Page name: Chapter six TD [Exported view] [RSS]
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2008-08-07 04:25:45
Last author: Piplup
Owner: Piplup
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JOnathon stood up and took a couple of steps forward "Wait wait wait, so you're telling me that the thing that just tried to kill us is eating people here, becuase you, being a group of non humans, gave him permission to bring not yet dead humans here to torture and eat slowly? Im no saint, but come on."

Diana rolled her eyes at Jonathon."here..." she tossed him the big sword. Diana took in juns words. "would make sense, being an cult... But then you know this place is being nocked down. Parlament signed. It due to fall at the end of the month..." Diana. Said to Jun then notice something. "um this may sound rude but are you a boy or girl?" Diana ask tilting her haed to the side. Diana was curios, she's ise to see drag queens and gays, this guy was well both in away to her. "Jonathon... Umm" Diana looked back at Jun the Jonathon. "this is going to sound funny... But are you like a fallenangle or something?" she asked him.

"What else can we do? Let him kill what little there is left of us? No. Besides, I'm sure even he has morals. We keep to ourselves, and so does he. And who said we were all non-human? A lot of my people are human or are part human. Crude, disgusting humans." Jun turned around at Diana's words, the hair on the back of his neck bristling and a silent hiss coming from his throat. "I won't let this place be destroyed. I would be a horrible caretaker if I were to let our home be destroyed. It is time for you to go. You've ove-" The teen was cut off when he heard a faint flap of wings and the cling of metal just outside the church, face paling and pupils shrinking to near nothingness. A strangled mewl of panic came from him as he looked back at Jonathon and the doorway to the room. "We have to go."

Diana looked at Jun. "well I hope your good with being in corut or do you plan on picthing a war with the whole goverment..." Diana said putting her gun away. She listen to the flaping wings. "and are you going to tell me our beastie is coming back?" Diana asked. "that you shouldn't be so afriad of him..." she said looking towards the doorway, there was a young women standing there, but something was off, she was a ghost! "ah...?"

"There is no time for you to be discussing such matters when we could easily be shot down by that beast outside. We have to get out of here, or do you wish to be eate-" A hiss came from him once more, louder, though, when he heard the doors bang against the walls at the entrance, beads of sweat forming on his brow, and body shaking noticeably even through the baggy jacket. A screech and a hiss sounded from him when the weight of a hand on his shoulder was noticed, causing him to turn, eyes closed, and lash out at the being's face with the steel claws on his palm.

"Ah! What the hell? Are you out of your mind? You gouged me you bustling little maniac." Familiar tone, familiar words, and even a familiar scent--blood--. Scott looked down at the shaking lad, brows raised, then lowered in confusion. He shook his head and looked past the kid, glancing at Jonathon near the entrance of the room. "What's his problem?" He dabbed the clean shirt sleeve at his dripping face, pain evident in his expression. "Er, nevermind that. Keith, he wants you all back at the office for some reason." Reaching behind his body to grab a set of cuffs from his belt loop, Scott walked around the boy and grabbed his closest wrist, placing the steel onto his arm tightly before grabbing the other and doing the same. "Assulting a police officer... No morals these days." He sighed in exasperation before he removed the metal bear claws from his hands, the boy reluctant to give them up, and slipped them both onto his right hand. "You can get these back once my help is not needed any longer by these pathetic officers. Understood?"

Diana drew her gun and shot Scott in the sholder, grabing the teenaged boy throwing him behinde her. "I could tell you the same."and I could be damn what keith wants!..." Diana snapt, if that freaked about scott coming here that was all she needed to belive that he was indeed the monster. Diana was going to go back to the station, but not with Jun in cuffs. She pulled out her master key and tossed it to Jun.

Scott hissed through his teeth, drawing back clamping his already bloddy hand to his shoulder, eyes dialating in shock. "Wh-what the hell?! Have you lost your wits?" He groaned softly, pressing his hip to the wall and tearing at his shirt sleeve rather calmly.

Jun squeaked when he was thrown behind the female, a low hiss coming fro him fromthe loud noise of the gun. He looked past her to the male leaning against the wall, hardly registering that he had been tossed a key, so let it bounce off his chest and hit the ground. "Er... w-who is he?" He asked softly, glancing back at Jonathon and Drake, brows drawn together in confusion.

