Page name: Claren [Exported view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2011-04-23 00:08:45
Last author: Lord Josmar
Owner: Lord Josmar
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User: [Lord Josmar]

Character Name: Claren

Species Varenn(Northern Rockhopper penguin/Leopard Seal). Varenn love the water and are lithe and quick in their element. They are carnivorous and use their powerful, loose jaws coupled with their razor sharp fangs to catch and devour their prey. Their skin is covered with a very fine coat of down that keeps them warm and cuts the resistance of the water as the swim and is usually a dark grey down their back with white on their bellies, and as it reaches the neck it starts to go black once it connects to the frill of feathers they have instead of hair that goes around and behind their ears (This frill also has a single yellow accent that runs in a line from the front to the very tip of the feathers. They have normal looking human hands and feet except that their fingers and toes are webbed. The oddest thing about the Varenns is their switchable lungs, which can go from water breathing to air breathing. They accomplish this through a simple manipulation of muscles, they close the airway in their throat the same way you would while swallowing food, and open small vents on the sides of their necks which form gills. When going back on land they reverse this by contracting the muscles controlling the gills which pulls the vents closed and seals them. This switching ability means they can last underwater for as long as they wish. Varenns are solitary nomads in that they go where the food takes them and once they reach adulthood they are pushed from the home to live their own lives. To reduce their resistance underwater, they usually are seen wearing only a loincloth or a very tight pair of shorts, usually made from seal skin or the like.

Age: Claren is 21 years old

Description: Claren is a skinny, yet muscled individual that stands at around 5'10". His eyes are an icy, clear blue that seem to sparkle in the sunlight. He wears a traditional loincloth to allow freedom of movement while swimming and hunting. He carries a crude spear that he uses for fighting and occasionally for hunting.

Personality: Claren is an aggressive person from years of fighting other Varenn for various reasons and hunting his food. His time on his own has made him less social and not always sure how to handle other people, this has led him to try and avoid those that he would have to socialize with.

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2011-04-30 [Aeolynn]: <img300*0:>

rofl! Hope you don't kill me XD

2011-04-30 [Lord Josmar]: Lolz. I like how you capture the uncomfortable look on Claren's face perfectly.

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