Page name: Dark World Chapter 7 [Exported view] [RSS]
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2010-04-05 21:10:08
Last author: Gypsy Mystik
Owner: Gypsy Mystik
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Dark World Chapter 7

Liangelus smiled, nodding. "Yes ma'am..."

Neoryi laughed.

"So how have the children been today?" Quiyue asked curiously. "I hope taking care of all ofthem wasnt to hard on the two of you"

"Its been fun..." smiled Liangelus. "No worries..."

"Good I'm glad to hear that" Quiyue smiled.

"They were all so cute today" Marzena said with a smile.

"I'd hope so...seeing we're going to be having more..." Neoryi said with a smile.

"So very true" Marzena giggled as Quiyue giggled with her.

The guys laughed with them.

The girls finished up their food as they enjoyed the rest of their little meal.

The guys hugged the girls.

Marzena snuggled happily against Liangelus just breathing in his rich scent.

Quiyue laid her head on Neoryi's shoulder just feeling so at peace.

Neoryi kissed Quiyue's neck.

Liangelus hugged Marzena close.

"We should probably go check on the kids" Quiyue said sweetly looking up at Neoryi.

Neoryi nodded. Looking at his brother, he said, "We'll watch the children now..."

Marzena smiled. "That sounds wonderful thank you both very much" she said kindly to them.

Neoryi took Quiyue's hand and head off to the nursery.

Marzena watched them walk off together and snuggled happily against Liangelus's side once more

"They are going to have a hand full..."

"yes they are" she giggled.

Liangelus kissed her.

Marzena kissed him back gently, she pulled back gazing up at him. "Now since we have the evening together what shall we do?" she asked lovingly.

"I was thinking...a quiet walk, just us...."

"That sounds marvelous" she said lovingly gazing up at him.

He took her arm, and started to lead her outside.

Marzena hugged herself against his arm happily walking with him.

He kissed her forehead.

"I'm so happy here with you my darling" she said lovingly hugging his arm tight.

"As am I...."

Marzena sighed happily enjoying the feeling of being with him like this, so at peace.

She just had a day dream of Liangelus being killed.

Marzena yelped coming out of it and whimpered scared.


"Oh heavens how aweful" she put her hand on her head. "I I just had a day dream... like a vision" tears were in her eyes. "I saw you killed" she said in a pain filled voice. He knew the legends of what she was and how she was able to see things in dreams and in time able to manipulate illusions and who knows what else she would be able to come into power.

Liangelus pulled her into a tight hug. "I'm here love...I'm not going anywhere..."

Marzena sniffled and cried softly.

He kissed her.

Marzena kissed him back as she held herself close in his wonderful embrace.

Liangelus took her into a clearing.

Marzena hugged his arm as they walked into the big beautiful clearig.

A deer ran by.

Marzena gazed at the deer as it lept across the clearing.

Liangelus kissed her cheek.

Marzena gently curessed his cheek and pulled him down in a gentle kiss. "I love you so much" she said lovingly and longingly as she gazed into his beautiful eyes of his.

"I love you as well my darling..."

She pulled him down once more kissing him in a long deep and amazing kiss that sent this body on fire.

Liangelus pushed her to the ground, kissing her.

Marzena giggled and sighed softly and happily melting into the amazing kiss with him as she laid there in the soft grass.

"I love you with all my heart..."

"And I love you with all of my heart" she said lovingly gazing up curessing his cheek gently. "Your so handsome in the soft light of the forest" she said as she gave him a little kiss.

"You are more beautiful than the rarest flower...."

"Oh Liangelus" she blushed bright red and lovingly.

"It is true...."

She buried herself into his strong muscular arms feeling so loved.

He licked her neck. "Tasty..."

"Oh don't eat me mister dragon" she said playfully gazing up at him.

"Too tasty...."

"Oooh?" she asked playfully then giggled as he nibbled her neck. She couldnt help but blush as he nibbled his way down her body.

He moved her dress up, and started to nibble and lick between her legs.

"Oh my" Marzena blushed and moaned happily at the feeling of what he was doing. she felt his strong hands grip her thighs keeping hr where she was.

