Page name: Dark World Chapter 6 [Exported view] [RSS]
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2010-03-28 20:52:44
Last author: Gypsy Mystik
Owner: Gypsy Mystik
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Dark World Chapter 6

Quiyue smiled lovingly up at him and snuggled into his arms just feeling so lucky to have him.

"I will protect use...our family to the end..."

"I know you will my darling" she said lovingly caressing his cheek kissing him softly.

he nipped her neck.

Quiyue purred happily in pleasure.

"What would you like to do now?" he whispered.

"Mmmm well since I have a feeling your brother and Marzena are taking care of the kids because I heard the elevator go back up ummmm." she thought about it.

"So the children are fine..." he laughed smiling.

"Yes they are" she giggled

He playfully nipped her ear.

She squeeked and giggled happily loving the feeling.

He kissed her neck.

Quiyue giggled and sighed happily at the feeling.

"You like...?" he growled.

"Yes I like" she purred happily.

He kissed her belly, rubbing it.

Quiyue sighed happily and gave a soft little moan loving the feeling.

He licked it, slowly.

Quiyue purred deeply and happily loving the feeling. the tip of her tail twitched with joy.

Neoryi growled, and nipped lightly, playfully.

"Juuust liiiike thhhaaat" she groaned out and purred so happily.

He nipped farther down.

Quiyue groaned and purred happily loving the feeling.

"Love you..."

Quiyue purred happily burying herself against him. "love you to" she said romantically.

"Now where should I take you...?"

"What do you mean?" she asked confused.

"Our room..... Liangelus's room..." he said with a sexy mischievious smirk.

She squeeked and turned bright red. "You want me like this?" she asked shyly.

"Why not...?" he growled.

"What do you mean" she asked and blushed as his hand slid over her side.

He nipped her neck, and repeated, "Why...not...?"

Sbe purred and blushed cutely. "Its just I'm so big and...." she squeeked as his mouth kissed hers and they laid there kissing one another.

A hand started to play with her between her legs. 

Quiyue gasped and moaned happily in pleasure purring in her throat as this happened, she laid there all his loving the feeling of what he was doing to her.

"You're never too big....because I know that there is love growing inside you...." he purred.

"Oh Neoryi" she said lovingly before she moaned again as his fingers slid in and out of her.

He starts to nibble on her neck.

Quiyue purred happily curling into him moaning as she purred loving what he was doing to her she just felt so wonderful.

Something else slipped between her legs.

Quiyue gasped an moaned at the feeling. "Oh my what is that?" she asked and looked down.

A long tail was moving in and out of her.

"Oh my that feels good" she laid her head back her eyes closing as she moaned happily.

"Really?" he asked softly.

"Oh yes" she laid her head back happily.

His tall went deepen as he smiled, and then kissed her neck.

Quiyue moaned deeply in pleasure. "Oh heavens Neoryi!" she moaned deeply.

Neoryi purred into her neck. "Yes.... my love...."

Her hand went to his hair as she moaned deeply in pleasure.

"More?" he growled, curessing her body as his tail continued.

"Yes please" she begged as her legs spread wider and she moaned deeply.

He moved so that he was onto of her, and then entered her, leaving his tail in as well.

"Neoryi" she gasped her hands going to his back her nails digging into his shirt from the amazing pleasure of what was going on.

He bit her neck gently, yet claimingly.

"Neoryi" she gasped out moaning deeply in pleasure her nails biting into his skin.

He growled, pushing farther into her.

Quiyue gasped and moaned happily as he continued it all felt sooo good.

"You...learning anything... my love..." he growled softly into her ear and neck, with a small laugh behind it, seeing as they were in a library.

"Oooh I'm learning alot" she purred out happily her tounge hanging out in pleasure.

The tip of his tail hit a spot.

Quiyue arched her back as how good it felt.

"I will give you all...I am..."

"Oooh you amazing man" she purred happily in pleasure laying there under him in udder ecstasy coursing through her body.

His lips claimed her's and soon his tongue slipped between her lips invading her mouth.

Quiyue buried her hand in his hair making out with him deeply her tounge danced with his in their mouths as they made amazing passionate love.

After some time, Neoryi pulled slowly from her, and pulled up from the kiss. He smiled lovingly down at her.

"Oh Neoryi that was... that was fantastic" she said in a satisfied voice.

"I... loved it too..."

She purred happily burying herself against his chest. "That was truely magnificent" she said happily

He laid there, holding her, nibbling on her ear.

Quiyue felt so delciously pleasured and exhausted that she yawned and buried herself against him and soon fell asleep.

When she woke again, she found them both in their bed, under the covers.

Quiyue sighed happily buried herself against his chest just loving the moment between them.

She smelled something strange coming from the room, somewhere in the room, a new scent.

She sat up quickly and worriedly not liking the smell of something new in her territory.

Something moved in one of the corners of the room.

Quiyue growled growing tense

A little squirrel like creature came out into the light and then jumped out the window.

Quiyue relaxed and cuddled back into her bed with Neoryi.

"Hiytu..." she heard him whisper.

"What's that hun?" Quiyue asked confused.

"That was a Hiytu..." he whispered again into her neck.

"What is Hiytu?" she asked confused by how he knew the creature

"It's a small squirrel like's from the other world...."

"Why is it here?" she asked wanting to know about it.

"I...don't know really.... it may have been brought here by the ones that Liangelus had mentioned that had used this place...."

"I see well as long as it wont harm any of the little ones" she said snuggling against him.

He held her, stroking her hair. "I'm sure they'll be fine...."

"Good" she said and snuggled against him.

He licked her ear, then nibbled on it.

Quiyue giggled and purred happily enjoying the moment

Neoryi kissed her passionately.

Quiyue squeeked and giggled at how sudden it was but sighed melting into the moment happily kissing him back.

"I love you..."

"I love you to" she said gazing up into his eyes.

Neoryi licked her neck.

Quiyue sighed happily in pleasure.

"Like...?" he asked in a whisper.

"Always" she said lovingly gazing up at him.

He nipped her neck again and again, playfully.

Quiyue purred happily unable to help herself she always loved that feeling of his teeth on her skin.

He stroked her hair lovingly, and then kissed her forehead.

Suddenly her stomach growled hungerly. "oooh thats right we havent eaten all day" she said cutely.

"Then maybe I should fix you a large dinner..." he said with a smile.

"Oh that sounds Marvelous" she climbed out of bed and pulled on her dress.

Neoryi dressed then offered his arm to her.

Quiyue lovingly took it then headed off with him downstairs.

Once in the kitchen, he had her sit down so that she was comfortable as he started working on a meal.

Quiyue sat there and enjoyed watching her husband work in the kitchen.

When he was done, they had a fresh bowl of cut fruit with a sweet water over top it.

Quiyue took a pair of chopsticks that he had brought out for her and began to eat the fruit from the large bowl. "mmmm delicious" she sighed happily.

Neoryi joined her, smiling as they enjoyed their meal.

Quiyue happily ate but she had to admit she was hungery for some red meat it was hard to live in a house with people that didnt eat it being a tiger she really craved it some times.

Neoryi looked back into the kitchen. "It's done..." he said standing up and disappearing into a area of the kitchen that was blocked from view.

Quiyue cocked an eyebrow confused.

Neoryi came back with some meat for her. "Love..."

"Where in the world did you get that?" she asked as she closed her eyes and inhaled the wonderful aroma she craved.

"Magic..." he laughed.

