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2008-02-24 08:48:25
Last author: Pnelma Tirian
Owner: Pnelma Tirian
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For Your Convenience

An FAQ for the folks who don't know who [Pnelma Tirian] is or what she's all about.

1. What's your name?
My username here on Elftown is [Pnelma Tirian]. On DeviantArt, I'm madgeneticist, but on most programs I'm known as Pnelma Tirian. If you're really curious as to what my name is, you can check out my website, it's written at the bottom of my blog. Or you could get to know me and then you could ask. Whatever works.

2. What is a "Pnelma Tirian?" Why do you use it everywhere?
The Pnelma Tiris is an alien race I made up back in third grade that still exists today. THE Pnelma Tirian is Warlord Carmonolon Thertii, the protagonist in a book I'm STILL trying to write about the aforementioned race. I use it everywhere because it's damn cool.

3. Who is that intimidating girl who's always splattered with blood who hangs out at your house all the time?
That, little Jimmy, is Alexandria, my personal bodyguard and assassin. I use her to beat the living daylights out of things I don't like---such as orcas or wildly popular anime characters or the ebola virus.

4. Hey, she's pretty hot. Y'think me and her...?

5. Aww.
That's not a question!

6. Hey, how old are you?
At this VERY moment? I'm sixteen. But I foresee that in another year I'll have to change that to seventeen. Christ, I'm getting old.

7. But..Sixteen isn't old...
That's also not a question. Do I need to bring out my whoopin-stick?

8. N-no! Uh, so, what are you into?
Men, for the most part. Powerful, sexy men, with chiseled bodies and soft, luscious hair......mmm......

9. Oh. Well, uh, I meant what do you enjoy doing?
Oh. Well, I do a lot of text roleplaying here on Elftown, as can be seen by the lineup of characters on my house. I also enjoy dancing wildly, drawing obsessively, talking online, shopping(occasionally), swordplay, flying planes, playing videogames, and sleeping.

10. Oh, hey, tell me about that whole roleplaying thing.
...Not a question...
But close enough. You escape the whoopin-stick this time, Jimmy.
As it's one of my BIGGEST hobbies(how sad is that?), I take it maybe a little too seriously. I rarely get really riled up, but a bad rp can get me PISSED. I'll rage for days sometimes, and I HATE playing with bad roleplayers and a bunglesome GM, but GOOD rps can keep a smile on my face all day. I've been on ET for four years now(more proof that I have no life whatsoever) and I've been rping for all of them.

11. What was that website thing you were talking about way back in question 1?
Oh, that old thing? That just happens to be the one and only , the ONLY place you'll find an Asylum Laboratories webcomic, and that's a fact.

12. OOOH! You have a webcomic?! What's it about?
Well, it's placed in a fantasy world--more specifically, a dark little town on the edge of nowhere called Mourncrow. In this town is a tower, and in this tower is a necromancer named Celeste who adopts a young boy into her care. Hilarity ensues!

13. Does it really?
...Shut up, Jimmy.

14. So how often does it update?
Asylum Laboratories updates every Wednesday like clockwork.

15. What if it doesn't?
Well then the clock wasn't wound tightly enough, was it?

16. Can I link to Asylum Laboratories?
*GASP* I thought you'd never ask! Of COURSE you can link to Asylum Laboratories! If you want, go ahead and grab a banner from the bottom of .

17. HOLY----what on God's Earth was that?!
What was what? *looks at link* Oh, that. That's just a list of all the webcomics I read everyday!

18. Everyday? Your social life must suffer pretty heavily.
.."Social life?"

19. Jeez, how much time do you spend on the computer?
Depends on the day. On weekdays, between four to seven hours, reliably. On weekends or vacation days, pretty much the entire day.

20. Holy--
Yeah, shut up, okay?!

21. Do you take art requests?
Yes, I do. But be warned: you will probably not get your picture right away. But I DO take requests and I DO draw things for people, so don't be too afraid to ask!

[Chel.]: How do you pronounce your name?
Well, for those of you who don't have anything invested in saying Pnelma Tirian, you just say it "Nelmuh Tirian". For those of you who are more interested in how it's actually pronounced, you DO pronounce the P at the beginning, so it's like, "pehNELmuh TIRian", but without the "eh" part in the "peh." It's a hard P.

[Kamari]: Will you PLEASE draw me a giant ameoba that I can then digitally manipulate to make an army that i can use to spam all who oppose me in my reign as ZELDA FANATIC & crazies person ever (and you know NOT expect me to share said dominion) and NOT send your assasin to kills me untill I train said ameobas to kill said assasin at first sign of attack?
Depends: How giant are we talking, here? And how much pocky is in it for me?

Username (or number or email):


2007-08-02 [Chel.]: *headbang*

2007-08-04 [PhoenixSilverDark]: -lurves-

2008-02-25 [Kamari]: the bigger thte more pocky
50x50 = 1 pocky
make it to 1000x1000 & you get 100 extra pocky ^^

2008-02-25 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Wow. That's a lot of pocky.

2008-02-25 [Kamari]: it's a big ameoba ^^

2009-01-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: I say 'Nelma' in my head. And I like it when it's 'Nelma.' But normally I call you PT so it doesn't even matter, I just call you 'PT' in my head. Or your real name. Sometimes I throw that one in.

2009-01-03 [Pnelma Tirian]: Well you are totally entitled to call me anything you like, really, as long as I respond to it.

2009-01-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: lol Well, I sometimes respond to 'bitch' because it's knee-jerk but you're not allowed to call me that :P

2009-01-03 [Pnelma Tirian]: I will only respond to 'bitch' if it is preceded by 'cut-throat'. :)

2009-01-04 [Jeesum Crowe]: What about 'gorgeous?'

2009-01-04 [Pnelma Tirian]: only if it's gushed with great enthusiasm.

2009-01-04 [Jeesum Crowe]: Always, darling ;)

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