Page name: Dark World Chapter 4 [Exported view] [RSS]
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2010-02-18 06:09:11
Last author: Gypsy Mystik
Owner: Gypsy Mystik
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Dark World Chapter 4

She smiled and gently stroked the hair of one of them. It was their son who had her horse features except he was all white in his hair and fur on his body. Then she gently stroked the hair of her daughter who took after her daddy. she had white hair with black streaks while their second daughter had more black hair with white streaks. "Aww sweetheart" she smiled looking up at Liangelus

"Love you..."

"I love you to" she said lovingly looking up at him and hugged him burying herself against his chest.

A knock came at the door.

"Come in" she called to the door knowing it was Neoryi and Quiyue.

Neoryi came in with Quiyue. "Oh my..."

Marzena wrapped her robe around her. "Sorry I'm still a little frazzled from teh whole thing" she smiled.

"Oh its alright dont be sorry" Quiyue smiled and walked over to the crib. "Their so beautiful"

Neoryi nodded. "Very beautiful...I'm happy for you brother..."

Liangelus nodded. "Thank you..."

Marzena smiled.

Neoryi hugged Quiyue. "You ready?"

Quiyue blushed and nodded. "yes I'm ready" she said looking up at him.

"There are cribs in the room across the hall and you can use that room for the birth..." Liangelus told them.

"Thank you both of you" Quiyue smiled at them.

Liangelus nodded as Neoryi took her to the next room.

Quiyue went over and sat down on the bed nervously.

"Lay back..." Neoryi said softly, helping her.

She did as she was told

He slide off her panties. "Quiyue...I..." he slowly pulled off the ring. " you..."

Quiyue gasped crying out as her water suddenly broke and the contractions hit her hard.

Neoryi helped her, wrapping the babes as they came. In the end, Neoryi had wrapped three boys and one girl up in blackets and laid them in cribes. "They're so beautiful love..."

"I'm so glad my love" she gasped out laying there exhausted and in pain.

Neoryi moved over to her, and laid down beside her, holding her.

"I'll be ok in a few minutes" she said as she cuddled up to him.

"I know... I just want you okay..."

"I will be baby just a bit sore I don't know how the hell Marzena is up so fast" she said cutely.

"I think you will be...soon..." he whispered.

"Soon yes" she said lovingly nuzzling him purring softly

He licked her neck.

She purred deeply and happily. "Oooh that feels so good" she said playfully.

"That was what I wanted to make you feel..."

"its deffinanly working" she said lovingly.

"Good..." he purred against her neck.

Quiyue giggled and purred happily at the feeling. "Feels so good" she sighed out.

He licked her neck.

Quiyue giggled. "your so bad" she kissed him softly.

He smiled. "Yes... I just want you relaxed and feeling good..."

"I love it, and I love you" she purred happily nuzzling him.

He then scooped her up, taking her to their room, laying her on the bed, and then brought in the cubs.

Quiyue lounged happily watching her lover move the crib into their room. "How are they doing fast asleep?" she asked

"They're doing just fine, Quiyue...." he said softly as he laid beside her.

"Good I'm glad its my motherly instincts" she giggled

He nuzzled her. "Yes love it is..."

She snuggled close nuzzling his chest purring lovingly.

One of the babes started to cry.

Quiyue was up in an instant and to teh crib, she picked up the cryig babe and cradled her close. "Momma has you, you hungry?" she asked sweetly gently stroking her head. "Momma has you" she gently went over and sat on the bed and brought their babe to her breast to feed to see if she was hungery.

The baby started to feed. Neoryi moved close, holding Quiyue whiled stroking the baby's hair.

Quiyue gently laying her head on his shoulder and winced here and there as their babe fed. "I love you" she said sweetly enjoying the precious moment.

"I love you too..." the baby finished.

"Oh thats my good girl" she said lovingly and leaned down nuzzling her little cheek lovingly.

Neoryi held her as she held the little one.

She kissed his cheek and snuggled with him as she gently stroked their daughter's hair.

"I will protect all of you..." Neoyri whispered.

"I know you will my love I know you will" she said lovingly gazing up at him.

He kissed her softly, then the top of their baby's head.

She smiled as their daughter fell fast asleep in her arms. This felt so right this moment with him.

Neoryi took the little girl, and laid her back in her crib. he then came back over to her, smiling.

Quiyue pulled her shirt back up as she stood and gently pressed herself up against Neoryi kissing him softly

He kissed back. "You should rest..."

"Yes I should" she gave him another kiss then climbed back into bed snuggling against hte pillows feeling so exhausted

Neoryi climbed in beside her, pulling her close.

Quiyue purred softly and happily cuddling against him and was soon fast asleep.

Mine.... the voice drifted into her mind and then out.

Quiyue threw her walls up protecting her dreams from outside occurences.

"Love... mine..." she heard Neoryi mummble.

Quiyue sighed happily into his chest as she snuggled against him.

She then dreamed of life in a wide open space.

Quiyue dreamed of a beautiful large mansion and her children all together. The space seemed so empty though just large rolling hills of grass. it was as if it needed something more.

She saw someone walking up in her dream, up the hills.

She looked over to see who it was nervous remembering the other dream.

She saw her brother coming up to the mansion.

"Lei? is that really you?" she asked confused on why she would be seeing her brother in her dreams.

"YOu are not safe with him....where have you gone?"

"I am safe with him Lei and happy, he has done so much for me." she stood there stern against her brother she was not going to go against the man she loved.

"You will die if you stay...Quiyue...sis... it's not safe..."

"I am happy Lei, I will not give that up" she said standing there wrapping her arms around her waist. "You and the family can have your opinions, but I am, Happy" she said her heart ached that she was doing this to her brother but she would not give up the man she loved and her children. They were her new family now.

"Grandmother has seen more visions...."

"I don't care Lei! I love him and I'm not leaving him!" she said seriously standing there, she realized she looked normal in the dream right now, her true human form, which was good he didnt need to see her as her half tigeress form.

"Quiyue....I'm not going to let you get taken by that mad man again..."

"Lei, I love Neoryi and I'm happy with him. You want to know something he found a way where I can walk as a woman I am no longer in my tiger body 24/7! and I have him to thank for it, He loves and cares about me and I care for him." Tears glistened in her eyes. "Lei please, I just want to be happy." she said softly.

"You don't look like a woman... you are in your tiger body....Quiyue you have to get out of there....most of our family is dead...his scent is all over them..."

"Lies!" Quiyue would not believe it her Neoryi would never do such a thing, family meant to much to him he would not harm her family.

"I'm not lying.... I and grandmother are all of our family that is left besides some others....."

"No its not true." she hugged herself and began to cry. "Neoryi" she whispered backing away from Lei

Lei started to walk towards her.

Quiyue turned and ran in mid run her body shifted into a full tigeress as she began to run faster and faster.

Lei chased after her.

She started to feel someone shake her.

Quiyue gasped waking up to find Neoryi shaking her awake. "Neoryi" she gasped gazing up at him.

Neoryi held her, looking at her worried. "Quiyue... shhh....I'm here...." he whispered.

She pretty much jumped into his arms curling against him crying. "Your not a killer your not you love me you wouldnt do that" she mumbled over and over again huggin him tight she wouldnt believe what Lei had said to her. Neoryi loved her and really cared about her he would never harm her family.

