Page name: Compound: Garden [Exported view] [RSS]
2014-12-14 12:53:54
Last author: The Black Goat
Owner: The Black Goat
# of watchers: 5
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At the center of the compound, opened up to the sky above, is the garden. Though not spectacularly large, this block of green, surrounded by three stories of concrete and glass, sports a real weeping willow, several bushes and colorful flowerbeds, and even a small pond. There is a stone path that encircles it and at each corner is a small set of steps leading back to The Compound: Front Desk and Lobby, Compound: Level One West, Compound: Level One East, and the Compound: Waiting Room that over looks it along with the apartments.

Luca came down the steps from his apartment into the garden with a breath of the fresh air. He smiled, feeling the warm sun on his face, and headed for one of the benches. He decided to sit on one that Delilah would be able to see easily once she came outside, and he reclined back onto it, one arm draped over the back of it and crossing his ankle over the opposite knee with a smile. It was beautiful outside, warm but breezy, and the flowers smelled beautiful here.

Stepping out into the brightly lit, if a little small, garden, Delilah paused to take a deep breath of the flower-perfumed area before looking around for Luca. When she saw him seated on one of the benches her lips broke out into a warm smile and her heart beat just a little bit harder. With her wing tips fluttering excitedly she approached him, unable to hide the happy expression on her face. "Hi Luca." She said, pausing in front of him and suddenly feeling a little shy. Not knowing what to do with herself, she shifted nervously in place, then sat down beside him as if doing so only just occurred to her.

Luca smiled up at her as she approached, and watched her sit beside him. "Hey," he said smoothly. His skin felt warm. He turned a bit more towards her and smiled again, putting his stubbled chin in his hand as he looked at her. "How are you?"

"I'm good." Delilah beaming up at the man with a warmth that matched the heat radiating off him. "It's nice not being locked inside for another day, I was starting to feel a little claustrophobic." she admitted, then glanced down at her dress and smoothed it over her knees with a thoughtful expression. "Do you know why we got put on lockdown Luca? I mean, if you can tell me, that is."

"I honestly don't yet, but I'll ask Jollel next time I see her." Luca shrugged and smiled. He admired her a second, then stood up and offered her his hand. "Wanna go walking? We've been so cooped up, it's time to stretch our legs."

DR Characters - Darkness Reigns - DR Universe

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2014-10-13 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Do you want me to post for Luca here first?

2014-10-13 [The Black Goat]: sure, he live right along the garden, so it'd make sense for him to get there before her

2014-12-14 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: "I honestly don't yet, but I'll ask Jollel next time I see her." Luca shrugged and smiled. He admired her a second, then stood up and offered her his hand. "Wanna go walking? We've been so cooped up, it's time to stretch our legs."

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