Page name: Chapter five TD [Exported view] [RSS]
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2008-08-01 21:31:35
Last author: Piplup
Owner: Piplup
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Jonathon threw his backback over his shoulder walking towards the car "So, off to creepy churches we go" he dropped the backpack at his feet as he climed into the car. He turned to Lucian "And to answer your question, Im Superman" he smiled

Diana rolled her eyes. "My ass your superman..." She pulled out on to the road heading to back to the creppy chruch she wished she didn't have to go to. It was creppy and scarey. Diana would rather swim with sharks. She pull on to the high again.

Jonathon nodded knowingly "See, Ive done an excellent job concealing my secret identity. Thats the sign of a great super hero" he got comfortable in the seat, keeping a hand on his backback.

"You are not superman. Also I like creepy churches! There are always fun and creepy monsters and things!" Lucian said with a huge smile on his face. As that happens his attire changed to a bright yellow jacket and white undershirt, a pair of blue jeans ripped at the knees and black pair of sneakers along with yellow eyes to match.

The current resident of the church heard the the soft screech of brakes outside the building; Ears twitched slightly in response. Rising away from the dead woman on the ground, said resident began to wipe at his mouth to remove any spot of blood that happened to stain his flawless pale skin. He gathered the woman up into his arms once he had finished and walked over to a dusty and rundown pew, lying her on the ground and taking a seat, himself. Liquid ice eyes roamed around the inner of the church, brows furrowed somewhat so that he could gain a better look at the towering statue of the 'Almighty God' Himself. Tch. What a joke. He looked down when he felt a slithering beast gliding up his chest, hackles rising in alarm until he confirmed it as a simple millipede. Eugh. Gross little buggers. Flicking the insect off his chest, he noted that his dress shirt had indeed been torn and bloodied from the struggling of the woman only a half hour before. Humans. Always so dramatic. You die sooner or later. Why not sooner when you have nothing to look forward to? Damn hobos. He ran his clawed hands along his furred legs, tail wrapping around waist loosely, and groaned quietly as the transformation took charge. Legs returned back to normal human legs, claws receeded, along with the fangs that decorated his mouth, tail shrank into skin, ears disappeared into the mop of Auburn hair, and eyes changed back to that bright gold that they normally were. A sigh died out from his lips as he relaxed back against the pew, throwing arms up to ride the back, lying head back till his skull met wood, and shut his eyes loosely as he waited for the three.. No, four? Four habitants of the car to enter into the run down church that was his Mounthly dining room.

Diana had a sick feeling in her gut. She parked out front of the church, Keith once told her, that church was off limit's to the pulic, because of some truble. Which reinstated why were they going there, other then the fact something was there before, but now, seemed to be gone. It was something eles, something falimer, but still, it mad her feel sick. Diana took another drink of her coffee, thoughts running threw her mind. Her haed started to pound, with a haedach. "This isn't right..." She said. The was setting in a wonder of colors of, red's orange and pinks. It was pretty, and it made the church a place of safty look evil. Why?... She thought.

"I don't like this feeling that I am getting now." Lucain said while his eyes changed to a jet black color and in that instant his clothes changed. He had on a tight black shirt, a black leather biker jacket over the shirt. A spike collar and leather pants and black snakeskin boots to match the outfit. "I would get ready to fight if I were you Diana. Jonathan and Drake I would also get ready too." Lucian said while taking out a pair of sai's from his back pocket.

Diana looked at the Sia's. Great, just great, a creppy chruch and a guy who used knives. What hell was next? A crazed vampier that was gay? She thought to herself, loading her haed guns, and putting them in thire hulsters. "ok...Lets get this over with...and were here only for an hour!" She added. It would dark by then, and she didn't want to run into something that they really couldn't handle with out the proper tools. Diana got out of the car, made sur everone was out and locked it.

