Page name: Dark World Chapter 5 [Exported view] [RSS]
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2010-03-09 03:27:12
Last author: Gypsy Mystik
Owner: Gypsy Mystik
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Dark World Chapter 5

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Back to Dark World RPG

"Honey I found it" she said happily showing him the book.

"You did? I found a potion...."

"I think if its the potion I think it is it works together with the rings from before as long as I wear the ring and I think its drink one potion a day then I wont be fertile." she said showing him her information she found.

Neoryi nodded, smiling.

"Oh I'm so excited we should do this right away" she reached in the nightstand and pulled out the ring from before that Liangelus had given her.

"I agree, my lovely tigeress....."

"So what do we need to make this potion?" she asked as she playfully laid across his lap.

He started to list off a large list of items, some of which she had never heard of.

"Oh heavens are you serious?" She buried her head in the pillow thinking that it was impossible and insane to make something like that.

"We'll just have to talk to Liangelus... from how much he knows of this place, he's been here....I haven't...."

"Well when we get a chance lets but from the sounds I've been picking up on my ears I don't think we should bother him just yet" she giggled laying there.

Neoryi laughed. "I agree. I agree...."

Quiyue giggled with him.

Neoryi leaned in and nibbled her neck.

Quiyue giggled and purred happily loving the wonderful feeling.

Neoryi growled, "Mmmm you like it don't ya...?" He continued to do it.

"Yes" she purred happily loving the feeling as he continued.

He started to rub his body against her's.

Quiyue groaned loving the feeling as their bodies were heating up she couldnt help it she loved the feeling of her mate against her like this.

"We will always be..together...."

"Yes we will" she whispered nuzzling him lovingly.

Neoryi started to breath hard. "We have to....stop... otherwise..."

Quiyue was breathing hard to "Yes... Stop..." she mumbled out as she scrambled out from other him.

"But I really want to pick this back up....later...." he breathed smiling.

"Oh you bet your sexy ass we will" she said with a cute little shake of her butt.

Neoryi growled. "Watch it..."

"Sorry Honey I'll be good" she said looking at him over her shoulder.

Neoryi rushed her, presing her against the wall of the room, nipping and kissing her neck.

"Neoryi" Quiyue purred melting in his arms at the pleasure he was giving her.


Quiyue gasped blushing bright red as he ground himself against her

"Are you sure you are a unicorn?" he asked playfully.

"yes why do you ask?" she asked playfully looking down at him her tail flicking back and forth.

"Because you were acting like a predator...."

"Was that bad?" she asked sweetly laying down on his chest and stomach with her butt in the air in a pose that made her look so pouncible and tasty he really had to hold the leash hard at that moment.

He started to growl low and lustly.

"Uh oh sorry" she squeeked getting off of him and pulling her shirt up covering her cleavage and pulling her skirt down covering her legs trying to keep from turning him on.

"You won't be for long...."

Marzena blushed bright red and turned facing him seeing his eyes smolder with lust for her. "Honey down boy I'm sorry it was my own mistake" she felt her body react at the thought of what they could be doing that firery passion they had before. Heavens did she crave it again.

Liangelus closed his eyes, and then slapped himself.

Marzena stood there hoping he would be alright. she went and found a big robe in teh closet to cover herself up even though she was just wearing regular clothes.

"You dont' need to do that.... I was just breaking myself for my naughty...but wonderful thoughts of you..."

"No I pushed you to far" she said standing there looking at him. "I'm going to tone it down to sub zero for a bit" she said as she sat on the couch in the room.

"Please..." he started, moving over to be beside her. "Not sub zero....please....."

"You know how I am baby I'm not going to be able to be good if I don't stay sub zero and then I'm going to push you over the edge again" she said blushing loving the way how he was crawling over the bed towards her he was so sexy she loved watching his body moved.

"THing is...this is going to be the first that you are sub zero..."

"And I don't think I can with you being all sexy slinky like that" she said blushing watching him like that. "I'm just trying not to push you to the edge like that again" she swallowed blushing wanting so badly to run her hands over his gorgeous body wanting so bad to be naughty.

"I'll have to make the potion that mother took...a lot for you and for Quiyue..."

"Yes yes you do" she giggled sitting there. "Maybe you should go do that now" she said pointing to the noticable bulge in his pants.

Liangelus laughed. "Do you know what I'm talking about?"

"No but it sounds important" she giggled sitting there moving into a lotus sitting position as she watched him.

"It will allow use to continue to have fun...but protect for pregnancy till we are ready...."

"Oh yay!" she clapped her hands happily. "Is there anything I need to do other then drink it?" she asked curiously.

"You have to have the ring I gave you on at the time..."

She went to the nightstand and put the ring on. "My part is done" she giggled.

"OH you are silly indeed...." he laughed.

"I know" she kissed his cheek.

He laughed and then looked to the wall as a bang was heard against the wall.

"Honey I think your brother may have lost control." she said some how senseing what was going on in the other room.

"I know... come on... we both need to go help...."

Marzena got up and threw her robe off heading for the door that connected the rooms.

Liangelus went with her, walking with her through the nursery and into the other room. "Neoryi! COntrol your self..." he said, grabbing his brother and pulling him back.

"Li...angelus..." he breathed, struggling some.

Quiyue blushed sliding down to the floor blushing bright red. Marzena went over and helped her up wrapping her in one of Quiyue's robes.

Neoryi looked at QUiyue. "I'm sorry..."

"Its alright baby I have to admit it was kinky" she giggled as Marzena turned bright red.

Liangelus shook his head, as Neoryi blushed deeply.

Quiyue giggled then snapped her fingers. "I just remembered we were meaning to ask we found this potion in one of the books its a birth control potion do you know how to make it?"

"Yes actually..." Liangelus said. "I was actually going to be coming over here to talk to you two about it..."

Quiyue blushed and giggled cutely.

"Really, brother?"

Liangelus nodded. " you and I have some work we need to get done for it so, time to go..."

Neoryi nodded, looking over at Quiyue. "I'll be back..."

"Alright my love" She gave him a quick kiss.

"Have fun" Marzena said with a smile then taking Quiyue's arm they went into the nursery to see their little ones.

All the little ones were up and all five years old, and out of they beds, playing in a large playpen.

"Hello my little rascals" Quiyue smiled going over and climbing in the pen kneeling down.

Marzena climbed in and laughed as her little ones ran over and hugged her.

All the children, climbed over their mothers.

the girls broke down laughing hugging their kids as they climbed all over them.

All the children misxed up, and started playing games.

Marzena and Quiyue giggled pushing themselves up and sat next to one another watching their children play.

One of Marzena's shifted into a unicorn with dragon wings, and was flying all over the room.

"Ahh Aina careful!" Marzena said worriedly getting to her feet and catching her daughter. "Now I know its fun but its not safe if you do that sweet heart stay on the ground" she said petting her daughters head as she set her down.

Now there was a two black tigers with dragon wings in the air and another one of Marzena's

"Oh heavens where are the men when we need them?" Quiyue said before she jumped up for her kids. "Sevill! Kaleb! come down here!" she said as they stayed out of her reach.

"Oh heavens Riath!" she called to her son to come down.

Aina flew back up, as did all of the rest, flying around the room.

The women dropped to their knees not knowing what to do.

The women started to be pulled up into the air, and were starting to fly around the room.

"Ahh! Careful!" Marzena squeeked as she tucked her legs in making sure she wouldnt hit anything.

Quiyue laughed looking up at her kids holding onto her. "This is fun" she laughed.

The children put down their mothers, and shifted back. "We love you!"

"Awww your so cute!" Quiyue giggled "I love all you little cuties to" she said as she scooped them up in her arms.

"I love you to my darlings" Marzena smiled and pulled them all into a big hug.

"Mommy! Auntie!" they laughed and hugged them back.

"Now lets see if we can find something fun to play" Marzena said with a smile she looked aroudn the room and saw the other door Liangelus had been talking about. She let go of her little ones and stepping out of the playpen she walked over and looked in it hoping their was toys for the little ones.

It was a child's paradise. Toys every where of every shape and size.

"Quiyue come look at this"

Quiyue stood and went over looking in and saw the room filled with toys. "Oh wow! we can't let them have all of them at once though what should we let them have now?"

Marzena turned to the kids. "Hey kids what are you in the mood to do?" she asked looking at them.

"Ball!" "Dress up!"

"Alright alright" Marzena giggled as she and Quiyue went into the closet. Quiyue got a ball while Marzena grabbed a trunk she found filled with clothes for dress up.

The girls attacked the chest as the boys attacked the ball.

For the next few hours the women switched turns playing with the girls and boys making sure all the kids had time with them. Soon enough dinner time rolled around. They herded the children down stairs bringing coloring books with them as well. They sat all the kids at the table a coloring book for each of them as they got to work on making a feast for everyone.

The guys came into the room each with a vial of purple liquid.

"Hello handsome you missed your children flying" Marzena said playfully to Liangelus

"Same goes to you honey" Quiyue giggled cutely to Neoryi.

Liangelus looked at Neoryi, who was looking at him back. "That was sooner than you, Neoryi..."

"We have talented little children then" Marzena said with a smile as she went back to slicing the bread that she had finished baking as Quiyue was preparing fresh fish she had found in the fridge.

"That we do..." Neoryi said, leaning over to Quiyue, kissing her cheek.

Quiyue giggled and turned giving him a little kiss on the lips. "Your a sweety" she smiled at him as she then went back to the fish.

Marzena giggled as Liangelus came up behind her and hugged her waist as she sliced the bread.

"We were able to find the supplies we needed..."

"So its all done?" she asked softly with a purr to her voice.

"Yes...for both of you...."

"Oh let me drink it now so it will be in effect later" Marzena purred softly against Liangelus.

Quiyue nodded in agreement. "yes that would be the best I think" she said looking at Neoryi with lusty eyes.

Neoryi blushed and growled. "Here you are love..."

"As is for you...." Liangelus.

That girls took the vials and popped open the tops then after sniffing it they looked at each other then swigged down the bottles .

The boys laughed, at their faces after seeing that they found out they tasted sweet.

"What are you laughing at? After the last thing you gave me I wasnt sure what this one would taste like" Quiyue said to Neoryi playfully.

"Never been a fan of potions" Marzena giggled as seh got back to work on dinner for the family.

Neoryi nipped Quiyue's neck. "You two are just so cute..."

"Daddy! Come look at my picture!" suddenly Veisi yelled to Neoryi.

Quiyue giggled hearing this.

Neoryi moved over, and was looking over the picture. "Oh Veisi... you are going to be such an artist...."

"Really Daddy?!" Veisi asked with a big smile.

"Daddy!" Zephira and Aria called at the same time wanting Liangelus to see their pictures to.

"Yes..." Neoryi said, and then looked over the other's pictures.

Liangelus moved over to the two. "Beautiful..."

Soon dinner was made and they all sat down to a wonderful feast that night.

"This looks wonderful my love..." Neoryi said lovingly.

"I'm glad you think so" she smiled at him then smiled at the kids as they dug in.

"Oooh their so cute" Marzena said smiling watching as Riath took a bite of fish and just fell in love with the taste.

Liangelus smiled. "What a family we have here...."

"Yes what a family" she laid her head on his shoulder for a minute before eating.

Dinner went smoothly without a hitch, after dinner the men were sent upstairs to play with the children while the women cleaned up. Afterword the woman went upstairs and smiled to find them having so much fun.