"I hate it when your cryptic" she said playfully with a giggle.

"Cryptic...? It was magic love..."

Liangelus wrapped an arm around her.

"How long do you think it will be till they grow to the next growing stage?" she asked curiously.

"Up to them really..." he laughed softly.

"Really?" she asked confused.

"Yes...dragons are able to mature very fast....if they choose..."

"How fascinating." she said taking it all in.

"Yep..." he said laughing.

"No wonder your kind can breed so fast" she giggled cutely.

"At puberty, we start having mating urges..."

"Oh my this is going to be hard to take care of all of them when they hit that age" she said scared. She remembered the mating season of her people how the males grew very very agressive against one another when they hit puberty even if they were family."

"All will be fine....we have time.."

"Really?" she asked looking up at him.

"Yes...." He said, kissing her cheek.

She giggled and snuggled against him happily as she watched all of the kids so happy.

"We are going to have such a large family...." he laughed lightly.

"Yes we are a large wonderful amazing family" she said lovingly.

He nipped her ear.

Marzena squeeked and giggled.

"Daddy's eating mommy!" All of the children attacked Liangelus giggling.

Marzena squeeked and giggled dodging the sudden attack of children on her mate.

He laughed, falling backwards. "Hey sillies..."

"oooh Careful now" Marzena squeeked out since he had hit the floor hard.

Liangelus continued to laugh as the children protected Marzena from him, all in play.

Marzena laughed watching this, she couldnt help herself it was all just so cute.

"Hey you...stop me..." laughed Liangelus.

"Alright alright enough little ones" she giggled and pulled them off of Liangelus and off to the side before letting Liangelus get up off the floor.

"Ah ha..." he laughed jumping up. "I live tickle!"

"AhhH!" the children shouted, laughing, giggling, and running as Liangelus ran after them.

Marzena giggled putting a hand on her small belly watching this she didnt want to run being pregnant but she loved watching.

"Mommy! Don't let daddy eat us!"

"Yeah...don't let uncle eat us!"

Playfully she caught his waist. "Down boy do not eat the little ones" she giggled hugging Liangelus playfully holding him. "Run my little ones run to your room so he cannot eat you!" she said and squeeled as Liangelus suddenly wrapped his arms around her and began to nibble on her neck.

"No! Mommy!" they laughed.

"Run! my little ones!" she giggled as he swooped her up in his arms out of the reach of the kids and kept nibbling on her.

Their own little ones shifted and, laughing, went to 'attack' Liangelus.

Marzena couldnt help but laugh.

Liangelus then pulled them all into a hug. "I love all of you..."

"Love you too..." shouted the children.

"Awww I love all of you as well children" Marzena said lovingly hugging them all tight as well.

Liangelus started to kiss all of them all over.

Marzena laughed and kissed them all over as well joining her husband.

" and can eat all of you..." laughed Liangelus.

"Noo! Run kids!" she scooped up the children and ran.

Liangelus growled, and gave chase.

Marzena suddenly shifted into her gorgeous black unicorn form. "On my back kids" she said and let them climb on then gallowed out of the house heading for the stairs to go to the forest floor to have fun in the forest with the kids and her husband.

Lianelus continued to give chase shifting into a dragon.

Marzena neighed as she ran through the forest all of the children hanging on tight having a fun time.

She heard him growling playfully behind her.

Marzena neighed and was happy as she heard all of the kids giggling on her back.

A large shadow covered the ground around her.

Marzena slid to a stop and looked up.

Liangelus came slooping down on them.

Marzena dodged out of the way in time.

Liangelus shifted back, and grabbed some of the children, laughing.

Marzena laughed and crouched down to the ground to let the other children climb off of her. She took deep tired breaths as she shifted back to human.

Liangelus set the children he had down, letting them play. He moved over to Marzena, holding her close. " are pregnant...." he whispered into her skin before kissing it.

"I know I pushed myself a little to hard" she said cutely. "I promise it wont happen again" she said gazing up at him.

"Good..." he said softly, and kissed her.

"Now let us have a wonderful day with the children" she said lovingly as she hugged his side and turned watching the children playing in the grass.

"They are all so beautiful...."

"Yes that they are" she said lovingly.

"Beautiful... just like their mothers...."

"Aww your so sweet" she said lovingly cuddling against him.

"It's true... and you know it..."

"Our children being beautiful, yes thats very true" she giggle.

He licked her ear.

She squeeked and giggled, she then playfully licked his cheek in return.

Some of the children started to climb the trees.

"Careful now children" she said looking up at them worriedly.

They jumped from the trees changing, bring out their wings, flying all around the branches.

Marzena squeeked out in nervousness seeing the children flying around like that.

Liangelus smiled and held her close. "They'll be fine...."

"are you sure?" she asked worriedly looking up at him.

"Yes...they need to be able to do this..."

Marzena nodded in understanding snuggling agaisnt his side watching the children.

"I love you..."

"I love you as well" she said lovingly as she watched the children all so happily.

He burried his face into her neck.

Marzena giggled. "Your so good to me" she said lovingly.

"Should I be any way else?" he asked teasingly.

"No you shouldnt" she said sweetly back at him.

He nipped her neck.

Marzena giggled. "Oh mister dragon please don't eat me" she laughed.

All of the children turned to face them, ready to attack, some giggling.

Liangelus laughed.

Marzena laughed as well. "Its alright kids I'm just playing with your father and uncle" she giggled snuggling against Liangelus.

Liangelus laughed again as the children jumped on both of them, causing them to fall to the ground.

Marzena squeeked and hit the ground on her butt. "Careful now" She laughed careful of her small pregnant belly.

They started to lick them.

Marzena giggled cutely. "Hey that tickles!" she giggled.

All of the children shifted back, and giggled at them.

Suddenly she noticed all of them begin to yawn. "Alright I think its time for a nap lets all get back to the tree house" she said in that loving motherly tone of hers that Liangelus loved.

Liangelus shifted, scooping her and the children up in his large claws, and flew them back.

Marzena hugged the little ones as they flew along through the forest.

Liangelus placed them on the top area by the rooms, and then shifted back.

Marzena lead the little ones off to their bedroom. "Time to sleep now" she said sweetly.


"I saw all of you yawning my little ones its time for all of you to go to bed" she giggled.

Liangelus scooped some up, placing them in their bed. "Sleep little ones....and later we'll be having dinner...."

Marzena scooped the others up laying them in their beds and kissing them gently. "Sleep well littleones" she said lovingly.

The children yawned and fell to sleep as Liangelus lead Marzena fromt he nursery.

"Well that was a fun day" she said lovingly.

"Yes it was my unicron...."

"Speaking of unicorn, you got to see my full transformed animal form" she said sweetly as she went over and sat on the couch relaxing.

Liangelus sat down beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. "It was beautiful..."

"Really?" she asked lovingly gazing sweetly at him.

" was my love..."

"Aww Your so sweet" she giggled snuggling against him, she sighed happily as she felt him playfully put his hand under her shirt to feel her small belly.

"Come, let's get something to eat...."

"Shouldnt we wait until the children wake up in a few hours?" she asked sweetly.

"We could....or we could eat then just worry about feeding them later..."

"You do have a good point" she giggled and stood up.

He hugged her.

Marzena giggled hugging him back. "couldnt I just eat you right up?" she asked playfully.

Liangelus nibbled her neck. "I'll eat you first..."

"Oooh well you are the dragon in the room" she said playfully.

