Page name: Dark World Chapter 2 [Exported view] [RSS]
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2010-01-08 06:36:54
Last author: Gypsy Mystik
Owner: Gypsy Mystik
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Dark World Chapter 2

Neoryi closed his eyes. When they opened again, his eyes were back to normal. "What... happened?"

"You.. You went all weird and spacey and began chanting and it really scared me" she whimpered as she was shrunk down in herself.

Neoryi pulled her gently into a hug. "I'm very sorry... I didn't mean to do that.... it felt like I was back to being alone again.... and then I knew where you were....I... don't really know how to explain it.... my body felt like I needed to do something...."

Her body was still trembling his explination hadn't made it any better for her she was still scared.

"I don't remember doing spells.... spells my body seems to helpped me find you..."

He could tell that Quiyue was still nervous and confused. "I really just don't know what to say to that."

Neoryi looked down, as he stood up. He helped her stand up. "I..."

"Its just a still don't totally understand" she said softly as he helped her up.

"I don't understand either... that's what I'm saying...... I blank out, and then I see the results of spells that onoly I could have done...."

"Oh I think i understand now" Quiyue said standing there thinking about it all.

Neoryi nodded. "It's okay if you don't.... because I really don't either..."

"Lets just not think to into it right now" She said softly taking his hand in hers.

Neoryi nodded. "I do know... I... added protection around us....."

"Really?" she asked happy to hear that.

"Yes....I want and have to protect you, Quiyue....."

"Oh Neoryi" she said softly and lovingly. She pulled him down into a soft loving kiss.

Neoryi kissed back, passionately yet softly. "Quiyue..." he whispered.

"I love you so much" she said lovingly gazing up at him.

"And I you..." Neoryi lead her from the library and to her, their bedroom. "You need to rest as do I...."

"Yes we do" she said softly and lovingly cradling her hand on her belly as she walked with him to their bedroom, praying she wouldnt have anymore nightmares.

Neoryi laid her on the bed, and then positioned himself beside her. "I love you... my love..."

"I lvoe you as well my darling" she said lovingly laying there looking up at him.

He smiled down at her, pulling her close.

Quiyue giggled burying herself against him. "I'm feeling alot better now" she said lovingly.

"I so glad about that...."

"I am to sweetheart" she said sweetly then suddenly squeeked as she got a good kick from the baby. "Ooh that was a hard on." she said rubbing where the little cubs had kicked.

"It will be soon..." he whispered.

"Hmmm what do you mean?" she asked looking up at him.

"The cubs..."

"The cubs will be here" she suddenly blushed realizing what he meant. "But but we don't have anything yet we're not ready!" she blushed.

"Don't worry...we need to rest..."

"yes we do" she said softly and snuggled up to him a yawn escaped her as exhaustion crept in.

"Sleep... and dream wonderful dreams..." he whispered.

Sleep took her quickly snuggled in the arms of the man she loved.

She dreamed of the babies, of Neoryi, and of the coming carriage.

She saw the carriage drawn by two large black Pegasi and just had the that neoryis brother was inside of there.

It seemed like the carriage was heading towards a dark cloud.

"No turn away don't go towards it" She calledout in her mind feeling malevolence from the cloud.

The carriage continued.

No Turn away turn away! She kept calling out in vain

She then saw her and Neoryi standing by the manor as the carriage came through a cloud, after going through the dark clouds.

Quiyue watched hoping they were alright inside.

The dream exspaned. They were all within the darkened clouds.

Quiyue shivered suddenly feeling so cold as the clouds swirled around her.

She woke up.

Quiyue jumped waking up and sighed softly to herself confused.

"Love...?" she heard Neoryi mumble.

"I'm ok darling" she said looking up seeing his eye open looking down at her. "Go back to sleep" she softly kissed him on the lips before she snuggled up to him.

"You sure?"

"Yes sweety" she kissed his chin as she snuggled against him.

Neoryi pulled her closer.

"You don't believe me do you?" she asked softly.

"I just want you safe..."

"I know sweety" she said lovingly. "It was a dream that someone is coming in a carriage drawn by two beautiful pegasi." she said looking up at him

"That's amazing..."

"Really?" she asked not thinking it was all that impressive.

"You are having visions.... I don't know what it really means but..."

"Its never happened to me before now at all."

"Do you know if any of your family had visions?"

"Just my grandmother but her's didnt start for many many years."

Neoryi nodded. "I love you... it's going to be fine..."

"I hope so" she said lovingly burying herself in his chest.

"I know so..."

"You know I was thinking maybe the reason I'm having these visions is because I'm in your world? so it brought the power out sooner in me" she said looking up at him.

"It is possible..."

Quiyue's tail flicked back and forth as she thought about it wondering what other things would come of being in this other realm.

He kissed her neck.

Quiyue began to purr happily at the feeling."Mmm that feels good" she said happily looking up at him.

Neoryi kissed her neck again, stroking her tail.

"Mmm I like that" she purred out. Turning to butter pretty much at the feeling of everything.


Quiyue snarled. "Now what" she looked over her shoulder at the window.

Neoryi stood up and closed the curtain over the window. "Come back to you..." he smiled, and came back over, and started to massage her back.

Quiyue melted again and purred happily laying there on her side. "much better" she said happily closing her eyes gently loving the feeling.


"Shut up!" Neoryi shouted then kissed her behind the neck.

Quiyue growled and her tail flicked back and forth. "The stupid thing isnt going to leave." she said in a grouchy tone hating that it was disturbing them.

Neoryi growled, and moved to the balcony. Quickly taking the message, and shooing the raven.

"Who's it from this time?" she asked curiously but also in a grouch tone as she rolled over on her back and pushed herself up so she was in a sitting position.

"My father..."

"What does he want?" she asked worriedly not liking the tone of his voice.

"Me to come home otherwise.... he is coming here..."

Quiyue gasped. "Oh no you can't be serious" she said scared knowing from the sounds of his messages that he wouldnt take kindly to some tiger woman being his son's mate especially having his children. Tears tickled in her eyes as she was scared.

Neoryi kissed her cheek. "I'm not going to let him separate us..."

"But but..." she was trembling lightly with fear.

"I won't be taken from you..."

"When will he be here? does it say?" she asked softly and worriedly.

"It doesn't say... just that if I don't come home.... he's coming here..."

Quiyue took his hand in hers. "It will be soon probably since he wants you back so badly" she said worriedly.

He sighed. "I know...."

Quiyue buried herself against his chest. She just wished people would leave them alone and wished that she and her mate could live in happiness.

Neoryi smile mischieviously.

With her face snuggled against his chest she didnt see the smile so she didn't know what he was up to.

He started nippling her neck just behind the ear.

Quiyue squeaked then began to purr happily at the feeling.

Neoryi nibbed again. "Like that?"

Quiyue nodded and looked up at him. "Mmm yes I do" she said cutely as her ears twitched.

"What do you want...?" he asked seductively.

"Wishing I could get frisky with you to tell you the truth" she said playfully

"That sounds like fun....."

"Really?" she asked kind of shocked.

"I'd love to be frisky with you..."

"Even when I'm so big?" she asked shyly.

"Big? You're big? What? When?" he said with a smile.

Quiyue blushed adn smiled lovingly. "your so sweet" she giggled and smiled gazing up at him then gently pulled him down deeply kissing him.

He kissed back, then nipped her ear.

Quiyue purred happily at the feeling. "Ooh just like that" she moaned happily.

He continued to do that.

She gently pulled him down and kissed him deeply, she buried her hand in his hair as they made out with each other.

He kissed back, a hand on her lower back and a hand resting on her belly.

She sighed happily against him as she melted in his arms like warm butter her hands tracing down his neck to his strong muscular shoulders.

She caught a look at his eyes, which seemed to burn into her soul.

"Oh heavens" she purred out in a sexy tone gazing deeply into his eyes.

"Heavens really?" he said playfully.

"Yes really because its always heaven gazing into your eyes" she said lovingly.

"I thought it was dangerous to gaze into my eyes...." he whispered.

"I don't know who told you that but they are stupid." she said putting her hands on his cheeks.

"...because, it is dangerous for my mate to look into my eyes because I will just have to do something sensual to said mate..." he said with a smile.

"Ooh?.." she asked playfully giving him a lusty gaze. "And thats such a bad thing?" she asked gazing deeply into his eyes "Prove this myth to me" she said sliding her hands over his arms.

He nipped her ear, then her neck.

Quiyue gasped and moaned at the feeling sliding her hand to the back of his neck curessing him lovingly.


"Mmm I deffinantly have to stare into your gorgeous eyes more often" she said with a sexy purr to her voice he could hear her lust in her voice.

"And if you do, we may be able to populate a whole village," he said with a smile.

:Oh really now" she asked playfully egging him on as she gently pulled him down kissing him softly as she laid down on the bed looking up at him.

"I mean it..." he growled playfully.

"oooh so scary" she said playfullt back and kissed the tip of his nose. She squeeked and blushed as he caught her lips with his and kissed her deeply.


Quiyue giggled. "Yes yours" she said cutely looking up at him.

He nipped her neck.

Quiyue laid her head to the side purring happily giving him better access to her neck.

"WHAT IS THIS!?" came a loud, gruff voice.

Quiyue yelped and as fast as her pregnant body would move she hid behind Neoryi petrified.

Neoryi looked towards the voice, stiffly. "Guyie, what are you doing here?"

"I am here to bring you home to your father...."

"I don't wish to..." Neoryi said.

Quiyue clung to back of his shirt scared hiding behind his broad back not wanting to look at the man who had jsut barged in on them.

"You are coming with me now.... that stays here..."

"She is a mate!"

Quiyue whimpered trying to hide more behind his back. She knew his family wouldnt like her, she was jsut an it to them so lowly creature not worthy to them.

"You're father will not..."

"Except her?! He is a bastard then!"

Quiyue gasped as he threw himself to his feet in anger she could feel his power oozing off of him in waves. He was truely angry that this man was saying those things about her.

The man grabbed at Neoryi, but Neoryi pulled away. "Don't you dare touch me... I will not have it!"

Quiyue laid her ears back scared, their wasnt anything she could really do, she prayed he would be alright.

the man backhanded him.

"Neoryi!" Quiyue gasped worriedly then yelped as the other man stared her down darkly. Heavy whimpers escaped her as he looked at her with those feirce eyes. Whimpers that Neoryi had never heard from her in his time of knowing her and sent the rage inside of him spiking that someone had caused his mate to make that noise.

Neoryi slumged him. "Damn you!" He grabbed the guy by the throat and throw him out of the window. "Stay out! And tell my father to GO TO HELL!"

"Oh Neoryi!" Quiyue was in tears trembling after what had happened, she held her arms out needing to be held not trusting her legs.

Neoryi rushed over to her, pulling her into his chest.

Quiyue buried herself against him sobbing. "I knew this was going to happen I knew your people were going to look down upon me as nothing but trash" she cried against him

"You are not trash.... my mother would have loved you....and he was just a solider for my father..." he whispered holding her close.

"I wish I could believe you but.." she cradled herself close to him. "Just that look of disgust.. he'll tell people and your father will now and and.." she clung to him tightly sobbing.

"Believe me love...I don't care about what my father thinks, I love you, you are my mate....I love you soo much..."

"Oh Neoyri" she pulled him down and kissed him needing that affection then buried herself against him again. She whimpered as her body ached. Teh stress wasnt good for her and the cubs.

He started to kiss her neck gently, over and over and over again.

She gave a soft purr at the feeling, she couldnt help herself it was part of her nature, and the fact that it did feel good. She curled into his body melting into the feeling as he relaxed her.

"I'm sorry about what happened... we have to live..."

"Leave? but..." She put her hand on her belly. "We can't leave they'll be here soon."

"We have to...."

"But what if I go into labor on the road? what will we do then?" she asked worriedly looking up at him. We don't know how many I'm carrying and and..." she was in tears again. "I'm so sorry I've ruined your life." she said crying.

"What?" He held her closer. "You haven't ruined anything, love.... never... I'm never going to let you go...."

"Oh Neoryi" she said softly burying herself against him. "Your right, I don't wish to admit it but your right we need to leave. the thing is though I'm scared I know I'll most likely give birth on the road and its just how could we care for all of them on the road, on the run?" she asked worriedly.

"I will take care of you...all of you..."