The guys pull the girls into the fun as there was a game going on.

It was a true wonderful family moment as they played the game together. their big happy family. After the game though the kids were tired so the girls gave them a bath and after they turned back to babies they tucked their little ones back into their cribs once more. "Good night you two" Marzena said sweetly to the others.

"You as well" Quiyue giggled leading her husband off to their room.

Liangelus hugged Marzena to him once they were inside their room, kissing her passionately.

Marzena entangled her hands in his long white hair as she kissed him back passionately curessing him and melting into the feel of his body loving the fact that she could have him like this again.

Liangelus fell back onto the bed with her.

Marzena pulled back and gently pulled his shirt open kissing her way down his chest. she moved down and gently pulled open his pants tugging them down a bit. Before he knew what was going on suddenly Liangelus felt pleasure tearing threw his body as Marzena pleasured him like she felt he deserved.

Liangelus gasped, and pressed his body up, arching his back. "Marzena...." he purred, growling in the end.

Marzena continue to pleasure him for a little longer making sure he was rigid before she pulled off of him. She looked up seeing his eyes had shifted to full dragon. "you deserved that" she whispered softly.

"I did did I?" Liangelus flipped her, and pulled her clothes off, as she started to lick, kiss, and suck between her own legs, adding in fingers.

Marzena gasped in pleasure her hand found his hair as he continued to work her. "Liangelus" she moaned softly as the pleasure filled her.

He continued, pushing his fingers deeper in, nibbling down there.

Marzena laid down moaning deeply in pleasure as he continued. "Oh heavens Liangelus" she bit her bottom lip hard.

Liangelus moved back up to kiss her lips. "Yes my...goddess...."

Marzena sighed happily kissing him deeply wrapping her arms around his neck pulling him up over her body laying backwards on the bed.

Liangelus started to pull her into a passionate happy hour.

The happy hour was filled with passion and lust it when on so long Marzena was surprised that Liangelus had been able to stop. But after they finished they laid there together curled up in each others passionate embrace.

He was snuggling his face into her neck.

Marzena sighed happily and soon she drifted off to sleep in his warm embrace.

She dreamed of Liangelus and the children, and then we're on a beach.

She looked down at herself and saw she was in a sexy black bikini that made her markings on her skin seem to just pop. "Oh my" she blushed at how good she looked then looked and smiled seeing liangelus playing with the kids int he sand.

"Come on over!" called Liangelus.

Marzena giggled running over to them with a smile on her face.

The dream Liangelus stood up and hugged her close. "My love..."

She curled into his arms and smiled watching as their kids were building a sand castle together. "Their so beautiful our little ones" she said lovingly.

"Yes they are my pet..."

"Pet?" Liangelus never called her pet. she turned around then threw herself backwards in fear seeing the ring master there. "you bastard!" she said standing strong.

He still looked like Liangelus. "What is wrong love?" He's voice wasn't and was Liangelus's.

"You never call me pet... Liangelus what is wrong with you?" she asked worriedly.

Liangelus started to smirk at him, evilly. "My Pet..."

"I knew it!" she snarled backing away, her children vanished as the beach turned into a wasteland. Marzena changed her clothes to something alot more covering as she glared at this man.

"Oh what are you doing my dear..." he laughed.

Marzena looked deep inside of her, this was her dream this was her place to rule, she had always been so strong and powerful in her dreams and now was no different as she opened the gates inside of her a power suddenly grew flowing to the surface filling her core with some lost magics. Her body suddenly began to glow with power "This is my realm Circus Master" she suddenly said with a heavy ancient accent to her voice. "Show me the face of the man who infiltrates my dreams" she said in an ancient tounge as she held up her hand towards Liangelus. She watched as the disguise disintergrated.

Liangelus's face disappeared and was replaced by the Circus Master. He began to clap. "That's my girl...that's my girl..."

"Leave me and my family alone!" She yelled as her magic danced across her fingers. "I am not your girl and never will be your girl!" she said in that heavily accented voice again.

"Oh yes you are and will forever you think he can protect you..."

"I know he can protect me!" she snapped.

"Really? Are you so sure about that?" he said smirking.

"Yes I am sure you sick freak now" "Begone!" she shouted in anger and suddenly gasped waking up in her bed in a cold sweat.


Marzena turned looking at Liangelus next to her he could see fear in her eyes.

He pulled her into his chest. "I'm're safe.... nothing is going to harm you..."

"The Circus master he he made himself look like you almost sounded just like you" she said softly trembling.

He held her closer, stroking her hair. "I'm're safe...."

Marzena trembled in his arms trying to calm herself.

"I'm here....I'm here...."

She buried herself against his chest crying silently calming down.

Liangelus started to massage her back to relax her.

Marzena rolled over on her stomach on the bed letting him get a better rub of her back. "That feels really nice thank you" she said sweetly.

"YOu need it..." he whispered.

Marzena sighed softly loving the feeling of his hands working on her body.

He placed kisses over her body as her massaged it.

Marzena sighed happily. "That feels so wonderful" she purred happily.

Liangelus laid back down next to her, pulling her close. "I'm glad you enjoyed it....I'll do it again another time..."

"Sounds lovely my darling." she stroked his hair gently. "Thanky you for it, now go back to sleep my love" she said as she gently curessed his hair.

"I think that right there was my line..." he said and laughed softly, before kissing her neck.

"Well if it was your line I would answer you that... I don't know if I can go back to sleep" she said softly.

"Then you are just going to have to lay here beside me, against my chest...." he said softly.

"That was the plan big boy" she said cutely. "But while you sleep of course" she said looking up at him.

"I'll lay here with you, holding you, protecting you..."

She wished she could just melt into his arms and say it was ok but it wasnt true, he couldnt protect her from her dreams.

"I'll be right back..." he said softly, before he quietly left the room, through the door to the nursery. He came back in with a vial and a spoon.

"What is that?" she asked confused looking at the vial then at him.

"It's a Sleeping Draft...for dreamless sleep..."

Marzena looked at it, she didnt know if she should take it, Yes she hated running into the damn Circus Master in her sleep but the thing was, Thats where she got her energies her magics was from her dreams.

"You don't have to take it....I actually had to get it from Neoryi....he had found it and Quiyue is using it..." he said softly.

Marzena shook her head. "Its Quiyue's if she's using it then she needs it" she said looking up at him. "but thank you though for the idea." she smiled softly.

"I just want you mentally safe too..."

"I know you do honey, but it seems like dreams are apart of me and if I cut them off then I don't know what will happen to me" she said sitting there in bed.

He sat the vial on a table, and just pulled her against him. "Then just know that I will alway have you in my arms...."

"Thank you my love" she buried herself against him.

He kissed her neck.

Marzena sighed happily snuggling into his arms just laying there.

He stroked her hair, holding her close.

Marzena couldnt fight off sleep like she had hopped and soon she drifted off once more.

She dreamed of a storm, and a bright light coming through the clouds.

Marzena covered her eyes from the light trying to see what was coming through.

It looked like a paradice.

But Paradise or not it could have been another trick of the Circus Master, she held up her hand and whispered softly in the other language she knew in this realm. Show me truth she let her magic take her eyes so she could be sure what she was seeing was not another lie.

The paradice and light disappeared, but the storm stayed. In replace of the light was a single image of a young girl, with long white hair and then the image was gone.

When the image faded the storm settled and turned into a mist, the mist surrounded her curessing her gently like a lover. She knew this was the dream mist the barrier between dreams and reality.

She say a tall dark hair handsome man and the white haired young woman, their meeting and embrace, and then the dream was gone.

Marzena awoke gently from this dream. She laid there in Liangelus's arms wondering why the dreams had show her the young girl.

Liangelus' arms squeezed around her.

Marzena smiled snuggling against him. "Morning" she said lovingly.

"Morning...and just be glad that you were deep in sleep...." he whispered.

"Mmm why?" she asked looking up at him.

"It sounded like Neoryi's dragon side has come to the surface..."

"Oh my is that bad?" Marzena asked worriedly.

"No...but just imagine if I started to shift into a dragon in my sleep, and start to have sex with you, yet have to knowledge and no true control..."

Marzena turned bright red. "Oh heavens" she said thinking about it all.

"Now we may want to check on them and the children..."

"Yes sounds good" she smiled climbing out of bed, she put on black dress she found in the closet that had a row of celtic knots along the bottom border and running up the slit that went up to above her knees.


"You like it I take?" she asked playfully spinning around showing it off for him.

Liangelus went over to her, scooping her up. "Of course..."

Marzena giggled wrapping her arms around his neck kissing him softly.

He kissed back, and then sat her back on the ground.

After Liangelus was dressed she took his hand and lead him off to the nursery to check on everyone.

Some of the mixture of children were playing, but some were still sleeping.

Neoryi scooped Quiyue up, and tossed her onto the bed, before pouncing on her, placing kisses all of her neck, shoulders and lips.

Quiyue purred and shivered loving the feeling as he did all of this. She laid there letting him have his fun.

Neoryi kissed her claimingly, and pressed down on her.

Quiyue wrapped her legs around him groaning in pleasure at the feeling of him. She needed him back. She kissed her with that raw passion. Riding the animalistic hunger.

His eyes shifted, and he pressed down on her more, his hand pulling off her clothing so that his could explore her more.

Quiyue purred happily laying there "Ooh Neoryi" she purred out watching him as he explored all of her.

He moved down, licking between her legs.

Quiyue arched her back digging her claws into the bed. "Oh Neoryi" she moaned in pleasure trying not to be to loud.

He moved up, his manhood pressing against her. "Mine..." he purred, as he pushed into her.

Quiyue arched her back crying out in pleasure as he did.

Neoryi drew her into a long and tiring happy hour.

After they were done Quiyue laid in bed happy and content.

Neoryi pulled her closer. "I"

"I love... you .. as... well" she panted out then purred softly burying herself against his chest.

Neoryi kiss her lightly.

Quiyue kissed him back as well.

"my wonderful....tigeress..."

"My handsome.... do I call you elf or dragon?" she asked playfully.


"I like mate" she giggled rolling over so he was under her.

Neoryi laughed, "As do I....Mate...."

Quiyue purred nuzzling him gently as her tail twitched back and forth.

He licked behind her ear.

Quiyue squeeked and giggled purring happily at the feeling.

"I love you..."

"I love you to" She smiled lovingly.

Neoryi pulled her closer and pressed her against him.

Quiyue nuzzled him happily purring softly she yawned snuggling against him.

"Sleep, baby...." he whispered.

Quiyue nodded as she yawned and buried herself against his chest falling fast asleep.

She dreamed of a large family.

Quiyue smiled in her sleep dreaming of her children and her children's children. she dreamed of all of them happy together.


Quiyue mumbled in her sleep.

"Come home..."

"No..." she grumbled out.

"You are in danger there...."

"Bite me..." she grumbled at her brother in her half dream state.

"Quiyue....please... you're my sister...I care about you...."

"Bite me I'm happy here" she growled into her mind.

"Quiyue....he is on the move...."

"How do I know your not him trying to trick me huh? Leave me alone!" she snarled in the dream and outloud waking Neoryi up.

"Quiyue...wake up..." came Neoryi's voice, gently shaking her.

Quiyue snorted waking up. "I'm up" she said blinking a few times.

Neoryi looked at her. "I hope that snort was not aimed at me...."

"No no it wasnt aimed at you it was just sudden... it was Lei again and I was talking to him you just shocked me a little bit when you woke me up" she said looking up at him as she laid her head back down.