She felt his extend farther into her, feeling that it, alone, had changed into his dragon's tongue.

"Oh Liangelus" she gasped out her fingers digging into the rich earth beneath them. "Oh heavens yes" she moaned deeply in pleasure.

His tongue pressed into all of the right spots.

"Liangelus!" she cried out in pleasure digging her fingers into the grass loving the feeling as he coursed through her she felt his hands tighten a little bit on her thighs to keep her where she was as he continued to have his fun.

He pushed her legs up so that they were in the air, which gave him a perfect view of her.

"Oh my" she squeeked out as he lifted her up and was now kneeling infront of her as he continued gazing down at her with the fire in his eyes. "Oh heavens Liangelus" she moaned deeply crying out looking so beautiful in the fading light as dusk covered the land.

He gently nipped her clitorus.

Marzena couldnt hold back as she felt the wave of pleasure crash over her as he brought her to the edge. She cried out deeply as he just kept working her.

He continued til she climaxed.

She cried out as he brought her to her climax then trembled in his hands with the lingering feelings of pleasure running through her body. "Heavens be merciful that felt good" she purred out happily.

"Tasty....." laughed Liangelus gently, smiling at her, setting down her legs.

She just made a happy sound, her legs felt like noodles she felt so good.

He pulled her close, stroking her hair.

Marzena happily snuggled against his chest. "I love you so much my handsome Dragon" she said in a pleasured happy tone against him. "

"My gorgeous unicorn...

She buried herself against his just so happy.

He scooped her up and started to head back to the tree house.

Marzena snuggled in his arms happily.

"We can't have you resting on the earth and grass all the time...can we? Bad for growing babes...."

"Yes so very true, bad for Mama's back to" she said cutely

"Yes...yes it is..." he said and kissed her neck as they headed up the elevator.

She giggled at the feeling and how sweet he was carrying her like this.

He carried her to their bedroom, and gently laid her out on their bed. "I love you...."

"I love you to" she said gazing up at him.

Liangelus nipped her neck.

Marzena gasped and gigged at the feeling.

He pulled her close, and started to make out with her.

Marzena slid in his arms enjoying the taste of him, enjoying being with him like this.

"I love you....all of you...."

She giggled feeling his hand slide up her dress over her stomach. "And we love you" she said lovingly kissing him once more.

Liangelus kissed her and then held her close, going to sleep.

Marzena soon fell asleep with him. dreaming peaceful dreams that night.

She saw the ring master felt that he was looking for her.

She Danced around his prying to find her once more, as he looked for her in the dreamscape.

She also felt that he was not only searching for something else.

Marzena watched and felt this curious on what he could be searching for now.

She saw the word: Kinulunia.

Marzena awoke quietly after seeing that word. She slid out of bed, it was the middle of the night. SHe snuck down the stairs heading off towards the library. Getting there she smiled seeing all the children snuggled up with Neoryi and Quiyue fast asleep. Walking over she gently laid a soft kiss on their heads lovingly. "Sleep well my little angels" she whispered lovingly before she headed off to see what she could find on the Kinulunia.

Kinulunia: So rare that it is said to be myth and not fact. It is believed to be a cross-breed of a unicorn and a griffin with powers the elements. It is said that if it had existed to have lived in the Diaon Forest. The Kinulunia is said to have many forms, that of a unicorn and of a griffin, which is why they are called a crossbreed of the two. It is able to walk the world in a humaniod form that looks much as an elf would. The Kinulunia's ultimate form is truly unknown but is rumored to have great wings, a long tail, and many other features of the unicorn and griffin, though the there are rumors of a dragon element to them. ((Alot more information in this library ^_^ ))

"Oooh that bastard" she grumbled to herself. She quickly and quietly made her way out of the library not waking the children. As she headed upstairs she looked around, she remembered her training back in her tribe, she found candles and incense around the house, Candles of blues and greens with a brown and a white as well. She also found a peice of chalk, heading outside. In an open area of the walkways, she placed everything off to the side, she began to sketch an intricate and beautiful circle. She placed the candles around the circle and lit the inscense by her. She sat in the circle in a lotus position resting her hands on her knees taking a deep breath she began to focus on everything around her, this would be the first time she entered the Dreamscape, not asleep.