Jonathon pulled out his revolver and checked to make sure it was loaded and stuck it in his trench pocket. He pulled out the iron wood batons and clipped their holsters to his belt, sheathing them as well. He rearranged the things in his bag, threw it over his shoulder and smiled "No worries boss, this shouldnt take to long"

Diana shook her haed, she walked up to the front doors, and pushed on them, they opened easliy. "Um...Yeah... that's not sappose to happen..." She said. Thiere was colors from the broken glass and red light pouring in from the setting cun. I was ery to be there. " where's the voice that yell's get out?" Diana asked the others.

Simply to amuse his guests, having caught the words as clear as if Diana were seated next to him, the male groaned, as if in pain, and let loose the words in an eerily demonic voice, "Get-out!" Slow and precise, dragging out each word as if tasting the vowels that rolled off in the middle of each single syllabled word. He lifted his head from the back of the pew and let his arms fall to his lap, hunching over and tilting his head to the side to look at the pale, bleeding body at his feet. She really was quite delicious.

Diana squeed, Grabing Jonathon, and pushing him forward. "This was your idea..." She growled, staying right behind him. She wasn't much for the whole horro thing, and she had to question, why she did this job. Other then the fact, it was only place to hire her, and send a letter to offer. Diana hated the demontic parts of her job. Demons wicthes...She could handle the creppy mud monsters, wearwloves, vampiers. Demons just seemed...worse.

"You think of me as a demon? You'd be only half right." A gentle sigh came from the current 'owner-for-a-day' as he rose up from his seat and walked out from the aisle, careful not to get any unneeded blood on his boots. not like he wasn't already covered in it. Haha. Well, bound to happen sooner or later. What with having a craving for blood and human flesh twenty-four seven. "What are you doing on my property?" A sudden gruffness came to his tone as he spoke, sticking strictly to the shadows so that the officer could not see his face. He could care less if the other's did. He just didn't want this one officer cuffing him and placing him in either a jail cell or a looney bin, what with commiting murder, cannibalism--in somes' eyes since he kept his heritage a secret--; torture--since he had immobilized her simply to hear her scream in agony as he tore into her flesh. It rather amused his other half--; and, as far as everyone else knew, save one certain person, he was tresspassing.

Jonathon smiled at Diana as he stepped into the church "So, only half demon" he chuckled to himself "Whats the other half then?" he had his hand on the gun in his pocket but didnt think it would end up being much help. Guns never helped against demons. They completely ignored them most of the time.

Diana tensed, something was diffrent the man she knew, was colder and curl. Then something clicked. Diana stood next to Jonathon, and spoke up. "Why hide in the shadows? Your not going to tell me your scared of coming into the light?" She said, there was a metalic wet snect in the air, was it blood. She knew right there, things were going to rough. it was her sixth sense talking again.

"I am not obliged to tell an angel anything if I find it utterly irrelevant, monsieur." Lazily, the reflectors of his eyes vanished beneath lids, then appeared once more through the darkness, now looking to the shorter being at the entrance. A whimsical laugh rumbled from his form, echoing from the walls of the ruin of a church. "I suppose you could say that. But it would not be true. I fear that a woman such as yourself may try to take me head on if given the opportunity. I feel no pull to kill you... yet." Once again, the green reflectors diminished behind lids, lingering for a moment, before the stark whiteness of his iris' appeared, whites of his eyes disappearing into the shadows. "It only be better for you if you all left me to my peace. You would not like me as I am at the moment." The scrape against claws and the disappearing of the eyes, once more, signaled his walking off. He drug the female body out from in front of the pew, wrist locked firmly in clawed hands that revealed in the sudden light, and headed to the front of the Church, soft growls coming from him as he fought to keep from going after the fresh meat.

Jonathon sighed, pullede out the gun, emptied the bullets from it "Im no angel friend. Trust me" He reached into the pocket of his backpack and pulled out a box, reached in and pulled out an oddly colored bullet, sliding it into the gun "And I dont have a problem with leaving you be. I just need one little favor" he snapped the gun back in place and cocked the gun "Hold onto this for me" he fired the gun at the back of the creatures head.