"That's right...but...hmm... I think unicorn would be too stringy..." he joked.

"Oooh you!" she giggled and smacked his chest hard laughing.

He laughed lightly. "What...?"

"Your so bad, I guess I'm very stringy" she giggled.

"I wouldn't want to eat you any ways....lov eyou too much..."

"So true my hunky dragon" she said sliding her hands over his arms.

"Come the kitchen..."

"Yes of course" she hugged his arm as they headed off together.

They found Quiyue at the kitchen table with Neoryi, a bowl of fruit on the table and meat infront of Quiyue.

Marzena took a step back at the smell of the meat it made her sick.

Quiyue looked up at them. "Hello there" she smiled at them

Liangelus hugged Marzena close.

Neoryi looked at Marzena, then at Quiyue. "Love...the meat...."

"Oh heavens I'm so sorry I'll just go eat this on the balcony." she stood picking up her plate. "No you stay" she said as Neoryi was about to get up then she turned and headed off outside to the balcony off of the kitchen.

"Oooh I feel so bad its just red meat always makes me sick." she said as she watched Quiyue vanish from sight.

Neoryi pushed the bowl of fruit to her, nodding.

Liangelus looked at her. "Be just a minute...."

"What do you mean by that?" she asked confused on what he meant by be just a minute. as she took a nibble of her food.

He kissed her cheek, and then left after Quiyue.

Neoryi looked at her. "He's gone to talk to her...that's all..."

"What about eating meat? she's a tiger she's aloud to eat meat" she was confused on what her mate was doing

Neoryi nodded. "Quiyue left because she didn't want to bother you with it..."

"and I do feel guilty I pretty much chased her out that it was making me sick." she said in a sad tone looking at the door wondering what was going on.

"Marzena... Liangelus will figure something out..."

"Oh I hope so I don't like causing this split up."

Neoryi nodded, hoping too.

Marzena sat there quietly waiting.

Quiyue was outside at the little balcony she found sitting at a table munching on her meat she looked up seeing Liangelus walk around the corner. "What brings you out here?" she asked curiously.

"You..." he said simply. "You didn't have to leave..."

"I was bothering your mate with my meat I didnt want to make her sick" she said looking up at him.

"I can fix that....please come back inside..."

"Its really alright Liangelus don't worry yourself over it" she smiled up at him.

"Please come back inside..."

"Again I don't want to make Marzena sick" Quiyue said looking up at him.

Liangelus swiftly took the meat from her with a smile. "Don't worry...please..."

"Hey give that back" she growled standing not liking him doing this.

Liangelus tossed back the meat to her. it didn't smell like meat.

Quiyue sniffed it. "What did you do to it?" she asked confused.

He just smiled. The meat smellt like different fruits.

"I know your trying to make it better Liangelus but now I don't want to eat it, I'm sorry but I like the smell of meats and meat smelling lke fruit it just smells wrong to me." she said looking up at him "I'm sorry Liangelus."

Liangelus waved a hand to her. "Just wait a second....." and as he said that, the meat smell increased and filled her nose with its right scent.

"Now it smells right to me thank you for fixing it" she said taking another bite of her food.

Liangelus smelled the air. "It does...but..." he smiled. "I wonder what my love would say...."

"Can't I just eat it?" she asked wanting to just eat her meat she was starving and here he was. She was starting to get annoyed with Liangelus and wanted him to leave her alone.

"You can eat..." he took hold of her wrist, and dragged her into the kitchen again. He sat her down into a chair next to Neoryi, and he himself sat down next to his love. He was smiling. Marzena smelt fruit and only fruit, but Quiyue smelled meat.

Marzena sniffed the air. "It doesnt smell like meat."

Quiyue looked at her curiously. "Really?" she asked Marzena who nodded.

Neoryi looked at his brother, who nodded.

Quiyue smiled at Marzena. "I'm happy that my food isnt making you sick anymore." she then went back to eating.

Marzena was able to ignore looking at the meat as she got to eating her own fruit.

"I'm sorry I had to pull you back in," Liangelus said.

"Its alright just don't do it again" Quiyue said in a playful angry tone.

Marzena couldnt help but giggle at this.

Liangelus smiled, nodding. "Yes ma'am..."

Neoryi laughed.

"So how have the children been today?" Quiyue asked curiously. "I hope taking care of all ofthem wasnt to hard on the two of you"

"I'm glad I can talk to you to, and what do you mean your not normally like this?" she asked confused.

He made me like this...

"Master? no he wouldnt do something like that master is kind" she said as she laid down on the bed and placed the mouse on the bed infront of her.

Master? Would someone that is kind force himself on you....?

"He's not forcing me he's just taking me int he heat of passion" she said looking down at him and he could tell she really believed that about Kristoph.

The mouse seemed to sigh. I don't like this... he mutter.

"What do you mean?" she asked curiously.

That man...his use to have my sister here...and a friend....He curse her so that she would be a tiger all the time and human during a full moon....and threatened her...wanting her to be his bride....and I don't know what all he did to our friend.... but I'm like this now because he found me...and did this to me...all because I had lead my family here to save my sister and won....

"I don't believe you" she sat up crossing her arms under her breasts looking down at him

He locked you in here....would a kind man do that... The mouse said softly, walking away a bit.

"Master is kind to me" she grabbed a pillow hugging it toher chest.

And the others?

"They did not seem un happy" she said laying down and turning her back to him.

Please tell me....did you want that thing in you....?

"What thing are you talking about?" she asked curiously and confused and he realized she didnt remember about the gel creature.

The mouse looked at her shocked. Damn! The gel creature... he had a gel creature burry itself inside that it could feed off you and grow more powerful....I tried to get it out of you...

"Your crazy little mouse.." she said laying down turning her back to him.

Then...I'll leave...

"No wait don't leave me alone" she suddenly said sitting up quickly looking down at him with sad eyes.

...I don't want to leave.... it's just...I've just never not had my word believed.... if you knew my sister, she'd tell you have I had no reason to lie....

"I don't know you though is the thing" She said "But your my only friend here other then master so will you stay with me?" she asked looking down at him.

The mouse nodded. I will stay...

"Thank you little mouse" she leaned down and kissed the top of his head gently then laid down on the bed facing him. "mister mouse do you have any idea why the master would put me in here?" she asked curiously.

My name is Lei...and I think it has something to do with the statue...

She turned looking at teh statue with Curiousity. "I wonder what it is?" she asked mainly to herself as she sat there with the sudden urge to touch the statue.

I know that I'm squeeking.... so you seem to be able to understand animal speak now... I didn't want to scare you with talking in your mind...

"You could speak in my mind if you wanted to?" she asked curiously never hearing of such a thing before.

The mouse didn't squeek this time, but in her mind she heard, Yes..I is a gift that I had before this....

"oh wow how interesting" She said thinking about it all. Sitting there with him she kept feeling a pull to touch the statue sitting on the pedastool she didnt know why she just had to touch it.

It's sometimes best to leave things alone...

"I I can't help it I just really want to touch it" she said looking over at it unable to help herself.

I don't like it...

Suddenly before he knew what happened she jumped off the bed and was over at the statue staring at it.

Cats... he laughed. You have definitely taken to the curiousity part of being a cat...

She blushed and smiled at him as she stood there her tail swishing back and forth.

Be careful...miss....

"My name is Mary" she said looking down at the mouse. she walked over and crawled back into bed doing her best to ignore the statue.