Noeryi placed a kiss on her lips. "I'm sorry..."

"Its ok its not your fault.. my brother... if it really is him, is just persistant" she said softly laying her head flat down again.

"He loves you..."

"I don't know if its really him though, that dream I had the other night.... it just didnt seem like him" she said softly burying her head in the pillow.

Neoryi just held her. "I don't know what to say...."

"I need another dose of the sleep potion is what it is, just so I can get some rest without people barging in" She climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom to find it.

She found it.

Bringing the bottle and her spoon back out to the bedroom she sat on her bed by her nightstand. Quiyue took another dose. After which she corked the bottle quick and stuck it in the drawer before the potion turned to warm honey sliding down her throat she moaned softly loving the feelin as she laid down. "Mine" she purred pulling Neoryi against her.

Neoryi laughed softly, and wrapped his arms all around her, rubbing her back.

Quiyue purred heavily as she drifted off to sleep once more

Once again her dreams were...while dream less.

Which were fine with Quiyue she would rather have a dreamless sleep and rest to be her best for her kids.

She woke to someone nibbling her ear.

Quiyue purred and looked up to see who it was.

Neoryi was doing it in his sleep.

Quiyue smiled and purred happily, she suddenly blushed as she felt his hand curessing her down below in his sleep.

Neoryi moved his mibbling to her neck, causiing his hand going down farther.

"Ooh my" she blushed as his hand that was laying under her snaked up and grabbed her breast massaging that as his other hand moved down lower to where it was looking for. Quiyue blushed and moaned softly, she looked and he was fast asleep she could tell but boy did this feel good.

"Mine..." he muttered in his sleep.

Quiyue turned bright red as she felt his hard on behind her as his fingers worked their magic inside of her. She purred happy from pleasure.

It was then that she felt his hand shift, and she felt a long claw carefully and gently push inside of her.

Quiyue gasped softly at the feeling she looked down and saw his hands and arms were covered in scales. Suddenly something filled her nose and her body trembled feeling all the more arroused. Unknown to Quiyue it was Pheremones Neoryi was giving off to fill her body with need.

"Mine..." he muttered again, with a slight growl.

She felt his body grow with size in more ways then one behind her but still a man. Quiyue gasped as she felt his manhood hard and rigid needing her as his fingers worked hungerly at her. Unknown to either of them, because of Quiyue's fast Wereanimal Metabolisim the Birth control potion had warn off and now Neoryi's true dragon was smelling her in heat.

He entered her claimingly, yet gently with love.

Quiyue gasped and blushed as a dragon snout rested on her shoulder he had really turned into a dragon man. She blushed and moaned in pleasure as he took her. She Whimpered as he pulled out of her and suddenly she found herself on her hands and knees on the bed with Neoryi behind her. The Dragon was truely awake now. Quiyue gasped blushing as he claimed her again from this angle truely mating with her.

When it was all over, Neoryi was as passed out on the bed as anyone that had been asleep could be, an arm, leg andn tail draped over her.

Quiyue was fast asleep purring contently from how pleasured she was. Not aware of the true reason all of that had just happened.

She woke up the near morning tired but happy, a hand gently stroking her hair.

"Morning" she mumbled happily opening her eyes looking above her since she was laying on her back now.

"Morning...I'm so tired..." he said softly, pulling her closer.

"Mmm nailing me in your sleep will do that" she said playfully and giggled seeing him wake up from what she had said

"What?! Why didn't you wake me? Why didn't you stop me...?" he asked wide eyed.

"because it felt sooo good" she purred out remembring it.

"But I could have hurt you without knowing it....ah...what did happen?"

"I guess your dragon side wanted to come out to play because first thing I know your feeling me up next thing I know I'm having really hot sex with a huge dragon man version of my mate" she said cutely.

Neoryi blushed deep red. "I...did....??"

"Yes sir" she purred out giving him a little nuzzle.

Neoryi land back on the bed. "Oh my...."

"You ok?" Quiyue asked worriedly. She noticed a grumble in her stomach but ignored it thinking she was hungery.

"I'm okay, love... it was just....oh my god..." he laughed softly, pulling her close.

Quiyue giggled the blushed as the feeling in ehr stomach grew. Suddenly she turned bright red realizing. "Umm honey... I think we might need to work on the birth control potions" she pushed herself up so she was kneeling suddenly like the first time her stomach swelled out to about three months pregnant. 

Neoryi's eyes went wide. "Oh my..." He wrapped her in a hug.

Quiyue giggled burying herself into his arms. "It is alright my darling." She kissed him lovingly. "just more little miracles in our world." she said gazing up at him.

"I know.... I wasn't upset...just surprised...."

Quiyue giggled and kissed him lovingly and sighed as his hand went to her stomach.

"I love you so much..."

"I love you so much as well my darling" Quiyue nuzzled him lovingly. "Now we have little ones we should go see our other little ones" she said lovingly.

"Then let us get dressed...."

Quiyue smiled and found a beautiful green and gold dress to wear. After her mate was dressed she took his hand as well and lead him to the nursery.

((See what the other's saw, and then see the others)) "Morning..."

"Morning" Marzena suddenly blushed and giggled softly seeing Quiyue's belly.

"I had fun last night" Quiyue giggled as well.

"I heard....Marzena was asleep like a rock..." Liangelus told them, which caused Neoryi to blush.

Neoryi then said, still blushing, "I...was....asleep...."

"It was wild" Quiyue purred. "I hope you get to try it Marzena" She giggled then went to go visit with her children that were awake and playing quietly.

Marzena was bright red in the face when Quiyue said that.

Liangelus leaned into Marzena, "I being a full dragon am alway in tune with my inner dragon.... Neoryi isn't...but if you want me to in half dragon man form, I will..." he whispered.

"Really?" she asked softly as she watched Neoryi go over with Quiyue then looked up at her mate with lusty eyes.

"Yes..." he purred. "But we can't now...."

"Later" she purred "later I promise" she stroked his chest lovingly then turned going to their own children.

All of the children started to fly around the room again.

The women smiled proudly watching their children with their husbands as all of this happened knowing their husbands would do what they had to just in case.

All of the children turned into full looking dragons, except for looking like mini dragons. "Half dragons..." Liangelus started. "Are smaller than a full dragon all all stages of ever, that does not mean anything when it comes to Light and Dark Spirit dragons...but Light and Dark Spirit dragons always look like mini dragons when they are young..."

"Are they going to loose our traits?" Marzena asked talking about her and Quiyue's creature traits.

"No... just as Neoryi has never lost the traits that make him Elven as well as Dragon..."

"Good I'm glad to hear that" Quiyue said with a smile as she sat in a rocking chair in the room cradling her belly.

Neoryi kissed her.

Liangelus wrapped his arms around Marzena.

Marzena sighed happily leaning back into the arms of the man she loved

Quiyue kissed him back as they sat there together watching their children.

They day went by without any problems of any sort it was just a beautifully happy day all of them together. Soon the children were returned to bed for another night of sweet dreams.

"What a day...." Neoryi said, yawning. Liangelus nodded.

"What a wonderful day indeed" Quiyue said playfully taking Neoryi's hand.

Marzena stood by Liangelus with her hand on his back she had been thinking about getting him alone for this evening for the past few hours so her mind was a little spacy.

Neoryi lead Quiyue back to their room after saying good night to Liangelus and Marzena.

"Wow what a day" Quiyue giggled walking over and looking at her arm in the mirror where one of her cubs had accidently scratched her flying around the room.

Neoryi moved over to her, and licked her arm. As his lick moved up her arm, it was healing.

Quiyue blushed and gave a little mew as he did.

Neoryi nipped her neck.

Quiyue giggled adorably rubbing her belly as he did.

"My love....our babies..."

"Oh yes our babies" she said lovingly and purred as his hand went to her belly rubbing it as well.

He licked her neck. "Next time...wake me..."

"Mmmm yes my love" She purred happily.

He nuzzled her. "You better..." he said softly and playfully.

Quiyue giggled "I do have to say though when you started it was so naughty I really thought I was dreaming."

He growled into her neck.

She giggled and purred happily

"I wonder how many we will have this time" she said cutely rubbing her belly.

"It doesn't matter...I will protect them all...."

"I know you will my darling" she said lovingly curessing his face

He closed his eyes, leaning his head into her hand.

"I love you so much" she sighed lovingly gazing into his eyes.

"I love you as"

"Alright but i need to change and get into bed and all that stuff first" she said playfully.

"I'll be waiting...."

She giggled and began to get undressed to change for bed.

She heard a squeek in her mind.

Quiyue jumped hearing the squeek.

"Everything okay?" came Neoryi's voice.

"I heard a squeek in my head, Like that of a mouse" she said shyly

"We are in a tree village....."

"But it was in my head" she said shyly.

Neoryi came into the room, and pulled her into a hug. "Ignore it..."

"Alright" she said snuggling against him. "Lets get to bed" she said lovingly.


Quiyue blocked the sound of her head as she headed off to bed.


Quiyue couldnt tell who it was. Who are you? she asked softly not letting Neoryi know what she was doing.'s

Oh god Lei what's wrong? she asked worriedly.

The sorcerer.....Quiyue... he had found us....seeing as your not here I see you must have gotten away with that elf.....the sorcerer got me when I was coming back to the zoo....before we were to leave....

Quiyue shot to her feet No oh god Lei where are you she turned and looked at Neoryi with horror in her eyes. "He has lei that bastard has Lei" she began to sob.

"What? But he had headed home...and the letters from him...."

"Lei was captured that last night, that was the damn Sorcerer we were with later that night" She sobbed her eyes out. "All of my messages from Lei since then have all been the sorcerer!" she dropped to her knees crying.

Neoryi quickly knelt beside her, pulling her into a hug. "Oh my god...."

She cried against him scared for her brother praying he would be alright.

"We'll get him out...we'll save him..." he whispered.

She whimpered crying in his arms she didnt know if she could really believe him last time it had been her whole tiger streak who had saved them but now.....

"I'm sorry...." Neoryi whispered into her hair as he held her. "If...If I hadn't...I love you Quiyue.....I don't want to lose you...."

"I don't want to lose you either" She whimpered against him.

Neoryi hugged her close, stroking her hair.

"What are we going to do Neoryi?" she asked worriedly looking up at him.

"I don't know....we'll think of something.....we'll think of something...."

She cried against him and focused trying to reach her brother, she felt the world around her and tried to pick up on his mind. "Lei?..." she whispered hoping she would get him.


Whats going on what has he done to you?" she asked scared and worriedly. Are you ok? please tell me your ok Lei? She begged scared.

I'm alive if that's what you mean....

Lei I I know you must be angery with me but that bastard made me think he was you... she said sadly as she clung to Neoryi.

Angry with you? I'm not angry with you....could never be angry with you...

Oh baby brother she said softly in tears I'll figure out someway to help you, to free you'll want to eat me....

Eat you?! Why would I want to eat you?!

Because....squeek....I'm a mouse....

He turned you into a mouse?! oh heavens no, oh baby brother she said with a whimper.

Yes a mouse....I'm able to run around but that's only because he has alot of people that I don't know if they are naturally werecats or whatever or not...

He's trying to get you eaten, that bastard... You must have really pissed him off to make him do something like that to you she said softly.

Yea..I just fought him trying to rape me...but he did....and I had lead the group that freed you and your elf friend.....