Diana looked to her sides, for the moment and thought what did Keith say about this guy. "Oh!" She pulled out the red bullet, it was blood, with a high does of something Keith called faries dust. It was sappose to knock anything out, for about two hours. Diana wasn't sure if she could use it. Jonathon looked like he might go on a war path.

Pebbles scattered every which way from the bullet that had met the back of his head. His instincts had told him to cover himself in his natural armour, and he was damn sure he did do such a thing. Otherwise, he'd be lying dead atop the female at the moment. His sensitive ears rung from the loud noises of the gun firing, the bullet hitting his armour and the objects hitting the ground, echoing off the virtually empty building to which they were in. He dropped the wrist and let out an agitated hiss mingled with a cry of agony as he let his hands fly up to cover the back of his head and his ears, hunching down and nearly falling to his right knee. He blnked the stinging from his eyes and let his arms drop when the sounds all vanished, panting heavily as he eased himself back up into a stand.Without hesitation, he drew his mask up over his mouth and nose, flexed his muscles and charged at the four beings in his dining room.

Razor-tipped wings slashed through the air, most literally, as he ran on his black, faun-shaped legs; Tail lashing out behind him and ears pressed into the glow of Blonde hair atop his head. Covered from head to toe in opal shaded mineral, most likely diamonds that had been molded together formed his defense, and equipted with claws on both feet and hands as well as the razorsharp feathers growing from his back, one could consider him a gorgeous sight to see--in a mythilogical stand point--... If he were not running at you with Death in his blue and black eyes and razor-sharp claws outstretched ready to kill.

"Well crap" Jonathon dropped the gun as the dark aura appeared around him again, his skin glowing and electricity charging the air around him. Two huge black wings tore through his shirt as he dropped his trench to free them. He pushed Diana out of the way as the beast reached them and threw himself forward, electricity flying from his other, out held arm which was braced to take impact that was surely going to happen.

You bloody angel! What right do you have to attack another being that was not even bothering you! That's like striking down a kit just to watch it bleed. He projected the thoughts into Jonathan's cranium upon making contact with the outstretched arm, slashing claws against the back of his hand before whipping around to smack him with his deadly wings. He bared his fangs for effect, pupils shrinking as if they were draining into the blackness of his eyes.

Diana fell backwards when Jonathon pushed her away. "Well I think I've seen every thing now!" She said crawling over to the other women, making sure to stay out of thier way. Diana checked for a puls, and there was none, It broke her heart for some reason. Diana Grabed the dead corps and pulling it out of anymore harms way. It was least she could, it made her reameber why she was cop, to stop things like this from happening. Diana felt a warm light from out of no where. It small and tiny and just glew. Diana looked up at the two.

The electricity form Jonathon's arm went off with a crack of thunder as the beast connected with him. His wings folded forward to take the hit from his advisaries, dark feathers falling from them. He rolled backwards to gain distance and let out another bolt of electricity from his hands as he came up, his eyes blacked out now "You attacked an innocent women, what did she do to you?"

"Exactly! What did she do to you, you monster!" Lucian said while teleporting behind the creature and piercing it in the back with his sai's. "Yes I use knives but they are effective at what they do" Lucian yelled while forcing the sai's down the monster's back and puling them out. The next thing you know he is standing besides Diana. "I can teleport her to somewhere safe even though she is dead if you would like?" He said showing some concern.

Even though the sais had hardly pierced his diamond armoured skin, he still felt the pain of it as if they had been shoved into his back. He gasped softly and folded his wings back against his spine as a sort of makeshift protection, a sudden scowl coming to his face. "The difference being; I had permission. It was either eat that hobo druggie, or somebody actually important. He sacrificed her." A low, beastial growl came from him as he shied away from the electricity, turning his back on the winged-one and glaring at the two that hovered over his month's worth of food. "If you take her, I will be forced to kill. The next death will be your fault, Diana."

Jonathon never took his eyes off the beast "That women said 'Hey, beastie, feel free to eat me. I dont mind'?" he built up another bolt worth of electricity and held it ready to strike.