Diana eyes glew, She didn't understand why he didn't reamber, but by god was she going to off on Keith. "No, not just yet..." Diana looked behind at Jun. "Your beast..." She falt out said. She wasn't impressed, could it be he just blanked out when he went crazy? If that was the case, shoting wasn't the brightest idea, but if he did change back to the creature he is, it would more diffuclt for him to real damage. Diana rubbed her gun to her temple, not afrid of shoting herself. But then why did she felt that she had to shot him, other then fact of knowing what he was. It just fit, the monster needed blood, and Scott always whinned about not having it. "You might want to use the key to get the cuff's of you..." She said to Jun. diana took her belt off and tossed it to Scott. "Use that to cut the blood circulation off...someone at the station will have to dig that bulet out..." She said putting her gun back into to her huslter. Diana almost forgot that Jonathon needed to see someone too about his shoulder. damn it.. She thought, the ghost was still standing there, it was the poor girl who lost her life to the evil scott. She looked at scott with painful eyes and then smilled at Lucian. Diana looked back and forth from Lucian and the door. Cant they see her! She thought to herself.

"God in Heaven." The male muttered out in exasperation, turning on his heel and walking away stiffly, muscles drawn taught beneath his clothing. His hand clamped on his shoulder to soothe some of the pain away. Pft. As if he'd accept help from that psycho after that stunt. "Overzealous psycho.. That's what you are.. Assault.. Damned over emotional police..." He continued to ramble on even after he was out of ear shot, tossing his shoulders up like he were tossing his arms up, finding it a mistake since it sent pain reeling thorugh his torso. He headed out of the church, grabbing the closest door with his hand and slamming it shut to emphasize his frustration.

Jun watched him walk all trhe way out of the church, nodding defly when he was told about the key, but not responding right away. Letting out a silent sigh, once more, he turned around and bent down, grabbing the key from the ground behind him and raising back up. He menuevered the key in his fingers, letting the steel bite into his wrists as he turned them, and unlocked the cuffs with little difficulty. Bringing his arms around, he rubbed his freed wrist and let the key drop to the ground, finding it unnessicasy to remove the other half of the cuff from his right arm. "Get out of my home. Like I said, you are not welcome here." He narrowed his tiny hand a bit and slid the cuff from his arm, tossing the steel to the ground and heading for the Church entrance himself. "If you don't get out willingly, I will force you out."

Diana anger was enough that the glass window broke. "you won't have a home soon enough... And even you did try and stop them they'd just send this department anyways..." Diana's pretty blue eyes were aglow from her angle hargited. Being a fallen angles offspring she was a whole lot more mean. "...I'll have a lawer here in the moring..." Diana said making her way to the door, she had questions for Scott that needed answers.

"Not even a lawyer could remember what he is here for once I've gotten into his mind. Hell would he even be able to get in past my sheild?" Jun muttered numbly, waling thorugh the half of the door that was still open to spot the male wandering to his crotch rocket, his brows drawing together when he noticed that his bear claws were still on his hand. "It's nice how you are able to push people away, woman. Now I don't hink I'll be able to get those back unless I go with him to wherever it is he is going."

Diana pushed pasted Jun. "its a talent really... And the lawer is a five element mage... I thik she'll have no problem with your shilde... And the only reason why I am sending a lawer would be to pleaed your case about this place...I may be a bitch, but I would never force someone out on the streets..." Diana ran over to Scott befor he got to his bike. "hey! Will you wait! I'm not going to shot you!...again..." Diana stood in front of his bike, her eyes now a full glowing neon blue that could be seen in the dark.

"There is a reverse on this bike, madam. Your standing infront of me will have no affect on my leave." He grit out, kicking his leg over his bike and straddling it, using his foot to kick the break up. Scott looked over his bloodied shoulder, grimacing somewhat before snorting and grabbing his helmet from behind him, pulling it atop his head awkwardly with only one hand. "I doubt you;ll have any trouble finding me. I will be back with Keith, you know, the one that requested to see you lot. Shit. Why does he give you a gun?! You're a horrible shot. If you wanted me dead, you missed by a meter." He shived the key into the ignition once they were fished from his pocket, reving the bike to life tentively with his sore arm. "I'll need to have a talk with him about that. Damn kids."