It was difficult for a while, but we did eventually get into the Dreamscape.

She looked for the Kinulunia this time she had to warn it that the Ring Master was coming.

She ended up finding the Ring Master and a beautiful Elven woman.

She remembered what the book had said and could also feel the power from this woman she was the Kinulunia. Marzena was about to try something, she walked the dream land over looking the scene and whispered into the woman's ear. "Run that man is evil, he will capture you and you will never see your home again, he captures creatures and tortures them using thm to make money for himself you must flee." she whispered to the Kinulunia in her ear.

She could feel that the 'woman' knew that she had to run already.

Marzena watched worriedly that man had magic over charm he was a master of illusion and lying she didnt want another to fall to him.

She saw the beating of both their hearts, clearing in the Dreamscape.

"Oh my.. their is a connection there" she said not believing what she was seeing.

She saw him push back the feelings inside of him.

"Oh my well now.." She wondered if their was anyway she could influence that feeling inside of him. She focused herself to feel his emotions.

She felt that he knew what she was, and was fighting against his feels because he wished to use her.

Marzena would not let the woman fall into the dark hands of this man like she had. She went to the Ring Master and began to play with his emotions pulling the feelings of love and the need to be love to the surface. Bringing up those feelings of needing someone in his life.

She felt him fighting it.

"Damn it" She took a deep breath and focused her magic throwing it towards him and also towards the woman who she felt was also alone longing for a man in her life. Maybe she could turn this into something good. She stretched her power out all that she could pulling that love to a powerful force beneath the two.

She saw him turn from the young woman and saw in his heart why. She then saw the young woman called to him sadly, before she lost all of her focus in the Dreamscape.

Marzena gasped waking up her body felt so cold from having traveled the dreamscape like this, She felt so tired so weak. She suddenly felt dizzy. In the distance she heard a familiar male voice that she couldnt place, yell "Marzena!" as she fell backwards on the ground passing out.

She woke up in Liangelus's strong, protective arms. "Marzena?" he called worried.

"My head hurts" she grumbled out laying her head against his chest as he held her close. "I went into the dreamscape outside of sleep it, it took alot out of me" she said laying there in his arms.

"You'll become stronger....just by doing what I know of push to become stronger..." he whispered, and kissed her forehead.

"Thank yu sweetheart for believing in me" she said lovingly, She snuggled against his chest. He could tell she was exhausted.

He scooped her. "Let's get you to bed..."

"That sounds marvelous" she said lovvingly burying herself in his arms.

He carried her to bed, and laid her down beside him.

Marzena snuggled against him happily

"I hope you'll tell me sometime what you were doing before...."

"What do you mean?" she asked confused.

"In the Dreamscape..."

"Lets just say I was trying to keep another from ending up in the same place you and I had been in" she said cuddling his chest.

He held her closer.

Marzena let out a sigh loving the feeling of being in his arms and soon she drifted off to a peaceful dreamless sleep.

Quiyue hugged Neoryi's arm as she snuggled against his side as they walked together.

He kissed her.

Quiyue kissed him back happily as they walked together side by side.

When they got to the room, the children tackled them.

Quiyue laughed and hugged all of the children. "Hello little ones" she gave them all big hugs. "Oh I missed you all so much today"

"We missed you too mama, papa...." "...auntie.....uncle....." They then told them what they had done with Liangelus and Marzena.

"It sounds like you had such a fun day" Quiyue said with a big smile, then suddenly the kids realized she had a lot bigger belly then Marzena had.


"What is it little ones?" she asked not even thinking about her pregnant belly.

They pointed at her.

She looked at herself then giggled. "Oh yes I do look a little silly right now" she smiled.

"Bigger....than auntie/mama..."

"Yes, I'm bigger then your Auntie/mama because I'm farther along then her, the little ones growing inside of me are ummm how could you say?" she thought about it and looked to Neoryi for a little help.