Oh Lei I'm so sorry she said softly her heart aching.

You're free...that's what matters to me.... then again, if I hadn't pushed his buttons, I'd only be part mouse and not a full mouse.....

He knew who you were Lei he would have turned you into something weather or not you pushed his buttons its something I learned while I was there, he enjoys torturing those who go against him in anyway and those who he can break their minds he uses in his experiments she said softly and worriedly.

Either that or he some how gets them to fall helplessly head over heels for love...

He is a master of magics, who knows what he has in his arsenal she said sadly.

How about a gel creature....

Gel creature? what in the world? I've never heard of such a thing she said thinking back to all her own years of study.

Just be glad you're not here....and please, sis....I don't want you hurt....don't come for me....

No Lei I can't just leave you there... she looked up hearing a knock on the door.

Quiyue...listen to may be my older sister....but I'm to going to let him take you again....

"I'll get it..." whispered Neoryi, scooping her up, laying her up higher on the bed. Neoryi when to the door.

"Are the two of you alright we heard soft crying from our room." Marzena said as she walked inwith Liangelus behind her

If you will not let me come and help you I will help you from affar Lei I'll see whatever information I can find on anything you need she said to him then looked over at the others. "My my brother was captured by the same sorcerer who captured Neoryi and Myself" she said to them.

"When did that happen?" asked Liangelus.

"It wasnt long after I met Neoryi..." and with that she went into the story of how Neoryi came and visited her at the zoo how he helped her escape, her brother Lei and what he had told her had happened how the Sorcerer had captured him.

"We'll get him out of there...."

"He told me not to go after him and I had a feeling behind my brother's words, I have a bad feeling that the Sorcerer is more powerful then before I told my brother I would help him from affar. But just for now until we figure something out" she put her hand on her belly.

Liangelus nodded. "As you wish, Quiyue..."

Quiyue nodded. "Thank you both of you, Liangelus could you show me to the library?" she asked curiously.

"Of course...why don't I show all of you..."

Quiyue nodded and got off of the bed. She took Neoryi's arm and followed after Liangelus and Marzena as they headed off to the library.

Liangelus took them to a tree, and opened another elevator. "All aboard..."

The girls got on board and turned facing the men as they followed after.

When the door closed behind them, they started moving down and down and down. When they hit the bottom, the elevator opened up to a huge underground library.

"Oh wow!" Marzena gasped looking at it all, the place was huge and beautiful millenia's of knowledge all together in one place it looked like, she gazed up at the ceiling and saw the crystals glowing with their magical light. She then looked around the huge area. On the far wall there was a fireplace with large overstuffed couches and a big fluffy shag rug. while in the middle of the huge room was large tables. Perfect for when they started the lessons for the children.

"This place is huge" Quiyue said as she looked away from the open area down the isles.

"Wow is right....Liangelus this is amazing..." Neoryi said in awe.

"this will be perfect for the little ones" Marzena said with a smile going over to Liangelus hugging his side.

"Yes this is truely perfect" Quiyue said softly happy that her little ones had such an expanse of knowledge to read, she wished she could be happier though she was just so worried about Lei.

Neoryi wrapped his arms around her. "Have faith...." he whispered.

Quiyue nodded burying herself into his chest just wanting to be held.

Neoryi lead Quiyue over to one of the couches, and sat down, holding her close to his chest.

Liangelus held Marzena.

Marzena gently took his hand and lead him off to leave the other to alone.

Quiyue buried herself into his chest and began to cry.

Neoryi held her, stroking her hair, letting her cry. "I'm here love...I'm here....."

Quiyue just let herself cry letting it all otu.

Neoryi held her closely, silently stroking her back.

Quiyue looked up at him. "Lei told me that bastard turned him... turned him into a mouse.." she whispered.

"What? Oh love..."

Quiyue cried more.

"We'll change him back....I promise..."

"I'm just scared, the sorcerer with all of the animal and beasts he always kept in his grounds.. its just who knows what could happen to him you never know when he will take a wrong turn into the mouth of something" she sobbed.

"I'll take care of him..."

"What do you mean?" she asked looking up at him wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Him....I'll take care of Him.."

"No Neoryi you can't" she said softly with pain filled eyes. "I couldnt bare loosing you to" she said and he could hear she was on the brink of crying again.

"Shhh...." Neoryi whispered, leaning down, kissing away her tears. "I'm not going to leave you....."

Quiyue gently nuzzled him snuggled in his strong arms.

"I'll never leave you alone.....never..."

"Oh Neoryi" she said lovingly.

She felt a presure.

She pulled back and looked down as her belly grew heavier. She couldnt help but smile. "Soon you'll be with us little ones" she said sweetly as she put her hand on her belly. She realized that she was bigger then she had been in the last pregnancy.

" you..."

"I love you to" she said sweetly and giggled as he rubbed her belly his eyes half lidded with little bit of lust.

He kissed her. "All mine..."

"Yes all yours" she whispered softly nuzzling and kissing him loving the feeling of his hands on her belly rubbing it lovingly and possesively.

"Do you feel better?" he asked softly.

"Yes I really do" she said lovingly kissing him softly.

"Love you so much my pregnant tigeress...."

"And I love you so much" she said lovingly gazing up at him. "You know since this batch of little ones was 'made' with your dragon side I wonder if I'm carrying eggs inside of me" she said as she snuggled against him.

Neoryi shrugged. "Don't know..."

Quiyue giggled snuggling against him rubbing her belly gently. "I'm excited to find out" she said sweetly.

Neoryi nodded. "As am I..."

Quiyue giggled burying herself into his arms.

Neoryi held her close and nipped her neck.

Quiyue giggled loving the feeling.

"How many do you think it will be this time...?"

"For some reason I'm thinking either four or five" she said rubbing her belly thinking of it.

Neoryi laughed, smiling.

"What's so funny?" she asked playfully looking up at him.

"You're so cute..."

"Oh how so?" she asked playfully laying down on her back across his lap.

He ran the tips of his fingers over her belly. "In all ways that you are..."

She purred happily lounging there gazing up at him. "Mmmm that feels good" she said with a soft sigh.

"I'm so special..."

Quiyue smiled lovingly up at him. "I'm so glad that your so happy it makes me happy when your happy" she said lovingly.

Neoryi nipped and licked her neck. "yes.."

Quiyue giggled and purred happily

"More....little ones..." he purred against her skin.

"Yes more little ones" she sighed happily as her eyes fluttered gently shut as he curessed her neck.

He licked her neck, nipping it.

Quiyue gasped and giggled happily

He nibbled on her ear.

Quiyue giggled and purred happily.


"Am I?" she asked cutely.

"I want to eat you all up..." he laughed.

"So does this make you the big bad dragon and me the damsel in 'distress'?" she asked playfully with a giggle.

"If you wish..." he growled smiling, and bit playfully at her neck.

Quiyue cracked up giggling and smiled up at him.

He started to tickle her.

Quiyue squeeked and started cracking up giggling.

He then carefully held her down and kissed her.

Quiyue squeeked and giggled melting in his arms kissing him back lovingly.

Neoryi pulled back, looking down at her, smiling at her lovingly.

"I love you so much my gorgeous mate" she said lovingly curessing his cheek

He leaned his face into her hand. "I love you too..."

Quiyue smiled lovingly up at him and snuggled into his arms just feeling so lucky to have him.

"I will protect use...our family to the end..."

"I know you will my darling" she said lovingly curessing his cheek kissing him softly.

Liangelus lead her down a section of the library, heading away from the others.

"The library is truely beautiful" Marzena said distracting herself from the problems of their counterparts.

He nodded. "It is...though I do have to put in there that there is nothing like your beauty in my eyes...."

Marzena blushed and smiled. "Oooh Liangelus you romantic man you" she went over to him and kissed him deeply.

He kissed back. "Love you so much..."

"I love you so much as well" she said gazing up at him and giggled playfully. "Catch me if you can" she said and suddenly turned and ran for it.

Liangelus gave chase. "You can't get away from me..."

Marzena squeeled and giggled running through the isles away from him zig zagging here and there like she used to do back in the forests of her home land.

A long tail wrapped around her waits.

Marzena squeeled coming to a complete stop. "Hey! thats cheating" she giggled

Out in front of her, wrapping around through the side ailes, came Liangelus's dragon head. "Really?" he growled.

"Yes it is" she giggled now sitting on his tail in the air. "you couldnt catch me in your human form so you shifted to your dragon form, if I knew shifting was aloud I would have so gotten away from you in my unicorn form" she said playfully as she moved so she was laying in his tail int he air kind of like a hammock.

He laughed a soft but deep laugh. He started to rock his tail.

"Your so cute" she said sweetly lounging there.

"Thank you..." he growled with a dragon's smile.

"your very welcome" she giggled lounging there in his tail. Suddenly she felt a swelling pressure inside of her. "Oh my" suddenly she looked down and they watched as her belly stretched out under her shirt round and tight "Oh my thast right I didnt take another birth control potion" she blushed and giggled. "And because we mated in your dragon form they seemed to have grown faster" she giggled rubbing her new belly.

"Though you are wearing the will last as long as you want...."

"I am surprised though that my belly grew like this with the ring on I thought that it would leave me tiny even if I was pregnant but I still like it though I think I look cute like this for you" she giggled and smiled up at her big dragon.

He laughed, "Yes you do..."

Marzena giggled with him.

"I have to say that I don't know if you'll have live children or lay"

"Oooh so true" she said thinking about it.

He licked her.

Marzena giggled at the feeling of his tounge on her.

He rocked her some more.

"we should probably get back upstairs the kids will be awake soon." she giggled gazing at him lovingly.

Liangelus shifted back, setting her down. "Let's go..."

"Lets take care of the kids today I want Quiyue and Neoryi to have some alone time" she said lovingly putting her hand on his chest gazing up ath im.

Liangelus nodded. "Let's go..."

Marzena took his hand and lead him off.

Liangelus took her upstairs to the nursery.

Marzena quietly opened the door and looked in checking on the little ones.

"Mommy!Auntie!" The children attacked her and Liangelus, giggling. "Daddy! Uncle!"

Marzena giggled. "Hello little ones" she kneeled and hugged them.

"Where were you!?" they giggled.

"We were off int he library little ones" Marzena giggled looking down at them, "We'll take you down to see it later" She smiled at them. "Are you hungery for something to eat?" she asked curiously.

"Yay!" they all cheered.

"Good I'm glad now come lets head down to the kitchen and I'll make us some food." she smiled and lead them off with Liangelus at her side.

Liangelus ended up having several 'monkeys' on his back and shoulders.

Marzena giggled seeing this as she had only two of the little ones in her arms as they walked together.

"Am I a tree?"

"Yes!" they shouted.

Marzena laughed, she was happy her mate was so big and muscular or else he wouldnt be able to haul all of them like that. "Momma?" suddenly Aina asked.

"yes baby?" she asked curiously.

"Why is your tummy sticking out?" she asked curiously which brought all the kids attention to her stomach curved sticking out.

Liangelus hugged Marzena from behind. "Mama...has young siblings within her..."


"Yes really" Marzena smiled as the kids were put on the floor adn they all gathered around her. she pulled her shirt up to above her belly. "They're growing inside of me right now." she said as they put their little hands on her belly rubbing it.

"More brothers and sisters!" "More cousins!"

Marzena giggled. "and you're momma, your aunt," she said to them lovingly. "Is the same with young siblings growing inside of her as well" she said sweetly.