"Yet, you shot your partner." Jun pestered, walking up behind her and placing his hand atop of Scott's, narrowing his eyes. "Give them back, or I'll make your pain worse." He threatened quietly, dark eyes glittering in anger.

Diana looked at Jun. "my partner is dead because some demon got thire hands on him..." Diana took a deep breath. "Keith better have a good reson as to why he wants to see me... And really... If I did want you dead, you would be... I wasn't aiming to kill you... Thatd make me as low as you... And don't tell me you have a split personaliy!" she said to Scott. Diana wasn't like thia just ever since this case started it brought the worse out of her, and she wasn't pleased about it.

"I was speaking of your recent partner, but, okay whatever. ou allowed that one to get killed." Jun muttered bluntly, keeping his gaze on the auburn-haired male before him. "And if you think him the beast, he is not. I would have registered it when I first make contact with him."

"Sorry to disappoint you, tuts." Scott muttered dryly, looking away from her to the person touching his hand in a show of dominance. Snorting, he tossed the hand off of his and pushed his bike away from the two of them, turning around, the strain visible in his face. "Like I said, you aren't getting them back until my shift as a police officer is done and over with. If you'd be so kind as to excuse me." Certainly, it was not meant as a request, simply as a farewell. "Keith will be happy to learn about this one, won't he?"

"You can't possibly drive like that. If you crash, I don't care how injured you are, you're buying me a new set of bear claws, remodeling them, engraving the art on them that is on my current set, and will dilever them back to me." Jun shoved his hands into his pockets, a smug smile coming to his face when he saw the male's muscles freeze up.

Diana was hurt by Jun's words. Diana turned to walk to the river front, her eyes full of regrate, ever since her partner was killed, she felt it was her falut and that ever one was blamming her for it. Now with Scott running off to tell Keith about being shot by her, she just knew her life was about to go down the drain...seeing as it already hadn't, then a thought crossed her mind. It could all be over in seconds...

Scott sighed and rolled his eyes, flipping his bangs out of his eyes as best he could before muttering, "I'm not going to tell him you shot me for no reason. I'll tell him I provoked it. Stop sulking, you little baby. Get over it. You can't save everyone, right? God takes whomever he chooses, and nobody can prevent that. Get back to the office. Keith will be seething when he sees me with no you." He placed his foot on the bike and rode off, wobbly at first from the pressure on his arm, but steadying out as he disappeared aorund a bend in the dirt path.

"Damnit. You're taking me with you, woman!" Jun hissed, hunching his shoulders forward and burying his face into the leather of his cozy jacket, eyes flashing that of their Angel silver. Damn humans.

Diana wacthed Scott drive off she looked at Jun. "can you fit in the trunk?" Diana said trying to stop her voice from shaking. Her heart was pounding. Even so, she could've done something. Walking to the car she saw the other three standing by the car. All she knew was that this car ride was going to be akward.

"I can fit in someone's lap." He mumbled, removing the coat from his body, reluctantly so, and began to strip, letting his clothing drop to the ground, all but his briefs which he still wore. He kept his back to the lot of them, trying to keep their gaze away from his torso. Selfconscious habit. He brisked the bangs away from his face and shut his eyes, rolling his shoulders stiffly as his body began to morph away from the humanoid species; Bones cracking and repositioning sickly right beneath his flesh, extra apendages sprouting from his shoulderblades and the base of his spine--tail and wings--, a set white and orange ears appearing from beneath the mop of hair that began to spread along his body. Once the hair had finished moving and readjusting, it was that of feline fur, calico fur to be more exact. The wearer shook out his body and let out a lengthy sigh from his nose, glaring up at the people at the car with his silver eyes, ears twitching to shoo a fly away from him. "You do not mind my nakedness, do you?" He glanced down at his feline body, eyeing the briefs that pooled around his lith paws elegantly. Though he was not naked, technically, he still felt the need to ask since these were not his clanmates.