Lei... he thought to her, and moved over to her closer.

"You already told me that" she giggled lounging on the bed looking so gorgeous all of a sudden. In that moment of looking at her Lei was having thoughts of what he would do to her if he was a man once more.

He lick her cheek, with his little tongue.

"Oh your so cute" she giggled cutely and gave him a little nuzzle.

He gave her a mousey kiss on the lips.

"Your so cute" she said sweetly looking own at him. suddenly a bright light shined from in the room. She turned an saw the statue glowing. "What in the?" she suddenly turned an saw Lei glowing as well. Something was happening.

Lei looked around at himself. He started to float into the air. A bright light filled the room, and then a tall young man with long white hair stood in middle of the room.

Mary turne bright re looking up at him he was gorgeous those amazing ice blue eyes and she coul see super faint tiger stripes on his skin on his neck, wrists and ankles. they were so faint that she knew if she didnt have the added sight of her leopard abilities she wouldnt see them. "Oh my..." she blushed staring at his gorgeous ripped muscular body.

Lei looked at her, and then down at himself. He went wide eyed and grabbed up a sheet from the bed, wrapping it around his waist, cursing to himself about what Kristoph had tried to do to him before he was made a mouse. He looked back at Mary, and smiled shyly. "Mary..."

"Hi" she said softly and shyly blushing bright red, she had seen 'all of him' and she loved it all his body was ripped and toned and he was so much more well endowed then her master. She squeeked and blushed realizing she was nude and grabbed a pillow hugging it infront of her. She didnt know why but as a mouse she didnt care if he saw her but as this gorgeous hunk of man she felt so shy

Lei waved a hand and a pale green outfit appeared on her. It fit her nicely, though not as revealing as the one Kristoph had put on her, this outfit still showed off parts of her. With another wave, Lei was standing there in a black loose top and black pants that fit him nicely, as well as black boots. "I don't know how...but I'm glad I'm back to normal...." he said softly.

"Oh wow this is so pretty" she said looking down at her outfit. She climbed out of bed and then twirled around cutely in the room giggling.

"Beautiful..." Lei whispered, watching her.

Mary giggled turning and looked at him, then suddenly realized, "Oh heavens this is not good if if master finds you in here he will be angry. " She said worriedly looking up at him.

As if on que, there were foot steps coming up the stairs. "Sorry..." Lei whispered, as he hide under the bed, and her clothes disappeared. Kristoph opened the door, and walked right inside. "Come to me my pet..." he said.

"Yes master" she went over to him like the good little pet that she was gazing up at him with her big beautiful eyes.

He pulled her close, and kissed her, driving his tongue into her mouth.

Mary placed her hands on his shoulders as she groaned happily in her mouth kissing him back forgetting for a moment about Lei under her bed.

She didn't hear Lei move or growl. Kristoph swiftly entered her before she knew it. "Has...anything happened while I was gone?"

Mary gasped and blushed as he had her against the wall while he claimed her. "No master nothing has happened" she said as she gasped feeling him slamming in and out of her.

"Hmm.... very interesting..." he muttered, slaming into her harder.

Mary cried out in pleasure as he took her harder, but her back did sting as it rubbed against the stone wall roughly.

After an hour, he pulled out of her. "I will come back later, my pet... behave yourself..." he said, and left the room. Her back stung from rubbing the wall.

"Owey that hurt" she rubbed her back slightly as she stood there. She turned and looked as Lei was crawling out from under the bed.

Lei waved a hand and a similar pale green outfit appeared on her, but this one didn't have a back. He walked over to her, taking her hand gently, leading her over to the bed, then helping her lay down on her stomach so that her back was open to the air. She heard Lei growl low in his throat. She felt him gently touch the skin on her back. "You need slav for your back, to help it heal...." he said softly.

"I'm ok I'll be alright" she said cutely peaking up at him from under her hair looking so beautiful.

Lei looked down at her. "You are very brave...but if you don't get slav on your back.. you will be scared...." he said softly. His hands gently brushed her skin as he worked to clean it as best he could right then, his hands held protective and lovingly feeling in it.

"Unfortunately I don't think master would give me any and their doesnt seem to be any here int his room so I guess I'm going to be scarred" she said softly looking up at him gazing at him.

"Why do you allow him to treat you this way....?" he asked softly, gently cleaning more of her back, and with her feline nose, she knew it was blood that his was cleaning off so gently.

"This is the only time he's really hurt me like this" she said defending her master, she winced slightly as he cleaned a little hard on one of her wound.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you just then...." he said softly, before placing a feather light kiss on that part of her back in apology.

Mary blushed bright red that he had done that. "Its alright" she said laying there.

"I didn't want to hurt you..." he said softly.

"I know you didn't I can tell you just want to protect me" she said pushing herself up so she was sitting on the bed now looking up at him with her sweet blue eyes.

"You are so innocent..." he whispered, his eyes held sadness. "And he took that from you..." He pulled out an amber necklace. "I... found this....I had wanted to give it to my sister to help her....because I hoped it would... take her curse away....though I don't know what it will do... I want you to have it though.... it would only be temperary for as long as you wear the necklace...but....please...I wish to see the innocent young woman that He has dropped into this world...." He held out the necklace, kneeling infront of her so that he was the one looking up slightly at her.

She took the necklace in her hand. "Its beautiful Lei" she said gazing at it. Gently she put it on just to make him happy.

She felt her tail disappear, as well as her ears, and all of the things Kristoph had done to her. Lei just knelt there looking at her softly.

"I'm human again" she said surprised looking down at herself. Sadness suddenly filled her face, she felt so plain and ugly in this body she didnt like looking like this she didnt like being human again she had never been happy in her human body.

Her portions were back to how they were before Kristoph enlarged them. Lei's eyes continued to look up at her, his eyes never lossing their softness.

"This necklace is for your sister I can't except it but thank you Lei for the thought" she said with a soft smile as she took it off and everything turned back to what Kristoph had changed about her, she hated her human side she felt ugly and like she didnt belong anywhere as that. Gently she handed him the necklace back.

Lei took the necklace, and leaned forward, placing it back around her neck, removing the enchantments of Kristoph again. His face was just inches from her own. He smiled softly at her. "Beautiful...." he whispered. "No matter your appearance...." Lei leaned up and in farther, his lips pressing gently against her's. His lips were soft. One of his hands rested on the bed, balancing himself, while the other hand wrapped behind her, coming to rest gently on the back of her neck.

Mary blushed bright red as he kissed her, she couldnt help it she just melted into the kiss with him.

Lei pulled back slowly, obviously not wishing to. "Mary...." he whispered, his eyes were looking into her eyes, holding so much emotion in them, his face back to being only inchesfrom her's. He still held his hand on the back of her neck, a finger gently and slowly curessing her neck just behind an ear.

She gazed into those beautiful eyes of his lost in them. She just wanted to keep gazing into those ice blue eyes of his that held so much warmth, so much emotion for her.

"You are the most beautiful human I have ever seen..." he whispered, into her ear after having leaned back in more, before kissing her neck.

"Lei" she blushed feeling the truth in his simple words it made her heart pound with joy.

Lei kissed her neck again, and then moved back to kneeling infront of her. He looked up at her face. "Such a beautiful innocent mortal...." he said gently. "I wish I had been able to have met you before now...I want to protect you...."

"Oh Lei" she said softly and shyly wishing she could see what he saw in herself.

Lei stood up, taking her hands as he did, pulling her up with him. He then pulled her into a tight hug, his face burried into her neck.