((Ah...Wolf....both guys have down it with the girls in dragonoid Neoryi just did it first))

"You will know when you are older..."


((I know that, Quiyue was trying to explain the little ones inside of her were older then the ones in Marzena because Marzena and Liangelus had already told the kids that their siblings were growing inside her and Quiyue.))

"When your older" Quiyue patted their heads.

((lol ^_^ ))

Neoryi started to chase after the children.

Quiyue squeeked and giggled watching them lovingly.

The children tried to hide behind her.

Quiyue held her arms out playfully protecting the children. "Nope no children back here" she said cutely looking up at Neoryi

Neoryi grabbed her up in a kiss.

Quiyue squeeked and giggled sighing into the kiss as he pulled her into his arms and couldnt help but giggle hearing 'Ewwws' Coming from the children behind her.

Neoryi laughed.

Quiyue giggled turning and looking at the kids. "My silly little monsters" she giggled sweeped them up in his arms.

"roar!" they shouted, giggling.

"Oh no! Their going to eat me" she laughed as they climbed all over her.

Neoryi scooped her up. "I'll safe you..."

Quiyue squeeked and giggled as he cradled her in his arms out of reach of the kids.

The children jumped to try and get to her.

Quiyue giggled looking down at them a she was cradled in her love's arms'

The children looked at each other and popped out their wings.

"OH no.." laughed Neoryi, as he started to run.

Quiyue squeeled and giggled holding onto Neoryi tight.

The children flew after them giggling and shouting.

Quiyue held on tight and looked over Neoryi's shoulder watching the kids flying after them. "Wow their getting good" she whispered so only Neoryi could hear as he ran.

He nodded. "Yes yes it is..."

She squeeked and giggled as they headed down the stairs that lead down one of the trees to the library.

In the library, the children stopped. "OH WOW!" they all shouted, which echoed throughout the whole library.

"You sneaky man you" Quiyue said lovingly as he slid to a stop turning and looking at the kids.

Neoryi smiled and sat her down on the couch there. "Children....attack!"

all of the children 'attacked' her.

"Oh no they're eating me!" she giggled as they climbed all over her.

"Be careful....children...."

Quiyue hugged as many as she could close to her. "Awww my little cuties" she said sweetly.

They giggled. "Love you...."

"I love you to" she giggled and smield givin each of them little kisses.

Neoyri sat down on the floor, and leaned his head back on her stomach, having his lap attacked by more children.

Quiyue giggling loving the moment as it happened it was truely wonderful.

Children were curling up around both of them. "Looks like we've been wearing them out...." he laughed softly.

"Looks like it" Quiyue reached out and gently curessed neoryi's hair as they lounged there together with the kids. "They've had a long day of fun and excitement." she said sweetly.

"Yes they have...." he said, leaning his head back more, and smiled at her.

"Should we carry them offto bed?" she asked sweetly.

"I can't move....can you?" he asked softly.

"No you do have a good point" she said softly as well as she kept stroking his hair with her hand which was the only part of her that was really free.

"I love you...well.... we can get a jump start on teaching the children in the mornging..." he joked.

Quiyue giggled. "Yes that we can" she said cutely.

He smiled back at her.

"Well we should try to get some sleep" she said sweetly.

He yawned nodding in agreement. ""

"Love you to" she yawned as well and laid her head back trying to get to sleep.

She felt to sleep peacefully.

In the morning she awoke to the feeling of no kids on her. Opening her eyes she saw Neoryi on the other side of the room standing there teaching the kids a lesson as they sat on the floor around him.

Neoryi looked over at her smiling, and then bent down to the children, whispering to them.

Quiyue giggled watching them.

The children looked over to her, and rushed over to her telling her everything.

Quiyue listened to everything they had been learning about that morning. "Oh wow my darlings truely wonderful" she smiled.

They all hugged her.

"Now you should all go and continue your lessons" she said sweetly as she hugged tehm back.


"What about Daddy/Uncle?" he asked curiously.

"He said that we had to distract you..."

"Distract me?" she asked confused.