Diana picked Jun up and craled him. "aw well arnt you just cute like this!" Diana said shracthing behind his ear. "I wasn't sireos about the trunk thing and you being naked like this is fine. Diana put him in the car to sit on Lucians lap. She wait till every one was in the car before getting in her self.

Jonathon walked out behind Diana, playing with the sword "I so need to get me one of these. They are fun"

"It's not wise to up and hold a cat without it's permission." Jun muttered bluntly. "You especcially should not scrath it behind th ear. A lot of us find that degrading. I find a dog relieving himself on me more pleasurable than having somebody scratch behind my ears." The Calico print beast settled in on Lucian's lap, kneading his knees with sheathed paws nervously.

Diana looked at Jonathon. She shook her haed and started to drive to the station with every one in the car. She didn't say a word the whole way back.

Jonathon sat smiling as he looked at the sword. He didnt really see it. He was just using it to hide his furiously working mind, and the effort he was putting out to shield his thoughts from others prying minds. What the hell was going on? An unground (literally) group of semi human and disfigured human beings living in an old church who allowed a man eating beast to crash there once a month. And then there was Diana's unusual behaviour. Though granted I dont know her enough to say she isnt like this all the time. But still, it didnt seem to fit her general character to much. Then these other characters. We are like a traveling freak show that everyone is going to get to see. Reguardless of whether they want to or not. And no one really answers my questions. I may have to start playing some dirty games to keep on top of all this. Starting with dear Diana. THis will be a blast.

A bump rocked the car, causing Jun to let out a ragged mewl as he jumped quickly into the back seat. More room for him. He mewed quietl y once more and tucked his head into Jonathon's shirt, kneading his thigh as he had done Lucian's knees just moments ago. Never having rode in such a contraption before, one could understand his slight fear of such a thing. "It's going to break down on us..."

Jonathon jumped as Jun landed in his lap, his train of thought broken. "Uh, no offence fuzzy, but Im not a big animal person. NOt that I have an issue with semi human part animal angel things, but the fur on the clothes....not cool" He slid the sword carfully into his backpack to makesure no one got impaled by it "And its not going to break down. We had a grease monkey play with it. If it breaks down someone should be shot. Other then Scott. By the way" he sat Jun on the seat next to him and leaned forward to talk to Diana "Why did we randomly shoot Scott. JUst out of curiosity"

"She;s going to crash... I'm going to be killed between all you fat people. I'm gonig to be suffocated by someone's thigh. My neck will break..." He listed off possibilties before squeaking and pressing his face into the back of the seat and Jonathon's back, well, what was still pressed back against the seat. "A tree branch is going to go through my head, and a vulture will get me.. I'm dooooomed.."

Jonathon closed his eyes and sighed, trying to ignore the terror of Jun. "So, Diana, if you can speak of the squeeling, explanation time please"

Diana growled at the cat."you could walk!" she snapped, she was holding the stering wheel so hard that if she gribed anymore her hands would start to bleed. Diana looked back at Jonathon for a second. She was lost for words. "... I don't know..." she looking back at the road. Diana pulled up at the station, her head was killing her.

Jonathon watched her for a second before sitting back, deciding against pressing the matter until later.

Diana pulled the keys out and waited till they left the car. She took a deep breath, pulling her hair out of the poney tail, letting her strawberry locks fall down her back. Diana rubbed her temples in attemp to ease her pounding pain. Diana got out of the car after afew minutes of regaining her wits.

Jonathon leaned against the building after getting out of the car. He waited for Diana, playing with sword as he did. As she got out of the car he stood up "You ok?"

Diana looked up at him."... I've been better..." diana started to walk up the staris but stoped in her tracks, her haed felt like it was being cracked opened."mmmmm..." she grumbled

Jonathon followed her up the steps "Just get inside and sit down. We will find you some asprin....and maybe some vodka before we get yelled at"

Diana smiled at Jonathon, but it soon disappered. They walked into the famlier building towards the evelator. Getting Diana hit B3 waited.

"So how long are we going to be here I have to go back to the morgue and bury the girl. I made a promise to her and I intend to keep it even if she is dead, she deserves a proper burial ceremony." Lucian said with a hint of sadness in his voice. "It will be nice to see Keith again though."