Neoryi held her closer and tighter. "Quiyue.... what happened? Please tell me...."

"Lei he he was in my dream" she wiped her tears from her eyes as she looked up at him. "He said... He said you murdered my family that your scent was all over them." she began to sob again.

Neoryi looked takenaback. "I...went could I have....I....I would never....I...I couldn't have taken another's family when I wished for one so...."

Quiyue whimpered backing away from him "No you you couldnt have you wouldnt have...." tears filled her eyes her heart breaking.

"Love...I said I couldn't have...I would never...." he said softly looking hurt.

She jumped and buried herself into his arms. "I knew you couldnt have" she cried against him.

He held her protectively.

"Who could be doing this?" she sniffled crying softly.

"I don't know...."

Quiyue curled into him and sobbed softly into his chest.

"I love you dearly.... please know that...." he whispered.

"I do know that baby, I do know that" she said lovingly.

He kissed her, and then nuzzled her neck.

She was about to get comfortable with him again when suddenly one of their babes began to cry again. Quiyue got out of bed to go and take care of their little ones.

Neoryi got up, and stood beside her stroking her and the baby.

Quiyue hummed softly calming their little one in her arms.

Neoryi stroked the baby's head.

"We still need to give them names" she said sweetly looking up at him as their son relaxed in her arms.

Neoryi looked down at the little boy. "What do you think of Ryius?"

"I love it" she said lovingly looking up at him.

"Then this little boy is Ryius...." Neoryi said softly with a smile.

She giggled smiling up at him then looked back at their son who had blonde hair like his father but had orange streaks like a tiger running through is hair.

"He is going to be a lady killer..."

"I think all of your sons are going to be lady killers" she said playfully kissing his cheek.

He looked at the other boys, and then at the girls. "I think I'm going to have to lock our daughters up though..."

"Why do you say that" she asked playfully.

"Because I just know they will be just as beautiful as their mother..." he said with a smile, nuzzling her neck.

"Aww sweetheart" she said lovingly curessing his cheek as he nuzzled her neck.

"Yes my love..." he whispered.

She pulled him down and gave him a kiss as they stood there together lovingly.

He kissed back. "What do you think of Veisi?"

"For which one?" she asked curiously.

"This little princess..."

"I love it its perfect" she said lovingly leaning down stroking her hair.

He pulled Quiyue close.

Quiyue giggled snuggling with him as they stood there looking at all of their sleeping little ones since they had gotten Ryius to rest again.

"You pick the next name, love...." he whispered into her ear.

She went over looking at her other two sons, they looked similiar, Turning into the tiger woman Quiyue's hair had turned black with orange and white streaks in it, These two sons had inherited that look one with white streaks and the other with orange. "These two should be Kaleb and Sevill" she said leaning down stroking their cheeks gently as they yawned adorably.


"You really think so?" she asked lovingly

"Yes I do...."

"Wonderful I'm so glad" she kissed him happily.

The babies all cuud. Neoryi laughed softly.

Quiyue giggled and went over to each of the cribs gently giving each of them love nuzzling them gently and giving them kisses. "Thats my beautiful children" she said lovingly.

"We all need to sleep..."

Worry filled her eyes when he said that, He knew then that she was scared to sleep.

"I will be here always.....holding you...."

"No matter how sweet that is darling, My dreams seem to be out of your reach of protecting me." she said softly as tears glistened in her eyes.

Neoryi kissed her. "You need a dreamless potion...." he said softly.

"A dreamless potion? whats that?" she asked curiously.

"You'll sleep and be undistrubed by dreams....he is coming to you in your dreams, but if you don't have any....I remember the potion from when I was a child....I saw a bottle in the bathroom....."

"In the bathroom? really?" she asked surprised a potion like that was in their bathroom.

"Yes.... would you like to use it?"

"Yes if it means I'll finally be able to get a good night sleep so I can take better care of our babies then yes" she said looking up at him.

Neoryi kissed her before heading to the bathroom, coming back with a vial of blue liquid.

She popped it open and smelled it gently. "Smells weird" she said gently.

"Sometimes things for a good propose smells that way....I guess..."

She gave a little giggle. "True" she took the bottle gently. "Do I drink all of it?" she asked looking up athim

"I don't know...but I won't just to be on the safe side....I wish I could remember everything that I had learned...."

"Then how much?" she asked curiously.

"A spoon full..."

She dug around in the drawers and found a spoon she then poured the liquid in the spoon and took it. the hair's on her neck went up on end and her tail went rigid fromt he taste.

The bad taste then turned to a sweet honey, as she felt sleepy. "Love..." Neoryi said softly, wrapping his arms around her, scooping her up.

Quiyue hapily curled in his arms purring like a motor boat as she snuggled against him. "mmmm I feel good" she yawned and snuggled against him.

He laid her on the bed, before laying down with her. He pulled the covers over them as a cool breeze came through the room.

"Mmmm snuggle" she purred happily burying herself against him.

"Of course..." he whispered, pulling her closer before snuggling against her, and nuzzling her neck.

With that feeling of the love of her mate against her snuggled in the warmth of they're bed Quiyue was out like a light.

The next thing she remembered was her waking up. Waking up to the sound of soft running water from the other side of the closed bathroom door. There was the smell of fresh flowers from the nightstand, along with the smell of fresh fruit in a bowl.

Quiyue sat up yawning and rubbed her eyes. "Mmmm that was wonderful" she said happily looking over and seeing the gorgeous bouquet her hubby had left her. She gently picked a peice of fruit from the bowl and took a bite out of it.

Neoryi came out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. "Morning love..."

"Morning hotstuff" she said playfully as she enjoyed teh sight of him standing there while she ate a strawberry.

Neoryi laughed lightly. "Let me heard that from one of thezoo goers during your time hidding out..."

She giggled and nodded. "But it is true you are very hot and handsome" she climbed out of bed and went over to him wrapping her arms around his neck gazing up at him.

Neoryi wrapped his arms around her. "Did you sleep better?"

"Much better" she said sweetly gazing up at him gently twirling some of his blonde hair in her fingers.

He smiled down, lovingly at her. "That is wonderful.... we should asked my brother later about that potion before we use it again...."

"Alright that sounds good to me. But until then" she playfully pulled him down kissing him.

Neoryi kissed back, smiling as he did.

Quiyue pulled back after a little while. "I love you so much" she whispered gazing up at him.

"I love you too, my love...." he replied.

"I love you too..." came a second voice from behind, the voice of a child's.

Quiyue turned and faced the voice and smiled Ryusi standing tehre as a five year old. "Awww hi sweetheart" she said sweetly walking over gently pulling her son out of the crib into her arms hugging him.

Ryusi hugged her back.

"Yours so handsome just like your papa" she said lovingly holding her son.

Ryusi smiled.

"He is..." Neoryi said smiling, before tossaling Ryusi's hair.

"Aww your such a cutie" she giggled and smiled noticing a little tail twitch back and forth that was the same colors as Ryusi's hair.

Neoryi kissed Quiyue's cheek. "Love you...and you, Ryusi and the others...."

"We all love you to don't we Ryusi?" she asked looking down at her son.