Mary squeeked blushing bright red and blushed as he rubbed his face into the curve of her neck, it was like he wanted her scent all over him. She blushed loving the feeling.

"I will protect you, Mary....know that...please...." he whispered into her neck softly. "It hurts knowing whats happened to you....and I couldn't stop it...."

"Don't blame yourself you didnt know me before Lei" she said blushing at how sweet and romantic he was being to her and he didnt even know her.

Lei continued to hug her tightly, he's face still burried into her neck. She felt something damp brush against her shoulder. "I...said before...he did don't remember the gell implanting itself in you....and I as a mouse trying to get it out......I felt helpless to save you..."

"I'm sorry I just don't remember" she said hugging him back confused on what had happened to her that he was talking about.

"I don't you don't remember...but please know that I'm not lying about it......I wouldn't lie to you about that.....I..." he stopped, then kissed her on the lips. " you..."

Mary looked up at him surprised. "You love me?" she asked not believing it so many years in this human body of hers and not a single man had shown interest in her. Then this gorgeous beautiful man suddenly wants her.

"Yes....I feel it in my heart....." he said softly, burrying his head in her neck.

"Oh Lei" she blushed bright red snuggling in his arms gently

Lei kissed her neck. "I love you...and I will get us away from here....." he whispered into her neck.

"How though? Master is much to strong for you" she said pulling back from him looking up at him.

Lei looked down at her. "Please trust me...."

"Alright, I trust you" she said sweetly so adorably looking down at the floor she was so timid like a mouse as she stood there looking like her human self again.

"Mary..." Lei said softly, placing a finger under her chin, and tilted her face to look at him. His bright eyes stared gently into her's. He placed his lips on her's.

Mary blushed and sighed softly deeply and happily kissing him back.

Lei pulled back. "I will think of a way for us to escape.... please fight him...."

"But I can't do that" she said with big sad eyes. "Whenever I'm around master..." she hugged herself pulling herself from Lei her back facing him looking down at the floor.

Lei's arms wrapped around her from behind, and she felt his face being planted into her neck. "I love you...please don't turn from me upset..." he whispered into her neck. "He's doing something....I'm not upset...."

He could tell she was still so nervous so timid around him like this as a human. "I cannot fight him is the thing Lei, no matter what you ask I cannot fight him." she felt like she loved her master.

"I'll save you from him....I promise...." he whispered into her ear. He turned her slowly around, staring down at her then kissed her forehead.

Mary didnt say anything she just snuggled into his arms. She hated being a human even with him she hated looking like this she felt gross and ugly no matter how many times he called her beautiful.

"Tell me what's on your mind, Mary...." he asked softly, sitting down on the bed, pulling her gently into his lap.

"Its nothing really" she said softly looking down at her lap. she never seemed to want to meet his eyes as if it made her uncomfortable.

" afraid...I'm just going to leave you...?" he whispered into her ear, hugging her tight to him, his face in her neck.

"This is just who I am as a human Lei..." she said softly her aura seemed to just ooze sadness and being depressed.

Lei pulled her closer. "I love you, Mary...I can't see why someone as kind....I can't see how others can't see what I see right now...."

Mary just couldnt believe him it was just who she was.

Lei sat her down on the bed, then slipped off the necklace from around her neck. He stood up, watching her sadly. "Mary...." he whispered. Lei turned and walked to the window. He shook, and he didn't want to let her she him as weak as he seemed to have become. Tears silently rolled down his face.

"Lei" she put her hands over her heart laying her leopard ears back worriedly. "I'm sorry..." she said softly walking over putting her hands on his back.

"I want you happy.....if you're wanting to be like can be like this....." Lei said softly. "Mary....I...." Footsteps sounded outside, and Lei spun again, and Mary could clearly see Lei's face and the tears that stained it. He waved a hand and the clothing on her was gone, and he was slipping under the bed.

Kristoph opened the door just then. "Come here my pet...."

"Yes master" she said going over to him obediently.

He wrapped an arm around her waist, and kissed her deeply.

Mary couldn't help but melt into his arms kissing him back she always felt so beautiful in her master's arms for the woman he changed her into.

Kristoph just looked down at her. "What a masterpiece I have made..."

Mary blushed and giggled cutely with a smile on her face as he gazed down at her.

"No perfect yet...." he thought out loud.

You are you were before him... Mary heard Lei in her mind.

Mary felt so loved to hear lei say that to her. "I'm sorry that my appearance still displeases you master" she said looking up at him. She was nervous on what was going to happen next.

Kristoph did something, and then she felt her hands clawed, and her lower half of her body like that of a large cat standing up.

Mary looked down at herself she didnt like this the other form she had been fine with but this was just to much. Lei I don't like this I don't like this at all she said scared and sad.

Mary...I'm here she heard.

" not...I will have to think move on this..." he said, moving away from her, waving his hand, changing her back to how she had be, before leaving the room.

When she knew he was gone she turned seeing Lei standing there by the bed again she ran over to him in tears. "Oh Lei" she said crying softly.

Lei's strong arms wrapped around her. "I'm so sorry, Mary..." he whispered.

"Don't leave me" she whimpered muffled against his chest, she felt her clothing shift and change again back to the beautiful green outfit.

"I won't ever leave you....." he whispered holding her. Then they both heard a child's scream from below them, through the floor.

She whimpered burying herself deeper against his chest in tears at the sound of the scream. "oh Lei" she cried.

Lei held her closer. "I'm here...but that's strange... I thought these were stone floors...."

"That scares me even more Lei..." she whimpered sadly burying herself against him.

Lei hugged her close, then sat her down on the bed, and started to feel around the floor.

"Lei what are you doing don't" Mary whimpered pulling her legs up to her chest.

Lei moved a rug. They both saw a trap door. "Mary..." he said softly. ((Just so you know the screaming has stopped after the first time...))

((I know she's still scared though)) Mary hugged her legs still scared to leave the room to go down where teh scream had come from.

Lei opened up the trap door looking down. "Hmm....maybe..." He looked at Mary. "This may be the only way to get out of here....without trying to climb out the window..."

"But that scream... who knows what the hell is down there" She whimpered scooting away scared.

"I will look.... Alright?" he asked gently. "I will be back...."

"Alright, be be careful lay" she said softly and sweetly.

Lei nodded, and slipped down into the trap door. A few minutes later, she heard footsteps coming towards the door.

Mary hugged her legs to her chest wondering if it was the master.

She could sense that it was, and she could see her dress, the necklace sitting on the bed, and the open trapdoor.

Mary couldnt stand it she had to run she grabbed her dress and necklace and bolted for the trap door jumping down.

As she fell, Lei caught her. "Mary?"

"We have to go now he's going into my room we have to make a run for it now if we're ever going to" she said in a whispered tone in his arms gazing at the shadow cast figure of his face with those beautiful eyes filled with fire gazing down at her.

"Her as well..." he said.

"Her?" Mary asked confused.

Lei pointed to a corner of the room, and there laying on the floor was a little five year old girl.

Mary gasped in horror. "Oh heavens that poor girl" Tears filled her eyes seeing her then she looked up at Lei. "We have to save her" she whispered. Suddenly they heard shouting from the level above. "We have to go now Lei" she said as tears of fear glistened in her eyes.

Lei hurried over to the girl, scooping her up, craddling her against his chest, he took Mary's hand and kicked out the door, and ran with them.