Quiyue smiled lovingly up at him. "Oh my sweety your so good to us" she said lovingly. "We'll need something for them just in case I give birth before we find some sort of sanctuary, Like a bassenet or something that could hold a few little ones." she said trying to even make sense herself of what she said knowing she wasnt to clear.

"I'll take care of it..."

"Alright. Do do you want me to stay here?" she asked gazing up at him.

"No... the window...come..." he said, helping her up.

"The window why the window?" she asked confused walking over with him to the window.

He didnt' take her to the window, but to the wall near it. He opened a secert door, and lead her down a hidden stair. "I'm going to hide you..."

"Wait I'm confused I thought we were leaving?" she said looking at him confused as they walked down the stairs together.

"I'm hiding you while I get things ready... I don't want them to find you..."

She nodded gently. "Alright I understand" she said softly looking up at him.

He lead her to a room that held a couch and table, as well as a bed. "Stay here... I won't be long, mate..."

"Alright hurry" she said sweetly and softly kissed him then let him go on his way to pack their things and set everything up. Quiyue went over and sat on the bed thinking to herself. Gently she put her hand on her belly. "Its alright sweeties. Daddy will keep all of safe" she said softly to her cubs.

Do you truly believe that...?

"Leave us alone you bastard" she snarled at no one in the room and closed her eyes tight trying to fight him off.

You will never escape me...

Quiyue knew he was right, he would never stop until he got what he wanted. She buried her face in her hands and cried her eyes out. She wished for her simple life in teh zoo just locked away doing the same thing every day before he came back into her life. Her heart ached in pain knowing that he would find her one day that he would capture her and her cubs and she would be locked in that torture once more.

Arms wrapped around her.

Quiyue yelped and jumped out of bed breathing hard scared since she didnt know who had put their arms around her.

"Love...'s just's time to go..." came Neoryi's soothing voice.

"Already?" she asked surprised since it hadnt felt like that long since he had brought her down here.

"'s been nearly an hour....I wanted to get ready faster, but... I'm sorry you had to wait so long..."

"Its alright I didnt even notice the time go by "she said softly going over and hugging him tight.

He kissed her softly.

She kissed him softly back then pulled back. "We should go" She said softly looking up into his eyes, her eyes seemed kind of dead with sadness.

Neoryi scooped her up and quickly took her from the secret room. He carried her to the main doors, then outside. There stood a uncovered carriage lead by a white horse.

Quiyue didnt like the fact that the carriage was uncovered but their must have been a good reason so quietly she climbed in and took a seat.

Neoryi got up, sitting beside her after putting bags in the back. He took the reigns. "Ready?"

"yes I'm ready" she smiled softly at him resting her hand on her belly looked ahead.

Neoryi started the carriage. "There's a cloak just beside you..."

Quiyue pulled the large cloak on and pulled the hood up hiding her body, she didnt need someone seeing her and sending word back to Neoryi's father. Quietly she sat there stroking her hand over her belly not saying anything.

Neoryi handed her the reigns, and pulled on a cloak over himself. He then took back the reigns, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

Quiyue seemed to be covered in sadness as she cuddled against his side. The faster they got away from this place the better.

"I'm sorry that this is happening..."

"Its not your fault" she whispered softly as she snuggled up to him.

"It's my father's fault..."

"And... his fault...." she said and he knew she was talking about the sorcerer.

Neoryi nodded. He made the carriage move faster.

Quiyue stayed silent as she cuddled up to him.

the carriage carried them swifly down the road.

She grunted softly when the carriage hit a hard bump gently she craddled her belly. "We'll be safe soon little ones" she whispered softly.

Neoryi pulled her closer.

She felt weighted down by so much, like a dark sickness coating her body.

"Soon... please...." he mutter. He kissed her forhead.

Quiyue curled against him and soon drifted off to a very soft light sleep just needing to rest.

She felt the distant brush of Neoryi's skin against her.

Quiyue curled into that feeling.

The next that she woke, it was night, and the carriage was still moving.

She shivered and curled under the blanket he had given her snuggling against a pillow he must have packed for occassions like this.

"We'll stop soon love...."

Quiyue looked up from where she was laying in the back and saw him as he sat there in the front with the reigns. She hoped he was right, she was just so weighed down.

Shortly Neoryi pulled them over infront of an abandoned farm house. "We'll stop here for the night..."

Quiyue pushed herself up in a sitting position and rubbed her eyes "This looks like a good place" she said softly as she looked over the farm house.

Neoryi got down from the carriage, and then helped Quiyue down. He helped her inside, sitting her down on a straw bed.

"Are you going to hide the carriage?" she asked curiously.

"Yes... I will right back... five minutes at the most..."

"Alright" she said softly and nodded gently looking up at him. She felt so weak sitting there as if the energy was draining from her mor eand more

Not five minutes later, Neoryi came back into the place. "Love..." he said, sitting beside her, hugging her.

"I feel so weak Neoryi" she said softly leaning into him.

Neoryi pulled her close. She felt power start to flow into her.

But she felt the darkness inside of her seem to just devour the power. "Stop Neoryi the power its just being taken" she said putting her hand on his chest, her eyes fluttered shut. "A darkness is weighing me down its eating the energy your giving me... I I don't think, if the little ones decide to come that I would be able to survive the birth like this" she said softly with tears in her eyes.

"You will survive...." he whispered. The darkness disappeared. ((I have my reasons MWHAHAHA! ^_^ ))

Quiyue was still so weak though that curled up to Neoryi she fell fast asleep.

She dreamed once again of her time held by the sorceror...

Quiyue gasped waking up trembling. "Bastard you even hold my dreams" tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Nightmare? Same here..." came Neoryi's voice in the darkness, his arms safely wrapped around her.

Quiyue buried herself into his chest. "I'm feeling alot better today for some reason, I don't know why but it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders that had been there yesterday." She said cuddling into his strong embrace.

She felt Neoryi nodded his head against her. "I... took... it....." he whispered.

"What?" She gasped turning and looking at him. "No Neoryi why why did you do that?" she asked surprised.

"I don't want our cubs to be without a mother..." he whispered, holding her close.

"No Neoryi" tears streamed down her cheeks as she hugged him tight her heart ached.

"I lost my mother..."

Quiyue sobbed burying herself against him she couldnt bare the thought of loosing him, she didnt want to live without him in her life.

"It's going... to be fine..." he said kissing the top of her head. "I just need to rest..."

"No its not going to be fine look at you, you look like your death warmed over" she cried looking up at him. "Oh darling" she sobbed against his chest.

Neoryi tilted up her chin, and kissed her passionately.

Quiyue melted into the feel of his arms and the taste of his lips she couldnt help herself, he was her mate and her heart was aching.

Neoryi pulled back slowly. "I love you so much...."

"I love you to baby I love you to" she said softly hugging him tight not wanting ot let go.

Neoryi smiled, and kissed her more.

Quiyue kissed him back deeply enjoying every moment

Neoryi pulled back, and there was more color in his cheeks. "I love you....."

"I love you so much" she said lovingly and kissed him deeply again maybe if they kept going like this it could push that power out of him and away from the two of them .

Neoryi laid her back down, kissing her softly and with passion, rubbing her belly gently.

She plunged her hand in his hair kissing him back just as deeply with passion. "I love you so much So very much" she whispered before catching his lips with hers once more.

"I love you too, my tigeress..."

Quiyue pulled him down to her again. "I don't know what I would do without you" she said softly kissing him deeply.

"I'm never leaving you...."

"You better not" she said playfully nuzzling him and kissed him again

"You're my baby...I'm not going anywhere..."

Quiyue smiled lovingly and snuggled happily against him. "Your looking so much better how are you feeling?" she asked softly.

Neoryi nodded. "It's being here with you..."

Quiyue giggled and smiled softly, she shivered burying herself against him. "How long do you want to stay here in the barn?" she asked looking up at him.

"I need to rest... my power... strength...."

"Of course my darling" she stroked his hair and gently laid him down on the hay. "Rest my love"

"YOu too, my heart...."

She laid down next to him and snuggled against him tryign to get some rest, her body had been aching a bit but she was alright and just needing some sleep

She dreamed of a large silver black dragon flying in and scooping them up in its large claws.

She woke up and laid there confused. "Dragon?" she whispered a bit laying there.

"What...."came Neoryi voice softly.

"I had a dream of a dragon" she said turning her head looking at Neoryi next to her.

"A dragon... tell me.."

"A huge black and silver dragon came and scooped us up but we werent scared it was like you knew him" she said sitting there.


"Liangelus? he's a dragon?" she asked confused.

Neoryi nodded. "He is my half brother..."

"Half brother, then that would amke you... well now that explains alot" she giggled and snuggled against him.

Neoryi cocked a brow.

"Oh nothing" she said cutely looking up at him.

"Explains what?"

"nothing I swear" she said cutely hiding it from him.

He nuzzled her cheek. "Tell me...please..."

"Well every time we would get really intimate my inner tiger would feel something primal in you" she kissed the tip of his nose. " also the fact that your eyes turn almost feline like when you get turned on" she said cutely.

"Oh..." he said nuzzling her neck.

She giggled. "See nothing bad" she said playfully

"Thank you for telling me though..." he purred. "Would you like me to play for you...?"

She giggled and nuzzled him. "Oh..." she stopped and her ears twitched "Honey I hear huge beating wings" she said worriedly.

Neoryi pulled her closer. "Shh... we can't be sure that your dream is coming true right now....remember, the letter....and the messenger....." he whispered.

Quiyue nodded gently burying herself into his chest nervously.

Neoryi kept a guarded eye to the doorway.

Quiyue listened carefully.

They hear footsteps.

Quiyue quietly climbed out of the hay and went to a window to peak out at their visitors.

She show the two from her dreams.

"Neoryi its them its the ones from my dreams" she said looking over at him "And their coming to the door, Neoryi its your brother and his mate"

Neoryi looked scared and lost. "'s been centuries....I...."

Quiyue went over to him "Shhh shhh I'm here baby I'm here" she said lovingly. "And he loves you he just wants to help it will be alright" she said lovingly.

There was a knock on the door, and Neoryi jumped.

"Its ok sweetheart" she put her hands on his shoulders gazing up at him

"I slept pretty well my legs are a little stiff from not being able to stretch them out but other then that it was a good sleep" she said as she climbed out of the carriage gently. "And I'm starving right now" she said cutely as she walked over and put her hand on his shoulder. "What are you making?" she asked curiously.

"Vegetable stew, with fresh herbs..."

"Mmm it smells wonderful" she kissed his cheek as she sat down next to him and cuddled up to his side.

He scooped up a bowl, filling it. "Here you go..." he said, handing her the bowl.

"Mmm thank you" she smiled lovingly and snuggled in her blanket as she began to eat her food. "Mmm yum" she said happily.

"I thought that I'd let the pegasus rest, and feed all of us..."

"Well I do have to say that it was a wonderful Idea" she said lovingly giving him a little kiss before eating more of her stew.

Liangelus poured himself some of the stew, and started to eat. "We'll have to gather some of these herbs to bring with us...."

"Oh yes indeed" she sighed happily as she took another spoonful.

She felt something mumching on her hair.

"Hey what the?" she turned to see what was munching on her hair.

It was one of the pegasus. Liangelus laughed lightly. "He likes you, it seems...."

Marzena giggled. "hey there" she said cutely and gently pulled her hair away from him before stroking his snout. "Aren't you just gorgeous" she said sweetly.

The pegasus nuzzled her cheek.

"Awww your so cute" she giggled nuzzling the Pegasus back.

Liangelus laughed lightly. "It looks like I've got competition...."

Marzena giggled looking at Liangelus. "I geuss you do" she winked playfully over at him as the Pegasus nuzzled her.

Liangelus laughed, and eat more of the stew, smiling as he watched her.

"Now I have to eat cutie" she said to the pegasus and gently patted his snout and went back to her bowl of stew.

The other pegasus started to munch her hair.

Marzena giggled. "Hey hey" she said sweetly as she gently stroked the other Pegasus's snout getting him to stop munching on her hair.

Liangelus laughed heartedly. ((I will be back around 6:30pm Eastern))

((Alrighty!)) Marzena giggled and stroked the other pegasus's snout lovingly. "Both of you are such beautiful creatures" she said with a smile.

They nuzzled her.