They nodded. When she looked to Neoryi, he was gone.

"Now where has that man gone?" she aked confused. "Well since your supposed to distract me why don't you pick out a book for me to read to you?" she asked with a smile.

They did, and handed it to her.

She began to read to them a one of the fairytales in the book.

A bowl of fresh fruit was placed infront of her in the middle of her reading.

She looked up seeing Neoryi. "Thank you my darling" she said lovingly.

"I love you...and I thought you'd like something to eat after watching up..."

"Truely wonderful thank you my love" she said sweetly looking up at him and took a bite of her fruit. "eat up my little ones their is plenty for all of us here" she said lovingly since they seemed hungery to when they saw the fruit.

The children dug into the fruit bowl.

Neoryi laughed at their actions.

Quiyue giggled as she ate the fruit with her little ones enjoying the snack.

Neoryi sat down beside her, pulling her against him.

Quiyue snuggled against him as she nibbled on her peices of fruit.

"I love you so much...." he whispered as he kissed her shoulder.

"I love you so much as well my darling" she said lovingly snuggling in his arms.

Some of the children were gathered around a book, looking like they were trying to read.

"Awww their so cute" she smiled seeing them like that. "Come here my little ones would you like me to read to you?" she asked sweetly.

It took three of them to bring the book to her, it looked like a book on all the creatures of many worlds.

"Oh my where did you find this?" she asked taking the book into her lap.

"It was open on the table....mama..."

"This is a very special book thats about all the creatures in many different worlds." she said as she began to flip th pages to show them images of different creatures.

"Pretty...." they said.

She smiled as all the kids gathered around her as she continued to go through the book.

Neoryi sat there watching as the children pointed out all the creatures that they really liked.

Quiyue smiled as they all had so much fun.

"Why doesn't this one have a picture mama?" one asked pointing to one titled Kinulunia.

She read the description of it. "Thats because no one has ever seen it before sweety so no one knows what it really looks like."

"What does myth mean?"

"It means that its a story passed down from one generation to another, that someone may have seen this creature a long time ago but no one in this day and age has ever seen it does not know if it is real." She said doing her best to explain.

"Oh!" they all said.

Quiyue giggled as they figured it all out.

Neoryi laughed as they all started to act like their favorite creature from the book.

Quiyue snuggled against Neoryi. "Arent they just so cute?" she asked sweetly looking up at him.

"Yes...yes they are...."

She got an idea, Suddenly she playfully snatched him and pulled him down kissing him deeply catching him off gaurd.

"Ah!" he kissed back.

She giggled pulling back. "I decided to play to" she said cutely.

"I see love.... " he said, nipping her neck.

She squeeked and giggled at the feeling loving it.

The children giggled, and jumped on them.

Quiyue laughed hugging the kids. "What are you up to" she giggled hugging them and giving them kisses.

"Giddy up mama/auntie....."

"OOoh one second" she moved them out of the way with a smile, she shifted into her huge tigeress form. Get on kids she said looking at them as she stood there, she looked cute to Neoryi with ehr big pregnant belly in this form.

He growled loudly.

"What are you growling at?" she asked looking at him curiously with her gorgeous eyes as the kids climbed up on her back.

You beautiful drives me crazy....

Lei hurried over to the girl, scooping her up, craddling her against his chest, he took Mary's hand and kicked out the door, and ran with them.

Mary held his hand tight running off down the hall following him she prayed with all her heart they would be able to get out.

Lei was able to lead her from the place that when she looked back was more like a castle.

She only looked back for a few moments then looked back ahead as they ran together getting away from that place.

After a bit, Lei stopped running, and handed the little girl to her. "You'll have to hold her..."

Mary timidly took the girl in her arms, she had always been horrible with children so she did her best not to hold the girl funny or drop her as they walked along together.

Lei looked at her with a smile, "You're doing wonderful...." he said kindly. He shifted into a large white tiger. I am a weretiger, Mary....which was why He had changed me into a mouse....climb on my back with her...we'll be able to travel faster than just running... He laid down for her to climb on.