Diana looked at Lucian she sighed thinking about what had happened. "I couldn't tell you." Diana wacthed the doors open and they walked threw the office to Keiths. Her head was doing nothing for her.

"Do you still have a headache Diana? I could be right back and get you some headache medicine if you want." Lucian asked Diana politly. "It is the least I could do for you." 

Diana smiled at him. "you don't think I'm a pyshco, who has lost their mind?" she asked sitting down in a chair by an empty desk. People were leaving to go home, Diana wished was one of them. Diana just wanted to go home and go to bed. "...and if you really could get me some meds... That would be nice.."

"What kind do you prefer?" Lucian asked while getting out a pad of paper.

Diana shook her haed."I don't care as long as it's extra srenght..." she said her eyes closed she had to wonder what keith was going to say

"Ok I will be right back then ok." Lucian said and in the blink of an eye he disappeared from in front them and within five minutes he was back with the medicine. "Here is some extra strength tylonol." He said to Diana.

Diana looked up at him with the most graetful look on her face. "thanks..." she took two of the tylonol and took a deep breath.

Jonathon leaned against the desk and streched his arms "So, how many kinds of hell do you think we are going to get for our lil stunt out there?"

"I don't know. If we explain ourselves clearly, we might not get in alot. But if we do too little explaining, a shit load." Lucian said.

Diana looked at the two."I wouldn't worry about it... Yòu two haven't really done any thing wrong..." Diana ywaned and looked around the pain meds were starting to kick in.

"I wish he would get here already then. Whats taking so long?" Lucian said while pulling out a book and starting to read it.

Jonathon smiled "Well, while appriciate that, technicaly I prompted you to go to the church. I sort of played the devil's advocate tonight. Im pretty good at it too" he said as he grinned at her.

Diana looked up at him. Then she sighed "all the more reason why ill get my ass handed to me..." she could hear him yèlling at her for not listening, and not taking charge when needed. Basicly the samething as always

Scott opened the door not too long after the conversation had kicked off, arm splinted anew. He sighed softly and kept the door held open for Keith, letting it fall shut after they both had walked in. Auburn-haired male glanced at the kitten, lips pulling back in a low hiss of warning before e walked behind Keith to sit at the edge of the window sill, Keith having taken a seat at his desk.

"Well, aside from the oibvious reason why I am sitting here before you, Scott revealed some clues from one of the victim's life before she died. But, obviously eyeballing a church is more important to you, Diana. Why the hell did you go to some run-down, rsatty piece of shit land, that, by the way, is off-limits to the public and the police force. Do you even think before you do these things? I should put you back at a desk job, do you want that? And Scott, I've already warned you and lectured you about this crap. I have half a mind to expel the both of you." All said in a rather calm tone as the blonde-haired male rubbed at his temple with his fingers, eyes drawn shut in obvious irritation.

Diana looked at Keith and sighed. "probly checking out a crime sense is just as impornat as studing a dead body..." Diana tossed the peace of evadnets on his table, it was the demonic pentcal. "and ill tell you this now... There is nothing like this I've ever seen before... Its not pegane, wiccan, ect..." her mind was also drawn back to the sword. "also there is this whole a cult living under the chruch, and we bumbed into a demon thing, I dunno what it was, way to much inbreeding! That was eating a human girl!... It took off..." the ceatures words echoed in her haed. "but if your going to put me on a desk job please don't be custmore serivce!"

"Who do you think you are telling him about us, woman!" The calico squeaked, tail flicking about hazardously as he bound up onto the desk with a hiss. Jun stalked toward Keith and glared him in the eyes, the human flinching back in slight shock. He turned back around and glared up at Diana, ears pressed back against skull as lips drawn over fengs.

Scott sighed and walked to the kitten, running his hand along Jun's back gingerly to calm him down. "Cool it. It would have leaked to the city sooner or later, what with all the snoops there are these days. I( don't mean to point any fingers on that matter."

"Scotty, don't say anymore. I know what you plan to add to that. It's none of their business. Go get me a cup of coffee, please. And you, Mister Kitten, should learn to control your anger." He scolded, reaching out to grab the cat by the scruff of his neck. "Diana, though you may have gotten clues form that church, it does not change the fact that it is off limits to you and me alike. You commited a crime in not following the law. Should I lock you up for that, all of you?"