"Hey you two are so silly" she giggled nuzzling them back. "Now why don't you go graze a little bit I need to eat" she said softly and lovingly to the two of them as she stroked their snouts

The two pegasus moved off a ways.

Liangelus leaned over and kissed her. "You are so cute with them."

"Am I?" she asked as she blushed bright red looking up at him.

"Yes... you indeed are..."

"Aww no I'm not" she giggled as she went back to eating her stew which was a little chilly since how long her distraction with the pegasus was.

Liangelus gently took her bowl, and refilled it with warm stew. "Yes you are..."

"Thank you my darling" she kissed him softly then took the bowl and began to eat.

"You are welcome up..." he said with a smile.

Marzena smiled and began to eat up the delicious stew and soon was done with two bowls. "Mmm that was delicious darling you are a wonderful cook" she said lovingly.

"Thank you... I've had time..." he laughed.

"Well I deffinantly know our little ones will love it" she said lovingly.

Liangelus nodded. "YOu really think so?"

"Oh yes I really do" she said lovingly kissing his cheek as they snuggled there together.

Liangelus held her, smiling. Marzena thought she could feel someone dreaming of them.

Marzena looked up at the sky feeling the dreamer wondering who would be dreaming about her and liangelus.

"What's wrong?"

"Someone is dreaming about us, I can feel it" she said softly.

"I wonder who..."

"I feel it is Neoyri's mate, the tiger woman" she said softly.

Liangelus hugged her.

Marzena shivered. "I feel so cold" she suddenly said burying herself against him.

Liangelus hugged her close.

Marzena let out a breath as it felt better. "The chill left I think she woke up"

"That's good...."

"Yeah it is" she said with a sigh as she was snuggled up against his chest. She then looked up at him. "When she we go?" she asked curiously.

"When you want to...."

"Honey on all of this I'm following your lead" she said taking his hand in hers. "So you lead whenever your ready" she smiled lovingly up at him.

"I am.... but you are the one that is pregnant..."

"The little ones and I are doing fine" she smiled lovingly gently taking his hand and putting it on her belly. "But I do have to ask that I get a bed to sleep in soon because sleeping in the carriage gave me a crick in my neck" she said cutely.

"Just a little bit, and we both can have a bed...."

Playfully she nuzzled him. "That sounds absolutely wonderful.

"Come... let's go... before night falls.."

"Yes my love" she said kissing him softly then stood and cradling her belly returned to the carriage climbing in and cuddling up in her blanket once more.

They were soon off again.

Marzena sat curled up in the waiting for her mate to join her. Happy to be hiding in the darkness of the carriage unable to see the outside as they flew.

Liangelus came in through the window, settling beside her. "I'm here... no worries..."

"Good that makes it so much better" she smiled up at him before she leaned into his side snuggling up to him. she giggled feeling his hand slide over her belly as they snuggled together.

"All of us will be safe and sound soon..."

"Mhmmm and then our little ones can come into the world." she said cutely snuggling against his side and sighed happily as his hand gently stroked her belly.

He kissed her neck, gently.

"Oooh I like that" she said playfully sighing happily at the feeling.

"Really now..." he kissed her neck again and agian.

Marzena gave a deep happy moan as he continued. "Oh your making me feel so frisky" she giggled.

"Is that a terrible thing?"

"Well there isnt much I can do when I'm as big as a whale." she said looking up at him adorably.

"A whale? You're a were-whale?" he jokingly asked with a smile.

"I most likely am with how huge i've gotten" she said patting her belly.

"You are carrying half dragon cubs...."

She giggled as one of their cubs kicked. "So true my darling, our children will be big and strong just like their Dragon Papa" she said cutely looking up at him.

"Graceful as their mother..."

Marzena turned red. "Awwww thats so sweet" she said cutely as she snuggled against him. Gently she took one of his hands in both of hers and gently played with it. "I never dreamed that I would be starting a family of my own, especially with someone like you" she said as she cuddled up against him.


"Well yes, back in my villiage to my people I was nothing but a freak. Men would play games with my heart but no one ever wanted me. Then I was captured by the sideshow and I thought that the only reason I would ever be having a child is that one of them would knock me up." she said and felt his body go rigid as he realized that she had been raped there at the side show.

Liangelus pulled her close. "Mine... My Love...."

Marzena buried herself against him. "Yes I'm yours and no one elses" she said snuggling against him loving the warmth of feeling so protected.

"No one will hurt you again..."

"I know my love, I know" she said lovingly gazing up at him, gazing into his eyes seeing they had shifted to their dragon form.

He nuzzled his face into her neck. Breathing in her scent.

Marzena sighed happily as one hand of his slid to her back and the other rested on her belly and she snuggled herself against him loving this moment between them.

"I will protect you with my life..." he whispered.

"Oh Liangelus" she sighed softly into his arms.

He held her close.

Marzena suddenly yelped when the carriage suddenly bucked with turbulence she whimpered hugging him tight trembling from fear.

"Shhh... it's okay love... I have you..."

"Oh heavens' she whispered snuggling against him still trembling with fear.

He stroked her hair gently, to sooth her.

Marzena let out a soft shakey breath and calmed down. She snuggled against him. "thank you for being so soothing when I freak out like that" she said looking up at him. "I feel so embarressed about my fear of heights I just can't help it" she said blushing.

"It's alright.... I understand..."

"Thank you" she said snuggling against him happily again trying to ignore being up so very high.

Liangelus started to kiss her neck.

Marzena moaned softly laying her head to the side loving the feeling of his lips on her neck. "Mmm that feels so good" she said in a lusty tone.

He moved, and started to kiss her stomach.

Marzena giggled and sighed happily as he slid her dress up and continued. "mmm I like that" she said watching him as he continued.

"I'm glad..." he growed/purred.

"I didnt say stop" she said cutely looking down at him infront of her.

He started to kiss her belly again,

"that feels so good" she sighed out happily loving this bonding time between the two of them and their little ones.

Liangelus started to massage her body.

Marzena let her eyes flutter shut at the feeling. "mmm that feels amazing" she sighed out. Her body was sore and what he was doing jsut felt so nice.

He continued to massage her, placing kisses on certain parts.

She happily laid there drifting off to sleep.

The next she knew, she woke up in a soft bed.

"Mmm soft" she mumbled happily snuggled in her big fluffy bed.

"You like this inn don't you?" came Liangelus's voice.

"Mmmmhmmm the bed's so comfy" she said opening her eyes half mast looking over at where liangelus's voice came from.

"We're going to rest here for a while..."

"that sounds wonderful to me" she said pushing herself up to a sitting position and put her hand on her belly. "Traveling is hard for me and the littleones.

He nodded, and snuggled up against her, pulling her close.

She snuggled against him and saw the fire roaring in the fireplace in their bedroom. "Mmm nice warm fire my hunky dragon everything is wonderful" she said lovingly.

He nibbled her neck.

Marzena sighed happily then squeeked suddenly. "Oh feels like your little ones want to say good morning" she said playfully after feeling them kick.

"A wonderful morning it is..."

"Yes it is" she said lovingly snuggled up to her mate she sighed happily at the feeling as his hand curessed her belly. "Soon our little ones will be here with us out in the world" she said sweetly.

"And by then, we are safely hidden away..."

"Yes and our family will be safe and we'll be happy together." She said lovingly.

He kissed her.

Mazena happily kissed him back then pulled back nuzzling him gently. "your so cute my darling."

"Oh as are you..."

Marzena nuzzled him happily suddenly she felt her stomach growl in hunger.

"ready for some breakfast?"

"yes sir" she said cutely and kissed him softly before letting go so he could go and get their food.

Liangelus left, coming back minutes later with a tray of fresh fruit, bread, and cheese, as well as drinks..."

"Oh thank you" she said lovingly and began to eat

"All you wish to eat..."

Marzena happily ate her food looking so cute as she did. She broke off peice of bread and nibbled on them.

Liangelus ate some of the food, smiling watching her.

Marzena filled up on food then sipped her drink. "Mmm yum this is really good baby" she said lovingly looking up at him

"I'm glad you like it..."

"But I do have to say the meal you made on the road was better" she winked playfully.

"Oh really now...." he said with a smile.

"Oh yes, have you ever thought of being a cook?" she asked playfully.

"No I haven't..."

"Well your deffinantly good enough to be one" she said and gave him a soft kiss then nuzzled him. "I know your littles ones seem to love it" she said cutely

Liangelus laughed, with a smile.

Marzena giggled with him and kissed the tip of his nose. "Your so cute" she giggled.

He rinkled it, and laughed.

Marzena couldnt help but laugh with him loving this sweet moment.

"You are the cute one...."

'Oh no I'm not" she purred out cutely.

"Like hell you're not..."

She squeeked and giggled when he said that and playfully crawled over climbing into his lap snuggling up to him.

"You are perfectly cute..."

"Perfectly cute?" she asked looking up at him as she twirled a strand of her black hair on her finger.

"Yes... you are..."

"I do have to say then that it makes you Perfectly handsome" she said lovingly.

Liangelus smiled down at her. "Thank you..."

"Your always welcome my gorgeous dragon" she said lovingly.

He kissed her just behind the ear.

Marzena giggled as her horse ear twitched at the feeling. "That tickles" she said cutely.

"Really?" he said doing it again.

She squeeked and giggled once more her ears twitching at the feeling. "Yes it really does" she said sighing as he brushed the hair away so he could get to the spot better.

He started to actually tickle her.

Marzena squeeled and giggled falling over backwards laughing as he tickled her.

He rolled her so that she was on her back. He smiled softly at her.

Her long black hair wrapped around her in lush beautiful waves as she smiled lovingly up at him. "Your so cute and fun, Our children will have a wonderful time with you" she said cutely.

"And you"

"My mate" she said lovingly and gently curessed his cheek as she gazed deeply into his eyes.

He kissed her.

Kissing him softly at first she moaned softly into his mouth as the kiss deepened between them. It was moments like this she wished she wasnt pregnant so she could get closer and naughty with him but she was thankful and blessed for their little ones. She laid there enjoying the hungery passionate kiss of her husband.

"WOuld you like to get moving again?"

She sighed cutely. "Well alright I guess so" she smiled lovingly looking up at him as she pushed herself sitting up again.

He helped her up. "I just wish to get there before nightful, if we are close..."

"Yes I understand sweet heart" she said lovingly looking up at him. "Lets get out of here as soon as we can."

He kissed her.

Marzena kissed him back. "Now come let us go." she said sweetly as they stood there together in their room.

Liangelus nodded, and helped her up.

Marzena stood up and straightened out her clothing then kissed his cheek. "Lets get going handsome" she said lovingly as she pulled on her coat he had given her.

"I love you..." he said, leading her back to the carriage.

She climbed in then took her seat once more inside as he was on the outside and got them on their way.

Once they were on their way, Liangelus came back in to the carriage. He pulled her against him.

"Oooh feisty" she said playfully as she snuggled against his broad sexy chest.

"Of course... you make me like this..."

"Do I now mister Dragon?" she asked cutely looking up at him.

"Yes, Miss Unicorn..."

Marzena playfully moved and straddled his lap giggling as her belly rested against his stomach. "You don't realize how much I wish the pregnancy was over." she purred out seductively laying her arms on his shoulders.

"We could take care of that now..." he whispered.

"I know we could but their safer in there then they are out here until we finish traveling" she said sweetly before she leaned in and kissed him softly

Liangelus kissed back, then laughed.

"What are you laughing about?" she asked looking at him curiously.

"I was thinking about what would happen..."

"What would happen if what?" she asked confused by what he was talking about.

He started to kiss her in her ticklish areas.

"Oh no!" she squeeled and began to giggle in his arms as he tickled her.

He covered her lips with his.

She giggled in his mouth then sighed happily as he stopped tickling her, her arms wrapped around his neck as she melted happily against him once more.

he scooped her up, and pulled her to his lap.

Marzena giggled then sighed again snuggling in his arms.

Liangelus kissed her forehead.

Marzena sighed happily. "I hope where we go is somewhere warm" she said softly "I'm so tired of the cold" she yawned snuggling up to him.

"It should be fine..."

"Mmmm ok" she purred out and snuggled up to his side more


Marzena yelped at the sound jumping. "What the hell?" she turned and saw a raven sticking its head in the window.

Liangelus waved for the bird to go, yet it didn't. "What's up with that?"

"Look there is something on its leg, it looks like a message or something" she said pointing to it but not wanting to get to close to the bird.