"Your beautiful" she whispered gazing at him in his huge tiger form. When they were safe she promised herself she was going to take the time to learn every part of him. She gently ran her hand over hi back before climbing up. "When we're safe I want to really see you like this when we have the time" she said shyly and so adorably.

Lei nodded. Hold on...hold on tight to the girl... He started to run once she was ready.

Mary held the girl tightly to her and her free hand buried into his rich beautiful fur as she hung on tight to him.

Lei gracefully raced through the forest, leaping over streams and logs alike. Soon they ended up racing through a large plain.

Mary for the first time in a long time felt so at peice as Lei ran through the Plain, her hair whipped in the wind as he ran. She felt so wonderful riding him as the sun was setting in the distance. It was like something out of a fairy tale.

As the sun hit the horizon, Lei raced up to what looked like a nice sized cave. Once in the cave, he knelt down for her to get off.

Mary gently climbed off holding the little girl in ehr arms, she gently laid the girl down. "Sleep well little one" she said softly to the child even thogh she was out cold.

Lei shifted back. "Mary...."

Mary looked up at Lei. "Yes Lei?" she asked softly.

"Do you have the necklace?" he whispered.

Mary held it out in her hand for him. "Yes I made sure to grab it, I want to be sure your able to get it to your sister" she said shyly looking at the ground

"You need it..."

She looked up at him. "No but your sister needs it" she whispered softly so not to wake up the little girl. She squeeked as he grabbed her hand and pulled her up to her feet.

Lei pulled her into a hug. "Mary....I love you...." he said softly. He took the necklace, and scratched it so that there was fine powder in his hand from it. He blow it into her face so that it would go up her nose and in her mouth, go inside her.

She coughed and sneezed then felt her body began to tingle with the power from the powder. "Oh my whats going on?" she looked down at herself and saw her body turning back to normal. As her legs shifted back to normal she went from being not that much shorter down to alot shorter then him as she blushed and looked down as everything turned back to the way it was supposed to be.

Lei pulled her into a hug, resting his chin on top of her head. "I...want you as you should be...." he whispered.

"Oh Lei" She whispered softly and lovingly snuggled against his chest feeling so safe and warm there, he was such a big man compared to her and it just felt so right to be buried against his strong muscular body like this.

Lei leaned down and kissed her. Whispering, he said, "You are beautiful...but if you ever asked me....I would make you as I am...."

She blushed looking up at him. "You would turn me into a tiger like you?" she asked so adorably that it just made his heart pound.

" would look normal...but you can shift yourself...." he said softly.

"Lets wait before I make a decision like that until we're someplace safer with the little girl" she said turning and looking down at her as she laid there still out cold.

The little girl moaned.

"She's waking I think" Mary said walking back over and kneeling down next to the girl.

"Vann...." she whispered.

Mary looked up at Lei worriedly. She shivered as a chill washed over her, she realized she was still in teh skimpy outfit and night was falling.

Lei waved his hand and she was in a warmer less revealing dress. "Mary... I have to get some wood for a fire...I'm getting exhausted in my power.....please...stay her...."

"Of course Lei" she smiled up at him.

Lei kissed her quickly and gently on the lips, and quickly left the cave. The little girl rolled over, her eyes starting to open. "Vann....?"

"Shhh its ok little one" she said softly looking down at her trying not to scare the little girl.

The little girl jumped up, looking up at her. "WHo...?" she whispered.

Mary didnt move she just kneeled there. "My name is Mary, I to was in that aweful castle that you were locked in, my... Dear friend saved both of us" She didnt know if she could really fall in love with him yet she would wait and see.

Naya nodded scared. "I...I was taken from my brother...."

"We'll help you get back to him I promise" she said sitting there looking at the little girl

Naya rushed her, holding on to her, crying.

Mary blushed, and hugged the little girl tight. "Shhh I've got you little one" she said stroking her hair soothing her pain.

"They took us...they were hurting Vann....hurting my brother...." she cried. "Then...then the man...he took me.....I..."

"Shhhh its ok, it will be alright your not with that evil man anymore your free" she said hugging her.

"I..." she continued to cry holding on her to, her little hand holding onto her dress.