Diana sighed. "...if you want this case sloved rules might get broken... But if you have to punish us, I'll take it... They haven't done anything wrong... Another just listen to me. But do take that evedents..." diana didn't want the others to get into truble because of her mistakes. That they were hired help, and she should of been able to make better calls, but things have been so upside down.

Keith set the kitten back down on the top of the desk before letting out an inward sigh, biting at the butt of the piercing in his lip, and getting up to move around the desk so that he could lean back against the dge of it. "Diana, I'm not going to punish you for doing your job. I would be a hypocrite if I did such. Law states that you are a tresspasser unless you are invited onto said poroperty. And since you have one of the inhabitants of that land under your finger, I suggest you use him. You have power, to an extent, with your position. Use it. I'll read the report back to you, Diana, once the day has died. Then maybe these yahoos will be off their leashes and won't be around." Small gestures here and there througout his explination and slight scolding. He was brought back to life when he smelled the coacoa scented coffee when Scott walked back into the room, a smile coming to his face. "Why, thank you." He all but purred, taking the offered cup and taking a sip of the contents.

"Mmm.. I'll be back in about twenty mihnutes. I have to go check on my library. Make sure that trainee isn't detroying the order of the books." The librarian inclinded his head in a dismissal and headed back out of the room. Though he had explained it as such, he really just did not want to be around so many people, especially Diana after what she had done to his shoulder. It did not help that his mild claustrophobia was setting in when he had entered into the room upon serving the coffee to his temperary boss.

Jun mewled softly when he was lifted, but shook out his tiny body when he was set back down. He glanced up at the back of Keith's profile, letting his ears fall back once more before he bound up onto his shoulder, digging claws into cloth of shirt lightly to keep grip. he sat down on the broad shoulder and leaned forward, sniffing at the cup he currently held in his hand, a rush of pleasure registering in his brain. "It smells yummy. What is it?" He asked timidly, padding around to the opposite shoulder to get a better sniff of the coffee.

"Chocolate Caramel Trouffel." He answered lamely, glancing at the kit from the corner of his eyes. "Maybe I'll get you some once you learn to control that temper ofyours."

Jonathon dropped his backpack in the corner of the office and turned to face Keith "Not to break into the moment here" he said, glancing at Diana "But there was a nasty in the church, eating what was left of a former inhabitant of this city. A very human inhabitant. There is a word for that....oh yeah, murder. And then Canabalism. And then he threatened us" he moved to stand behind Diana, putting his hands on the back of the chair she was sititng in "We choosing to ignore that boss?"

"Once you find it and identify it, I'll track it down and personally cuff it. Of course it's murder, but, as far as I've see in this city, there are no cannibals. I'm pretty sure it was not human, thus meaning it could not be cannibalism, kiddo. Now, till you get most of your facts straight, don't shoot your mouth off. I know full well that this thing is a threat to the citizens that the department and I watch over, but until we get a lead on when and whom it will attack next, and even if it will strike in this city once more, our hands are tied. Next time you guys spot it, try to place a face to it. Till then, drop it. You know, unless you can cuff a phantom, Johnny boy." Keith muttered defly, reaching up numbly to scratch Jun's chin, a faint smile coming to his lips. "The most I can do is station one or two police at the Church perimeter. But, even then, I don't think they will see it if it decides to go in and feast once more."

Jonathon raises an irratated eyebrow "Well, boss, johnny boy shot it in the back of the head and it did nothing. The thing was fast, strong, and smart. It had some kind of diamond armour. Razor sharp wings, super senses. It had a whole community of non humans sticking out of the way so as to not become victims themselves. I dont think that its going to let you cuff it." He shrugged off his trench to show the gash in his shoulder "Now Ill admit I can be pretty arragont but thats because Im good. And there isnt much that can hold its own against me for to long. And thi guy had me matched. Good luck with bringing him in"

"I agree with Jonathon. Good luck bringing him in." Lucian said with a slight grin.

Jonathon nodded to Lucian "Thank you Lucian"

"No problem Jonathon. This beast was a pain." Lucian said. "My sai's usually penetrate any armour but this was different. It bent my sai's a little." Lucian sadly said.

