Page name: Corpse Pose (Shavasana) [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-06-01 13:53:25
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Corpse Pose (Shavasana)

Thank you [9jlriexqk,ktpk] for this one!

These asanas provide mental peace and one feels energetic after just few hours of practice. This asana has two variations. You can learn this asana as below:

Variation I:

 Best time- just before the sleep after a hard days' work.

 Lie flat on the back over a mat in clean and quiet place.
 Maintain some distance between your legs.

 Place your hands along side the waist with palm fingers curled up.
 Maintain the spinal chord and neck straight.
 Keep your eyes and lips closed with ease.

 Keep your body firm and get conscious towards breathing.

 Breathe easy and concentrate on your navel zone.
 Get yourself free from all the physical and mental afflictions.
 Begin mental counting, say 27.
 Breathe easy along with swelled tummy repeat 27.
 Repeat again this number when you exhale out.
 Next time when you inhale then mentally count 26.
 Repeat this number when you exhale out.
 Complete this inverse counting without any miss.

 Suppose if you miss out then begin once again from the start.

 Do not make any change in your rhythm or style of breathing.

 You will certainly get relaxed and peaceful by the time you're counting gets over.
 Now get in the Sukhasana pose and relax.

Benefits Consciousness

Variation II:

 Hold oneself in tadasana pose with both the arms overhead.

 Maintaining the physical balance on the toes, raise one leg and extend it either forward or backward.
 Repeat this with the other leg.
 Practice this for 10 times.

Benefits Consciousness


 Mental and physical relief.
 More effective after Surya Namaskara.
 Insomniacs particularly heart patients.


 Physical - relaxing the body, breathing and mental counting.
 Spiritual - on ajna chakra.



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