Mary held his hand tight running off down the hall following him she prayed with all her heart they would be able to get out.

Nickoli hugged him back. "Thank you for finding me..."

"I think we found each other."

He nodded. "I...agree..."

He smiled and kissed his neck

Nickoli shivered, leaning into the kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you too Miach..."

He smiled happily

Nickoli leaned into his chest.

He kissed him gently and held him

He kissed back, and shyly ran fingers over his chest.

He purred in pleasure. "I love you."

" too..."

He massaged his back

Nickoli sighed at his touch.

"You ok?"

" good..."

He kissed his neck

He trembled, seeming to purr.

He smiled. "Like that?"

Nickoli nodded, his eyes's closed.

He did it again

He purred again.

He smiled and kissed him

He kissed back.

"I love you."

"I love you too Miach..." he whispered.

He smiled and kissed his neck

Nickoli shivered, blushing.

He smiled and nibbled

Nickoli made a purring noise.

"Aww that's cute."

Nickoli blushed, turning away. "I..."


Nickoli just blushed deeper.

He looked confused and a little worried. "Is something wrong?"

"You...made me purr....nothing's wrong....."

He smiled and kissed him

He blushed kissing back.

He started to slip his clothes off

Nickoli blushed deeper, at Miach seeing his body.

"we made love already, is it still strange?"

"Miach...I..." Miach felt a trembling hand take hold of his manhood gently rubbing it.

He groaned in pleasure.

Nickoli looked down blushing.

"Do it again my love.'

Nickoli did as he was told, and gently started to rub his manhood again.

he gasped in pleasure. "Oh Nickoli." He started to undress him

Nickoli blushed as he did.

He kissed him. "You are so adorable."

Nickoli blushed deeply.

He kissed his neck

He purred.

"What would you like to do now?"

Nickoli blushed. He wanted Miach to be happy. He moved down and started to suck Miach's manhood.

He groaned in pleasure his body trembling

Nickoli took it as far as it will go into his mouth.

He arched against him. "OH GOD!" He groaned

An old friend of mine and Baine's...

"Really? So he is good? But why would I dream of him...I haven't met him...and he thanked me for helping him..."

Strange....maybe you are going to save him in the future..."

"I couldn't even save myself..."He said sadly

<i>You can save people in many ways...


The 'how' is up to you....

He looked down not sure what to say.

I don't know where he is...I haven't seen him in years....

He looked up in worry. "You don't think...Claude has you?"

There are other evils in this world...

he shivered. "Someone worse than Claude?"

If not equal...

"Than...we need to save him..."

I don't even know if he is being held....thank you though for your care... she thought to him nuzzling his hand.

He stroked her fur still worried

Baine got up, and came over to them. "Ready for the last bits of the travel?"

He nodded nervously

Baine offered him his hand.

He took it

They popped into several locations until they appeared in a park that Erebain recognized as being in Japan.

He looked happy to be in his native country. "Home..."

It's pretty...

Baine nodded.

"How close are we to my parents."

Baine sighed and yawned. "I think at least a mile...."

"Can we walk it or do you need rest?"

"I can walk...." Baine said, with a small smile.

he offered his arm for support

"Thanks..." he said taking it.

He helped support him as they walked

After a while, he came to familiar streets.

"We are closer!" He said wanting to be home

Baine nodded.

He helped him head toward his home

They made it to the house. The wolf was hidden.

He hesitated not sure if he should proceed

"Erebain..." Baine said softly as if to say go ahead.

He walked forward his body trembling and knocked on the door.

The door opened, and his mother stood there. "Erebain!" She rushed him into a hug.

He cried into her

"What happened?" she cried.

"I..."He shook his head afraid she would hate him if he said.

"Erebain?" she asked.


"What?! Who raped you!? What happened!?"

He looked down and slowly told her, sure she would hate him

"OH my poor baby...."

He looked up. "You...don't hate me?"

"You're my baby boy....I want you safe..."

"B..but not pure...."

She kissed his forehead. "My baby..."

"I...was willing a few times..."


"I...loved....him...he was first...I am sorry...I will le...leave...:

She held her. "No....I don't want to lose you again..."

"But...I failed you and not ....pure..."

" were taken from us...." She held him tighter. "I'm not losing you again."

He cried into her

Baine and the wolf watch

"Oh my baby..."

"They...saved me..."He whispered pointing to them

He sighed. "I know...."

She hugged him. "What should we do?"

"Just hang out..."

"Where? I am kept at home all the time since Christopher...since he died."

"The park...or the movies..."


Kiar smiled, "To the park we go..."

She smiled and hugged him

He hugged back, then took her hand and walked with her to the park.

She walked with him enjoying the day

Kiar bought them ice cream and a boat ride on the large pond.

She smiled and laughed with him enjoying his company, she felt like a normal teen with him.


She shivered and looked around in fear

"Chris...?" Kiar said worried.

"I....hear his voice again...telling me to die..."

Kiar pulled her to his chest. "I'm here for you love..."

She hugged him thankfully

"It'd hurt if you weren't in this life with me....."

She hugged him. "I don't know how I got by without you."

"I couldn't imagine more of my life without you..."

She smiled and kissed him

He kissed back.

"Love you."

"I will always love you..."

Chris kissed him. "I feel the same."

"I won't leave you..."

She smiled and kissed him

Kiar smiled, and then kissed her neck.

She moaned softly

Kiar sat down under a tree.

She leaned against him

He held her close, stroking her head. "You have been so wonderful to me...."

She blushed. "You've done the same for me." ((oh...she is thinking of doing it with him if he wants lol...even though she is a teen but she loves him))


He leaned closer, kissing and nibbling her neck.

She blushed and moaned softly

He ran a hand up and down her side, still kissing her.

she gasped softly. "I love you."

"I love you...." he whispered, nipping her neck, as a hand went up her shirt.

She blushed and gasped. "Love you too...but shouldn't we go somewhere private?"

"Only if you wish to..." he whispered into her neck.

She blushed and slowly nodded. "I...if you want to..."

"I will do what you wish..."

She blushed, " you..."

Kiar walked with her from the park, and headed towards an apartment.

She blushed following

Kiar lead her inside, her finding a simple apartment with very little furniture.

"Oh live on your own?"

Kiar nodded. "I told you....that I am a demon....I have lived for some parents died long ago..."

She nodded and hugged him.

He held her close.

She kissed him

He kissed back, his hands exploring her sides.

She blushed but leaned in

Kiar started to kiss her neck.

She moaned in pleasure

"Tell me when you want me to stop..." he whispered, his hands running up and down her sides.

She blushed and moaned softly. " want...I will...go...all the ...way..."She whispered with a blush

She held on to his arm as they headed to the theater.

He smiled and kissed the top of her head

"Love you...and I hope this movie is as great as the trailers..."

He nodded and put an arm around her shoulder. "Same here, but I am just happy to be with you."

She leaned against him. "Me too..."

He smiled.

Kailiena sighed, smiling.

"I love you."

"I love you...Loki..." she said softly, then kissed his cheek.

He smiled and gently kissed her. "Love you too."

She blushed. "Where do you want to"

"I don't choose."

"I could make you some good helps to calm the mind...."

"That sounds nice."

"My....apartment?" she asked shyly.

He nodded with a smile

She lead him back to a small roof apartment. "I know it's not much...but...."

"It's fine...It looks cozy."

She blushed, nodding. "Thanks....Loki...."

"I like it."