All of the children started to run around the kitchen cheering and shouting, all happy.

Liangelus laughed.

Marzena laughed as well as she began to make them some food.

Liangelus moved over to help her.

"Thanks baby" she said lovingly as she continued to cook.


Marzena giggled as she went back to what she was doing.

Soon everything was right. "Who's hungry?" asked Liangelus with a laugh.


Marzena couldnt help but giggle at how cute they all were.

Liangelus set out plates and drinks.

Marzena served up the food of garlic cheese noodles and chicken nuggets for the kids. "their you are my little ones" she said sweetly.

All of the little ones started to dig into their food.

Marzena and Liangelus enjoyed their food as they sat there together watchng their little ones loving this sweet moment all together.

"More Pwease!"

Marzena just melted hearing that and served out seconds to the children.

"SO cute....aren't they...?"

"Yes they are" she giggled and kissed his cheek as she gently put her hand on her stomach watching them.

Liangelus wrapped an arm around her.

"How long do you think it will be till they grow to the next growing stage?" she asked curiously.

"Up to them really..." he laughed softly.

"Really?" she asked confused.

Liangelus walked with Marzena back into their room, closing the door.

Marzena sat on the couch then moved lounging there. "Mmmm what a day with the kids" she said laying there looking sexy in her dress. 

Liangelus scooped her up, smiling down at her. "Now I thought you wanted me to do something..."

"oooh I was just wondering if you remembered" she said playfully. 

He growled. "YOu really think that?" He then shrugged. "Okay..." He started to put her down.

"No no no I was joking and being playful" she said suddenly wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck.

Linagelus laughed. "I know... I was playing around with you..." he said before kissing her.

Marzena sighed kissing him deeply as she held onto him, she made sure to grind herself against him to really get him going.

He started to growl deeply. "You are a minx...."

"Am I?" she asked before kissing him deeply excited to see him shift.

"Yes..." he said, and laid her back on the bed. Liangelus's eyes shifted and his body was growing in size, as he started to become like a half dragon man.

"Ph wow" she blushed gazing up at him he was so strong and gorgeous.

A long claw slide up her leg and her side, then another did it to her other side. "Mine...." he growled out, low. Even with her long claws, Marzena's and his own clothes came off without problems. He nibbled the side of her neck.

Marzena put her hands on his chest blushing. "Oh Liangelus" she gigglled.

"Are you ready for this?" he asked in a growl, preventing her from seeing below his waist.

"Yes I want to know and experience all that you are" she purred out curessing his snout gently.

Liangelus entered her then, slowly and gently, his arms wrapping around her.

Marzena blushed and moaned deeply in pleasure at how big he was. "Liangelus" she moaned her nails dug into his back.

He didn't seem to notice her nails. He started to move within her faster, moving deeper within her. "Marzena...."

Marzena moaned deeply in pleasure as he took her that night into a long and passionate happy hour.

In the end, Liangelus held Marzena close to his chest, never wishing to let go.

Marzena was fast asleep curled against his big muscular chest.

In the morning, she was awoken by something flick between her legs playfully.

Marzena sighed happily at the feeling. "Mmm what are you up to?" she asked with a giggle.

The sensation stopped. Liangelus turned over, looking at her as he normally did, but then a long tail moved into view.

"A tail?" she said gently seeing it on his human body, it was very cute.

"Yes a tail... or were you thinking something else...."

"No I wasnt expecting you to have it thats all" she said cutely kissing him playfully.

He kissed back, pulling her closer.

Marzena sighed melting into the wonderful kiss with her husband.

Liangelus pulled back slowly. "I love you so much..."

"As I love you" she gazed deeply into his eyes. 

He licked her neck.

Marzena giggled and then squeeked as she suddenly felt his tail between her legs again. "your so bad" she sighed happily.

"But you love it..." he growled softly.

"Mmmm that I do" she said ran her hand down his chest gazing up into his eyes then suddenly squeeked and blushed moaning as the end of his tail pleasured her.

He smiled down at her, and then started to kiss and nip at her neck.

Marzena moaned at the feeling as he continued to play with his tail as well "Ooh Liangelus" she gasped and sighed.

His tail gently entered her all the way, and gently rubbed and played with her.

Marzena's eyes fluttered happily. "oooh just like that" she moaned deeply in pleasure.

Liangelus let out a rolling growl in his throat as he smiled at her reaction.

Marzena arched her back a little bit as she moaned in pleasure at the feeling. "Oooh Liangelus" she purred happily. 

His tail inside her hit a sweet spot within her.

Marzena gasped arching her back. "oh god yes!" she cried out happily.

He continued to pleasure her like this until she was worn out again.

Marzena laid there sighing softly and happily.

Liangelus pulled her close, kissing her neck.

Marzena kissed his neck in return, the least that she could do to pleasure him.

"Mmmmm...that feels soo nice...."

Marzena gently kissed down his body over his rippling muscles.

He ran his hand through her hair as she did.

She kissed down farther and farther down his body.

"Oh my love...."

Playfully she pulled the blankets over her hiding her and next thing he knew his body felt in heaven as pleasure ripped through his body.

His back arched pushing into her mouth more. "Marzena...."

Marzena held his hips as she pleasured her mate lovingly.

She felt him push her head down more.

Marzena took him deep into her mouth and was happy to hear him groan and growl in pleasure.

She shift his manhood shift in her mouth, but she felt him pull her back so that she wouldn't be hurt.

She pulled her mouth off of him and blushed seeing him still human but his manhood shifted to that of a his dragon man form. "Oooh I didnt know you could do that" she purred playfully before giving his manhood a long lick.

"I....didn't...either...." he said, his voice slowly going to a growl as the rest of his body caught up.

Marzena giggled adn went back to what she was doing pleasuring her mate.

After a bit, she felt him lift her up, and then she was slowly lowered down on his manhood.

Marzena gasped and cried out as she rode him she saw his eyes smolder with power and lust a deep dark lust for his mate.

He growled out, " mate...." He moved her up and down in a steady speed, moving his body up and down too, moving up as he moved her down.

Marzena didnt know what was going on as her body suddenly felt on fire with pleasure as they made love, it felt so good so right. she loved the feel of his claws gently in her thighs gripping her as their mating grew stronger and faster and more passionate.

As they climaxed, Liangelus pushed up as he just held her down on his manhood, as he released.

Marzena gasped and moaned in pleasure laying her head back her long black hair cascading down her body making her look like some wild forest goddess above her mighty dragon.

When Liangelus was done, he slid his manhood out of her, and held her close.

"Oh Liangelus that was amazing" she said happily curling against his chest breathing hard.

Liangelus nodded, but was silent.

"Something the matter my love?" she asked looking up at him worried on his silence.

"Soft crying..."

"Crying?" she asked softly letting him listen.

It felt like Quiyue. "Yes...crying..."

"I wonder what is wrong with them" she climbed out of bed and slid on her robe.

Liangelus followed, pulling on pants.

Quietly she went out into the hall since she didnt want to bother the kids. Gently she knocked on the door to the other's room.

Off in a small town in the south in the US a young woman walked alone by herself from her boring job at the restraunt. It was like this every night, she lived in a small town where no one came so she knew everyone. But because of that.. everyone knowing everyone most men were taken by the women and the men that were single didnt give her a second glance. Why? because she didnt look interesting and when you didnt look interesting. She had no breasts, no butt, she didnt have anything so she lived her days alone in her small house on teh outskirts of a tiny town that meant nothing to her.

She made it back to her home.

She walked inside and kicked off her shoes and put her things away, after locking her door she went to her livingroom and sat down on her couch turning on her tv to veg out for the night.

A knock came to the door.

"Who in the world could that be?" she got up from her couch turning the TV off. She went over to the door which unfortunately didnt have a peep hole so she had to open in. "Hello?" she asked as she opened it slightly since she had the chain lock on her door and she looked out at whoever was there.

A man stood here. "Hello, my dear....may I come in..."

She blushed at the gorgeous man that stood on her porch looking at her, something about him made her want to let him in but she had to be rational. "I'm sorry sir I don't know you what is it that you want from me?" she asked looking out at him. she blushed feeling so plain and timid before this gorgeous god of a man.

"I want you..."

"Excuse me?!" she jumped. "I'm sorry I don't know you goodnight sir" she snapped the door closed blushing bright red to herself. "What the hell?" she asked herself not knowing what had just happened.

There was another knock.

"Go away or I'll call the police!" she shouted at the door scared of what he might do. She ran to the other room and grabbed teh shotgun her father made her keep in teh house ready to defend herself

"All I was meaning is that I like you..."

She went to the door and opened it up slightly again looking at him. "You come to my house in the middle of the night to tell me you like me? You couldnt wait till daylight or call or something like that?" she asked thinking this was some kind of game, the men in the town had pulled stuff like this before. She had grown up with alot of them so she was used to their games.

"Yes...I wanted to tell you right away....Please, I am not lying to you...."

Suddenly she felt something as if she was very relaxed with this man, something inside of her telling her to trust him she leaned her gun against the wall and unlocked the door opening it wider. "I've never seen you in town before mister whats your name?" she asked looking up at him.

"My name is Kristoph....I am not from this town, but come here often...."

"My name is Mary" she said blushing softly looking up at him. "Please come in its chilly tonight" she said softly moving out of the way to let him in.

Kristoph stepped into the house. "Thank was becoming chilly..."

"Yes it does get cold this time of year" she said softly closing the door behind him gently still paranoid, who could have sent this man? Sean? Mark? Chris? she looked up at him blushing at how gorgeous he was. "Soooo Ummm....." she was at a loss of words and gently twirled her hair in her fingers.

Kristoph spun to face her, and he took hold of her wrist pulling her to him, before her started to kiss her.

Mary went wide eyed and tried to fight him off, but his lips stayed as his kiss deepened, it was moments later that it felt like warm honey washed over her body as he kissed her. She opened her mouth to him kissing him back deeply. Her mind seemed to be swimming wanting nothing more then to be there kissing him, feeling so good.

Kristoph pulled back slowly, smiling down at her.

Mary looked up at him. "Wha...."suddenly she collapsed in his arms passing out, her body felt like it was swimming with pleasure while her mind swimming with thoughts of doing nothing but pleasing Kristoph, serving Kristoph, belonging to Kristoph forever.

((Awwwwww Poor her!))

The next Mary woke in a large bed, larger than a king size. She was dress in revealing clothing.

"Where am I?... Oh my head?" she groaned putting her hand on her head as she sat up. when she opened her eyes she squeeked turning red looking down at herself. She looked like some futuristic slave girl in this outfit with cloth that barely covered her naughty parts. but she had to admit that she didnt wear the outfit well since she didnt have anything really, she looked like a kid who had bought a porn outfit during highschool to try it out. "Oh my what in the world" she put her hand on her neck feeling something there and found she was wearing a leather collar that had metal discs around it, unknown that each small disk was decorated with Arcane designs on the collar. "Whats going on?" she said to herself scared.

"Do you look lovely? I will add to it soon..."

Mary blushed and turned hearing his voice her body trembled with need hearing his voice. "Do I look lovely to you master? I only wish to look lovely to you" she said in a needy voice not knowing where it came from but she wanted nothing more then to make Kristoph happy.

"You will look lovelier soon my dear....come here and kneel..."

"Yes master" she crawled over and kneeled on the bed infront of him looking up into those dark midnight eyes of his.