Liangelus quickly took the message. He read it confused.

"What does it say?" she asked confused.

"It's addressed... to Neoryi..."

"Are you sure? what does it say?" she asked watching him.

"It's a our father?" he said sounding very confused. "Why? Father would never..."

"What does it say?" she asked moving and peering over his shoulder at it.

"Father wants Neoryi to give up that....? This isn't the father I knew..."

"Give up what Im confused" Marzena said looking at him not understanding what was going on.

"...that... bitch..." he whispered.

"Damn it Liangelus" She smacked him across the face. "Talk to me!" she then blushed and jumped back. "I"m sorry its just you were so into the letter you were scaring me" she said softly.

Liangelus looked at her shocked. "Marzena.... that's what the letter says...."

"I'm sorry I didnt realize" she said turning bright red covering her mouth feeling horrible. "I'm so sorry" she felt tears glistened in her eyes over the fact that she had hit him.

He pulled her towards him, pulling her into a hug, and then kissed her. "I'm fine, love... it's alright... I'm alright..."

"Still though I wasnt thinking and I just" she sniffled

Liangelus kissed her softly. "It's okay, love.... really..."

Marzena buried herself against him. "So the letter its telling your brother to give up, 'that bitch?' she asked thinking of it all. "But why? that woman seemed so nice in my dreams when I saw her."

"I don't know... I could never imagine father having ever said anything like that..."

"But when was the last time you saw your father?" she asked looking up at him. "Maybe he's changed?"

"It has been a long time, but... he married his love... of a different race..."

"Elf right?" she asked curiously remembering the long elven ears she had seen on Neoryi.

"Neoryi's father step father..."

"Wait really? then wait...." she sat there trying to figure out the family tree.

"Neoryi and I have the same mother...."

"Who is a Dragoness, and your father is a Dragoness and his father is an Elf. Alright I understand now" she smiled. "But wouldnt your mother slap his father for that kind of language or...." she put her hand over her mouth. "Oh honey I'm so sorry" she said realzing his mother must have not been among the living anymore.

"It is alright love... you didn't know...."

Marzena nuzzled him and kissed him softly. "Hopefully we'll find your brother and his mate and be able to help them out with this."

"As do I, love as do I...for now we continue to ride on...."

"Yes that we do" she cuddled up by his side not knowing what else to say after all of this had happened.

She dreamed of Neoryi and his love, of their flight and fear.

She watched as Quiyue was captured and dragged off in chains and Neoryi screaming for them to let her go as the gaurds dragged him off in a seperate way. Marzena gasped waking up in shock and felt Liangelus's strong arms wrap around her to comfort her.

"Tell me...quickly..." he whispered.

"Neoryi's father, he's after them and will find them. He'll drag Quiyue in chains away and capture his son taking him back home. I have no clue what they'll do with Quiyue but it radiated darkness I think they're going to kill her." She said scared.

"No..." Liangelus said. He moved to the door of the carriage. "Love... the pegasus will head to where we are...." He scooped up her up. "Hold on..."

"Liangelus what are you doing?!" She clung her arms around his neck freaking out but knowing they had to do this or else he wouldnt be so crazy.

Liangelus pulled open the door, and the wind rushed in.

Marzena shivered at the old air and buried herself against him in her coat holding her arms around his neck tightly. "Alright I'm ready" she said softly trying to be brave as she buried her face in his neck trying not to look at how high up they were.

Liangelus jumped. She felt the wind rushed against her. Then she felt cool skin protected her.

Marzena kept her eyes closed tight scared not knowing what to do.

She no longer felt the wind against her, and she heard the flap of wings. Cool scales layed against her skin.

Marzena couldnt help herself but look, she opened her eyes and looked up.

Marzena found herself in one large claw of a silver black dragon.

Marzena gasped staring up at him, if they weren't flying who knew how high up in the air she would learn every curve of his dragon body.

His wings moved again as they flew.

Marzena cuddled up in his huge claws feeling safe in his care.

((Just so you know, she is just sitting in one of his claws))

I will not drop you love... came his voice is her mind.

She hugged his claw as she sat there looking up at him. "I trust you my love" she said sweetly looking up at him. She didnt know why but being in the air with him like this she felt so at ease. "Where are we going?" she asked looking up at him.

We are going to find my brother and his love....

"Do you have any idea where he is?" she asked worriedly.

I'm seeking out his power and scent..."

"Do you know how far away he is?" she asked curiously looking up at him.

I can't tell, but...I know we are going the right direction...

"I hope its soon I'm freezing my ass off" she shivered pulling her coat tighter around her body.

I'm sorry...

"Its alright sweety its alright" she smiled softly up at him as she snuggled up holding onto his claw.

He closed his claw more around her.

"much better" she said lovingly as she hid behind the sheild he had made with his claws hiding from the chill of the wind.

I'm glad...

She snuggled up against his claws. "When we're finally safe I want to spend time getting to know you in this form" she said as she sat there.

Oh really?

"Yes really, your my mate and I want to get to know you in all your forms, don't you want to get to know me in my full unicorn form?" she asked curiously looking up at him.

I'd love to, Marzena.... you are my heart....

"Well when we have peace and our little ones are born then I'll deffinantly have to show you."

I can't wait...

"Neither can I but first we need to find your brother and his mate then we need to get somewhere warm." She said cutely looking up at him.

We are.... look...

Marzena was careful and peered over the claws to see.

there was lush green rolling hills.

"oh wow!" she gasped gazing over the landscape as she held tightly onto his claws. "Its been so long since I've seen grass" she smiled as she felt the warm wind on her face.

There was a deep growling laugh from Liangelus.

"What are you laughing at?" she asked cutely looking up at him.

how wonder you are...

Marzena giggled and smiled. "Your such a sweety" she said lovingly snuggling in his paw.

Thank you love... just a few more miles...

"Wonderful" she said sweetly looking up at him.

He laughed again. Cute...

She sat in his paw again cuddled up as she flew with him

She started to feel them decending.

"You found him?" she asked excitedly.

"I found something..."

"Something?" she asked worriedly.

Someone was trying to hide a carriage and white horse...

"Honey look over there, an abandoned barn house Maybe Neoryi and his mate are in there!" she pointed over to it.

It's them... he said, landing on the ground. He set his claw on the ground to allow her to step off.

Marzena gently stepped down on the ground. "Honey they're probably scared right now with the threats" she said looking up at Liangelus.

"Luckly.." he said after shifting back. "they didn't have to read the letter we ran across..."

"Right, so tell me what are we going to do?" she asked worriedly looking up at him.

"Knock on the door?"

"Your his brother, he'll talk to you" she stroked his hair.

Liangelus nodded, and started walking over to the barn.

Marzena followed behind him.

"I need a good luck kiss..." he said and kissed her.

Kissing him back she then pulled back gazing up at him. "Good luck sweety" she said lovingly then walked closer to the barn with him.

Liangelus knocked on the door, and they both heard someone jump.

"Your brother is nervous" she whispered softly.

He nodded as the door opened. "Neoryi...?" said Liangelus softly.

Neoryi nodded. " that really you?"

Liangelus nodded, and pulled Neoryi into a hug.

Quiyue walked out of the barn and smiled at the sight then looked at Marzena. "Its nice to meet you I'm Quiyue Neoryi's mate and from the looks of it your Liangelus's mate" she smiled.

Marzena giggled putting her hand on her belly. "Its an honor to meet you, I'm Marzena" She smiled then they looked at their men.

"Liangelus... what happened....? I... woke up in a cage in some castle...."

"You were sold..." he replied sadly.

"No matter how much I'm loving this reunion between the two of you, Neoryi and I need to stay otu of sight" Quiyue said worriedly looking down the road thinking of the men that were probably after them.

"We found one of father's letters, but.... I don't think you should see it...." Liangelus said.

"Honey I think we should listen lets go into the barn out of sight" Marzena put her hand on her mate's arm.

Quiyue nodded. "We'll talk in there" she said worriedly.

Neoryi and Liangelus both nodded. They leaded the girls inside.

The girls both sat down on one of the hay piles resting their bodies.

"I thought you were gone forever, Liangelus..."

"As with you... but I never gave up hope...."

Both of the girls went "awww" in reply.


Liangelus hugged his brother. "it's okay, brother....I understand...."

The girls sat there quietly watching them so happy for the brothers.

Liangelus smiled softly at Quiyue. "She is a beauty, Neoryi... I am so happy for you..."

"You as well, brother....we... saw your painting..."

"Painting?" Liangelus said looking confused. "How did you know that I had down a painting?"

Marzena turned bright red. "Liangelus they saw the one you did of me th that other night" she said knowing exactally which one.

"I know which painting... but how...? Marzena... they weren't in our home....."

"It was in our home" Quiyue said sitting there twirling a chunk of hair with her fingers.

"But how?" Liangelus looked at Neoryi. "I had found my way back to the hidden valley that our family lived in...."

"What...?? I found our family home...."

The girls looked at each other then at the men confused.

The boys looked at each other then at the girls. "I don't like this..." they said at the same time.

The girls sat there nervous watching their men.

Liangelus stood up. "We need to get away from here...."

"Any ideas...?"

"We fly..."

"We fly?' Quiyue asked confused not knowing how they would fly in this world.

Liangelus moved over to Marzena, and lead her out side. Neoryi went over to Quiyue. "Remember your dream?"

"A dreams one thing but actually doing it?" she asked timidly. " what about the horse and all of our things to?" she asked looking up at him.

They heard neighs of multiple horses. ((The two pegasus's landed...and Liangelus went to get the other carriage and horse...))

"more horses?" she asked confused.

"Its alright these are good horses" Marzena smiled and stood with a groan before heading outside.

"Neoryi... help me transfer your bags..." Liangelus said.

Neoryi and Liangelus moved the bags to the other carriage. "What does this have to do with flying?" Neoryi asked.

Liangelus pointed over to the black horses that soon sprouted wings.

Marzena was over with the horses hugging and stroking their snouts lovingly. "You two have done so great when we get a chance I'm going to get you each a nice and tasty couple of sugar cubes. But don't tell Liangelus that" she whispered to them.

"Wow Quiyue said gazing over at the pegasi

"We'll fly this way... and be able to talk in private....." Liangelus said.

Quiyue nodded "Of course I deffinantly understand that." she was still curious though on where they were going to go.

Liangelus looked at Marzena, then at the others. "We are going to a safe house that I made and have been fixing up for the time when......I found you, Neoryi..."

Neoryi was wide mouth. "Really? Oh brother..."

Liangelus smiled, and opened the door to the covered carriage. "After you, ladies..."

The girls climbed in both of them sitting on the opposite sides of the carriage making themselves comfortable.

Neoryi climbed in, sitting beside Quiyue, while Liangelus closed the door behind him. Soon the carriage was off, followed by the tumble of being lifted off the ground. Seconds later Liangelus climbed through the window, relaxing beside Marzena.

Marzena snuggled against Liangelus's arm getting more and more comfortable with flying.

Quiyue was nervous though her tail flicking back and forth next to her as she clung to Neoryi's arm timidly.

"I'm here..." Neoryi whispered. "I'm not going to let anything happen..."

Quiyue nodded burying herself against him.

"Are you afraid of heights?" asked Liangelus.

"No I'm not afraid of heights, flying yes, Heights no I'm fine with heights in the forests of my world I used to climb huge trees tall mountains and I would be perfectly fine but flying terrifys me for some reason." She shivered.

"Oh... I"m sorry... I was asking because..." he said softly looking at his love, pulling her closer.

"Its alright I'm sorry i didnt mean to snap" Quiyue said embarressed. "I'm guessing your afraid of heights?" she asked Marzena curiously.

"Yes I'm petrified of heights but I've slowly gotten use to flying the idea of being up high still scares me but I'm getting better" Marzena smiled

"I'm willing to help her with her fear, but I'm not going to force her...." Liangelus said, hugging Marzena.

"If I do its not going to be any time soon" Marzena said looking up at him.

He just kissed her neck.

Marzena gave a little giggle and snuggled up to his side.

Quiyue suddenly groaned as she felt pain lower in her body, It wasnt going to be much longer until the contractions would begin.

Neoryi held Quiyue worried. Liangelus tossed him a ring. "Put that on her finger..." Neoryi did as he was told, and Quiyue's pain went away.