He nodded. "You two are are these rascles...." He started to tickle the other two in the cribs. Giggling sounded in the room.

((Quiyue and Neoryi have four lol ^^))

Quiyue giggled and picked up they're daughter Veisi holding ehr close with Ryusi in her arms as Neoryi tickled Kaleb and Sevill.

Neoryi laughed scooping up Kaleb and Sevill. "A happy, loving family...."

"That we are" she said romantically kissing him softly as she held Veisi and Ryusi.

"Ewww..." all four of them said, giggling.

Quiyue giggled "Eww? well mommy is goign to give you kisses then" she said kissing her daughter and son in her arms then kissing her other sons.

All of them giggled. "No no mommy...."

"Oooh your all so adorable" she said lovingly as she hugged and kissed them. "Well my cuties why don't we get some food you must be hungery" she said looking down at them.

Kaleb and Sevill giggled, running from the room.

"Careful now don't run" Quiyue yelled after them as she followed holding Ryusi and Veisi.

Neoryi followed laughing.

Off in their room Marzena laid in her bed relaxing happily loving the fact that her little ones were born

Liangelus held her close. "You feeling okay?"

"Yes I'm alright I'm just still really sore and tired from the whole thing" she said exhaustedly curlig into his arms.

He nodded, "I understand..."

"good I'm glad" she said sweetly cuddling against him running her fingers across his waist.

Liangelus purred.

"Ooh do you like that?" she asked playfully curessing his muscles.


"Good I'm gla..." suddenly one of their little ones began to cry which set off the other two. "ooh the little ones." she climbed out of bed quickly and went over picking up one of them "come here beautiful" she said to one of her daughters "Thats my little one" she said sweetly curessing her hair. She calmed down her girls then picked up their son who had been the first to cry. "You hungery sweety?" she asked as she gently put her finger in his mouth to see if he would suckle which he did. Gently she carried him over to th ebed and sat down before she pulled out her breast and began to feed him.

"Awww...and he gets all the fun..."

She giggled "You can have your turn later" she winked playfully.

Liangelus laughed.

"Who said I'm kidding" she purred out.

He cocked an eyebrow and smiled.

She giggled and smiled then looked down lovingly as her son finished up. "Oooh my big strong man going to be strong like your daddy" she said lovingly cuddling him close.

Liangelus hugged them both....

Marzena happily snuggled against Liangelus as they held their son together.

"So beautiful..."

"Your so sweet" she said lovingly gazing up at him.

"As are you..."

"Aww Liangelus" she gazed up at him loingly.

He smiled and kissed her.

She sighed happily into the kiss then looked back down at their gorgeous son.

"Just prefect..."

"Mmhmm" she smiled lovingly up at him and giggled. "Now we should let our son rest" she said softly as she stood and carried him over laying him down into the crib with his sisters tucking them all in.

"And get you back in bed with me, so that you can rest more...."

Marzena giggled and smiled over her shoulder at him. "You are so good to me" she said lovingly turning and walking over to the bed and climbed in.

He pulled her against him, nuzzling her neck.

Marzena squeeked and giggled sighing happily as she melting into his arms.

"I will do all I can for you...."

"I know you will Liangelus I know you will" she said lovingly snuggling against him.

He moved, kissing her.

Marzena sighed happily kissing him back as they curled into each other's embrace.

Liangelus smiled, holding her close.

Marzena giggled then sighed faling asleep in his warm embrace.

He licked her neck.

Marzena moaned softly in pleasure at the feeling.

"After we rest, we should name our babies...." he said softly.

"Mmmm alright baby" she yawned burying herself against him.

"Rest well..."

Marzena sighed happily and soon was fast asleep snuggled up against him, her tail flicked slightly in her sleep. She looked beautiful laying there.


Marzena brushed the word off.

She thought she heard the crack of a whip.

Marzena yelped sitting up instantly taking deep ragged breaths, that sound always drove her to tears.

"Marzena..." came Liangelus's voice softly as his arms wrapped around her. "I'm here...."

Marzena leaned back in his arms trembling. "I heard him and that whip" she whispered trembling.

"I'm here....I'm not letting you go..."

"Oh Liangelus" she whispered burying herself into his arms crying.`

He held her stroking her hair.

"Why can't I keep him out of my dreams?" she whispered softly.

"I haven't been able to get what happened to me out of my'm here..."

"Mhmm that you are" she said sweetly cuddling into his arms.

He held her closer, then turned his attention to the room door. "Something is wrong...."

"What do you mean?" she asked worriedly scared looking over at her little ones.

"The others...." he whispered.

She looked at the door worriedly then at him. "Should we go check?" she asked softly.

"They need to work this out... there is doing dangerous around them...but for dreams...."

Marzena nodded in understanding.

"I'm keeping a scense out for them..." he said as he held her.

"Alright" she said softly burying herself against him.

He kissed the top of her head.

Marzena buried herself against him.

As Marzena fell back to sleep, she saw the dream that Quiyue had just had.

Marzena stood there watching Quiyue argue with her brother she noticed something though Lei seemed to shimmer as if something wasnt quiet right.

As the dream Quiyue ran off, Marzena noticed that Lei was smirking.

Marzena slowly pulled herself from the dream. "That bastard..." she said to herself knowing it was the dark one who had trapped Quiyue and Neoryi.

"I hope that wasn't me you were talking about..." whispered Liangelus.

"No it wasnt at all" she said looking up at him. "I saw her dream Liangelus someone is trying to trick her into revealing her location" she said looking at him worriedly.

Liangelus hugged her close. "That explains before...."

"I'm worried my love he is using her family against her this is going to really harm Quiyue."

Liangelus nodded. "I agree...and in hurting her...he hurts my brother too...."

"I totally agree my love" she said looking up at him.

"I will protect all of us...I promise...."

"I know you will my love" she said romantically

He smiled, and kissed her neck and just behind her ear.

Marzena giggled at the feeling. "Now we have three beautiful children who all need names" she said sweetly.

Liangelus nodded. "I agree with you my beauty..."

Marzena climbed out of bed and walked over to the cribs looking down at their sleeping little ones, she smiled lovingly watching them.

Liangelus moved to stand next to her, looking down at the baby girl. "Aina..."

"Thats a beautiful name" she said sweetly gazing down at their daughter who had more white hair with the black streaks.

"I agree...." he whispered.

Marzena looked at their other daughter, "Her name should be Zephira" she said sweetly.

"Beautiful, simply beautiful..."

"And now for our son" she said sweetly.


"Thats a nice name but I don't know it doesnt really call to me for his name" she said thinking about it


Marzena gently shook her head. "Nope not that one either."


"That I like" she said looking up at him lovingly.

"I'm glad you do..."

Marzena giggled snuggling into his strong arms.

Liangelus smiled, and nibbled her neck.

Marzena giggled sweetly at the feeling. "Mmm that feels good" she said softly and happily.

"I'm glad...."

Marzena gave a little giggle looking up at him she gently snuggled into his warm embrace.

he did it again.

Marzena giggled again at the feeling loving it. "Mmmm you know what momma likes" she said cutely.

"Of course I do..."

"Come we really should all get some sleep" she said lovingly and lead him over to the bed.