"Are you ok miss?" Vann asked as he came into the cave holding Christoph's hand. He sounded concerned but looked around as though looking for someone

Mary jumped surprised looking over at them as they came in. "yes I'm alright sir, I'm just waiting for my friend to come back with fire wood." she said as she held the little girl tight.

The little girl looked up. "Vann?" She was rubbing her eyes of her tears.

Mary let go of the little girl letting her get a better look at the man.

Vann hugged her close. "I am so sorry...I am so sorry...."

Christoph stood off to the side uncertain

Mary kneeled there shyly wishing Lei would come back she didn like being alone with people she didnt know.

"So I see you have friends little one...." came a male voice that Mary knew was Lei's.

Mary looked over and smiled seeing lei there happy that she was with at least someone she trusted.

Vann tensed holding his sister close.

Christoph huddled near them

Lei came into the area, his long white hair loose, fire wood under one arm and a rabbit in the other hand. "Welcome friends... I am hoping from her reaction you are a friend of her's....we weren't going to leave her in that place...."

"Thank you for saving her...I...we have been through allot."

Mary stood up and went over to Lei hugging his side happy to have him back.

Lei held onto Mary. "Mary and I....were prisoners of that man...he had had my sister at one point...but I and my family had released her....he was getting revenge on me for her release, but imprisoning me....and the he brought her there....and all that he was doing to Mary....and then we heard your little one there scream...and had to escape with her as well...."

Naya held onto Vann tighter.

Mary just nodded in agreement to what Lei was saying

"I...managed to escape and I tried to find her....he was assaulting him so I helped him and than my companion lead me here.

Naya hugged him. "Oh Vann....I...I.....saw what he was doing to you....." she whispered.

Lei looked at Vann.

Vann looked down and trembled slightly. "I...didn't want you to see....

"I...." she mumbled.

He held her

It was cold in the far north of otherworld. The ring master stood alone in his trailer gazing out the window watching at his people were packing up for the move down south. He tapped his finger nails against the window thinking silently to himself on what his next move should be. He heard a knock on the door. "Come in" he said not turning from the window.

"Sir...we are packed and waiting for you, sir...."

"Any more difficulties with the attractions?" he asked curiously as he turned looking at the lacky of his that had come into his trailer. This lacky had been there when he had punished the one who had let the female unicorn get away.

"No sir... no more difficulties....all is ready..."

"Good" he pulled his coat on, the collar and the ends of the sleeves were lined with a heavy fur whiel the coat itself was a rich super soft black leather. He walked out of the trailer and locked it behind himself after his lacky walked out. He looked around at how everything was going packing up.

All was ready for the move to the next location.

"Excellent" he headed off to the huge lead vehicle, climbing into the giant machine he headed to his private chambers he used for traveling, they knew where they were heading. He was tired of the cold so he was sending his group to the south. He hit the intercom. "Lets get moving people I want to get out of this cold wasteland" he said before turning off the intercom.

The vehicles began to move just as he finished saying that.

Silas locked his door and pulled his coat of setting it on one of the chair, he sat down laying out in his lounge chair. He lounged there thinking to himself pissed that Marzena had gotten away. But he could always track her with her dreams. He tapped his fingers on the back of the couch thinking to himself on what his next plan of action should be.

He then recalled a rumor of a rare creature that was said to roam the forests between where he was and where he was heading.

"Now what was that again?" he asked himself as he walked over to his bookshelf pulling out one of his books. He went back to his chair sitting down and reading through the pages.

Kinulunia: So rare that it is said to be myth and not fact. It is believed to be a cross-breed of a unicorn and a griffin with powers the elements. It is said that if it had existed to have lived in the Diaon Forest. It seemed that truly nothing was really known.

Silas smirked closing the book. He left his chambers and headed to the control room of the great hulking beast that was the machine he was riding in. "Captain, we have a small change in plans" he said as the captain instantly came to attention and saluted.

"What are the changes sir?"

"I wish to make a stop ont he edge of the Diaon forest for a bit. I've heard rumors of a creature that I feel I might wish to add to the collection." he said with a fire in his gaze that teh captain knew not to question him.