Quiyue looked at the ring on her hand. "What is it?" she asked examining the ring.

Liangelus smiled holding Marzena. "It will lengthen the pregnancy... Marzena has one too.... I gave it to her and now one to you because we are traveling..."

"Thats wonderful" Quiyue said with a big smile. 'Thank you so much Liangelus it deffinantly makes it all easier if we don't have to worry about all of the little ones"

Liangelus smiled and laughed a little. "I think our children are going to be a great handful...."

The girls both giggled when he said that thinking of it all

Neoryi smiled. He pulled out his flute and started to play a beautiful melody.

Liangelus sat back, listening to him.

Quiyue snuggled up to Neoryi's side listening to him.

Marzena gently played with Liangelus's hand as she listened as well

The music was calming and filled their minds of beautiful fields and mountains.

The girls soon drifted off to sleep snuggled up to their mates protected and safe now that they were all together.

They each dreamed of mountains and large metal cities.

The landscapes truely breath taking and for the eye to behold.

"Girls..." came Neoryi's voice softly.

"Five more minutes' Marzena mumbled against Liangelus.

"Hmmm wha?" Quiyue asked groggily.

"Look outside..."

"Both girls rubbed their eyes then went to the window looking outside.

There were huge metal buildings. Quiyue could recognize the city as New York City.

He held onto his love protectively.

"You're.... squeezing... me... can't.... breath...." came a soft voice.

He gently loosened his grip. "Sorry..."

Nickoli looked up at him, with a smile. "It's okay... love..."

He gently kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you too, Miach..."

"I don't want to lose you."

"Same with you, Miach...I'm not leaving you..."

He nodded.

"What... time is it?"

He looked at the clock

It read 9am.

"Nine am."

"Sleep..." he said, yawning.

"I can't...I keep having bad dreams..."

"I'll protective you from the bad dreams....." he whispered.

"I'm afraid if I fall asleep you will vanish."

"Oh Miach..."

He held him close. "I can't lose you again."

"I don't plan on going any where..."

He gently kissed him

Nickoli kissed back.

"I love you."

"I love you too...." Nickoli snuggled against him, and closed his eyes holding tight.

He did the same.

He slept dreamless the rest of the morning hours, it was in the earlier afternoon when he awoke again, his body, arms and legs spread across the whole bed, alone.

He bolted up and looked around for Nickoli. "Nickoli?!"

Nickoli came running into the room. "Miach? What's wrong? I'm here... I..."

He hugged hinm quickly trembling. "I...thought you were gone...I thought I lost you again..."

"I was fixing us something to eat..." he said, hugging back.

He hugged him close and slowly nodded

"I'm sorry I scared you..."

"It's not your fault."

"I should have woke you..."

"No. It's ok. I love you I was just scared."

Nickoli hugged him. "I still should have...."

"It's alright. As long as you are safe."

He smiled.

"What is for breakfast?"

"Surprise..." he said softly.

He got up and dressed. "Lead the way."

Nickoli lead him out to the kitchen. There on the table was a plate of eggs with melted cheese on top, toast, and fruit.

"It looks delicious."

"Thank you.... I... just thought...but... I don't know if vamp...."

He smiled. "Why else would I have it in the fridge?" He sat down. "are you going to eat too?"

Nickoli sat down, and waited for Miach.

Miach took a bite. "It's really good. Thank you."

Nickoli nodded. "I'm glad..."

"Thank you."

Nickoli nodded, and smiled a bit.

"I love you." Miach said

"I... love you, Miach.."

"Thank you."


"Loving me...yet again."

"I..." Nickoli nodded, softly smiling.

"What's wrong love?"

"I'm just thinking...on the past..."

He got up and hugged him. "I want to think only of the future and the present."

He hugged back. "I was thinking about what I should do as a career...for the future....."

He smiled. "You used to be a doctor...what do you want to do?"

"Doctors have indeed changed, since then..."

"I know.:

"Do you think I could become a doctor easily with my...... knowledge from... the past?"

He hugged him. "I don't know..."

"Do you think I could again?"

"I think you could but is that what you want?"

Mikiael nodded. "Yes...."

He smiled. "You will make a wonderful doctor like you did before. This time I intend to protect you more."

"Thank you..."

He smiled and nodded

Nickoli leaned against him.

He held him close and gently kissed him

He kissed back. "I love you..." he whispered.

"And I you. What do you want to do?"

"I don't know... I don't want to go home..."

"Than don't...want to move in?"

"Move in?"

"With me."


Miach smiled and nodded. "I want you safe and happy." He said gently kissing him.

Nickoli blushed kissing back. "Thank you soo much..."

"I want you happy. So of course."

Nickoli kissed him.

He kissed back happily.

Nickoli pulled back after a while.

"I love you."

"I love you.... I just have to go back... to get some things...."

"Want me to come with you?"

"If you want to..."

He nodded and stood up.

Nickoli stood up, and gathered his things.

He followed him. "Lead the way."

Nickoli lead him from the apartment.

He followed him. "Do you think they will allow you to move out?"

"I don't know..."

"I am here for you."

"Thank you Miach...."

"anything for you."

Nickoli continued to lead Miach to his home.

Miach smiled at him. "I am here for you."

"Thank you....we're here..." he said softly.

he looked at the house.

The house was huge. "I'm scared....."

He held his hand gently."I am here for you."

Nickoli opened the door heading inside.

He followed

"Mom! Dad!" he called. There was no answer.

"They're not home?"

"I don't know why their not...."


"I guess.... I hope that's it..."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know... just a bad feeling..."

"Lets look and see if they are here..." He smelled the air

He didn't smell anything.

"How often are they not here?"

"They are never not here..."

"Strange..."He took his hand and started to look around

Nickoli walked around their home, so confused. "MOm! Dad!" There was still no answer.

"Where is their room?>"

"Down that hall..."

He lead him there to check

Nickoli opened the room's door. The bed was a mess, and no one was in there. "What's going on here?"

"Looks like a struggle..."


"Yea?" He asked grimly

"I'm scared... can I just grab what I want and leave...?"

He followed him to do so. "Yes...I don't want to be here much longer either..."

Baine looked at him sadly, he then pointed to a corner of the hut.

he looked.

"There was a hand made grave. "When I was able to get back there to help him again, I found him disguarded in the field near by... dead...."

He looked horrified. " Why did he change? Why would he do this? W...who was he?"

"That young man... his family had been killed in front of him, and he thought that Claude was being kind in allowing him to live with him..."

He started to cry. "W...was he always like this than? Did he pretend to love me?"

"I thought he loved me..."

Erebain looked down sadly

"I'm sorry, Erebain..."

He shook his head. "No...I am...I keep troubling you."

"You have not troubled me at all... I wish to help.."

"But I am making that hard on you."

"You are not.... it's fine..... oh and thank you....for placing the blanket over me..."

He nodded. "I was afraid you would catch cold...."

"Thank you again...."

He nodded.

"Come back inside...I'll make us something..."

He followed him inside.

Baine lead the way into the kitchen and started to make a late night/early morning breakfast.

He sat at the table. "Need help?"

"There is milk in the refrigerator... could you get it out and pour us each a glass, and then a bowl for her...?"

He nodded and did as he was asked.

"Thank you for helping..."

"You're welcome...thank you for everything."

"Erebain... you are welcome..."

He looked down. "do you think my family will want me back?"

"Yes I do... I know mine did..."

"Where is your family than?"

Baine looked over at the wolf.

I am his sister...

"You are? Why are you always in that form than?"

"She was cursed..."

"Oh...I am so sorry."

I am used to it...

He gently hugged her. "I am sorry."

She leaned her head on his shoulder.

He gently stroked her fur.

Baine came over with a bowl of fruit. "Here you are...."

He took it and thanked him than took a bite of some fruit

It was delicious.


"Glad you're enjoying it...."

He nodded

The wolf nuzzled his leg, then laid down.

He sighed. "What about your parents?"

"They had died long before Claude..."

"Oh...I am so sorry."

"It is okay... it's been a long time..."

"How...old are you?"

Much older than what we appear...

" old is Cloude?"

Baine gave him a knowing look that read 'older'.


Baine nodded.

"He told me he was a little older than I..."

"In appearances maybe..."


Baine nodded. "Eat up... and I'll get something ready for the trip..."

He started to eat

The wolf ate from her bowl, as Baine disappeared to ready a few things.

"Do you think my family will accept me?"


They are your family...

"I know...but what if they are disappointed? We are suppossed to remain pure until marriage...I didn't."

"In a way, he raped you..."

"But...I allowed it to happen..."

"Don't say that..." he said softly.

"But/...I did."

"They will understand...."

He looked down not sure if that was true

The wolf nuzzled his hand. They will.....

He smiled faintly. "Maybe." He smothered a yawn

Baine gently lead Erebain off to one of the rooms. "Rest... you need it..."

He nodded and laid down to sleep

He dreamed of his family.

He begged for forgiveness

He had two dreams of their reaction.

He tried to see what they were

One was of them welcoming him back with open arms, the other was not so nice.

He tossed and turned

"Erebain..." he heard. "It's a dream..."

He opened his eyes

He saw Baine standing over him. "It's just a dream...."

He looked around and nodded. "Thank you..."

"You're welcome my friend..."

He bit his lip not sure what to do

"Go back to sleep... it's still late..."

He nodded and closed his eyes to sleep

He didn't feel Baine leave as he drifted off to sleep.

He curled up as he slept

His dreams were peaceful this time.

He slowly uncurled

The next he woke, he found Baine asleep in a chair in the room.

He put a blanket over him again

Thank you again...

He nodded and laid down

Still tired?

He sat up. "Is it morning?" He said feeling a little embarrassed, he hadn't slept well but he doubted he would sleep anyway.

Yes... but the sun hasn't come up yet...

"Oh. Ok...sorry." He said looking down. " scared..."

You are in the company of friends...We are all afraid...

he nodded. "I'm afraid my family will reject me...I am no longer pure."

If they don't... you are welcome to call us family...

He nodded still looking sad

You can call us family even if they do welcome you back...

"Thank you..."

The wolf licked his hand.

he stroked its fur

"M...Morning..." came Baine's voice.


"Did you sleep well?"

"yea." He lied not wanting him to feel bad

Baine just looked at him.

"Are we heading home today?" He said trying to distract him

"Yes we are..." Baine said standing up. "I'll go get the packs..."

"Thank you...for everything."

Baine nodded. "Ready?"


They all disappeared and reappeared several times. they did this till they had appeared in a wooded area. "I have to rest..."

"Ok. Where are we?" He asked setting down.

"The eastern coast of China..."


"I wanted to get you as close to home before I had to rest..." Baine said, sitting down.

"Don't puish yourself too hard."

Baine nodded. "I just wished to help you...."

"I know and I appreciate it."

Baine leaned against a tree.

He sat down and yawned. "Can I get you anything?"

"In that pack... there's water in bottle for each of us..."

He gave him his water ang got some for himself


"'s just a shortened version of Kiarian..."

"I know...but can I ask why you want me to call you by Kiar?"

"Because I prefer it..." he said softly.

She hugged him. "Ok Kiar. My name is Chrisa but I like being called Chris."

"Chrisa is a beautiful name... though I will call you as you wish... my love... my Chris..." Kiar kissed her softly.

She kissed back with a blush. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Chris..."

She hugged him

"I'll walk you home, if you don't mind....that is..."

"Yes please."

Kiar wrapped an arm around Chris's shoulders, and started to walk to leave the school.

She leaned her head against his shoulder

"Which way?"

She told him.

Kiar started heading that way with her.

She started asking him things about himself trying to get to know him.

"I'm older than I appear..."

"You said you are a old can they live to be?"

Kiar shrugged. "I don't really know..."

She frowned in confusion. "How is that?"

"I don't know my family... I've been alone...for a long time...."

"I am sorry..."

"It is okay..."

She hugged him close

He hugged back. "Now... I should get you home..."


He got her home. "Here we are..."

"Want to come inside?"


She blushed and nodded. "I want you to meet my parents..."

"You do?"

She nodded leading him inside. "Mom...Dad I am home."

"Chrisa... in the kitchen..."

She lead him in. "Is something wrong?"

"No...we were just in here... who is this?"

"This is Kiar. He is a new friend I met at school and he walked me home."

"Thank you, Kiar..."

"You are welcome, ma'am..." Kiar said.