Liangelus nodded, scooping her up, taking her to the bed.

Marzena giggled as he carried her over to their bed and he laid her down. "Mmmm now come here my hunky dragon so we may sleep peaceful dreams for the rest of this evening." he said sweetly.

(you forgot here) ((I know...I had to get off then))

He smiled, nodding. "Yes, my lady...." he purred into her neck, laying down.

Marzena cuddled up to him and was soon fast asleep in his arms


"Mommy is here baby she thought back to the voice

'Don't leave me mommy....'

I'll never leave your baby she whispered to the voice.

Help me mommy....

Oh baby, Mommy is here tell me what you need mommy will help you she said scared.

I don't want to be here any more me....

Where are you baby where are you Mommy will come and help you baby her heart ached hearing the voice, her children were all with her she knew it but this voice it tore into her heart

Mommy.... "Marzena....Marzena...." came Liangelus's voice.

Marzena gasped waking up she was in tears.

" what's wrong...? Please....tell me..." he said softly.

Marzena quickly climbed out of bed and ran to her little ones looking down at them, they were all fast asleep happily in their cribs. Her body was shaking badly from the dream. She didnt know what to make of it.


"I had a dream that one of our little ones was crying out for me asking me to save them" she whispered in tears.

Liangelus's arms wrapped around her, holding her close. "I love you...and we will figure this out...."

Marzena turned and buried herself in his arms sobbing her eyes out.

Liangelus held her, letting her cry, rubbing her back comfortingly.

"Liangelus could it have been one of our little ones?" she asked worriedly.

"I don't know...I really don't know..."

It made his heart break seeing his strong love of his life sobbing and breaking like this.

"If it is love, I will find out...and we will save them.....I promise," he said puller her closer to his chest.

She nodded against his chest.

"I promise..." he whispered again.

Marzena calmed down against him praying that it wasnt one of their children she heard praying with all of her heart.

Liangelus stroked her hair, and rubbed her back.

Marzena sighed softly melting into his arms just loving the feeling of being with him.

"Mommy....what's wrong mommy....?"

Marzena jumped and spun around facing the voice

She could see all of her babies were in their cribs but one you stood just beside it. It was one of the girls. "Mommy?" she asked again. She looked about five years old.

Marzena smiled and wiped her tears going over to her daughter. "I'm alright Zephira Mommy just had a bad dream" she said softly and gently pulled her daughter out of the crib in her arms.

"I don't like bad dreams...they are scary...."

"They are very scary and mommy doesn't like them either" she said stroking her hair as she held her.

Liangelus wrapped his arms around both of them. "And papa is going to protect all of you from them...."

Marzena smiled up at him then smiled at they're daughter. She realized her daughter had her mother's tail. She looked over and saw her other daughter and they're son poke up looking at them. "Awww they're so cute" she giggled. "I'll go get your siblings" she said to Zephira sweetly gently handing her to her father before going over and getting Aina and Riath to join them.

Liangelus smiled holding Zephira, who started to giggle.

"Mommy...daddy..." both Aina and Riath said cutely.

"Awww your all so adorable" Marzena said lovingly kissing them and hugging them close.

They hugged her. "Love you mommy...."

"I love all of you to my littel angels" she said lovingly holding them close.

Liangelus placed a hand on her shoulder, as Zephira held onto him in a hug.

Marzena smiled lovingly up at him and gave him a little kiss then kissed Zephira on the cheek. "Now my little ones are you happy for breakfast?" she asked looking at them.

"yay!" they shouted.

"Come lets get breakfast" she said lovingly carrying them out and heading off down stairs with her children as her husband walked behind her with Zephira.

Liangelus smiled setting Zephira once they were in the kitchen. He started to move around, set on making breakfast.

Marzena found some wooden cups for her children pouring them milk she found in the fridge. "Here you are my angels" she kissed the top of their heads as she gave them they're cups.

"Thank you mommy...." they said.

Two little boys ran into the room, black tiger tails wagging behind them.

"Why hello you two come and join us" marzena giggled seeing them. They had a soft shimmer of tiger stripes across they're skin as well that she knew would darken with age. 


Marzena giggled and sat them down getting them their cups and milk as well she then looked over and smiled at the door as the others came in joining them. 'Well hello everyone" she smiled as she poured cups of milk for Veisi and Ryusi as well as Quiyue set them down.

"Hello to you as well looks like the gang is all here" she said with a giggle as she looked at all of their beautiful little ones.

Neoryi smiled at Liangelus who smiled back. The children started to all chat with one another.

The women got to work on cutting up some fruit as they chatted with one another then served some pieces of strawberry and watermelon to each of them. "Their you are my sweethearts" Quiyue said giving her children little kisses on the top of their heads as Marzena did the same to her children.

The children started to eat.

Liangelus sat out some more fruit for the rest of them.

The women sliced up some bread and cheese as well before setting it down at the breakfast table and joinging their families. This was how it was supposed to be. Pure happiness.

Neoryi laughed at something Liangelus had whispered. "It looks wonderful, loves..."

"What are you two up to?" Quiyue asked playfully as Marzena watched them curiously.

"We're making secret plans..." Liangelus said with a smile.

"Involving the two of you..."

"Oh?" Marzena asked lovingly.

Quiyue was about to say something when suddenly Kaleb nailed Neoryi in the face with a piece of watermelon. She covered her mouth and giggled at the sight.

Neoryi smirked, and playfully attacked Kaleb. "Mommy mommy save me....!"

"Mommy tiger to the rescue" She playfully growled and pounced on Neoryi's back.

Neoryi jumped up, running around, laughing.

Liangelus just shook his head.

Marzena sat there laughing watching as Quiyue took off after Neoryi while Kaleb climbed back in his chair cheering for his mommy.

Neoryi stopped, spinning around, then racing at Quiyue.

Quiyue squeeked sliding to a stop turning on her heels running the other way.

Liangelus pulled Marzena against him, laughing at his brother.

Marzena giggled sitting on his lap as they watched all of this.

Neoryi caught Quiyue, nibbling her neck.

Quiyue giggled but then melted into purring happily.

"You two do remember that there are cubs right here..." Liangelus said.

"He started it" Quiyue giggled as Neoryi got off of her and they returned to the chairs.

"You are the one that started to chase me..."

she stuck her tounge out at him. "you started it by pouncing on Kaleb" she said cutely.

"I was tickling him sweetie..." he laughed, then kissed her.

"I know you were babe" she said lovingly and snuggled against him as their kids went back to their food.

After their breakfast everyone was in the livingroom playing as the couples were cuddled up on teh couches watching. Marzena snuggled to Liangelus's side wondering what they should do about schooling and such and they really didnt have any toys either she didnt know what they were going to do.

"We have to make plans for the weeks to come...." Liangelus said.

Neoryi nodded. "I agree...."

The women looked at them then back at the kids as they played a game together.

"Is there a library so that we can start their studies...?"

Liangelus nodded. "'s kept under the forst, for it is so vast..."

"What about toys for the kids?" Marzena asked curiously.

Quiyue giggled watching as Veisi pounced on her brothers.

"I'm sure we'll find some in that nursery... I had seen another door...." Liangelus said, smiling.

"Another door?" Marzena asked curiously.

" the back of the room...."