Diana had to agree with all of them in away they had to go after this creep, but how. Diana reambred the beast voice it was erie but falimer to her. "... I..." she didn't really want to tell her boss she offered herself up to the thing as sacerfice since the little vocie in her head told her to. A matter of fact, nor did she want the others to know she saw dead people. "I think we should all sleep on this and come back tomorrow moring at the crack of dawn! Because I very much doubt that our creepy beastie will be out tonight!..." Diana said taking a long sigh. "but Jonathon, you should really have someone take a look at that." she said looking up at him.

Jonathon shook his head "It will be fine. Chances are by sunrise it wont be but a pale scar. Ill clean it up back at my place" He pulled his trench back over his shoulder and picked up his backpack "So, we all out then mon capitain?"

Diana smiled at him when she noticed that his cheek was almost completely healed. It must have something to do with those black wings. Diana's mind replaying the sense over and over her headach coming back.

"None of you children should underestimate me. By all means, go home. It'll be a lot less stressful for me once you are out of my hair. Diana, on your ay home, stop by the library and talk to Scott... Alone. It's relevant to the case. But, I don't think it is a nessecity to have your little pets at your ankles. They are not police officers, so they do not need to know too much about it. Johnny Boy, you're going back into a cage. You're still a criminal, as far as I'm concerned. Drake, since you were obviously atracted to Diana for some reason before the day even started, you are her responsibility, not mine. Lucian... Do whatever it is you do. Go home, get some rest. Or not, I don't care. The cat's staying with me."

"B-but.. Grr. Damned uppity beings!" Jun squeaked out, diving at the hand with the coffee held in it, balancing on his arm and dipped his head into the steam to lap at the hot liquid. He grinned when he heard the cursing of the chewif officer, tail wagging slighlty as he planted his bottom on his forearm resolutely.

Diana's eyes glew their neon color they would do when she'd get mad or such. The eye thing started to happen lately, and she didn't even know she did it either. "oh for the love of god Kieth! Pull that damn stick out of your ass! I think Jonathon is just as much help as your damn labrian! Who by the way, gives me the creeps! Yeah he's polite and all but... I dunno... And leave my pets alone!" Diana was talking about the boys. "and I'll go talk to Scott, but I doubt he'll want to see me..." she mubble the last part. Diana's head had started to pound. "sorry if were such pest but right now your making this easy, and why can't you tell me what Scott knows... I've already been to one creepy place..." Diana gave up on trying to reason with Kieth, she didn't know what frafulled his feathers but he was usaley an really understanding guy who you could always talk too. Diana stood up getting dizzy from standing up to quickly. "this won't take long, I hope..."

"If you'd like to know why I am being so bossy, which, my child, is my right, it's because many deputies from different departments are trying to get tabs on my case. It would not go over well with the higher ups if this case was surrendered so easily because of information leakage. Which is precisely why the information is for you, and you alone. You know I trust you, Diana. It's your pets I do not trust. For all I know, the damned tailed-beast over there could be a paid spy. And this fellow right here, Johnny boy, I don't trust him a lick. Anybody that gets in trouble with the law is permanently on my bad list. I felt this little bugger probing my mind since he laid paw on me, so I don't want him anywhere near you or Scott. Scott and I have sufficient blocks on our minds, but I fear you do not. Now, have I xplained myself enough for you to leave? I damn well hope so, because I can't stand being cooped up in this office any longer. Come on, everyone, out." He lifted from the edge of his desk and glanced at the kitten on his forearm, scowling somewhat, but kept holding the cup up for him to drink from as he went to the door and opened it. "You're officially off the clock until dawn. But, if I find out you did not go to the library come morning, you'll be at a desk. Are we clear?"

"Yeah, are we clear, woman?" Jun echoed, bounding up Keith's arm and planting himself on the male's broud shoulder once more. He had to admit, he was already adjusting to this fellow. The only person he did have a problem with was Diana, simply because she had scratched behind his ear without asking for permission, as well as lifting him up and craddling him. She was.. in his bubble.