"Can he stay for dinner?"

"Yes, Chrisa...he may..."

She smiled at him. "Will you?"

Kiar nodded. "If you want me too..."

She smiled. "What are we having for dinner? Need help?" (remember the parents tolereate her but are uneasy around her now))

"No... no... we are fine...."

"Ok...what's for dinner?"

"Chicken, corn, and rolls..."

"Ok. Ummm...Kiar want to see my dog?"


She lead him to the back of the house and through the back door. In a dog kenel was a half wolf half husky. "Her name is is Aurura."

"She's a beauty, just like her owner..."

"Are you saying I look like a dog?" She said teasingly as she let Aurara out so they could play with her

"If you mean you are both untamed beauties... you are right..."

She blushed. "Thanks...but we are both tame."

"You are perfect, untamed..." he teased.

She blushed and gently kissed him

He kissed back.

She blushed and hugged him. "Thank you."

He just smiled, and nodded. He started to pet Aurara.

She pet Aurara too

"They don't like... you do they....?" he asked softly.

"Who? My...parents? They used too. brother...they changed..."

He pulled her against him.

She blushed and hugged him

"It's not your fault...."

"I feel it is..."

"Everyone feels like that when tragedy strikes them, but you just have to remind yourself that it's not your fault."

"My family...they think I am strange because I saw it before it happened...I think they believe I made it happen."

"I believe you didn't... you know you didn' will be alright in time..."

She nodded.

He kissed her.

She kissed back


She smiled. Shall we?"

"Yes... after you..."

She lead the way in

Her parents had the table ready as well as chicken and potatoes on each plate. Kai pulled out a chair for her.

She blushed and sat down. "Thank you."

"You're welcome..." She saw her parent look confused and glare at Kairain.

She bit her lip. " was work?" She asked her parents trying to distract them

"It went well.."

Kai sat down in his seat.

"That's good...dinner is good." She said taking a bite of the food.

"Thank you, Chrisa..." her mother said.

"I agree... thank you, ma'am.... your dinner was delicious..." Kai said bowing his head a bit after eating some.

She smiled and nodded as she ate

When dinner was done, her parents just left the room to work on dishes.

"Need help?" She asked her parents/

"No..." they called out.

She sighed. "We used to be real close." She whispered to Kai

Kai lead her back to her room. "I love you..."

"I love you too." She said with a blush

Kiar kissed her.

She kissed back

"I should leave.... I don't want your parents to be upset with you..."

"I'll see you tomorrow?" She asked handing him her cellphone number

"Sure thing," he said, and kissed her.

She kissed back. "goodnight."

He smiled. "Night..." He left.

She sighed sadly and brushed her teeth readying for bed.

"I don't want him around here again..." came her father's voice.

She looked at him surprised he was even talking to her without her talking first. "But...why? He is really nice and came to my defense at school."

"I don't want him around her again..."

"I agree...that boy is trouble..."

"Mom...Dad...he isn't mean."

Her father turned and stared at her. "I will not be having him in my house again."

"But...why? He is the only one that is treating me nicely at school..."

"Go to bed..."

She looked down sadly. "But..."

"I said go to bed, now!"

She looked down and went to her room shutting the door. She climbed into bed and picked up the picture on her bedside table. It was a picture if she and her twin taken only a day before he was killed. She hugged it close. "I miss you...I am sorry I couldn't save you."


She jumped looking around.

She didn't see anything.

"Who...who is there?"

There was no answer.

She sighefd. "Must be stress..."She thouyght laying down and placing the picture back

Not your fault.... came the soft voice again.

"Who's there?"



Kaliena agreed with everything. "This is going to be a wonderful picnic..... Loki...."

He smiled. He than selected a bottle of champaign. "Do you drink?"

"Yes...on occasion..."

"Do you like champaign?"

She nodded.

He got the most expensive and flavorful brand

"You... that's so expensive, Loki... are you sure?"

"I want the best for you."

Kaliena kissed him. "Thank you... you are soo kind..."

Loki smiled as he kissed her back. "I can't explain what I feel for you...but I want you safe and happy."

"Thank you, Loki..."

He smiled. "You're welcome..."

She took hold of his arm, holding it.

He smiled paying for their purchases

Kaliena leaned her head against Loki as they walked out.

He smiled. "I love you."

"I... love you, Loki..."

"I love you too."

Kaliena smiled. She walked with him to the park, and up a hill to a large oak tree. She pulled out a blanket, laying it out for them. She sat down, smiling up at him.

He sat down next to her. "Nice spot."

"I enjoy it..." she said smiling up at him.

He smiled and dished out portions of the food and drink. He waited till they had been happily eating and talking for awhile than he handed her a small jewelry box. "I hope you like it..."He said opening it to reveal a beautiful topaz necklace. She didn't recall him having a chance to get it.

"When...? When did you get this?" Kailiena asked, looking up at him in amazement.

he smiled. " you like it?"

"It's beautiful, Loki..."

"Want to wear it now?"

"Oh yes, Loki... it's so lovely..."

he helped her put it on. "I hoped you would like it."

"I do, Loki... it's wonderful..."

"I am glad you like it." He raised his champaign glass. "To the beginning of our new friendship"

"Friendship..." she said, raising her glass.

He took a sip

She sipped her's. "Delicious..."

"I agree."

She smiled at him.

"I like this."

"I do too....." she said softly.

He smiled.

"Oh wow... look...." she said looking up.

He did so

The shower had started.

He smiled gently holding her close


"I know."

"I love star gazing..."

"I usually don't have the time."

"Really? That busy??"

"Sadly yes."

"Oh Loki... that's terrible...."

"I know..."

"It would be nice if you didn't have to..."

he looked down. "I know...I wish I didn't have to"

Kailiena took his hand. "I'm here..."

"Thank you."

She nodded, smiling.

"May I...kiss you?"

Kailiena nodded. "Yes.. you may..."

He gently kissed her

She kissed back gently.

"I...think I love you..."

"You do....?"

"Yes. I...want to see you more."

"You may...." she said softly.

He smiled and handed her his cell number

She took it. "Here..." she handed him her's.

He put it in her phone and put the number in his wallet then hugged her close

She hugged back.

"I love you."

"I love you too..." She kissed his cheek.

He smiled. "The stars bring out your eyes."


He nodded with a smile

She kissed him.

He kissed back lovingly

"I... have to get on home...."

"Let me walk you home." He said getting to his feet and offering his hand to help her up

She smiled, taking his hand. "Thank you Loki..."

He smiled and nodded packing away the remnants of their picnic. "What way?"

"This way..." she said, pointing off in the way that would lead past his 'work'.

He walked with her protectively and tried to get to know her more.

"I live alone... and my family is somewhere... I don't know..."

"You don't know?"

"They went into hiding.... I was living alone for a while, under my pen name, but....."

"What?" He asked in concern.

"Something sent them into hiding and I haven't heard from them...."

"And they left you?"

"I had left home for some freedom, but... something had to have scared them..."

he hugged her gently. "Were they...gifted?"

"Loki... we're elves...."

"What...did they look like?" He asked hoping he wasn't responsible for their disappearance

Kailiena discribed an older brother of her's and then her mother. Both Loki had seen, but... he had not seen them til after he himself had been caught.

"Last time I saw them they lived...but when I was given my job they were no longer there...but they could have been moved, I will look for them for you."

"Wait... my brother and mother are with the people making you work for them?"

"Last I knew they were."

"Oh Loki..."

He hugged her gently

She hugged him back, holding on tightly.

"I love you."

"I love you..."

He held her close. "I want you safe and happy. I will try to find them."

"I don't want you in trouble... please... don't.... I don't want you to get hurt... you already did so much...."

"I would feel horrible if I didn't."

"You'll get in trouble..."

"I always get introuble"

"But Loki... what if I don't see you again..." she said sadly looking down.

"Why would I not see you again? They wouldn't get rid of me so quickly...I can sense people with abilities and they desire my talents."

"But they may never let you leave..."

"I will be careful and find a way to search for your parents."

"Alright love..." she whispered, then kissed him.

He returned the kiss

"This.... is my apartment..."she said softly.

"Alright...I'll see you later?"

Kailiena nodded. "I'd love to see you again..."

he kissed her and left

The streets were empty.

He headed to his small apartment

He made it back.

He laid down on the bed thinking of Kailiena and her family

He fell asleep and dreamed he was forced to bring Kailiena in.

He growled thrashing in his sleep

then she was raped and killed.

He bolted awake.Kailiena? He called out through the mind


Are you ok?

Yes... I'm okay...why? what's wrong?

he told her his nightmare

I'm fine Loki...

Stay safe and sweet dreams

You too...

I will try

Eve blushed and thanked her. After she was out of earshot she whispered. "She seems nice..."

"I know... she's great..." she said, smiling. Diaca lead Eve to the livingroom. "Mom will find us, and she'll be coming back with cookies most likely..."

"Oh...she doesn't have to."

"Mom does it all the time... playing the makes her happy when I bring friends home..."

"Oh...even though I am not rich?"

"To her, you are my doesn't matter..."

"What about your dad?"

"He's hardly here.... always traveling for business...."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"I'm use to it... it's always fun when he comes home though..."

"It is?"

"There is always a party... and father always brings back something for my friends and I..."

"Oh. I see. Should we start on our homework?"

"You're my friend too... and more if you want..." she whispered.

She blushed and nodded. "I already told you...I want your girlfriend."

"I know..." Diaca said softly.

"Here we are, girls..." said Diaca's mother coming in with a tray of chocolate cookies with chocolate chips.

"They look good. Thank you." Eve said with a smile.

"Oh you are very welcome my I will leave you two to your studies..."

"Thank you, mum..." Diaca said.

Her mother smiled, and then left the room.

She took one cookie and handed one to Diaca. She than took a bite of the cookie

Diaca took a bite of the cookie. "Yum.... our cook has out done himself again..."

"They are delicious..."

Diaca nodded. "I love them..."

"Me too." She said as she started working on part of the project she even drew some really neat pictures of the fae.

"Pretty..." she heard Diaca say.

she blushed. "Really?"


She smiled. "I was thinking we could have a poster for visual effect."

"It's a great idea," she said with a smile.

She smiled. "Really? Do you think the teacher will like it too?"

"I would hope so..."


Diaca kissed Eve softly.

She kissed back

Diaca pulled back, smiling, blushing.

"Love you."

"I love you too...Eve..."

She smiled.

Diaca smiled, and pulled out some books, showing Eve some Fairy Mounds.

"Neat. Should I draw that in?"

"It would be cool..."

She started working on it

"You really are a wonderful artist."

She blushed. "Thank you."

"I agree..." came Diaca's mother's voice.

She jumped a little and blushed. "Thank you."

The woman smiled. "YOu are very welcome..."

"It's for our project..."

"That's wonderful... it looks like a wonderful protect..."

Eve smiled and nodded.

"When's dad coming home?"

"Three days...why do you ask?"

Diaca smiled. "Can Eve come to the party?"

"Of course, sweety... "I'll go tell cook there's to be one more..." she walked off.

"I can come? Really?"

Diaca smiled. "Yes.... you are...."

She hugged her

Diaca hugged Eve back.

"Thank you...I never get invited to anything..."

"You will from now on...."

She blushed. "Thank you."

"You're welcome..."

She smiled and worked on the project

Every so often Diaca would casually touch Eve softly on the hand, give it a gentle squeeze then go back to work.

Eve blushed and began to return the found touch

Diaca smiled.

"Love you." She whispered

"You as well..."

She smiled."Done."

"That's great...I'm sure that we will Ace this project..."

She smiled. "Yea."

"You want some hot chocolate..."

"Yes please."

Diaca smiled, and lead her to the kitchen and started making it.

She smiled. "Thank you for letting me come here"

((should we have some of Diaca's "friends" show up?))

"Diaca!" came a high pitch voice. Diaca physical grimaced.

"Who is that?" Eve asked in concern as she gently kissed her cheek

"Permela... she is..."

"Diaca! There you are!" A young girl around their age came in, she was pretty, but only in her features.

Eve remained where she was next to Diaca a little worried. She slowly began to pack away their project, pretty sure they wouldn't be able to do more with Permela there and not wanting her to see it.

"Permela... this is Eve..."

"Oh... Eve, hi... okay, now have you heard when your father is going to be back in town, I saw the cutest dress...."