"Wait in the nursry?" Quiyue asked looking at the men.

Liangelus nodded.

"I hope their are many toys in there for our little ones" she smiled looking down at the kids.

"Is there an easy way to get from here to the Library? I don't want to have to walk the kids outside and down the trees every time we want to take them for lessons." Marzena said voicing some worry abou tthat.

"There is another elevator down...."

"Good I'm glad to hear that" she smiled at Liangelus

He kissed her, as Neoryi kissed Quiyue.

The girls giggled kissing their husbands back lovingly as they sat there together.

Both couples were then attacked by a mob of cubs.

They cracked up laughing as the cubs climbed up all over them. "I give I give!" Quiyue giggled as she and Neoryi were knocked over.

Marzena laughed hugging her children to her as they climbed up on her.

The guys laughed, and started to tickle the children and the girls.

They all cracked up but suddenly the kids and the girls turned on the men and began to tickle them in retalliation.

Neoryi ran, and Liangelus played dead.

"After him kids!" Quiyue giggled getting up and chasing after her mate with her kids hot on her heels.

Marzena giggled with her tail flicking back and forth. "Oh no kids I think we killed daddy" she said playfully as the kids giggled knowing he was ok.

Liangelus then jumped up, tackling Marzena, smiling, and placing kissing all over her body, tickling as he did.

Neoryi ran up the wall, landing behind Quiyue, laughing.

Quiyue spun around. "No fair" she giggled standing there.

Marzena giggled and laughed there on the ground. "You win you win!" she giggled.

Liangelus and Marzena's kids tackled them.

Neoryi caught Quiyue in a hug, spinning her around.

Marzena laughed laying there as all of this went on.

Quiyue laughed spinning around in a circle with him.

Liangelus looked around at everyone. "To the library or the nursery?"

The women noticed as the kids began to yawn gently. "I think the nursery its time for them to go take a nap" Marzena giggled watching them.

Liangelus and Neoyri both scooped up their yawning children, who had all changed back into little babies.

"What in the world?" the women both said softly in unison as they picked up their other children as they turned back into babies. They looked at their men for answers.

"It takes alot of energy for newborns to age hop like they had...." Liangelus said. "It happened to Neoryi..."

"Is that normal for those of Dragon blood to age hop?" Marzena asked softly.

" is... for full blooded more so...." Liangelus said as they all headed back to the nursery.

They laid all of the children down in their cribs moving them all back into the nursery. "Sleep well my little ones" Marzena said lovingly bent over the cribs looking down at them.

"Sleep well my cubs" Quiyue smiled and giggled looking at them.

Each of the guys wrapped their arms around their love. "To the library?" asked Neoryi.

Liangelus nodded. "To the library...."

"I don't want to be that far away from them though while their still so young" Quiyue said worriedly standing there as Marzena nodded in agreement.

"Then I will bring up some of the library...." Liangelus said before he started to chant in a low soft voice.

They all watched with interest on what he was doing. Marzena let go of him letting him focus on the magic.

Stacks of books appeared around the room. "Done..." he said opening his eyes.

Quiyue looked at the choices seeing if their was anything that caught her eye.

"Your so amazing" Marzena said lovingly to Liangelus giving him a little kiss before she went back to looking around

He smiled. "All of these books should be a good start in educating our young ones and ourselves....."

Quiyue nodded flipping through one of the books.

"Lovely my darling" Marzena began to look through the books herself.

Quiyue found herself flipping a book on curses.

Marzena found herself looking at a book on dragons.

The girls kind of just wandered to their rooms as they were looking at their books gettign into them.

Marzena laid down on the couch that was in her room reading the book on different species of dragons and habits and stuff like that.

Liangelus followed Marzena, sitting down on the couch, moving her so she was laying on his lap. "What have you got there?"

"Its a book on Dragon species and special attributes and things about each dragon" Marzena said cutely laying there looking up at him.

"Try looking at Light Dragons....."

Marzena flipped through to light dragons. "But which species of light dragons?" she asked playfully and showed him the list of Light Dragon species.

"This one...." Liangelus pointed out. He had pointed to a species, also known as Spirit Dragons. Light Dragons were the only ones with this species, except for Dark Dragons. There was an image of a Light Spirit and a Dark Spirit, comparing the two. " a mix of the two.... Neoryi and I's mother was a Dark Spirit Dragon...."

"Oh wow" she said looking over the information about light and Dark spirit dragons he could tell she was really interested in learning about who and what he was.

She saw a note about how powerful even a half breed can be, and the greed of evil.

"Our kids their... thats not going to happen to them is it?" Marzena suddenly asked worriedly pointing out to Liangelus what she just read he could see the immense worry in her eyes.

"Greed was mostlikely why my brother and I were taken....but I will not let them be taken or for you to be taken again...."

"I know you will my love" she snuggled happily in his lap as she read about his species.

She noticed, as if for safety, no dragon species abilities were listed.

She understood that and didnt mention anything about it to Liangelus as she continued to read on.

She read that to find a Spirit Dragon, it was rare however lucky. That Spirit dragons are said to be able to see into a person's soul and spirit.

"Can you see my soul and spirit?" Marzena asked looking up at Liangelus.

Liangelus nodded. "Yes love...and it's beautiful..."

"Could you describe it to me?" she asked sweetly looking up at him looking so beautiful laying there. 

"It's warm and welcoming...filled with beautiful colours of blues and purples... though it also shows the hurt you have felt..." he said softly.

"I heard that pink is the aura color for love, does mine show pink?" she asked sweetly and playfully looking up at him.

"It didn't...before we met..."

"And now?" she asked cutely looking up at him through her hair.

"It's shining brightly with the other colours...."

"Thats because I'm so madly in love with a big hunky dragon man" she said cutely laying there looking up at him.

"And I am madly in love with a gorgeous unicorn woman..."

Gently she closed her book then rolled over on her back looking up at him with a smile. "This is the way its supposed to be" she said lovingly gazing up at him.

"The way what is suppose to be?" he asked smiling.

"Life" She said with a soft giggle looking up at him. "I have an amazing mate and soon to be hubby with three beautiful children this is how its supposed to be" she said lovingly lounging there looking up at him.

He nuzzled her neck. "I agree...."

Marzena giggled and playfully nuzzled him as he nuzzled her.

"You are my sexy love always..."

"As are you" she said cutely and playfully moved so she strattled his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. "how did I get so lucky to get a gorgeous man like you?" she asked lovingly

"It was destiny..." he said lovingly.

"It was" she pushed herself up so she was hugging him to her body his head laying on her chest as she hugged him.

There came a cry. "Oh our little ones...."

"Oh my" Marzena climbed off of Liangelus and quickly headed to the nursery.

Quiyue jumped on the bed and sat cross legged putting the book in her lap as she began to skim through the book curious on what it had to offer.

Neoryi came into the room, and just laid on the bed, arm over his eyes.

"Are you alright baby?" she asked worriedly looking over at him.

"Yes...." he said softly. "I'm alright...

"Are you sure baby?" she asked worriedly as she playfully strattled him looking down at him really wondering if he was ok.

He moved his hand, and smiled up at her. " love..." He pulled her down into a kiss.

Quiyue sighed happily in the kiss with him loving having him like this.