Diana sighed. A desk job didn't soUnd to bad, but none the less she. Had a job to do. "yeah I'll go to the damn labraiy...but I'm bering my pets... They can wait outside... I feel like I'm walking to my doom..."she the last part more to herslef then anyone. Diana grabed her things and fallowed the others out. "keep up, or you'll end up as con pow chicken... Or under my four by four..." she growed at the cat. "call me women and not my name..." the glass windows ratdled. "you know what your not worth it..." she sighed as they all spezed in the elevator.

"Don't be mean. He's done nothing to you that I have gathered. Hey, kitten. You think you could go grab her gun for me? I don't trust her with it around Scott right now. Stupid kids and their toys." Keith murmured, dropping the cup of coffee into the nearest trash can and letting the cat leap from his shoulder. "Diana, give him your gun!" He called after the lot before turning and shutting his door securely.

Jun hurried after the group of beings, tail flicking behind him irritably, as he followed orders from the alpha male of the building. He scurried up to Diana's legs and swatted, claws sheathed, at her ankle, hissing softly to get her attention. "Give me the loud object, woman. Keith wants it."

Diana pulled the gun out poniting at Jun's fuzzy little haed. "Um no... I don't trust anyone with them and if another person calls me stupide I fucking quick!" completely walking over Jun and started towards the libary. If anything, she really wanted to shoot the damn talking chinese food and her boss at the moment. She could careless about the case, if she couldn't be able to do her job. If anything, Diana's nevers were if anything at their limits and couldn't handle another insult and she knew that what was waiting for her. Diana told Jonathon and Lucian just to wait out side while she tried to refram from killing someone. Diana walked into the quite libary and looked around.

"What do you think they are talking about in there? It must be really important to just have her go in alone." Lucian said with slight concern. "I say we teleport in and watch from above or something just to make sure. What do you think Jonathon?"

Jonathon leaned against the wall, his eyes closed and face scruntched up "No, we have gotten her in enough trouble without pissing anyone else off. I might be able to get a gauge on whats up though. Their minds are guarded, but emotions run free mate. With a bit of luck and my crazy cool skill, we might get a heads up" he focused he mind on the room, trying to pick up on any stray thoughts or feelings.

"Welcome, welcome. Feel free to look around. My library holds just about ever- Oh, it's only you. Well, the third grade reading leveled books are at the end of that aisle. Feel free to have a look at them. Remember, if you damage any of my books, you buy them." Scott murmured quiantly from behind his desk as he removed books from the return bin. He looked them over thuroughly--no dents in hrdcovers, no drawingso n the pages, no pen marks to keep tabs on where one left off, no bent pages or soft covers, et cetera--before he checked them as returned and took them off the previous owner's list. He lookedup for a moment when he noticed Diana not even moving, a hardly noticeable frown on his face as he pulled the strap of the sling back over his head and rested it against his neck, propping his arm up against his torso. "Diana, what do you want?"

Diana rased her hands."hey! I'm not here because I want to be, Keith told me to come talk to you. So you may blame him. And I promise as a long as I am here in your libary... I won't shoot you. The frist time was..." Diana had to look away towards a shelf of books, she didn't know what happened other than that she just knew at that moment she had done the right thing but her brain was yelling other wise. "I'm sorry for shooting you... I don't expect you to forgive me... But down to buissness! What's so important that you have to be the one to tell me?"

"Oh, it's about the case. And, I don;t fear your shooting me again. If you even try to raise that gun in my home away from home, I will slice your arm off before you could even bat an eyelash. Furthermore, I will never blame Keith for my dislike of you." He rose from his seat and walked around the large checkout desk, inclining his head to one of the inhabitants as she walked past with a book in hand. Haha. To the untrained eye all the books on the shelves would seem like brand new, freshly unwrapped books. But, everyone that usually came or knew him was aware that most of the books were years old. He was proud of such a fact. Scott gestured her to follow him with his good arm, heading past her to a more secluded spot of the library. "Follow. Too many hybrids here to discuss it out in the open."

Diana shurged his comment off, she at this ponit could careless. She apolgized for her misstake, if that wasn't good enough not her problem. Diana fallowed Scott, she really didn't see why he couldn't just tell her right away. "ok... So what's up?"

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