"Good girl... what a good girl you are..." he said with a amusement in his voice.

Mary smiled up at him happy to make him happy, Suddenly she turned red but didnt move as he suddenly palmed her barely A cup breasts giving them a squeeze to really see what she had before he took her to the lab. She then gave a little gasp as he hoisted her up on he rhands and knees and next thing she knew his hands were traveling over her nonexistant butt and thighs.

"I will change all of this soon... my good little girl...I want you to look your best....don't you want that my good little girl?"

"Yes Master" she sighed as his hands slid over her skin examining her. "I want to look good for you Master very good" she said happily.

"I have to make preparations...stay in this room..."

"Yes master" she crawled into the bed a little bit then lounged laying down on the silken covers.

Kristoph left the room, and she was alone in the room.

But as if it was built into her being she just laid there like a cat basking in the sunshine she just laid there there lounging on the bed.

((Awww oh my god....the way she is acting....if I were to pair them together, he'd stay evil and she'd stay enslaved....hmmmm she needs someone that likes her as she is... ^_^ *thinking* ))

Kristoph stepped back into the room. "Follow..."

"Coming master" she said as she quickly climbed off of the bed and followed him obediently.

Kristoph lead her down a long hallway, and into a large with medical equipment all over the room and jars of different things. In the middle of the room was a single bed. "Lay down on there..."

"Yes master" she said walking over and hopped up on the bed laying down on her back looking up at the ceiling. ((I think lets see how it goes between them for awhile before you fully decided ^^))

He put a mask over her mouth and nose, with gas coming out of it. "Until you wake...." She was getting sleepy.

Mary's eyes fluttered shut as she passed out again for him to begin ((I was thinking he was going to use magic like he used on Quiyue and Neoryi Bwahaha lol or like a combo Magic and science!!!!))

((He is ^_^))

When she woke up again, she was back in the large bedroom, but she could feel big changes in her body.

Mary sat up groaning then squeeked blushing feeling the differences. She looked down and saw what had happened. "Oh my" she blushed. She climbed off of the bed and stood infront of the full body mirror, now she looked like she fit the slave outfit, She went from barely A's to double D's at least and her hips were voluptious. She Then turned and looked at her round butt. "Wow look at me" she said surprised by all the changes. The big thing though was that it looked natural all of it looked like she had been born that way and grown into it. She didnt know how he could do something like that.

"Now there is my good little what do you say?"

Mary went up to him and stood there. "Oh thank you Master I look so pretty now I hope master likes how I cam out thank you thank you" she giggled

"Yes I like what my handy work has done..."

Mary smiled happily, she then blushed as Kristoph began to curess said handy work she saw his mind working as he did. She felt him come up behind her and palm her breasts which felt really good. "How may I make you happy now master?" she asked holding back her need to make little moans.

"Lay on the bed..."

She crawled onto the bed. "On my stomach or back master?" she asked as she kneeled there looking at him over her shoulder looking so cute.

"Stomach...just like the a good girl..."

Mary stretched out and laid down on the bed on her stomach, blushing loving the feel that she actually had breasts to squish beneath her.

She felt the bed move, and then his hands were running over her butt and down her legs aways before coming back up, lifting her legs up so that her butt was pushed up into the air. She then felt a finger glance just between her legs.

Mary couldnt help herself she moaned softly at the feeling of what he was doing to her.

He smirked, and leaned over her, and on the skin that was bare, she could feel bare skin against her's. She felt the backside of the outfit that was over her butt move, and something hard press against her. His hands rested on the back of her shoulders, his fingers curling over them. Then he pulled her back, going into her hard and fast, holding it inside her.

Mary cried out in pleasure not knowing what it was but having an idea. It was so big inside of her and it felt so good. "Master" she purred out happily loving the feeling she blushed as he laid her upper body down on the bed so only her butt was in the air.

He pulled out fast, and pushing her upper body farther into the bed, he pushed back into her harder and faster. He continueing doing this til he got a rhythme going. All he's thrust hard and fast.

Mary cried out in pleasure as he took her, she was in heaven as he pounded into her backside. She was making her master happy and to her in her state of mind this felt amazing like this she gasped as she cried out as she felt his hands digging into her tighs as he pounded into her in that steady rythumn.

He finished with a thrust that seemed to vibrate through her whole body.

Mary cried out digging her nails into the bed as she finished as well. She panted laying under him as he regained himself. It made Mary nervous though when he didnt say anything "Was I not to your satisfaction master?" she asked looking up at him over her shoulder.

"For now...." he said, shortly. He was already getting dressed. "Yes I was satisfied...."

Mary pulled her suite back into place and kneeled there on the bed watching him waiting for an order of any kind. She could see him thinking churning up ideas in his head it seemed.

"Tell me...what is your animal or creature that you have admired?"

Mary gently bit the tip of her index finger as she thought about it what animal had she truely admired? "the Leopard, beautiful and majestic while strong willed on their own" she said truefully looking up at him.

He seemed to smile or smirk. "Interesting.... entertain yourself...I have work..." He left the room.

"Yes Master" she said as he left then began to explore around the giant bedroom.

All the furniture was of a dark wood, with deep reds all over.

"Very masculine" she said softly as she walked around she left the room and began to explore around since he hadnt told her to stay in the bedroom just to entertain herself.

There were many more rooms all in dark colors and woods.

Mary explored them all making sure not to touch anything. She didnt want to mess up her master's things.

A girl walked by with a collar on, looked at Mary and then ran back the way she had come.

Mary followed the girl quietly wondering who she was, if she was another pet of the master's.

A door closed with a light slam.

Mary sighed and turned around going exploring once more on her own.

She came across a huge library, that was two stories. There was two girls on the top floor, collars around their neck, cleaning and organizing.

Mary hid downstairs looking up watching the girls. She had felt special that he had picked her but she was just another one of his girls.

One of the girl moved to grab something, but then she saw Mary. She alerted the other girl, who looked, and then they both disappeared to unknown places.

"Why do they keep running from me?" she said softly and whimpered. Hugging herself around her waist she found a corner in the library that didnt look like to many went to and curled up in the corner by herself.

"You are hiding for what reason?" came Kristoph's voice.

Mary jumped up and looked up at him standing at the end of the isle of books. "master I was not hiding I just decided to sit and think for awhile since I was not sure when you would return" she said looking down at the floor infront of her.


"Yes master" she followed him obidiently

He lead her back to his bedroom, closing the door behind her. He walked behind her, wrapping his arms around her so that his hands rested on her breast, which he started to massage, squeeze, and even pinched her nipples.

Mary gasped and blushed moaning in pleasure of what he was doing. "Master" She panted at the feeling.

She felt a hand snake away from one of her breasts, down her back, and up between her legs from behind, his fingers playing with her.

Mary gasped out she couldnt hold herself up her hands went on the back of the couch infront of her holding herself up as he continued his fun with her. She moaned out happily. "Oh master" she cried out.

"You were thinking good thoughts of your master before..." he whispered in her ear.

"Of course master I always think good thoughts of you master" she dug her nails into the seat infront of her her knees feeling so weak from how good it felt.

He licked her neck. "Really now? You had looked upset..." he continued to whispered.

"I was lonely without you master I saw your other girls they ran away from me" she gasped as she leaned more on the chair infront of her her breasts pressed against it as the pleasure seem to vibrate through her body.

"And you think you're not special..."

Mary cried out as he continued to work her. "How did you know?" she gasped panting as tears of pleasure filled her eyes.

"It was written all over your face..." His hand slipped away, and his hard pushed into her fast and hard.

Mary cried out in pleasure as he slammed into her with that fiery passion. "Its just you have so many girls master" she said blushing and moaned deeply.

"I have men too..." he said calmly, still slamming her.

Mary didnt say anything that made her feel less special but she didnt say anything he was probably just breaking her in with all this attention and then move onto the next one. "Master!" she cried out in pleasure as he took her long and hard.

Just as he thrusted in, finishing, when she let out a cry of pleasure, it came out cat-like.

"What in the?" she blushed looking up in the mirror and saw she had soft shadows of leopard print across her skin as she had leopard ears and a tail swishing back and forth. her eyes were leopard eyes and her feet felt different she figured out that if she looked they must have been large leopard paws. "Master I'm so pretty" she said liking her new look.

"And did any of the girls you saw look different as you do?" ((Nope))

"No master they didnt" she said blushing as he pulled out of her body once more she felt him pull her suite back into place. She stood straight up then turned looking at her master.

"Now you are no longer human...and you are forever mine..."

"Yes master of course master" she purred looking up at him, she saw a fire in his eyes unknown he had a few fun 'experiements' planned for his new pet.

"Good...very pet..." he said with a smirk. "I have some busy away from here...entertain yourself...and stay here...."

"Yes master" She said wondering what she was going to entertain herself with.

He swept from the room, the door closing behind him.

Mary got to work on what her master told her to do she began to entertain herself and dig deeper into his things in his huge bedroom trying to find something 'fun' to entertain herself with.

She found chains and a whip in a bottom drawer.

"Oh my" she squeeked and closed the drawer quickly then continued looking at his other things. In the closet she found a trunk filled with costumes. She tried those on for about an hour then went back to looking around.

As if out of no where, she found a tray of food on the bed.

"Ooh food" she smiled and hopped up on the bed seeing the large meal on the tray. "Mmm smells yummy" she purred her stomach growling and soon she dug in devouring every peice of the large meal

She heard a squeek.

She gently blushed as she sucked on her sauce covered fingers looking up at who ever it could be.

There was a white mouse on the seal of a dark wood fireplace.

Even though her stomach was stuffed it growled gently with hunger wanting to eat the mouse she crawled as her tails flicked back and forth as she quietly crawled towards the mouse. When she was close enough she took after it.

The mouse dashed, moving over and under different objects in the room.

Mary let out a happy feline noise as she had fun chasing after it.

All of a sudden, the mouse spun around, dashing at Mary, before jumping onto her head, and into her hair.

Mary squeeled and stopped in the middle of the floor and began to roll around trying to get the mouse off of her.

"What are you doing?"

Mary squeeked coming to a stop and looked up at her master. "Their is a mouse and it jumped on me master."

Kristoph cocked and eyebrow. "Really? And the mouse is where again?"

"Ig was on me I swear master" she whimpered.

He brushed his fingers through her hair. "There is nothing here...." he said softly. The hand that had brushed through her hair, grabbed her by the shoulder, pulling her towards him, as the other hand swiftly went down between her legs, and entered her roughly.

Mary gasped and intantly moaned standing there blushing at how good it felt "Oh master" she purred as he pleasured her.

"I think I'm going to have some more fun with you...."

"Oh master" she felt her legs tremble from how good it felt what he was doing to her. "Anything to make you happy master" she moaned deeply in pleasure.

" good girl..."

Mary purred happily as his hand worked on pleasuring her.

Kristoph then pulled he's hand out of her quickly, and started to just walk to the door to leave the room. "" He started to disappear down the hall.

Mary quickly caught her footing and followed after her master obediently.

Kristoph walked down the hall, making several turns, and then heading down a flight of stairs. He walked up to a door, opening it. "Inside..."

"Yes master" she said walking inside of teh chamber nervously her body shivering for the chill of the basement.

Kristoph then shut the door, and then the sounds of his footsteps walking away met her ears.

"Master?" Mary whimpered pawing at the door.

There was no answer, but there was a sound in room.

Mary turned around scared. "Master?" she whimpered with her back flat up against the wall as tears went down ehr cheeks.