Neoryi rolled them so that he was on top as they kissed.

Quiyue purred in her throat in heaven as she laid there under him making out with him.

"I will keep all of you safe...I promise...."

"I know you will my love I know you will" she said lovingly gazing up at him as she laid there under him.

He started to nibble her neck.

Quiyue purred a loud happy noise at the feeling, he knew all of her happy spots and just what to do with them. It felt really good.

"Thank you...." he whispered.

"For what?" she asked curiously looking up at him ontop of her.

"For being you..."

"Aww your more then welcome" she said cutely and nuzzled him. "And thank you for being you" she said stroking his hair.

Neoryi nodded. "Unless I am the female version..." he said jokingly.

Quiyue blushed and giggled "Your so bad" she gave him a playful little smack.

"Oh you know you love both sides...."

Quiyue squeeked and blushed giggling adorably.

Neoryi laughed, and started tickling her.

Quiyue squeeked and giggled adorably laughing as he tickled her. 

He nipped her ear.

She purred happily at the feeling as he went from tickling to curessing her.

His hand moved to rub her inner thigh.

She sighed happily letting her eyes flutter shut purring at the feeling.

Neoryi started to move his kisses down her body.

"Oh just like that" Quiyue moaned softy as her hand found his hair as he traveled down her body.

He ran his tongue over her body.

"You know what momma tiger likes" she gasped out and moaned as she purred happily at the feeling as he continued. she was liking where this was going.

"Of course I do..." he purred.

"I didnt say stop" she said playfully looking down at him with a lusty smile on her face.

There came a cry. "That is a 'stop'" Neoryi said softly, getting up.

"Yes it is" she giggled as Neoryi helped her up to her feet then they headed to the nursery.

One of each of Quiyue's and Marzena's cubs were crying. Neoryi looked over as Marzena, followed by Linangelus came into the room. Neoryi smiled.

Marzena went over and picked up her baby. "I've got you baby momma's got you" she said lovingly cradling her little one rocking him.

Quiyue went to her little one and did the same.

"They are so cute..." Liangelus said smiling.

Neoryi nodded. "Beautiful..."

Marzena and Quiyue smiled at their mates as they continued.

Their babies quieted down, curling into their mommies.

"Thats my little prince" Marzena said lovingly kissing her son on the top of his head as she took him back to his crib tucking him in.

"Sleep well princess" she smiled laying her daughter to bed once more.

"If I didn't have Quiyue...I think I'd be jealous of you..." Neoryi said to his brother with a smile.

"I agree with you, Neoryi, except it would be Marzena in my case..." The brothers laughed.

"You two are bad" Quiyue said and giggled as she went over to Neoryi.

"Come on you two the mothers of your children need some alone time" Marzena said cutely taking Liangelus's arm with both of hers.

"Help..." the brother said to each other with big smiles on their faces.

The girls laughed dragging them off to their rooms.

Quiyue giggled closing the door behind then he walked over laying on the bed again."What you don't want to spend alone time with me?" she asked cutely.

Neoryi pounced on her, growling. "Of course I want to spend time with you love..."

"Oooh?" she asked playfully laying there under him giggling gazing up at him.

Neoryi started to nibbled neck and shoulders. "Yes...."

Quiyue purred happily at the feeling letting her eyes flutter shut once more.

Neoryi moved his lips back up to her's.

Quiyue kissed him in a long luxourious kiss as they laid there together.

"Shall we try for more?"

"Already?" she asked looking up at him. "But they've just been born, I love the idea of having more but so soon?" she asked curiously.

"I was just having some fun, love...."

Quiyue giggled. "I do have to admit though if their wasnt the chance I would get pregnant again I really really really want to..." she then whispered things into hsi ear that made him blush.

"Oh bad bad girl..." he laughed.

"Thats what you get for having a tigeress for a mate" she said playfully.

"And for being your dragon lover...." he growled. "Mine..." he nipped her neck.

Quiyue moaned softly and happily at the feeling. "yours" she let out a little pant.

He started to nibble on her ear.

"MMmmm Neoryi" she purred out happily, "I wonder if their is anything that I could take to keep me from getting pregnant" she said playfully. "just until we're ready for more"

"Maybe the ring could...I don't know..."

"Well we do have a giant pile of books that might have something"

"Shall we start our search?"

Quiyue giggled and nodded getting up on the bed and gently tugged him off leading him to the huge piles of books so excited.

Neoryi smiled following obineitely.

They found a bunch of books on potions and items and things and carried them back to the bedroom to find something.

"I'll look for potions and you look for items...alright?"

"Sounds good" she smiled and with that she got to work on looking through the books.

She found a reference to the ring that had staled her's and Marzena's pregnancies. The ring was believe to also act as a preventor as long as the wearer had drank a special potion.

Quiyue read in depth on teh ring and the potion she wanted to make sure it wouldnt stop her fertility all together.

The potion only worked while taking it with the ring on.

"Honey I found it" she said happily showing him the book.

"You did? I found a potion...."

"I think if its the potion I think it is it works together with the rings from before as long as I wear the ring and I think its drink one potion a day then I wont be fertile." she said showing him her information she found.

Neoryi nodded, smiling.

"Oh I'm so excited we should do this right away" she reached in the nightstand and pulled out the ring from before that Liangelus had given her.

Once Liangelus and Marzena were in their room, He grabbed her, pulling her close before falling backwards onto the bed, laughing.

Marzena squeeked and laughed falling back into bed with him then curled up against his chest "your so handsome" she said lovingly.

"And you are a beauty that could reval goddesses...." he whispered.

Marzena blushed and smiled. "No I'm not" she said adorably laying there under him.

"Shall I paint you once more so that you see what I see?" he asked before nibbling her ear.

"If you want, so you have another painting of me since we lost the other one" she said as she played with some of his white hair in her fingers.

"I love the idea of another painting of you..."

"Alright if you want to then lets do it" she smiled up at him.

"You are so adorable..." he said and kissed her.

Marzena giggled "Am i?" she asked playfully running her fingers across his hair as she pulled back.

"Of course you are...and much more..."

Marzena giggled and gave him another kiss.

"I think I may have to paint Quiyue as well for Neoyri....I don't know...a brother's gift, you know...."

"That would be really sweet I think he would really love that" she smiled lovingly up at him above her.

"Yes....I hope so...." he said smiling down at her.

Marzena smiled up at him in return. "I have a curious question for you my love"

"Oh...what is it?" he asked softly.

"How long do you say we have until... the next mating season is the best way to put it" she giggled looking up at him.

"We are still in mating season... dragons are able to continue to mate several times during a season... remember I had said that pregnancies are for three days....if I wasn't controling myself, I'd been matting with you right now... without that control, we'd have a very large family before the month is out..."

"Oh my" she turned bright red. "You mean dragons don't even stop when their little ones are still young?" she asked turning red. She was going to have to be better around Liangelus and stop with all the taunting.

"Yes... which is why I am controling myself at this moment and all the moment of making out with you...." he said, before kissing her.

Marzena kissed him back softly then pulled back. "You are a very strong man to do that. But still that means you and I can't have relations at all unless it means we want to have another brood of younglings; I don't know about you but I would like to treat you like the king you are" she smiled curessing his cheek.

