not a crime. But being sarcastic to the princess of this country could be one. What is your business here? You are a good ways from town." She said in her eerie voice.

Zeek, at this point in time, was beginning to feel safer around Artemis then this seemingly dark stranger. He scooted behind both Jacob and Artemis.

"looking ominous I suppose" he smiled "a princess hmm?" he closed own eye and let the other stay locked on her. He pulled his sword from the ground and replaced it in its holster. He stepped closer his black hair being taken up in the wind, As he stepped out of the shadows of the trees his scar was visible. drawing attention to the left side of his face.A suitable mate for a man of my stature I suppose"pardon my rudeness your highness."

Jacob placed a hand on his sword and steped in front of Artemis, "Why don't you go? Since the only buessnes you have here is standing in one place."

"lord spot?" He said with sarcasm"I plan to stand everywhere!" He grinned stupidly closing his other eye.

Jacob glared at him, "Well why don't you stand some were else?"

Artemis stood infront of Jacob again, pushing him back some. She put her crossbow back on her back. She was a good 1 to 2 ft shorter than the stranger. "I asked you a question that I want an answer to. And it'd better be a good answer or you will regret ever having opened your eyes this morning." Hissed the princess. "Now, what is your business here?!" Her demanding voice and stature made the fifteen year old princess seem to be much older then she actually was.

Jacob looked at her with a slight smile. I don't even know why I tried to proctect her, she doesn't need it. Wate of course I know, I like her stupid me.

The man opened his eyes again taking on a bored look"I came here because I have no business." He reached into a bag at his side and pulled out a scroll, He showed it to the others revealing a list of names all crossed off."I came for more bounty."

Artemis relaxed a bit. "Fine." She said, pushing hair out of her face. "I see you are no threat to me anyway." She said coldly, writing off the man as just another civilian. She turned around, the wind blowing her blonde hair back. "Leave these grounds before someone else finds you. And that someone else might not be as pleasant as I have been towards you, armored stranger."

kind? who does she pass her self off to be? any more "kind" and I'd of split her in two.. the man brushed his black hair aside."I can't leave yet.." He stepped to the side a bit"I have much more to do.."

Artemis's eyes narrowed yet again. She turned back around and glared at the man. "Who do you think you are?" She asked him with a slight snarl, walking up closer to him, looking him over.

"A man with very unimportant business to attend to" He smirked and tilted his head "who gets his jollies from getting the princess all hot and bothered.." his words very playful.

Artemis's eyes relaxed again. "You are becoming a thorn in my side, strange man." She said to him.

"Artemis!" Boomed a voice from the visible courtyard of the castle. Queen Apollo approached her sister as well as the group gathered around her. Three guards walked behind the Queen as well as Lady Apollymi at her right. Apollo's flawless blonde hair fell down her back. Her dressings squeezed tightly around her perfect figure. Her sword rested at her side, the blood from her previous ventures had been wiped clean from it.

Artemis bowed at the sight of her sister, Queen Apollo. "Yes, my queen?" She asked her.

Apollo looked the armored man over. "I am growing tired of the collection of people on my castle grounds that I do not know. I am already tired from todays battles, I don't want to have to deal with meaningless strangers when I come home. I demand your name." Apollo barked at the man.

Jacob looked to Zeek with a worried glance, and than to Artemis.

The man smiled wide and took a bow "then allow me to acquaint myself to you" his words were calm unlike most around such power "I am Goma Knighton,a freelancer of sorts." He rose back up and locked eyes with the queen"I have come to a place like this,to bring the differences between me,and you to a fine line..." He smiled honestly.

"Suck up," Jacob wispered, and looked over to Zeek with a small smile.

Zeek giggled slightly.

Artemis glared at the boys. "Zip it." She hissed at them, then returning her gaze to her sister and Knighton.

Apollo laughed slightly, amused by the man. "And do tell me how you plan on doing such a thing." The queen asked him.

"Well there are a quite ways I could go about doing so.." He opened his eyes up all the way "I could create my own kingdom and Build up from the beginning..." He narrowed his eyes "or I could marry into an already existing kingdom" the wind picked up once more blowing his hair to the side."the only differences between you and I are blood and money."

Apollo tilted her head a bit. "You are an interesting character, but you will leave my grounds before I banish you from my country or behead you, whichever I feel more up to at the moment." She said calmly.

"Quite the woman you seem to be." He stepped away pulling his helm up and underneath his arm "to where does your castle grounds extend?" it seemed that he wanted to stay as close to the castle as possible,but his true motives still seemed hidden.