"Permela... we're working on classwork..."

Eve looked at Permela trying to keep alert for her reaction. "Hi..." She said trying to be polite. She was growing more uncomfortable by the minute. She guarded their work in case she was the type to try and destroy something if she got angry.

"really? You've never said no before..."

"I am not, Permela.... I'll call you later about any party..."

"Party pooper..."

"Bye Permela..."

"We want to do well in school, she isn't being a party pooper."

Permela just looked at Eve. "Who was talking to you?" She stormed off.

Eve looked down feeling more out of place and shy

Diaca went over to her, hugging her. "I'm sorry... I never did like her..."

She hugged back. "It's ok..."

"I'm sorry...."

"It's not your fault."

"I should have gotten her to go sooner..."

"You didn't know she was coming though."

"I know... but still..." Diaca hugged her closer.

She gently kissed her. "It is alright. Should we finish our project? it is coming along nicely."

"It's looking great..." Diaca kissed back. "We will have the best project in the class..."

She smiled and nodded. "Anything more you want me to do?"

"Kiss me again...."

She blushed but did so

She kissed back deeply.

She hugged her returning it just as deeply

"Diaca... would you and Eve... oh...."

She jumped and blushed deeper. "'s not her fault...I kissed her she...I...don't punish her please!" Eve said in a panic

Diaca's mother looked at her. "Punish her?"

"Mother? I..."

"I'm happy for you...I've seen how uninterested you were with the young men that came to the parties...."

Eve blushed and looked a little confused. "You won't....hurt her?"

"And I won't hurt you..."

"Mom...? I..." Diaca looked confused.

Her mother sighed. "I have a girlfriend..."


Eve stayed silent feeling out of place.

"I have a girlfriend that your father doesn't know about..."

Diaca pulled Eve close. "I..."

"Love her...? I know the feeling...behave you two..." Diaca's mother left the area.

She blushed and looked at Diaca. "You...won't be in trouble?"

"I guess not... I didn't know.... I'm just glad that I have you...."

She hugged back. "What if your dad finds out? And is it right for your mom to be with him when she is with someone else?" She looked down guiltily. "I...sorry that was wrong of me to say, I don't have the right it's not my place."

"Eve... my mother never said that she didn't love my father.... but just so you know.... I have no interest in guys..."

Eve smiled. "me neither. Should we...finish the project?"

"yes we did a while ago..." Diaca said with a smile, and then kissed her.

She kissed back. I love you."

"I love you...would you like to see my room.....?" Diaca asked.

"Yes please."

Diaca lead her up a flight of stairs.

She followed

Diaca lead Eve into a large beautiful white room with blue sheets and fabrics.

"Pretty..."She said with a smile.

"Thanks..." Diaca said smiling. She pulled her into a hug and kissed her.

She kissed back happily

"I don't want you to have to go home...." Diaca whispered.

"I have to would let me stay the night if it were the weekend but it is a school night. Will you keep our project here?"

"Yeah... I'll bring it to school tomorrow..."

"Ok, I need to get home. "Thank you for everything." She said kissing her. "I love you."

"I love you too..." Eve's cellphone started to ring.

She looked to see who the caller was

It was her father.

She turned off the phone. "Wrong number." She said. "I'll see you tomorrow." She said kissing her

Diaca kissed back. "Stay safe...." she whispered.

She nodded and hurried home hoping her mother would be there

As she got in, she was grabbed by her father, he had been drinking. "Where were you bitch!?"

She cried out in pain. "Doing schoolwork"

Naya nodded slowly. "Yes.. fun...."

He smiled. "Glad you like it."

"Thank you...." she whispered.

He gently hugged her

"You're so nice.... "

He smiled. "Thank you so are you my little sister."

"Vann..." she said softly, laying her head on his shoulder.

He gently hugged her. "Are you tired?"

Naya nodded. "Ah...huh..." She yawned.

He gently picked her up and took her into the bathroom he handed her a toothbrush and showed her how to use it

Naya did it as he had shown, but it showed Vann that she had a very poor up bringing, if she had any at all.

He helped her and than put her to bed. He read her a bedtime story

Naya looked like she was trying to listen, but she soon feel asleep.

He kissed her forehead and laid in his own bed.

He dreamed of a beautiful man

He rolled in his sleep

The man gently kissed him.

He blushed and pulled away in his sleep not sure what was happening.

"I love you..." he heard the dream man say.

He murmured a reply in his sleep

The man kissed him again.

He kissed back

He felt something cuddle against him.

He opened his eyes

He saw Naya snuggling up against him.

He smiled and gently stroked her hair

Naya looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

"Naya? What is wrong sweetheart?" He asked in worry

"I was afraid...." she whispered.

"Of what?"

"This was a dream...."

He held her close. "No angel it isn't I swear I will protect you."

Naya nodded, snuggling into him.

He smiled. "Rest well ok?'

Naya nodded into his chest.

He allowed her to sleep humming a peaceful lullaby

Naya curled closer, gripping his shirt.

He gently stroked her hair

"D...don....don't hurt me......" she mumbled.

"I won't, I will protect you." He said trying to sooth her

"Please.... don't.... mommy... daddy.... help... please..." she continued to mumble.

He gently woke her. "Sweetheart...."

Naya jumped looking up at him, scared.

"You were having a bad dream."

"I... always have.... them..."

He hugged her gently. "I want to help you to not have bad dreams."

Naya hugged him.

"Are you alright?"

She nodded.

He gently stroked her hair

"Thank you....for everything...."

"That's what family does."

She smiled at him.

He smiled back. "I will protect you."

"Thank you, big... brother...."

He smiled. "Rest well ok? I will watch over you." He said removing a small sachet from around his neck. It was hand embroidered with a raven on it. He handed it to her. "This is a dream sachet. It helps you have sweetdreams and offers protection. Wear it all times. You can also add herbs, feathers, stones, and other small items to it to enhance its power. I want you to have it."

"But... but..."

"But what?" he asked in concern

"I can't take your sachet...."

"Why? I want you to have it. I was told to pass it on to a special someone. You are my sister and need more protection than I from bad dreams."

"I'm special? I...I...I'm... not special..."

"Yes you are. "He said kindly as he put the satchel on her

She snuggled into him.

He smiled and hummed a lullaby

"Mmmm pretty..." she mumbled.

"Thank you. My mother would sing it to me when I needed comfort."

"Mother...." she whispered softly.

He looked at her in concern. "What's wrong?"

"I... was unwanted...."

"Well I want you."

Naya nodded, burrying her face in his chest.

He gently stroked her hair

"Thank you..."

"You're welcome."

Naya fell asleep against him.

He closed his eyes to sleep

The beeping of his alarm woke him.

He turned it off and looked down at Naya

Naya was fast asleep.

He carefully got up and changed his clothes. He than began to make breakfast for them

"Vann..." came Naya's voice softly, coming out, rubbing her eyes.

"Morning, how are you sweetheart?"

"I'm okay...."

"Breekfast is ready."

"Breakfast? I'm eating breakfast?"

Vann looked at her in concern. "Of course. You need to to be healthy."

"Thank you..."

"Of course."

Naya hugged Vann.

He hugged back.

"What's.... for breakfast?" she asked softly.

"Eggs, bacon, toast,orange juice, and fruit."

"Is it good?"

"Try it and see for yourself." He said handing her a plate and pouring her some juice

Naya tried some. "Yummy..."

he smiled and began to eat. "I am glad you like it."

Naya ate very quickly.

"Slow done I won't take it away and I don't want you to choke."

"I....I.... sorry...."

"It's not anything to apologize for. I want you happy and healthy. I won't take your food."

"Thank you Vann...."

He smiled and nodded. "Of course."

She continued to eat.

He finished eating and smiled. "Is it good?"

"Yes... it is, Vann..."

He smiled

"What.... now....?" she asked looking around.

"Well. We can leave town and head to my home."


"Is that alright with you?"


He smiled and started packing

Naya looked around for what she could do.

"Pack that suitcase over there with your new clothed ok?"

Naya nodded, and did as he told her.


Naya nodded.

he held a hand out for her

Naya took his hand wondering around.

They walked outside the room and he turned in the key

"Thank you sir..." the man at the desk said. Naya just stayed close to Vann.

He nodded taking her hand and leaving

Naya followed Vann closely.

"Ready to leave this place behind?"

"Yes vann...."

He walked with her heading out of town

There was some whispering.

He held her hand reassuringly

"They....they're whispering.... about"

"I won't let them hurt you."

"Thank you Vann..." she whispered. They made it out of the town.

He smiled kindly as they walked. "You are safe now."

"I think with the right guidance he will make a good company executive. He seems sweet but a little shy. Was he...abused?"

"There is no evidence nor bruises...."

"There are other forms of abuse. He seems distant..."

"He's been like that since he was little... he was left here when he was a baby... and didn't see his first family til he was five..."

"I see...." He waited for him to come back.

Devin came back with a small duffle bag. "I have my things ma'am..."

"That's good Devin..." The social worker said.

"Is there anything else or can I take him home now?"

"Everything seems in order, so yes you may..."

Devin looked down at his hands, the duffle over his shoulder.

Tarsas offered his hand to Devin. "Is there somewhere you want to go before we head home?"

"Home..." he whispered, saying it to himself.

He smiled kindly. "Yes...home."

"Home...." he said, nodding. "I want to go....home..."

He took him back to his mansion and showed him to a guest room. A laptop was placed on a desk and there was a large flat screen tv on the wall. The room had a king sized bed and its own bathroom with a jacuzzi. "Do you like it? We will get you more things to make it more your own."

"This... is my room....? But... I... I can't..." he whispered.

"Why can't you? You are my family now." He said. He knew he would have to be careful, one he wanted him to trust him, and two he knew the social worker would have to check in periodically for awhile.

"It's....too much..." he whispered.

He gently hugged him. "I want you to have it. You are family now."

Devin nodded into Tarsas's shoulder. "Thank you...."

He smiled holding him close for a bit. "Are you hungry?"

Devin nodded. "Yes.... sir..."

"Call me Tarsas." He went to the door and told one of the servants to bring some of the best food they had as well as some juice. "Are you allergic to shellfish?"

"I.... don't" Devin said, looking down.

"Do you want to risk it?"

"I... don't know......"

"We will try a little and see if you can eat it. It is best if we find out what allergies you have and don't have anyway." He had them bring both seafood, steak, vegetables and a baked potato for both of them.

Devin looked shocked and confused by the amount of food.

"You don't eat much?"

Devin looked down. "I...never..."

"You can now. Help yourself."

Devin took a small serving of each.

"Do you like it? You can have more too."Tarsas said

Devin shook his head. "i like it... thank you...I don't have to have more..."

"But do you want more?"

Devin just looked down.

"If you want more you can." He said gently.

"I... shouldn't...."

"Why? You are allowed. Did someone tell you you can't?"

" I.... just shouldn't...."

"Why? Devin if you want to have more I won't stop you."

Devin just looked down at his hands.

"I won't be able to eat this all by myself...and I won't force you to eat more but it is your choice." Tarsas said as he took a bite of his own food.

Devin nodded, and just nibbled the last of the food.

"Like it?"

Devin nodded. "Yes.... Tarsas...."

He smiled. "What school would you like to attend?"


"I know of a good private school. I told you I would ensure you had the best of everything."

"But....I....don't deserve it...."

"Nonsense. I told you I would take care of you, why do you think you don't deserve it?"

"I...." Devin looked down scared.

"What is it?" Tarsas asked genuinely concerned

"I'm no one...."

"You are now. You just need confidence." Tarsas said kindly

"Confidence..." he whispered.

"yes. In yourself especially...I had to learn it when I was young."

Devin nodded.

He paused and frowned. "Hmmm...."He murmured as though to himself. He blinked than turned back to Devin. "So...a private school or do you have a preference?"

"I don't... have a preference... I...."

There came a knock on the front door.

He frowned. "Wait here? Or would you like to come?"

"I... will set up... the... room...."

"Hey...try to be more confident." He said with a smile as he left the room. ((Oh no! He is going to try to keep my character you know that don't you?))

((Yep.... but he'll find out that your other character got the information from the workers there so they know to check his home if this boy goes missing you know....he has to be good for a while.... lol but it's up to you lol))

Devin started going through his duffle bag, pulling out a few drawings and carefully placing them on the walls. He then put his clothing up into the drawers.