"Oh...and I you my queen....." he purred.

Marzena giggled loving that sound coming from his chest. "So would you like to paint me while our little ones are sleeping?" she asked cutely.

" lady...." he purred, eyes lusting for her.

"Down big daddy dragon" she giggled cutely looking up at him.

"You know you like it..."

"Yes but if you keep that up" suddenly he found himself under her on the bed. "I might be the one pouncing on you with lust" she said with a seductive purr as she leaned down and nuzzled his neck right where she knew he liked it.

"Are you sure you are a unicorn?" he asked playfully.

"yes why do you ask?" she asked playfully looking down at him her tail flicking back and forth.

"Because you were acting like a predator...."

"Was that bad?" she asked sweetly laying down on his chest and stomach with her butt in the air in a pose that made her look so pouncible and tasty he really had to hold the leash hard at that moment.

He sat down and smiled

A waiter came up. "What can I get you?"

"I will have my usual."

"And you sir?"


"You can get something else. They have other drinks."

"Water.... please..."

The waiter nodded, and went to get the drinks.

He smiled."You sure just water? If you change your mind it is fine."

Nikoli nodded, blushing.

"I want you happy."

"I am..."

the waiter brought out their drinks.

He smiled and took a sip. "Know what you want to eat?"

"No..." he said softly.

He suggested a few things.

"I'll have....chicken salad?"

"That's fine. Whatever you wish for." he ordered his food too

Nickoli nodded, giving his order to the waiter.

He smiled talking to him trying to get to know him as he was now

Nickoli smiled softly, talking to him. Their food came.

He smiled taking a bite. "I am glad we have met once more."

" too...."

He smiled lovingly. "I will protect you better this time."

"I'll protect you too..." he whispered back.

He gently kissed him

Nickoli kissed back.

"I will always love you."

"Thank you....I feel... the same way towards you...." he said softly.

He smiled glad they were together

Nickoli smiled. "What do you think we should do after dinner.....?"

He smiled and gently kissed him. "what would you like to do?"

"I...don't know....something fun...."

"Is there something you have wanted to do but never got the chance to do?"

"Being out like this...."

He held his hand. "After dinner we need to head back, tomorrow night I will take you out again ok?"


"Of course."

Nickoli smiled. He then finished up eating his meal, and drank some of his water.

He smiled and kissed him

Baine ran up, taking his hand. "We're out of here!"

He held on and ran. He glanced back sadly. "Bye...Claude..."

They disappeared, and reappeared in a hut. "WHat did he do to you?"

He looked down and whispered what had happened

Baine pulled him against him into a hug. "I'm so sorry..."

He began to sob "I...just want to go home..."

"I'll take you there..."

He nodded. "Please..."

They teleport-hopped again.

He held on tight

Baine stopped at a coastal town.

"Where are we?"

"We are on an island near Japan..."

"Will he find us again?"

"No... he won't..."

"How can you be sure?"

"Because this time I was able to make it to an area of the world that magic can't be used to sense for people..."



"I am glad."

"As am I..." He lead him to a tent. "we'll sleep here tonight..."

He followed. "Thank you for everything."

"You are very welcome...."

He curled up to rest

The wolf came over, laying near him.

He hugged her burrowing his face in her fur

Baine and I was very worried.... we get to you....

"Thank you..."

The wolf licked his cheek.

He stroked her fur.

The wolf fell asleep next to him.

He closed his eyes

He dreamed of a boyish looking woman with long white hair.

He frowned a little scared

The boyish woman smiled gently at him. "Erebain....thank you for saving me from the mad man...."

"What? I don't understand..."

"You will.... when the time comes...."

He frowned in confusion. "Who are you?"

Kiar sat down with Chris.

She got her things out.

The teacher started the class.

She took notes

Kiar took notes too, smiling at her on occasion.

She blushed returning the gesture

When class was over, Kiar stood up waiting for her.

She stood up and smiled

he walked with her to their next class.

She smiled. "I love you."

"Love you..."

She smiled feeling safe and happy with him

"What a queer couple..." she heard someone whisper.

She hugged him not caring

Kiar pulled her closer.

"I love you."

"And I you...."

She kissed him

He kissed back, and then headed into class with her.

She sat down in her seat

He sat beside her as the class started.

She smiled taking notes.

As the class went on, an office aide came to the room asking for Kiar. Kiar stood up, looking at Chrisa. "See ya soon..."

"Ok. I love you."

Kiar left the room.

The teacher continued on with the lesson. "He must have done something to get kicked out again..." she heard someone whisper.

She bit her lip in worry

"I wonder when they are going to kick her out?"

She tried to ignore the talking

The class ended and he still wasn't back.

She got up and gathered her things trying to find him

As she walked down the hall, she saw him coming looking upset.

She hurried over and hugged him. "What's wrong?" She asked in concern

He wrapped his arms around her. "They think that I had something to do with a fire that was started in the chem lab...."

"What?! But you weren't there."

"I know.... but that's what seems to happen at all the schools I've been too...."

"When was it suppossed to have happened? And are they planning to kick you out?"

"Alright... will you come by here around 5?"

"Ok." he said hurrying to his apartment to find something to wear

He found something.

He put it on and made himself extra nice for her

He noticed that it was close to five o'clock.

He hurried to where they were meeting

"Hey..." Kailieza said, coming up to him, smiling. She looked beautifully made up.

"You look wonderful."

Kailieza blushed. "Really? You think so?"

He nodded."Very lovely."

Kailiena blushed, and kissed his cheek. "I the author was invited to a party..."

He smiled and kissed her. "Congratulations." He looked a little sad

"Loki...." she started looking sad. "What's wrong?"

"I...did something terrible."


He told her.

She hugged him. "I'm sooo sorry, love..."

"I feel horrible..."

"Is there some how to help them?"

"I...don't know."

"Do you want to head back to help them?"


"I don't know... I was just asking..."

He ran a hand through his hair, "I...don't think we can..."

She nodded.

"Can we...try to focus on something else. I will think of a way to help...."


He hugged her, "Let's go. I am glad you won."

She smiled. "Thank you....we.... have to get to the Hotel Dumonte...."

He offered his hand

She took it smiling softly.

He headed to the hotel with her

They were greeted at the door of the hotel, everyone that either knew of Kealiena's other side or had seen her face from the 'About the Author' part of her books greeted her by her pen name for they knew no other.

He followed silently a little uneasy about the crowds. He was feeling out of place.

"You zoned out... the teacher wants us to present our project...."

"Oh..." She got up with Diaca and began to help with the presentation

They ended up getting an A and ten points of extra credit.

She smiled faintly and sat down.

Diaca leaned over, and squeezed her hand.

"I'm still worried."

"I am too..."

She waited for school to be over

When school ended, Diaca hugged Eve.

She hugged back. "What should I do?"

"First check the house..."

She took her by the hand and headed that way hoping Diaca's 'friends' wouldn't show up.

None of Diaca's 'friends' came after them.

She entered the house looking for her mother

Diaca followed searching.


She was no where to be found. "Eve... I don't think she's here..." Diaca said softly. As they looked up stairs, they heard foot steps down stairs.

"EVE!?!" It was here father.