Diana glared at him. "I don't care if you had permission I'd rather you'd robbed a blood bank! Taking a life! How do you live with your self... Even if this women made bad choices in her life... dosen't make her less then you or I!" She still holding the women. Diana looked at Lucian. "I want you to take her to the morge..." Diana handed her over to Lucian and stood up. "If you have to kill some eles, fine...kill me" She said clamly, She didn't know why she said that, but something was telling her two, a vocie.

"As you wish." Lucian said with a slightly calm look on his face. And in that instant he was gone and reappeared at the morge and he set her down in a safe place "I'll be back to put you in a coffin ok?" He promised to the girl. He dissapeared and reappered next to Diana "You will not touch her. You will have to go through me first. I have another power Diana but I can't control it for long so if anything starts to shake or looks bad you, Jonathan, and Drake get out of here." Lucian said.

"She sure in the hell did. Found her shooting up in the alley. She must have thought she overdosed because she obviously thought I was an angel coming to take her away. Hah. I suppose that was true, in some ways. She never resisted until I began to eat her alive." He replied with little enthusiasm, his gaze intent on the female that had stood alone for mere moments before her lap dog was back at her side. His lips drew up over his fangs, a faint growl coming from him. "I think you are the one he chose the homeless addict over. Pity. You look like you have more meat to offer than she did. I always did like big women. Perhaps next time I am permitted entrance to the world he will let me quench my thirst and ease my hunger with the natural riches you posess, kid." Taking hesitant steps towards the pew he had originally occupied, the beast reached down and picked up a couple of chains, one short and the other long, before he spread his wings and glided up into the air with little effort at all. "Until later, children. I can't wait till we next meet, palm to palm." He launched at the stain-glass window, disappearing through it with a Harpy-like screech.

"What did he mean by that? But what ever, he is gone now." Lucian said calming down.

Jonathon watched him leave "Well, not quite what I was expecting. I thought there would be more fight" he folded his wings to his back and picked up the shredded remains of his shirt "I loved that shirt" he dropped it and picked up his trench. "I think we should report in now and let your boss know whats out there"

Diana looked up at the broken stain glass, something caught the coner of her eye, it was the little light from eariler. With out saying a word she chased after it, it turn down a hallway, going threw a door. Diana tried to open it. "Damn" Not wanting to wait for the buys, she shoot at it with one of her hand guns, and kicked the door. Diana had alot of partice, in doing that. The room was old with a stone tomb. The light sunk into it. "Hm?..." She walked over to it, her was racing nor was she really thinking after what had happened. Jonathon popping wings out, and the teleaportion...and the girls face... Diana placed her hands on the tomb.

"What are you doing?" Lucian asked Diana.

Jonathon walked in, his trench coat and hat back in place, backpack over his torn shoulder "You ok Diana? I only ask becuase I dont think that door did anything to you"

Diana looked over shoulder at him. "what?...oh the just got in my way..." she turning back to the stone tom b Diana start to push the lid of the crept, and with ease started to move it. Something eles was pushing the lid with her. Diana fainly off, and with out notice a skelton shot up wards at her. Diana jumped back bumping into Jonathon. "why do those things do that!?"

Jonathon caught Diana as she bumbed into him, and looked at the skelaton with a rasies eyebrow. He cocked his head as he stepped towards the tomb "I have no clue. But I wanna find out"

Diana looked at him then the skelton she grabed his arm and pulled him next to her."wait..." The skelton turned its head to face them. It held out its arm holding a blade the size of a middlevil time sword. It was tring to hand it over...