She blushed more and went to go get the tea.

he smiled looking around her place

She had copies of books she had written, and her place had a mix of elvish and mortal items.

He began to inspect them

There were alot of interesting items. "Enjoying yourself..." she asked coming in with tea.

"I like the decor."


he nodded. "Yes."

She kissed his cheek, then handed him his tea.

"Thank you. I love the feel of your feels a home should."

She blushed. "thank you..."

He smiled and kissed her

She kissed back, blushing.

He smiled. "Anything you wish to talk about love?"

"I..." she blushed.

He nodded. "Yes?"

She kissed him.

He kissed back

She snuggled into his chest. "Stay with me....." she whispered.

"I will as long as I can love."

"No....stay here....with me...." she whispered, blushing.

"But if they come..."


"What if the ones I work for find us? I don't want you hurt."

She looked down. "I understand....."

He held her close. "I want to...believe me I want to. But I want you safe."

"It's okay....I don't want you to get in trouble..."

He kissed her. "I love you with all my heart."

"I love you too..."

He kissed her

She kissed back.

"I don't want anything happening to you.'

"I know Loki...I understand..."

He held her close

She kissed him.

He kissed back

"What if he kills her?"

"We get him if he does.......I'm mother will get the cops involved..."

She nodded and leaned against her

"I called the police...they said we have to wait forty-eight hours....Eve you are welcome to stay here...." said Diaca's mother coming to the doorway.

"Thank you..." She said softly.

"I'm going to go call your father, Diaca, and tell him what's going on...."

Diaca nodded. "Thanks mom..."

Her mom left the room.

She snuggled against her

Diaca's arms held onto Eve tightly and protectively.

Eve fell asleep

She dreamed that her mother was safe and sound.

She sighed in relief. "Mom..."

She felt a gentle hand caress her face as she slept.

She opened her eyes

Diaca was leaning over her stroking her hair and cheek.

"Thank you for everything..."

"I love you...."

"I love you...I dreamed she was ok..."

Diaca kissed her forehead. "That's wonderful...."

"I hope it is true."

Diaca rubbed her back. "I'll pray it is...."

She nodded

Diaca kissed her, gently.

She blushed kissing back

Diaca brushed a hand over Eve's thigh shyly.

She blushed her eyes going wide.

Diaca looked down. "Sorry..."

"I...I...l..liked it..."She whispered

Diaca moved her hand up higher, "Really?"

She blushed and a small moan escaped her. She nodded again

Diaca softly laid Eve back, her fingers now teasing her.

She gasped and moaned her body trembling

"I promise...I won't hurt you...." Diaca whispered, pressing two fingers slowly deep into Eve.

She gasped and shivered. "Oh..."

"I...didn't hurt you did I?" asked Diaca softly.

She blushed. ""She said with a blush as she took off her shirt and bra. She shockingly tried to pull Diaca's off too

Diaca helped her, blushing. "You...really want to do this?" she whispered.

She blushed deeply. 'I...if you want to..."

Diaca started to suck on Eve's nipples and play with her other breast.

She moaned in pleasure her body trembling. She took two fingers and began to tease Diaca between the legs

Diaca moaned softly, biting down gently on Eve's nipple, pushing in two fingers of her own.

She gasped and arched against her

She gently pinched her clitoris with her other hand.

She moaned in pleasure

She moved her mouth down, and nibbled her clitoris.

She moaned in pleasure

She sucked on it, pushing her finger in deeper.

She arched against the touch

Slowly her whole hand entered her.

AAAAAAAAAhhhnnn" She gasped her body arching and trembling

She moved it in and out slowly.

She arched

"I love you...." she said breathlessly.


"Eve...." Diaca whispered pulled her her hand out slowly.

She moaned in pleasure

Diaca hugged Eve close.

She fell asleep

Tarsas looked at the bitemark

He saw a nice size gash.

He growled and called in a healer

A healer came and began to work of his neck.

"will it heal?"

"Yes will, sir..."

He nodded.

Vann was slowly waking up.

"Is there anything else you need, sir?"

"Rope." He said turning to Vann and caressing his cheek. "You are mine."

"Yes sir..." the healer quickly left, and then came back with rope.

He bound Vann who tried to struggle weekly. "Leave us."

"Yes sir..." the healer said, and left the room as a scream sounded.

He smirked as he started to undress Vann who struggled. "Please...don't.."

Vann could feel Naya's fear, for him.

He struggled more

"Don't struggle...enjoy it."

"You sick bastard!"

He heard his name through the thick walls.

He struggled harder and cried out in pain as Tarsas thrust into him roughly and began to have his way with him. "N...NO! PLEASE!" He said struggling.

"You like it...admit it." Tarsas said thrusting in and out and slowly draining him enough so he couldn't fight that well

A knock came at the door.

"Who is it?" He snapped in irritation still raping Vann who had his eyes shut tightly unable to fight anymore.

"Me..." came the familiar voice of Kristoph, a very wealthy donor to this organization.

he sighed and pulled out quickly dressing and going to the door. "Yes?"

Vann lay where he was tears in his eyes.

"I had thought to come and check to see how everything thing was going, my friend..."

A scream streamed into the room, and Vann knew it was Naya.

Vann struggled to get up. "N...NAYA!"

Tarsas cursed. "I will be back soon." He said to Chrystoph and hurried to investigate

Kristoph nodded to Tarsas, and then smirked at Vann. "I have her now..." he said simply.

"Let her go....bastard!" Vann managed as a dark glow began to swirl around him and his eyes turned black a pulse of power resonated from Vann

"What power...." Kristoph whispered. "Come and get her if you have the courage..."

He struggled to his feet and vanished. He reappeared behind him and attacked

Kristoph laughed, dodging.

"Please give her back..."He said fangs and black wings sprouting. Shadows swirling around him and attacking him

"Tarsas! You're pet is escaping!" Kristoph shouted, smiling at Vann.

The shadows tightened around Kristoph. "Where is she?" His voice sounded different

In my realm!

"Take me to her, or return her!"

"I think your master won't be happy to lose his toy..."

"I want her now!" He snarled the wall cracking due to the force of the shadows.

"If you want to be with her.... I'm sure that we can fix that....but not yet...." Kristoph said, still smiling.

Tarsas was able to get to the room.

"What the hell?!" He asked confused at how strong Vann was.

Kristoph looked at him. "Tarsas...!"

"The girl was taken...but how does he have this power?!"

"It is because the girl was taken....that is all I know..."

"I want to know who took her." He growled as he headed toward Vann intent on draining him.

He lashed out at both of them

Kristoph just disappeared. Careful Tarsas...temper, temper...

Vann cursed. "He...took her..."

Tarsas froze. "You lie."

Yes...I did.... they heard.

He cursed in anger. Vann turned into a raven and took flight. Tarsas tried to stop him 

Vann made it out of the room.

Tarsas called for workers to stop him

Guards ran into the room, going after the raven.

he tried to find a way out.

Tarsas worked at finding a way to Kristoph

Vann found a door that opened to the outside that an unsubspecting guard was walking in from.

Tarsas....may you? came Kristoph's voice.

Why did you take her?!

He flew out trying to find Naya

I want a new test subject...

You have no right to take my property!

Yes I do...

What gives you the right? I found her not you!

I wasn't planning on keeping her...she is much too young.... <

Than why take her in the first place?!

To experiment on I have done with many others...

Am I getting her back?

Vann felt that she was not in the city.

he tried to find her flying out of the city and calling his companion to him

His companion joined him.