Devin looked around.

He saw a black and white kitten on the bed. Mew

A moment later Tarsas came back in and smiled. "Ah there you are Damon." He said picking up the kitten. "This is Damon. I found him a few days ago in a flower pot outside. Would you like to help care for him?" He asked handing him over to Devin


"If you would like to."

Devin nodded.

He smiled. "Want to see the rest of our home?"


He started to show him around. Among the standard rooms there was also an indoor outdoor pool, an exercise room, sparring room,an entertainment room, and a computer room. Every detail of the place represented subtle wealth. They entered another room and the room appeared to be a greenhouse Devin got the feeling there were eyes watching him. "What do you think so far?"

"It's nice...." Devin said as he looked around trying to see what was giving him that feeling.

He saw bright green eyes watching him from a bush.

"I am glad you like it."

Devin nodded, eyeing the bush.

A panther stocked out from the bush. "Ah that is Teva."

"Panther....?" he stuttered out.

The panther brushed against him. "Yes. He won't hurt you."

"You have a panther...."

"A few actually. We have four panthers, two tigers, and many other animals." He said leading him outside to a spacious garden and backyard. "What do you think of your new home?"

"I... I... I...." Devin didn't know what to say.

He looked at him in concern

"I don't know what to think of it.....I... you have a wonderful home...."

He smiled. "We do. It is yours too."

Devin blushed and nodded. "It's wonderful..."

"What would you like to do?"

"I... don't know...I've never been asked before..." he whispered.

He gently hugged him. "You can ask me anything and if you want to do something just ask. You are family and I want you to be happy. Tomorrow I will sign you up for school is that alright?"

"School?? I get to go to school like Kiyoshi?"

"Yes...but who is that?"

Devin discribed Kiyoshi. "He is from the orphanage...he was able to leave the home to go to the local university for school...he's smart....I... like to draw him...I..."

"Do you like him?" He asked hiding his recognition

Devin nodded. "like I like..." he started to say. He then whispered under his breath, ""

He looked at him in surprise. "You do?"

Devin looked up at him scared. "I... what...I...I....."

He hugged him gently and kissed him on the lips

Devin went wide eyed at the kiss.

He pulled back. "I love you..."

" do?"

"Yes. I felt drawn to you, that is why I stopped at the home. When I saw you I felt these feelings even more. I didn't want to do anything that would make you uncomfortable."

"I...everyone...I..." he whispered.

He looked concerned. "What?"

He shook his head. "I.. I can't like you... you adopted me...I..."

He hugged him close. "You can if you want...I want to be yours, and you to be mine...but I will not do anything to you that you don't want."

"But... but... the workers......"

"What about them? They don't need to find out and they won't check on us all the time." He whispered hugging him gently. "We will work at your pace ok?"

"I... I..." Devin looked around scared. He ran towards the room he had been given.

Tarsas sighed. He was a little frustrated but he would try to be pateint. What should I do about his friend? He likes him...I can't just let him go after I tied him up...and his power... He ran a hand throught his hair in frustration.
he walked through the house. If the orphanage knew his friend came here than they will show up...I need to act the concerned adopted parent for now. He thought. He went to Devin's room and knocked. "Devin...I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I won't do anything to make you uncomfortable. Make yourself comfortable if you need anything let me know ok?"

"I... don't want... don't want to be....not again..." Tarsas heard Devin crying. He could tell that Devin had not heard him.

He carefully came in and hugged him. "You don't want to be what?" he asked in concern

"I...I..." Devin cried into Tarsas. Tarsas could feel Devin spelling something against his back: R-A-P-E-D. "...again..." he whispered.

He held him protectively close. "WHAT?! Who? Who hurt you?" He asked in genuine concern

"Families... the ones that took me back to the orphanage every time I told... I was never believed...."

" many times did it happen?" He asked in concern wanting to kill the people that touched him.

"I don't know..... I... don't remember....."

He held him close."I will never hurt you." He said holding him protectively.

"Thank you...." Devin whispered.

"I am here for you." He said kissing his forehead gently. "I will protect you."

Devin nodded. "I'm tired...."

"Get some rest than." He said tucking him in. "If you need anything just look for me or call me I am on speed dial." He said setting a cellphone down on the bedside table.
He than left the room

Devin fell asleep.

He dreamt of Tarsas

Devin curled in his sleep.

In his dream Tarsas protected him from being hurt. I love you

"" he mumbled in his sleep.

His dream shifted to Kiyoshi

"Ki...yoshi..." he murmured.

In his dream he kissed him

Tarsas sighed confused about his feelings for Devin. What should I do about that boy? I could get someone to erase the memory of his kidnap and than adopt him too...but there would be a memory gap...what to do? He sighed and vanished to check on the boy

It came to him that he could erase the socail worker's memory about sending the boy to see Devin, and make the boy think that he had had a terrible nightmare.

He worked on doing that to the coworker than redied himself to check on the boy.

The coworkers's mind was fixed.

He vanished to deal with the boy

Zyansia lead the way through a forest, parallel a walk path.

He followed.

Zyansia stopped looking around. "I don't know where we should go..."

"I...don't know..."

"There is a town up this way... but we wouldn't be able to stay long... I've been there with father before..."

"Are you sure we should even stop there than?" Devin went over to his bag.

"I don't know.... there is this barn that I've seen a ways down... we can stay there...."

"Is it safe?"

"It should as long as we are out by dawn..." she said softly.

"Ok...if you are sure."

"We have to try...." Zyansia said, leading the way. They made their way through some more underbrush, til they came to a clearing that held an old barn. "There..."

"No one stays here?" Kyo asked

"It's been abandoned for a few years now...."

He nodded and followed her

They made it inside, Zyansia leading him over to an empty stall.

He fallowed looking around

The barn looked like it had not been used in many years. Zyansia sat down in a corner of the stall on some hay.

He sat down next to her. "I wonder why it was abandoned."

"I don't know... I just now that no one's used it all the time I've seen it..."

"Oh. You think it will be safe for us to stay here?"

"Yes... no one will find us here...."

"Ok." He smiled

She snuggled against him. "I love you, brother...."

Kyo hugged her. "I love you too."

She closed her eyes, snuggling her head against his chest.

he closed his eyes to sleep brining his tail around her partly to add to the warmth

He dreamed of being far for this place.


He saw himself in the dream get kissed by a man and by a woman.

He blushed

"Love you..."

"You do?"

"I do..." they said.

" one does..."

"I do..." "I do...." "What about your sister?"

"She does...but a different way."

"Love is love..." "No matter the type..."


"We will see each other.... we know it..."

He shook his head

He woke up.

He sat up and looked around

He was alone with his sister who was curled at his side.

He sighed and laid back down

"What's wrong...?" he heard her whisper.


"A bad dream?"

"I...don't think so...more confusing."

"What happened?"

He slowly explained

"That is confusing...."

He nodded

"We'll figure it out..."

He nodded. "I hope so."

"You want to move out?"

"Yea...we should."

She stood up.

He got up and stretched

She went up to him, smiled, then scratched his ear, giggling.

He found himself purring and blushed

"I always loved your ears, brother..."

He blushed. "Thank you."

"Let's go..."


She started to walk with him, smiling, seeming happier than he had seen her.

"You look happy." Kyo said

"We're away from them...."

Kyo smiled. "I know."

"They can't hurt u.... you..."

"I know. I was more concerned for you though."

She nodded. "Thank you...."

He hugged her

she hugged back.

Kyo smiled. "Shall we get going?"

She nodded. "Alright..."

He walked with her happy to be free

He heard a twig snap.

He pushed her behind him protectively. "Who's there?"

A deer leapt, running off.

He sighed in relief.

"I scared it was something else..."

"Same here..."

She hugged her brother.

He hugged back

"Should we continue going?"


"This way? What do you think?" she asked.

He nodded and kept alert as they walked

She walked close to him.

He held her hand and smelled the area as the walked alert for trouble

It smelled clear.

He walked with her. "Any idea where we should go?"

"No....I... think I got us lost...."

"What do you mean?"

"I dont know where we are...."

He sniffed the air trying to pick up on a scent that could help direct them. "I don't either."

He could smell the scent of a small camp up ahead.

"There is a camp ahead..."

"Should we check it out?"


She nodded, crouching down, moving forward.

He followed suiet shifting into his cat form

They saw some people fixing a fire and setting up a camp for the coming night.

He looked to his sister not sure what to do.

"Should we go up to them or go around them...?"

"I don't know...what if they attack us?"

"I... you're right... go around?"

He nodded

She went with him around the camp site.

he kept alert and on guard

"Hey you!"

He pushed his sister behind him protecively

"Are you two alright?" It was one of the campers.

Kyo bit his lip a little scared. His cat ears flattened against his skull. "We're fine..."

"You sure...did something happen deeper in the woods? Should we call the cops?"


"You look nervous..." Kyo noticed that the campers were wearing strange clothes.

He held his sisters hand and ran

She ran as fast as she could. "Kyo...."


"What were they wearing....?"

"I don't know..."

"I'm scared...."

"Me too." ((what were they wearing?)) ((let's just say that they are no longer in their world... what would you wear to go camping?))((so they came from another world???))

Kiyoshi sat in his room at the orphanage working on homework. He hadn't been adopted since he was 12 and that had been short lived.

"Did you hear?" he heard some others talking. "Devin was adopted..." "WHat?" "Yeah...."

Kiyoshi sighed. He was happy for Devin, they seemed to have that commonality about them where their adoptions didn't last. He hoped this time it would work for Devin. He wondered when it happened. He had just gotten back from the university and his last final of the semester so it had to have occurred while he was gone. He doubted he would ever be adopted again.
He turned to his studies. He had signed up for his classes and was getting a jump start on his studies.

"I bet it won't last Devin always lies about his families... they were nice..." "Yeah..."

He got up and went to the door. "It's not nice talking about others behind their backs. He deserves a good home has it occurred to you maybe he wasn't lying?"

"He'll probably want to come back to see you...."

"Why is that? We never really spoke."

They laughed. "Check out his room..."

He frowned in confusion. "Why?"

They laughed running off.

He closed his door and locked it than headed to Devin's old room to discover what they were talking about

Devin's room was bare, but for a few scattered pages with drawings on them. One drawing was of the garden in the back of the orphanage, the other two were of Kiyoshi reading by a tree.

He picked up the pictures blushing a little. He carefully folded them and put them away in his pocket. He went to see one of the workers. "Where is Devin's new address?"

"Why is it that you want to know?"

"I want to visit him..."

"He's been adopted by a gentleman that wishes to groom Devin to take over his company down the road...." she gave the address.

He thanked her and quickly set out to visit him.

He made it half way there.

He continued on his way.

He came up to a large manor.

He went over and knocked on the door

Tarsas opened the door and looked at him with surprise. "Can I help you?"

"Are you the one who adopted Devon?"

"Yes. Why?"

"I would like to see him please..."Kiyoshi said.

"Please come in."

Kiyoshi hesitated than walked in looking around.

"Follow me I will take you to see him." Tarsas said hiding his eager smile as he lead him into the house away from Devin's location.

Kiyoshi followed looking around in wonder. Devin...looks like he has it good this time

Tarsas quickly spun around and covered his mouth. Kiyoshi's eyes widened and he started to struggle before growing limp. Tarsas caught him and vanished with him to a secret sound proof room. He cuffed him to the bed and smirked. "What a power source..." He headed back to see how Devin was, he would visit this boy later.

Kiyoshi woke up some time later, cuffed.

He struggled to get free and started calling for help unaware that the room was sound proof

Silence met him.

He struggled more fear overwhelming him

His wrists started to hurt because of the cuffs and struggling in them.

He stopped struggling and tried to figure out a way out. If he did this to he in danger too?

Now that he wasn't struggling he could feel that the cuffs weren't as tight as he thought.

he tried to slip his hands out of the cuffs but found that they weren't that loose


His voice echoed back at him.

he shivered

Kiyoshi passed out.

Tarsas appeared and unchained him. "So hansom..." He stroked his cheek making him forget.He made Kiyoshi appear in his room at the orphanage than headed out to adopt him

"May I help you again sir?"

"I was thinking of adopting one more kid. So Devin will have a friend. He told me about a kid by the name of Kiyoshi. is he still here?"

"Yes he is, but he is very independent... already in college..."

"I will still take him, and it may help Devon with confidence."

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