Page name: Chav Scum [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-01-22 15:18:17
Last author: Swollenfish
Owner: Ricko
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Created by [Ricko]

I was thinking about making a page on games, music or films, but i made a page about school and i figure there is no real point in that, like what do you really care about more, Chav scum or hate against school, well you dont actually care about Chavs but this is a page where you can take the piss and spill your guts as much as you would like.

We all know Chavs are a growing problem, to Moshers, Punks, Goths and Norms alike. You are not alone, we all get irratated by this growing breed of increasingly stupid, in bred and scrubber assed twits that are commonly known as Chavs.

We all know of the weirdness of the burberry clothing etc, but we cannot insult this because we would be being hypocrtical now wouldn't we, moshers wear Black and baggy clothes, New Rock, Bams, Ripcurl, DC, Vans this is the type of clothes Moshers like me wear, Punk and Goth dress in all black, have many piercings, wear New Rocks etc, black make - up (both males and females).

How can we really take the piss out of Chavs when we are like this, are we really any better?

I will answer that with yes, or in the words of a Chav "ya eh init wicked, wot u lookin at chief, booyah, sorted, sick", correct that IS how a Chav says yes, do i have to repeat that, unfortunately im not going to, i know you all want me to but sorry. :-)

It is a well known fact that Moshers, Punks and Goths do not take crap of the growing breed of scum, but don't you find it increasingly annoying how Chavs only ever give you shit when they have a greater number of people there than there are of you.

I have dedicated this site for you so you can tell us all of your stories with these fools, i want to know the shit they say, the crap they do and bollocks they wear!

So feel free to edit this page, write as much as you want, and remember, you are not alone.

Kill the chavs.

[Wish Fix] Did I eversend any messages to you guys about how my school had school shooting threats? It was messed up man.

[Wish Fix]
[Dick ead]
[X_Who_Am_ I _Today_X] Yukky Chavs Makes Me Sick *wat eva minga* ewwww.....
[Anna™] hating chavs!
[.Smile]I hate all chavs!!!!
[TwIsTeD AnImAtOr] burn all chavs!!
[Atayemi] My cousins a chav......NOOOO!!!! I must seek revenge!!!
[Swollenfish] Must destroy the chav scum of the earth!

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2005-06-25 [Clairey]: well its not as if i have the money for a taxi. wanna go halves?

2005-06-25 [crazycatman]: no, I was gonna get a taxi, but there is no chucking out time

2005-06-25 [Clairey]: well i thought you didnt really want to stay

2005-06-25 [crazycatman]: but i'm not paying! I'll see, if it's crap, and cocknose is being a cock I'll leave

2005-06-25 [Clairey]: and you'll take me with you.

2005-06-25 [crazycatman]: I have no all, but it can't cost more than £15.

2005-06-25 [Clairey]: so you have £15? Well it wont be that much because if it gets bad, loads of us will want to go home so we can split it.

2005-06-25 [crazycatman]: lol, i don't have any money, but iit shouldn't be more thatn £15 cos that's what it costs from The centre of Preston, but it won't be that bad

2005-06-25 [Clairey]: i see. well we will figure something out when the time comes. Anyways i'm gonna grab a sandwich in case the food is crap. Seeya there!

2005-06-25 [crazycatman]: there is food? bye

2005-06-26 [.Smile]: Can I join the wiki please?

2005-06-26 [Clairey]: just do do de do do do de do

2005-06-26 [.Smile]: hehe, ok I will

2005-09-08 [Ricko]: Jesus, no one ever comes on this wiki anymore

2005-09-08 [Clairey]: i do when its updated

2005-09-16 [Ricko]: How should i update it

2005-09-16 [Ricko]: if people want to add data, they can i want stories, of ass kicking, i want a chav to come on and start trying to threaten me!!

2005-09-16 [Clairey]: well thats not going to happen...becuse we dont like them. the less chavs on et the better.

2005-09-16 [TwIsTeD AnImAtOr]: hey rick gd u c uv got a heated discussion lol.. i hav the urge 2 slowly drive a sharp blade in to the spleen of a fukin chav...ooohh.. the exitin images!

2005-09-23 [Ricko]: Dude, that is so awesome, i wanna shake ure hand!

2005-09-25 [TwIsTeD AnImAtOr]: lol feel free hehehe

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