Find Naya

His companion flew off. He didn't feel her in the imediate area..

He cawed in despair looking for her

he caught her scent near a large manor.

He headed that way and called his companion back to him

Naya struggled weakly as she was put in the room the guards had been told to put her in.

Some of the guards laughed.

"Please...let us go..." she begged, crying. She had used so much energy that she had shifted back.

One of the guards secured her. "I'm afraid not. Your friend is of interest in more then a few ways and you are powerful."

Naya struggled. "Vann!"

He smirked. "Too bad you aren't older, looks like you will be a beauty some day...if you last that long."

Naya cried. "Brother...." she whispered.

He grinned and laughed. "Wanna see what he does with his interests?"

"Please...." she cried. "Let us go...! Vann! Brother!!"

He smirked and turned on a screen that showed the room with Vann. "Set back and enjoy the show."

"NO! Vann!!! VANN!!" she screamed.

The man smiled

Naya hugged herself, and cried as any five year old child would. She was weak for what she had done before.

The man laughed at her. "Aww don't look away, it's about to get good."

"He....took me off the streets....he is kind...but you're doing this to us....VANN!" she screamed still holding herself.

He laughed

She spat at him.

A knock came at the door.

He went to the door. "Yes?"

A cloaked figure stood there, silently.

"Who are you?"

The figure backhanded him, and scooped up Naya who screamed.

The men tried to stop the figure

Naya struggled in the figure's arms. The figure waved an arm and the men in the room flew back hitting the walls. The cloaked figure started to leave with a struggling Naya as Tarsas came up.

"Stop now!" He growled

"I have my orders from higher up...." the figure said, over Naya's screams. He then disappeared with her.

he cursed and rushed back to where Vann was

Devin nodded, following.

He smiled and began to look up the films reading what they were suppossed to be about


"Ok sure." He said with a smile

Devin nodded smiling shyly.

He smiled and lead him outside heading for the movie theater

Devin walked shyly beside him.

"I am here..."He said tying to get to know him further

He found out some of the horrible things that families had said that Devin had lied about.

He gently hugged him.

"Thank you..." he whispered, hugging him back.

"I am here for you."

"Thank you...."

"I am here for you."

Devin smiled a little. "You said that...." he gave a small laugh.

He smiled. "I like your laugh."

Devin blushed.

He smiled

Devin blushed looking at him. "Really?"


Devin leaned against him.

"Love you." He said with a blush

"" Devin whispered back.

He gently kissed him

Devin let the kiss wash over him.

He held him close

"Can...can I....draw you....?"

He blushed and nodded. "If you want to.'

"I want's just I've never asked before..."

He blushed and nodded. "Of course."

Devin kissed him quickly, then ran off to is drawing book and pencils. He came back quickly.

He smiled. "How do you want me posed?"

"I...I don't like posed..." Devin whispered, looking down.

He hugged him gently. " want me to be natural?"

Devin nodded.

He did as asked

Devin pulled out his sketch pad, and started to draw.

He waited

Devin's pencil moved swiftly around the pad.

He enjoyed the sunlight and just happily waited

"Huh...Kiyoshi...?" came Devin's voice softly.


Devin looked down at his sketch, blushing.

"What's wrong?"

He showed him a beautiful drawing of him.

He blushed. "It's wonderful!"

" is?" Devin asked looking up at him, like a little child wanting approval.

He hugged him close. "You are really good you should enter into the school competition"

"I....I was always told it was a waste of time...."

"No. It isn't you are very talented!"

Devin blushed.

he smiled.

"Thank you...."

"I was only being honest."

"I've never been treated this kindly, Kiyoshi...."

"I love you."

"I love you too Kiyoshi...and...Tarsas, too..."

"I want you happy."

She tried to move away

She didn't feel anything any more.

She trembled in fear still afraid she was losing her mind

"Sweet heart...I made soup...." her mother had come into the room.

"Mom...I keep hearing that voice..."

Her mom set down the bowl and went over to her, hugging her. "Shh.... I'm here..."

"Am I going insane?"

"'re just sick....that's all..."

"Why am I hearing a voice that is so cruel...and possessive?"

"I don't know, sweetheart...."

She shivered in fear

Her mother held her close, rocking her.

She closed her eyes

Her mother kissed her forehead, gently.

"Love you mother."

"I love you too baby..."

"Is dad at work?"

"I had called him...he is on his way home..."

She nodded

"Just rest...I won't leave...okay baby...."

She nodded and closed her eyes to rest

She felt her mother stroking her hair gently.

she fell asleep

She dreamed of a young girl, barely five years old.

She frowned watching

There was something about her eyes.

She tried to figure out who she was.

The image disappeared before she could figure it out.

She frowned in her sleep

She felt herself being gently awoken. "Sweety...?"


"Your father and brother are here.... let's go downstairs and eat with them....okay?" her mother said gently.

She nodded and got up. ((remember this is her birthday and the day her father promised her to the god))

Her mother started to help her get changed.

She thanked her

Her mother led her downstairs. "How are you feeling?" came her father's voice.

"I...don't know..."She told him about the voice

"Strange...." her father said.

She felt her brother hug her. "I was so worried about you..."

She hugged him back. "I...think I am better."

"I'm glad..."

I'm coming for you my pet...

She stiffened, "I...hear it again..."

There came a knock on the door. Her father went and answered it. When he came back, she heard someone come in with him. "Sweet heart..."

"Yes mother?"

"Hello my dear...." came a calm male voice. It sounded like a kinder version of voice for her mind.

She shivered. "Go're faking kindness!"

"Miss....what are you speaking of?" he said

"Sweetheart, don't be rude..."

" that voice...but kinder sounding...but it is him..."

"Your daughter doesn't know about the promise that was made to me?"

"W..what is he talking about?"

"We promised you to a god..."

She stiffened. "W...what? He is the one who ....the voice...I don't know him...I don't love him....I....NO!" She screamed running for her room. She tripped and fell

She was helped up but a strong hand. "You were promised to me....and you need to be more careful...."

She slapped his hands away. "You...tried things...with me!"

((the voice touched her leg and kept touching her remember))

Kyo walked with his sister surveying their surroundings

They saw a great plain with trees in the distance.

He held his sister's hand nerviously.

"Kyo...." Zyasmia whispered. "I don't like this...." She froze, looking down at the ground.

"You ok?"

"The ground....there's a black road...river....I...I don't know..." she said pointing.

He took a stone and threw it onto the road. "It...didn't sink..."

"I still don't like it..." she whispered.

"What should we do?"

"I...I don't know......"

"What if we follow it but don't walk on it?"

Zyasmia nodded. "Okay.... may lead to a town... or village..."

He nodded taking her hand and walking with her

She stayed close to him as they walked. They saw a frog hop across the black 'river'.


Christoph walked with an unopened letter toward the address his mother had told him to go to. She had been more angry this time than before and had him pack a bag with some of his belongings. She had told him he couldn't come back, even if his father turned him away. He wasn't sure if he should be happy or sad.

He came up to a huge manor. ((so nervous and scared...)

He went to the door and rang the door bell

A young girl with big breasts, and wearing a skimpy outfit answered. "Yes?"

"Oh...I guess I have the wrong place....sorry..." He said turning to leave a blush of embarassment on his face. She shouldn't wear that...

Raidon drove toward the address the investigators had given his adopted parents, both excited and apprehensive at the possibility of meeting his biological father

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