Something in the shadows moved, but there was no human shape.

Mary yelped and scrambled away as the shape moved closer to her, closer to the light of the torch next to the door, she saw that it was a clear gel and that was it, just a clear gel that kept moving.

The clear gel then rushed her, concooning her in its mass. She was surrounded by the clear gel, but there was an airpocket around her hair. Suddenly she felt some of the gel shoot inbetween her legs,and started to move in and out.

Mary screamed adn tried to fight back she tried to close her legs she screamed in the air pocket with all her might as she lashed out at the gel around her.

She couldn't get out of the the gel, then slowly the gel started to move from around her, but it wasn't leaving her. The gel entered into her more and more, until it disappeared and filled Mary's womb.

Mary gasped blushing because it felt so good for some odd reason she cried out as she watched her belly swell larger and larger and watched as the gel slithered and vanished off inside of her. When she felt the last of it slither inside of her she shuddered and let out heavy breaths as she felt it squirm inside of her before settling down. She cried softly wondering why her master gave her to this thing.

She felt it squirm in her. There ther was a sound of tiny little feet running across the floor in the room.

She mewed and moaned at the strange sensation of pain and pleasure from the thing inside of her womb. She didnt care about the sound of feet the only thing that her mind was on was the feeling of the thing inside of her.

Something ran up her leg, and then squeeked.

Mary looked down to see a mouse sitting there. She didnt care she just closed her eyes and laid her head back moaning and mewing as the thing squirmed inside of her.

The gel creature moved over and over again within her, pushing on her inners.

Mary mewed and pawed at her belly as the creature squirmed inside of her

She felt the mouse get off of her, but then she felt something small and fur crawl into her.

Mary yelped. "First a gel beast and now a mouse?!" she whimpered.

The mouse, she felt started to come out of her, and she felt it pulling at the gel creature and within her she could feel the creature fighting to stay within her.

Mary cried out at the pain, it hurt so badly.

The mouse squeeked as it lost hold of the gel creature, falling back from her. The gel creature inside her calmed down.

She laid there crying her eyes out.

The mouse ran up to her, and rubbed at her face.

"Thank you for trying to help me" she said softly nuzzling the little mouse "i'm sorry for attacking you earlier" she said in a soft whisper as she laid there tears silently running down her cheeks.

The mouse squeeked in response. The gel creature moved within her, hitting a sweet spot.

Mary gasped crying out as the Gel creature began to pleasure her now that it had found its pefect spot inside her womb.

The mouse moved to go back down between her legs.

She caught him before it did. "Thank you little mouse but I don't think your going to be able to get it out of me" she said softly stroking his little head. SHe suddenly moaned out as the gel creature rubbed her sweetspot.

The mouse squeeked urgently.

"This is my burden to bare little mouse it was my fault for letting a stranger in my house." She said softly then moaned in her throat as the gel creature moved some more inside of her. Her stomach suddenly growled in hunger. This was great she was 'pregnant' with a gel creature laying on a dark damp stone floor with barely any light and now she was freaking hungry.

As if on que, food was pushed through a slot in the door near the floor. The mouse squeeked again trying to get free to get at the creature.

"Please just leave it be" she told the mouse as she pushed herself up into a sitting position with a groan. Closing her legs together she put the mouse down and reached over taking a peice of the food, she sniffed it then began to solemly eat.

The mouse squeeked again.

She ignored the mouse as she continued to quietly eat her food.

The mouse jumped, scrambling to get between her legs, just as the gel creature hit and rubbed against the sweetspot again.

Mary dropped her peice of bread and gasped moaning in pleasure not understanding why the Gel creature was doing that why it wasnt just sitting there inside of her.

She then felt the mouse moving into her as the gel creature seemed distracted.

Mary gasped as she felt the mouse wiggle inside of her. "Oh heavens" she gasped as she felt it going after the Gel Creature again.

The gel creature started to roughly hit spots as it pushed at the mouse.

"Oh hell" she cried out in pain as they fought inside of her. "Get out of me!" she screamed at the mouse.

The mouse shot out of her like a bullet from a gun, hitting the wall with a squeek. The gel creature calmed down.

"Oh no!" she whimpered climbing up to her feet and went over to the little mouse. "Little mouse please be alright, this is why I told you not to do that I knew that thing would hurt you" she said with a soft whine petting the mouse gently hoping it would be ok. She gasped as the creature rubbed her sweetspot again but she tried to ignore it taking care of her little mouse friend.

The mouse squeeked a small squeek at her touch. The gel creature rubbed several of her sweetspots causing her knees to become weak.

Mary gasped adn fell to her knees moaning in pleasure as she felt it pleasuring her. She bit her bottom lip and tried to focus. "Shh its ok little mouse" she said softly as she groaned in pleasure at what the thing was doing to her.

The mouse rubbed against her hands.

The gel creature became quiet within her, then she felt her belly grow.

"Oh heavens" she gasped as she felt her belly grow heavier her knees wobbled slightly as she gently dropped to her knees. she Panted leaning up against the wall as she felt the weight of the gel creature increase and watch her belly stretch out. "Its ok little mouse rest now" she said softly to her only little friend as she sat there thinking that she was going to pop

The mouse squeeked, climbing up into her hair.

Mary moaned as her belly stopped growing her legs spread from how large it was now that she couldnt close them that well int eh position she was in. Her body throbbed from the feel of it all. She didn't know how much more she could take. Gently she rubbed her belly as she panted softly sitting there. Her body ached so much and not given anything but cold damp stone made it worse.

The door opened, and Kristoph strolled in. "Ah....that's my good girl...."

Mary mewed softly like a kitten looking up at him she couldnt move anywhere she didnt know what she had done wrong for him to do this to her. she looked up at him with big sad eyes.

"What is that look for my good kitten...?"

"It hurts" she said before mewing again pawing at her belly a little bit.

Kristoph went over to her, pulling her up to stand infront of him. "It wouldn't have hurt you if it had been left alone and no one tried pulling it's very upset, my pet...." he said smoothly. The gel creature rubbed against her sweetspot.

She purred softly at the feeling. "I'm sorry master" she said looking down not meeting his eyes she still wished she could ask him why she had been chosen to have this damn thing inside of her. Standing hurt her back and legs because of how heavy the creature was in her belly.

Kristoph leaned down and kissed her. "You are being a good girl....a very good girl...."

"Really master?" she asked happily looking up at him with her big beautiful eyes.

"Yes...very good..."

"I'm glad I can make you happy master" she said with a smile then suddenly made a soft sound of discomfort from how heavy her belly was.

Kristoph wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her. As he was kissing her, he placed his other hand on the top of her belly and pushed. She could feel the creature being pushed out of her slowly, but Kristoph never took his lips off of her's nor did he let her go.

Mary blushed he had never kissed her like this she melted into his arms and moaned in pleasure as the gel creature just slid out of her with ease.

Just as the last of the gel creature came out of her, Mary passed out. The next time she awoke, she was in the large bed but she had no memory of what happened involving the cold room or that of the creature or of anything that happened in that room.

"Mmm what a good nap" she yawned gently as she stretched out lounging on the bed looking beautiful in the light shimmering from the windows thinking she had just taken a nap.

She heard a mouse squeek.

Mary jumped up and kneeled there on the bed listening around her for the squeek again.

There was another squeek, and a small tug in her hair.

Mary yelped and batted at her hair. The mouse flew out and landed infront of her. A leopard growl filled her throat as she looked down at the mouse not remembering it from before.

The mouse didn't run, but just sat there infront of her, and squeeked again.

"Why do you not run little mouse?" Mary asked confused leaning down so her butt was up in the air so she was down at level with the mouse. Her tail was swaying back and forth in the air as she watched the little creature.

The mouse squeeked, and licked her nose.

Mary pulled back quickly. "Mew.." she rubbed her nose gently. "Well arent you a cutie" she giggled picking up the little mouse looking down at him as she sat there. Suddenly she heard someone coming towards the door. "Oh its the master, Hide little mouse" she laid down on the bed and put it on the floor. "Hide down there" she said with a smile then sat up looking at the door as it opened and her master walked in.

Kristoph smiled at her as he walked in. "Did you rest well my pet? My good girl..."

"Yes master I slept very well" She smiled crawling over towards the end of the bed on her hands and knees then sat there on her knees looking up at him happily as he walked over to her.

He tilted up her chin, placing a claiming kiss on her lips.

Mary blushed, since he had never kissed her like this before. She sighed holding herself there blushing loving the taste of his lips and mouth as he kissed her passionately. She made a little noise of excitement as his tounge snaked its way into her mouth. She wanted to touch him to run her hands over her master's muscular body but she didnt know if that was ok she she held herself where she was happily kissing him back.

Kristoph pulled back. "Good girl..."

Mary smiled kneeling there happily. "I'm happy to make you happy master" she said in a sweet yet he could hear the soft lust in her tone from likeing the kiss so much.

Kristoph smirked. "Tell me...what is it that you want?"

Mary tilted her head to the side out of curiosity. "what do you mean master?" she asked since she really didnt want anything she was happy in her mind. She sat there thinking about it what she wanted. 

Kristoph pushed her back on the bed, climbing up on her, entering her before she knew it.

Mary gasped and moaned deeply in pleasure. "Oh master" she moaned loving the feeling of him taking her like this, it was new having him face to face with her.

He took her claimingly and hard. He then bit her neck in a claiming way.

She couldnt help it anymore her hands went to his muscular back and her nails dug in as he claimed her pleasure rippling through her body. "Master!" she screamed out happily as he took her like this she felt his teeth dig in harder and it just made it all the better.

After a long while, Kristoph pulled from her. "You will always be mine, my good girl....

"always yours master" She purred and sweetly nuzzled her cheek against his.

Kristoph grabbed her from the back of the neck, and pushed their lips together.

Mary gasped and moaned softly into the amazing deep and claiming kiss her eyes fluttering shut as she just embraced her master.

Kristoph then pulled back, and stood up. "I have to go..." He started as he walked out of the room.

Mary blinked a few times at how fast he had pulled from her. She rolled over on her stomach entangled in the sheets master with a sad look in her eyes. "Alright master I'll be here if you need me" she said in a sad tone.

"I have important business...don't be sad..." and with that he left the room.

Mary curled up in the sheets and yawned exhausted from the amazing love making and her eyes fluttered closed to sleep.

She felt something run up her leg and side just as she was falling to sleep.

She thought it was just her little mouse friend and just drifted off to sleep.

She dreamed of a tall young man with long white hair and beautifully bright eyes.

His eyes were so deep blue you could get lost in them. Mary recognized those eyes they were the eyes that stared back at her when she used to go to the zoo with her family. He was so gorgeously handsome she wanted to know who this mysterious man was.


Mary jumped waking up from her sleep and opened her eyes seeing her little mouse sitting there. "Hey there little guy" she smiled not putting two and two together.

The mouse was close to her face, tickling her nose.

she giggled. "that tickles" she said cutely.

The mouse squeeked, and licked he nose.

She giggled and smiled again. "Your so cute" she said sweetly stroking his little head as they lounged there in bed together unknown the Kristoph would be coming for her soon for another experiment.

There came footsteps outside the room. The mouse squeeked.

Mary hid her little mouse friend under the bed again "Hide here again little one" she said as she sat up in bed.

The mouse hide as Kristoph opened the door. "Come..."

"Yes master" she purred happily getting out of bed she quickly put her suite on then followed after her master.