Jonathon stared at the skelaton and the sword "That is so totaly cool. Can we keep it?" he smiled at Diana as he reached for the sword

Diana smacked his hand away from the sword."didn't your mama tell you not to take things from dead people!" Diana said to him. The sword glowed lightly, it was pure white glod with bule and green jems. "...I don't what to do... I mean what! What do you keep looking at!" Diana said to the skull

A camera flashed from a distance "should probably watch yourselves generally living dead things want stuff in return for there treasures" drake said as he clutched his necklace "that or there cuuuuuuursed for a thooouuusaaaaand generaaaaatiooooons" he laughed

"You're really not funny, kiddo." A clearly feminine voice echoed from outside the door, almond shaped eyes revealing dark-brown, near black irises. Pale pink lips were parted slightly, only noticed when this person walked into the doorway behind the male, Drake. Tilting her head to the side in a questioning manner, beautiful brows drawn in a confused scowl. Shaking head caused dim, goldenrod bangs to skitter across the pale face and the bridge of this newcomer's nose. "What are you doing here?"

"im following them" drake said pointing over towards diana and johnathan before tilting his head up with a camera over his left eye "mind if i get a couplde shots for the folks back home" he questioned the new appearance

"I uh..." A soundless sigh escaped from this person, arms drawing up to cross the jacket-clothed chest, causing the leather to groan in protest. "I would rather if you not, but I can not stop you if you wish to photograph me." Giving in, sounding rather rehearsed, as if this was often said to a similar question. "I am Jun. Would you grace me with your own title?"

Drake pointed to himself clicking the shutter "they call this one drake...or coon whichever suits your tastes" he said looking out at daiana and johnathon " i would introduce them but i dont know if they want me to or not so i cant" he nodded

"It does not matter. Again, why are you all here? Are you here to join the rest of us? If so, then you should follow me. We should not be up here. Not while the beast feeds. It is dangerous." The voice came out in a somewhat shakey rythym as the newcomer glanced back towards the hallway, brows raising in both fear and concern for the poor soul to which the beast had fed on.

"another reason this one covers the entrances " drake nodded still holding his camera

Diana looked at the women, her sprider sense's were tingling."why would we join and for what? You shouldn't be unless permited too." Diana said grabing the sword from the skelton. When she did, the skelton fell back to its tomb. Diana breathed heavyed and started to walk towards the door.

"If you are not here to join, then you must leave before drawing the beast back to us. My baby sister does not take kindly to outsiders bringing us grief, and I don't like when she is upset." The dark eyes flashed a dull gray for a single second as they returned to the inhabitants of the room, then back to that dark brown. "I will escort you out."

Diana looked at her. "or you'll leave so I don't arest you for traspassing..." Diana pulled out one of her hand guns, while still holding the sword. Diana was beganing to become mad.

"You are the tresspassers. We've lived here ever since the church was still used, having permission from the head Priest. Just because he has died, it does not mean his acceptance of our stay has vanished. It would be wise of you not to point that at me. I have a dislike of such contraptions." Jun muttered, turning on the group and walking out of the doorway in a gesture that he was going to lead them back to the entrance of the rundown church. Subconsciously, Jun pulled up the sleeves of the leather jacket that covered the frayed armor on forearms, as well as the bear claws equipted to palms.

Jonathon leanded against the tomb "Ok, I need people to start explaining. You" he pointed at Jun "Please explain what you are and what we would be joining. You"--he pointed at drake--"Camera away please, thank you. And you missy" he glared at Diana "You told me I couldnt grab the sword. What the hell??"

Jun sighed softly and stopped in mid-stride, glancing over his shoulder at the doorway once more and chewing at the inside of his lip. "I am what you would call, a halfbreed mutt? Ah, human's and their suttle phrases. Proper heritage, however, states that I am a Feline and an Angel bred beast, second generation. Whom you so rudely imposed upon is my tribe, I suppose you could call us. Or a Cult. Either way, we live in the ground below the church, so in all technicality, this is our property to which you all tresspassed on. The beast that feeds on the humans, well, we allow him a monthly visit so that he may feast, but only if he has a human in hand. We do not trust him otherwise. Now, hurry along children. I m eager for you all to leave the premises." He explained with little signs of bitterness, his flawless, feminine face showing the expression of contentment as he explained. He zipped up the coat he wore, hiding his person almost selfconsciously. He was always made fun of for his feminine features, and he doubted the humans and hybrids that ewere currently in the room would be any different. With any luck they would just think he was a woman and not question anythign.

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