Page name: Clockwork Law [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-03-07 19:11:28
Last author: Chimes
Owner: Chimes
# of watchers: 4
Fans: 0
D20: 1
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All rules are to be followed at all times, they're really simple and easy so it shouldn't be hard to follow them. Too many strikes and I will be forced to ban you but don't worry, I will warn you prior to banning.

1. [Chimes] is the supreme ruler of this wiki, what she says goes. You must respect her and all other players.

2. No god-moding.

3. Proper grammar and spelling, please. [Chimes] may go through and gremlin posts with mistakes.

4. Detailed characters only, please.
5. Stick to the storyline.

6. If you will be away for any reason, tell me so that I don't remove you due to inactivity.

7. Have fun!


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2009-03-07 [Rice]: I am thinking up a character as we speak Emmu 8D

2009-03-07 [Chimes]: I have to write my nitpicky character details yet. :P

2009-03-07 [Rice]: Oh..but you know i always follow rules.

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