Page name: Dark Strider/Light Bearer [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2007-12-04 03:09:30
Last author: Lite
Owner: Lite
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User Name: [Lite]
Name: No one knows, but he is called "Dark Strider", and "Light Bearer".
Race: Before he became a vampire, he was a half-elf
Age: Was 26(in standard years) before "death"
Apperance: Tall, muscular yet slim, Dark Strider has blue-grey skin. He wears black armor with silver trim, and a cloak of the same design. His head is always kept bent low, deep under his hood, concealing his blood-chilling eyes, which have red irises with night-black pupils that see and know too much from view. His once high, elegant complexion is now gaunt, and skull-like. Long, sharp fangs are hidden from prying eyes. However, when the first light of day touches the horizon, he loses the dark figure of the night, returning to a mockery of his former self, a tall, elegant being with charming blue eyes that never smile. It is at night he loses his sanity, whereas in day, he is tormented by his sins of the night, and memories of the past.
Night form - Like all vampires, can create more of his race, can cause fear to those in his immediate prescence, and can absorb minor amounts of energy.
Day form: Can heal others, however requires that he takes part of the damage in turn, can lightly touch on other's emotions, sensing how they are feeling deep inside.
Personality: At night, he is brooding, malicious and derisive, unsympathetic and uncaring for others, a complete contrast of his day form. In the light, he is empathetic, caring and understanding, however cannot help but be malevolent and mourning.
History: He once was who he now mocks in the day; a kind, caring being who was raised with the elves, despite the fact that he was despised for his half-breed heritage. When he became of age, he left what was forever his homeland to enter the unforgiving world of humans with which he is unfamiliar. Not long ago, he was rendered helpless to the dark, maddening chasm of love. Seduced and betrayed, his once lover, who turned out to be a vampire, became the reason for his "death" and change. For a great time, he lived as a vampire, permanently evil, mind bent on revenge. However, when he finally did face his former lover once more, instead of killing her, he saved her from destruction by sharing her wounds. Because of this simple act of goodness, he was granted his day form, and empathetic abilities. However, at night, he submerges into darkness once more...
Weapon: A longbow, once of mahogany wood inlaid with gold, at night is is now black with silver, the arrows fletched with feathers of a raven instead of a falcon.

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