Page name: Colt and Jenner Grim [Exported view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2008-02-08 02:18:26
Last author: Pnelma Tirian
Owner: Pnelma Tirian
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User: [Pnelma Tirian]

Name: Colt and Jenner Grim, or the Brothers Grim

Age: 17

Appearance: Colt and Jenner are attached at the shoulder and hip. They have, collectively, two arms, two heads, three legs, and twelve fingers. As if they weren't a genetic anomaly as it is, they are also albinos, with fair white hair and skin and pink eyes. They are about 6'2", their pale straight locks stretching down to the middle of their backs, an ever-sorrowful frown on their faces.

History: Colt and Jenner Grim were born Pyotr and Sergei Vlokgrimskiev in Pripyat, Russia to poor farmers. They immigrated to America in hopes of a better situation, only to find they could not support themselves and their peculiar sons. They ultimately sold them to the circus in the hopes that they could have better lives than they could provide. The circus willingly bought them for a hefty sum and a promise that they would come back to their town so they could see their sons again someday. Whether or not they will keep that agreement is yet to be seen. They have grown up entirely in the circus and very faintly remember their homeland; they will occasionally speak amongst themselves in Russian, but it's fairly rarely, and their English is almost entirely without accent. They spend a lot of time talking with Piotr and begging stories from him of their homeland.

Personality: Colt and Jenner are shy and reclusive by nature, only ever really comfortable by themselves or surrounded by other freaks. They have tried to mingle with the acrobats before, and it ended badly. They will sometimes get up the nerve to get close to the bars that seperate them from their clients, but this is rare and most of the time they are hard to see in their exhibit. Colt is much more friendly than Jenner is, and the optimist of the two. Jenner has a harsher outlook on life, and distrusts most people. He occasionally shocks people by breaking his mild nature with a cynical remark or a harsh insult, but is quickly reprimanded by Colt, who often seeks after the approval of other people--perhaps too much for his own good. They are both deathfully afraid of Miss Leesha.

Skills: The Brothers Grim don't really require any skills beyond their own existence, but they can sing a little, and Jenner has been practicing the guitar. They are surprisingly resilient and flexible, but are no match for the acrobats or the contortionists. Despite their disability, they walk and run with only a mild hobble, and can do most anything a normal person can do without any help.

Other: They wish life was not quite so hard for everyone.

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2008-02-08 [shadow of darkness]: cooooooooooooooooooool

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