He lead her down a long hall that was lit with torches every few yards. He then headed up a flight of stairs.

Mary followed like the good little pet she was but curious on where he was taking her.

Kristoph opened the door at the top of the stairs. "In side..."

Like the good girl she was she walked right in with Kristoph right behind her. The room looked old and on the other side was an artifact sitting on a pedastool. (You can design the artifact)

It was a silver statue of wildflowers and crosslegged woman with a man staying behind her.

Mary looked at it curiously then turned looking at her master who was standing at the closed door with his back against it. "What is that thing master?" she asked curiously.

Kristoph smirked a little. He walked towards her, and ended up pushing her up against a wall, entering her quick, fast, and hard before her know what hit her.

Mary gasped and cried out as he held her up in the air pinned against the wall as he took her. "Oh master!" she cried out in pleasure as he claimed her.

He started to work her harder.

Mary gasped and cried out in pleasure. "Oh heavens me master" she cried out as she bounced, her back rubbing hard against the wall he was working her so hard but it felt so good. She didnt know what all of this was about but it was amazing.

He finished, pulling out of her, and just lefted her leaning against the wall. "You will be staying up her for now on..."

"Why master?" she asked hugging herself their wasnt anything in the room other then that strange statue she felt like she was being punished for something.

"Because I wish it..." he said simply, and with a wave a bed appeared in one corner of the room.

"Yes master of course" she said blushing softly.

Kristoph stalked from the room.

Mary watched him as he left then walked over to the bed sitting down on it feeling lonely again.


Mary's ears twitched she recognized that squeek. "Mister mouse?" she looked aronf the room for him.

She saw him run up to her. "Squeek..."

"Hey there at least I'm not totally alone" she smiled gently picking the little mouse up in her hands then bringing him up to her face level.

"Squeek...." I wouldn't leave you... came a gentle, strong male voice

Mary jumped "oh my you talk?" she asked confused.

The mouse looked around and then at her. "Squeek...squeek...." You can understand me? ((he is not talking in her head.... he didn't want to scare her.... thank you statue for the gift of 'tongues' ^_^ ))

"Yes I can understand you I don't know how but I can" she said looking down at him.

I'm actually glad you can now...I'm not normally like this... but I'm just glad that I can talk to you now...

"I'm glad I can talk to you to, and what do you mean your not normally like this?" she asked confused.

He made me like this...

"Master? no he wouldnt do something like that master is kind" she said as she laid down on the bed and placed the mouse on the bed infront of her.

Master? Would someone that is kind force himself on you....?

"He's not forcing me he's just taking me int he heat of passion" she said looking down at him and he could tell she really believed that about Kristoph.

He held his hand. "After dinner we need to head back, tomorrow night I will take you out again ok?"


"Of course."

Nickoli smiled. He then finished up eating his meal, and drank some of his water.

He smiled and kissed him

Nickoli kissed back. "Love you..."

"You are my life."

He smiled. "Thank you... you are me..."

"What would you like to do now?"


He smiled and offered his hand

Nickoli took it smiling.

He walked with him toward home after paying for their food.

Nickoli leaned against Miach as they walked.

He kissed him

Nickoli kissed back.

"Love you."

"I love you too..." They made it back to Miach's home.

He lead him inside

Nickoli walked inside and waited for Miach to close the door.

he did and locked it then hugged him

Nickoli hugged him back. "Thank you for finding me..."

"I think we found each other."

He nodded. "I...agree..."

He smiled and kissed his neck

He dreamed of a boyish looking woman with long white hair.

He frowned a little scared

The boyish woman smiled gently at him. "Erebain....thank you for saving me from the mad man...."

"What? I don't understand..."

"You will.... when the time comes...."

He frowned in confusion. "Who are you?"

The boyish woman disappeared, and he woke up.

He sat up sadly.

Erebain....what's wrong? came the wolf's voice.

"I...keep dreaming about someone..."

What type of someone?

He explained as best he could

Are you sure?

He nodded

That sounds like...

"Sounds like what?"

An old friend of mine and Baine's...

"Really? So he is good? But why would I dream of him...I haven't met him...and he thanked me for helping him..."

Strange....maybe you are going to save him in the future..."

"I couldn't even save myself..."He said sadly

<i>You can save people in many ways...


"I know.... but that's what seems to happen at all the schools I've been too...."

"When was it suppossed to have happened? And are they planning to kick you out?"

"Last night...and I have already been kicked out...." Kiar said.

"What if I tell them you were with me? They don't have the right to kick you out when they don't have proof. You were with me!" She grabbed his hand heading for the office.

"It's better if you don't do's never helped at my other schools..."

"Why? It isn't fair! You did nothing wrong. I can vouch for you."

"Chris... We'll figure something out..."

"But if I speak to them...they have to listen..."

Kiarian kissed her. "I'll figure something..."

She hugged him worriedly

Kiar kissed her. "Skip the rest of the day with me? Please..."

She nodded and hugged him

Kiar sighed, and said softly, "Let's go..."

She took his hand and followed

Kair lead her out of the school building and down the road, walking with her, an arm wrapped over her shoulders. "Thanks for ditching....."

She nodded. "They deserve it for kicking you out without proof."

"Like I said's happened before..."

"It doesn't make it right."

He sighed. "I know...."

She hugged him. "What should we do?"

"Just hang out..."

"Where? I am kept at home all the time since Christopher...since he died."

They were greeted at the door of the hotel, everyone that either knew of Kealiena's other side or had seen her face from the 'About the Author' part of her books greeted her by her pen name for they knew no other.

He followed silently a little uneasy about the crowds. He was feeling out of place.

He noticed that Kealiena didn't seem comfortable here either.

He hung close to her occasionally reassuringly touching her hand or arm.

Kealiena smiled up at him. Soon the event started, and then Kealiena was called up, and she blushing went up to the stage and got trophy.

He watched happy for her

She came back over, and hugged onto him.


" you think you and I could leave....I don't want to be here anymore...." she whispered.

"Of course...I am uncomfortable too."

Kealiena nodded, and walked with him out of the hotel. She hugged his arm as they walked together.

"What would you like to do?"


"Sure. What movie?"

"I don't know...something fun..."

He listed a few options.

"Clash of the Titan?" she asked.


She smiled. "Wonderful..."

He smiled happily

She held on to his arm as they headed to the threater.

He smiled and kissed the top of her head

"Love you...and I hope this movie is as great as the trailers..."

He nodded and put an arm around her shoulder. "Same here, but I am just happy to be with you."

Diaca pulled out her cell as she hurried with Eve away from the house. Not long after she hung up the phone, her family's car pulled up, and Diaca helped Eve inside before it drove off.

"You think your parents will understand and let me stay?"

"I'm sure they will...." Diaca said softly, hugging her.

She nodded worried about her mother

They arrived at Diaca's home. "Come on....we'll talk to my mother..."

She followed tears in her eyes

When they got inside, Diaca's mother was coming to greet them, but stopped. "What happened? What's wrong?"

She bit her lip trying to stop herself from sobbing and slowly told her

Diaca's mother wrapped her arms around Eve and Diaca. "Oh you poor are staying her...."

"What about my mother...what if he killed her?"

"Diaca take her to your room, and I'll call the police..."

She trembled in fear

Diaca held Eve close, leading her up to her room. "Mom will help...."

She nodded, "Thank you..."

They made it to Diaca's room. "Always...." she whispered, before kissing her cheek.

She nodded and hugged her. "I love you...thank you for the help."

"Always, Eve...."

She sat in worry

Diaca hugged her close.

She hugged back. "You think she will be ok?"

"Yes....I do...."

"What if he kills her?"

"We get him if he does.......I'm mother will get the cops involved..."

She nodded and leaned against her

He narrowed his eyes and grabbed Vann. "If you attack I will drain him dry."

"Then let us go! Now!" Naya screamed. This time Vann woke up to Naya's voice.

Vann slowly opened his eyes.""

Vann saw what Naya looked like. " not running...we are family now remember..." she said, in a soft growl as she continued to glare at Tarsas.

Tarsas smirked. "What is stopping me from draining him?"

Naya growled. "Let him go!"

He fondled Vann's package. Vann struggled weakly. "I don't want to."

Naya attacked Tarsas, tears in her eyes. She grabbed onto Tarsas's throat.

He gasped and growled starting to drain Vann

Naya bit Tarsas's neck.

He growled and backhanded her trying to get her off

Naya pulled back as he backhanded her, her fangs tearing his flesh.

He screamed in pain. "Guards!"

Guards rushed in, attacking Naya who cried out, attacking back. Several guards jumped on her, crashing her to the ground, causing Naya to scream out in shock and pain. "Vann!"

Vann struggled but than passed out as he was drained enough to knock him out. "Secure her in the control room. I want her controlled."

"Yes sir..." the men said.

"Vann!" she screamed.

He grinned and licked Vann's cheek. "Don't worry...I will take care of him little girl."

"Vann!!" she screamed. She thrashed in the grip of the guards.

Tarsas smirked and picked Vann up. "Keep the brat under close watch."

"Please...just leave him alone..." she begged as the guards dragged her from the room.

Tarsas looked at the bitemark

He saw a nice size gash.

He growled and called in a healer

A healer came and began to work of his neck.

"will it heal?"

Naya struggled weakly as she was put in the room the guards had been told to put her in.

Some of the guards laughed.

"Please...let us go..." she begged, crying. She had used so much energy that she had shifted back.

One of the guards secured her. "I'm afraid not. Your friend is of interest in more then a few ways and you are powerful."

"Thank you...." Devin whispered.

He hugged him and nodded

"What....would you like to do now?" he asked softly.

"I don't know...Would you like to do something?"

Devin nodded shyly.

"What would you like to do?"

Devin kissed him.

He blushed kissing back

Devin pulled back. "I....sorry...." he whispered.

"For what? I liked it."

"You...did...? I...did too...." Devin said blushingly.

He blushed deeply kissing him

Devin blushed kissing back, leaning against him.

He blushed and held him

"I'm.....glad you're here...." he whispered.

"So am I...and I am glad you like me."

Devin nodded, blushing.

"Now what?"

"I don't know...I...would be put to work as soon as I get to a home...." whispered Devin.

He hugged him. "Not anymore...want to go see a movie?"


He smiled and took his hand gently. "What movie?"

"I don't know what's out there...I....never could..."

He hugged him and lead him to a laptop. "Lets look it up then."

Devin nodded, following.

He smiled and began to look up the films reading what they were suppossed to be about


"Ok sure." He said with a smile

"I don't really know sweetie.... has there been anything that's been stressing you?"

"Not lately..."

"What do you mean?"

"I...for some reason I have been feeling tense about my birthday..."

"It's probably just stress for growing up, sweetie...."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, sweetheart..."

She nodded

She hugged her daughter protectively.

She held on to her mother thankful for her mother's love

She stroked her hair. "I'm here for you my sweet girl...."

She closed her eyes hugging her mother

"I'm going to work on just rest, sweetheart..."

She nodded and laid down

Before her mother left the room, she kissed her forehead, and then left the room.

She lay there hoping things would get better will be mine....

She stiffened and shook her head

My pet...

"Whoever you are...leave me alone!"

I am your master

She trembled in fear and shook her head

She felt something touch her leg.

She smacked at it in panic

She continued to feel it.

She tried to move away

She didn't feel anything any more.

She trembled in fear still afraid she was losing her mind

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