She stiffened. She pushed Diaca into a closet. "Hide." She whispered

Diaca pulled Eve in with her, closing the door. "I'm not hiding without you..."

"What if he finds us?" She whispered in fear

Diaca put a finger to her lips.

She kept silent

She heard her father come into the room looking for her and then he was gone.

She waited a little longer

"Let's get out of here...." whispered Diaca.

She nodded

Diaca quickly left the closet, pulling Eve behind her. "Where's your room?" she whispered.

She lead her to the room

"You should grab what you're coming home with me..."

"But...what about mom?"

"We'll call the cops from my house...."

She packed some things including important ones her mother gave her

Diaca stood by the door on watch.

She finished packing and hurried next to her

"Let's get moving before he comes back...." Diaca said in a whisper, just incase. She took hold of Eve's hand and started towards the stairs, and then out the main door.

She followed hoping her mother was safe

Diaca pulled out her cell as she hurried with Eve away from the house. Not long after she hung up the phone, her family's car pulled up, and Diaca helped Eve inside before it drove off.

"You think your parents will understand and let me stay?"

He got one of the ankle shackles.

He worked at the other one

He got free of the shackles.

he hurried to the door working on opening it.

It wouldn't move.

He tried harder

He realized the door was steel.

He growled looking for a way out

"I'm a monster!!"


His scream echoed back at him.

He pounded at the door

A small window opened up. "Shut up in there!"

"Let me go assholes!"

"Shut up Freak!"

He growled and turned into a raven trying to fly out

he got out of the room. "Shit!" the guard shouted. "Escape! Escape!"

He flew trying to find Naya

He heard "Don't hurt my brother!"

He flew that way

He come up to a closed door.

He tried to find a way in

The door was unlocked.

He hurried in

"Tell me or something may happen to your friend."

Naya shivered. "Please... please let us go..." she cried.

"Tell me what you are."

"I.. don't know...." she cried.

"Than why say you are different?"

Naya looked up at him, her eyes had a feline look to them. "I am a monster!!"

"No." he said simply. He tried to see what she was

He couldn't tell, she seemed to be a mix of alot of things.

"Your a mix breed."

"I'm a monster!!"

"Than I guess I am a monster."


He told her what he was

"But....but angels....and demons....their not monsters....."

"Some would say they are."

"They aren't! Not like me!"

He looked at her coldly. "You aren't the only one seen as a monster brat. The world doesn't revolve around you. You had better realize what powers you have or I will hurt your precious Vann."

"Don't hurt my brother!!" Her eyes flashed, and he felt a power he had never felt before.

He smirked. "What is this?"

there seemed to be a dark glow around her as she glared at him.

He tried to tap into it and drain her a little

As he tried to drain her, even just a little, he felt a dark energy enter him. As he thought he was good, the energy surged in him causing him pain before leaving his body again.

He panted in pain looking at her with a frown

Naya's eyes went normal, and she looked confused as to what happened. She jumped when the door to the room opened up.

He spun to look.

a black raven flew to her and landed on her shoulder, regarding Tarsas angrily.

Vann landed on the floor and turned back, protectively standing in front of her. "Let us go!"

Tarsas smirked. "a little old for my tastes but handsome and powerful." He rushed him and slammed him against the wall a hand slipping between Vann's legs. The door sealed up. Vann gasped and struggled

Naya screamed. The screamed quickly turned from the scream of a scared and terrified child to that of an angry creature. Her eyes had shifted again as she jumped on Tarsas, claw like finger nails digging into his shoulders.

He cried out in paub and backhanded her, he began to drain Vann who fell to the floor.

Naya cried out, and attacked him. Her claws digging into his stomach and just below the belt.

He moved away before she could do allot of damage, "Monster!" He growled hoping to effect her through his words

Her eyes glowed brighter, tears started to fall. "I AM NOT A MONSTER!"

"You look like one little freak!"

Naya screamed again. Her eyes truly glowed like a cat in the night, and the clawed nails she had before became more clawlike. Her hair grew and gained a darker shine to it. Two sets of wings erupted from her back, one set were as black as the darkest night and were large feathered wings, and the second set were pure white and were like large bat wings. Long vampire like fangs grew, showing as she screamed. Tarasas got the feeling that this like girl was truly a mix of races.

He narrowed his eyes and grabbed Vann. "If you attack I will drain him dry."

"Then let us go! Now!" Naya screamed. This time Vann woke up to Naya's voice.

Vann slowly opened his eyes.""

Vann saw what Naya looked like. " not running...we are family now remember..." she said, in a soft growl as she continued to glare at Tarsas.

Tarsas smirked. "What is stopping me from draining him?"

"You were able to get out... learn..."

"I made that happen. I isolated myself and focused on studying all the time, I was blind to what happened around me..."


"I..didn't even notice you, and I am sorry."

"I..." Devin nodded.

He hugged him

He hugged him back.

"I love you..."

"I love you too..." Devin whispered blushing.

He hesitantly kissed him

He slowly kissed back.

"I am glad I am with you."

" too...."

He held him close

"I... do still feel something for....him...." Devin said softly.

"I know. But I want you safe so I will hurt him if he hurts you."

Devin nodded.

He smiled and walked with him exploring

They found the panther.


"It's his pet... one of his pets...." Devin said.

"How...many does he have?"

"I don't really know.... it shocked me still does...."

"Wow...and it doesn't attack?"

"I's crazy...."

"This is so strange..."

Devin nodded. "I...I'm still confused by all of this...."

He held him protectively.

"I'm just glad I'm not alone here...."

"I will protect you,"

"Protect me? You will...?" he whispered, looking up at him.

He blushed and nodded.

"Thank you...." Devin whispered.

He hugged him and nodded

"What....would you like to do now?" he asked softly.

"I don't know...Would you like to do something?"

"I'll call your parents..."

"Thank you."

After thirty minutes, her mother voice came into the room. "Aiko..."


"You're not feeling well..."

"No...I wanna come home."

"Let's go..." she said softly.

She followed. "Mom...I've been hearing things..."

"Maybe we should head to the hospital..."

"No...please...Mom...someone is after me..." She told her mother about her day

"Let's hurry home then..."

She hugged her mother

she hugged back.

She followed her

When they got home, she took her up to her room.

"Mom...I am sorry for the trouble."

"You are no trouble...let's just get you to bed...."

She followed. "I love you mom."

Her mother hugged her. "I love you too sweety..."

"Can I lay done for a bit?"

Her mother helped her lay down. "Rest well sweety..."

"Thank you mom." She said as she closed her eyes

She had a nightmare.

She thrashed in her sleep whimpering

I will have you...

She stiffened. "Leave me alone."

She heard laugher in her mind, evil laugher. Never my pet...

She shivered. "W...who are you?!"

Your master...

"I am not a pet..."

You will be, my pet!


"Sweetie!" came her mother's voice as she rushed into the room. "What's wrong hun?"

She hugged her mother trembling. She slowly told her, "Am I...losing my mind?"

Her mother rubbed her back. "I don't know sweetie...I'm sure it's just a nightmare..."

"I...keep hearing it..."

"I don't really know sweetie.... has there been anything that's been stressing you?"

"Not lately..."

"What do you mean?"

"I...for some reason I have been feeling tense about my birthday..."

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