Jacob watched him, knowing he had something up his sleave.

Apollo shook her head. "Just leave. I am answering nothing." She turned to and began walking back to her castle. "If I see you again, I'll kill you myself." She hissed as she disappeared into the castle.

Artemis awkwardly stared at the man. "I told you that would happen." She said quietly to him.

"Hm hm hm ha ha ha" the man laughed a little and smiled "That is the kind of assertiveness that just draws out the best in me" He turned quickly drew his blade carving a symbol into the tree he had been under. He spun his blade around and sheathed it once more "let that be your reminder of who I am..." he made his way out of their property tossing his helm behind him it clanked against the ground and rolled up next to the castle walls."and that helm is a vow.." he and with those words he was out of earshot.

Artemis watched him walk away. She looked back at the boys. "What a strange, strange man..." She told them. She grinned slightly. Even though she was a mighty princess...she was still a kid. And she was still curious. "I say that we see what he is up to." She told them.

Zeek grinned as well. "Yeah!" He agreed. "Lets follow him! What do you say, Jacob? Lets go with her!"

Jacob smiled at Artemis, and messed with Zeek's hair, "Ok; but I think he want under your dress."

Goma began to hum as he walked placing his hands on his sides he hung his head low, Closing one eye, He let the wind brush against his face as he moved along cooling him.I should have gotten rid of that damned helm a long time ago

Artemis grinned and shoved Jacob a bit. "I don't think he has the guts to try anything. And if he did, I'd spill them everywhere before he could do a thing." She said. "Lets go." She said, walking off in the same direction Goma went. She walked stealthfully, hiding behind trees. What an interesting man.

Goma heard the steps behind him and glanced back without turning,he smiled lets give them a little hell Goma looked up to the sky and began to speak in a different language "Ore wa dare da to omote yagaru!?" an angry tone seemingly aimed towards god (roughly translates do who the hell do you think I am?)

Artemis stopped and held Zeek back, thinking that things could get a little dangerous. "Hide. Both of you. But I am going to see what this creature is up to."

Zeek nodded and darted behind a tree.

Jacob shock his head, "Nope I'm coming with you stop treating me like I'm Zeek's age." Jacob slightly pushed Artemis with a smile.

"Doshite...?" He continued to mock their suspicion,by being as strange as possible. He clenched his fists and his teeth glaring forward.

Jacob looked to Artemis with a raised eyebrow wispering, "I think he know were her."

"what makes you say something like that?" He said without turning

Jacob groned, "Or mabey your just naturally crazy." He steped out from behing the tree

Goma turned and put one hand on his hip "what is it that you want?"

"We jsut don't trust you," Jacob said.

Artemis grinned an evil grin. She walked up closer to him. "You look interesting. Of course I don't trust you, but trust is not my issue. I dont trust a lot of people. Hell, I certainly can not be trusted. You, stranger, are just fun to watch." She said, the grin still plastered to her face.

On to Chapter Three: The Sorceress and The Massacre


Go back to The Blood Zodiac

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2009-05-13 [She cried WAR]: Lady_Squall, would you like a brief synopsis so you don't have to read all of this?

2009-05-13 [Lady_Lionheart]: Sounds good...I've been kinda following along, but didn't know when to jump in...

2009-05-20 [Ayame the Snake]: She will be back tomorrow, she went to her papa's funeral... :/

2009-05-23 [She cried WAR]: is your character's name jacob or james?

2009-05-23 [LinkTurrner]: oh sorr Jacob... I was just doing a nother RPG and his name is James

2009-05-29 [She cried WAR]: a twist i must applaud, [Ayame the Snake]

2009-05-29 [Ayame the Snake]: thankies much *bows and smiles*

2009-06-06 [LinkTurrner]: Sorry I haven't been RPGing I was in the hospital..... wow I missed a lot better get to reading

2009-06-06 [She cried WAR]: Its okay.
Are you alright?

2009-06-06 [LinkTurrner]: yeah just diabetes stuf

2009-06-15 [Goma]: alright,so where exactly would be an appropriate place to introduce my character?

2009-06-16 [She cried WAR]: Anywhere you see fit.
As long as you know what the story line is so far.
I will help you if need be.

2009-06-16 [Goma]: I need to know what the overall setting is right now >.>

2009-06-18 [Goma]: I'm gonna wait for She cried war alright?

2009-06-18 [LinkTurrner]: ok... I was thinking the sam thing

2009-06-20 [She cried WAR]: Continue rping at Chapter Three: The Sorceress and The Massacre Thanks!

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