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Dargo the Bard


Dargo the Bard

This is my DnD character Dargo the Bard. The DM, [Lord Josmar], said that if anyone would cast Detect Magic on him, they'd be blinded for life. lol

that would be because of the fact that he is clothed almost entirely in Wondrous Items. The Circlet of Persuasion on his forehead, Cloak of Charisma around his shoulders, the Periapt of Wisdom around his neck, Bracers of Armor and the Gauntlets of Ogre Strength on his arms(which you can't really see cuz of his sleeves), and the Boots of Elvenkind on his feet.

He's a Chaotic Neutral character, but he looks super pissed off, clearly because somebody just broke his lute. Not the best thing to do to a bard....

I'm thinking of titling this one: "For this you will perish."

Anyway, this is my character Dargo the Bard. I play him in my friend's D&D campaign. As you can tell, he's a bard and human. He got his start by saving a pony from some theives and as it turns out, the pretty beast was a gift to the nearby queen. So right when he started adventuring, he got to meet some royalty. Not a bad start for an adventurer if I do say so myself. He plays the lute, though generally he sings. What he really wants more than anything is to get his hands on a Singing Sword, but unfortunately those are only passed down from Bard to Bard over the generations. So he tries to latch onto every Bard he comes across really. So far, he's only managed to get close to one and that was the one who trained him.

Here's a little song "he wrote"

"The Balad of Dargo the Bard"

Sung to the tune of "The Saga Begins" by a Master Weir D'Al

A long, long time ago,
In a country far away,
With elves, dragons, and magic stuff.

I have found me and my friend Jym,
thought we could get a little adventure in.
That's why we left out on that epic quest.

Where all we've travelled, I can not say;
But let me tell you, all was not play.
We have gone far and wide,
Sailed the seas from tide to tide.

We saved a pony from some theives,
then went to Freig to meet a Queen.
We all wound up in Maglodine,
that's where we found this bard.

My, my, who is this weird guy?
He plays that lyre, with hands of fire,
Now, we've just caught his eye.
Said he left his home, and kissed his mother goodbye,
sayin' "I will be famous when I die.
I will be famous when I die."

We asked him what his name was.
He said, "Boys, haven't you heard the buzz?
I'm known as Tieragan the Great."

And so, he took us under his wing.
Even though neither of us could sing.
First, he taught us of the song called Pieces of Eight.

Well it wasn't very long at all,
That we saw how far three bards could fall.
And we were broke, that's true,
so we started drinking the brew.

Jym's an alocoholic son of a bitch
As soon as he started hitting on that witch,
I knew Tier'd kick him in the ditch.
Oh yes, that was my bud.

They started sing'
My, my, who is this weird guy?
He plays that lyre, with hands of fire,
Now, we've just caught his eye.
Said he left his home, and kissed his mother goodbye,
sayin' "I will be famous when I die.
I will be famous when I die."

Now, we finally get to my story,
and I'll tell you all of my glory.
I won't bore you with the details

Of how I left Tier, wishing on a star,
Well I travelled far, playin hard on my guitar.
And Singing songs of elves and entrails.

Oh, the towns were full of stranger lots,
could they understand all my thoughts?
You listen pretty well,
but man I just can't tell....because

I have travelled far and wide,
and I've seen the most gorgeous bride.
Time to let my heart, be my guide
and now, you sing this part!

We were singin'
My, my, who is this weird guy?
He plays that lyre, with hands of fire,
Now, we've just caught his eye.
Said he left his home, and kissed his mother goodbye,
sayin' "I will be famous when I die.
I will be famous when I die."

My, my, who is this weird guy?
He plays that lyre, with hands of fire,
Now, we've just caught his eye.
Said he left his home, and kissed his mother goodbye,
sayin' "I will be famous when I die.
I will be famous when I die."

(for those of you who can't decipher who the Master is. It's Weird Al.)

[shadow of darkness]

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