"Aye Aye..." the captain said and make the changes in course.

Silas then turned and returned heading off to his room to relax once more. Once there he pulled his hair from the ponytail he kept it in and let it hang free. He then headed off to the bathroom to take a bath, it would be a few days before they reached the Diaon forest.

When they reached the forest Silas was in his hunting gear with his best men and his hounds that were trained to sniff out magical beasts. "ready?!" he shouted to the others.

He got the feeling that he was heading somewhere that called to him.

They headed off into the forest and began to start tracking see if they could find anything, he would give it a few days.

He felt his heart pulling him deeper into the forest, into any area that their vehicles couldn't travel.

Silas made his way through the forest with his group following this feeling.
((He's on foot with dogs and his best men right now he has none of the vehicles with him))

((LOL okay...didn't know....))

He got farther into the forest. After a time, they saw a clearing up ahead filled with beautiful yet mysterious flowers, many only described in myths or fairy tales. On the other side of the clearing, by what appeared to be a creek that ran through the forest, sat a young woman with long white-silver hair, he couldn't see her face because it was turned to the creek, but he did see that she was in a long white dress.

He held his hand up for his men to stop he gave them the signal to wait for him. Handing his leash of his hounds to one of his men he walked towards the clearing.

The clearing was bright from the sun shining through without a tree branch to block the rays. He was being drawn to the young woman. She appeared to be resting by the creek, sitting an overhanging rock, soaking her feet in what must be cool and clean running water.

He walked forward out of the woods and into the clearing passing two large oaks suddenly their was an audiable pop in his ears as magic shifted around him. He spun around to where the forest with his men should be but unfortunately they werent there, the forest didnt even look teh same.

He recalled that in this forest, there were said to be clearings that shifted from one place to another in order to protect many of its flowers and rare herbs, as well as many of the creatures and beings that live in the woods.

"Damn it" he grumbled to himself, then turned looking back at teh woman sitting there by the stream. He didnt know what she was and had to be very careful.

The young woman stood up, humming to herself. He could see that her hair was very long, and as she moved some hair, he noticed that she had very long pointed ears, similiar to an elf's, but different. She turned around and then just stood there, staring at him confused and shaken.

They stood there for a long time just staring at one another neither moving. he didnt know what it was he couldnt help but watch her.

"I..." she started softly. " lost sir....?" she asked softly. She was indeed beautiful, and he felt his heart beating loud in his ears.

"I wasnt but now I am it seems" he said not taking his eyes off of her.

"The...the secret is to just turn straight around.... and head the had come..." she said softly.

"What if I do not wish to turn around?" he asked curiously, this woman had to be something special.

"Then you will....have to find another path out of the forest...." she said softly. She took a step to the side of the rock. "I....should be going...." she looked down and towards the creek, though it looked like she hadn't wished to look away.

"Tell me, what is a beautiful woman like you doing out here?" he asked curiously.

She looked at him, and then shyly looked away. "Beautiful...? All creatures are beautiful....I..."

Suddenly she felt it, a dark sickness inside of the heart of this man.

"I..." she looked up at the man. She took a step towards him. " have....a.... wh..why do you not wish to turn around and head back?"

"Because I am looking for something I should say" he said watching.

"Looking for something....?" she asked.

"Yes, Something special that is only found in this forest." he said watching her, she felt that darkness in his heart seem to pulse with hunger for something. That darkness made her sick and scared her due to how dark and disgusting it was. no man should carry something like that inside of him.

"Something special....? The....the only truly special that I know around here.....are the flowers of this.....clearing....." She took a step back again. She was scared of that darkness, and took another step and another back from him.

"Their is said to be something else in this forest as well, something more magnificent then the flowers and this clearing."

"More magnificent?" She continued to step back.

"Oh yes, more magnificent then many things in this world. Something not found anywhere else" he knew if he said someone she would bolt but he was ready, he watched as she continued to step back.

"What sort of creature would that be, sir? There are many that call these woods home....centaurs....serpents of all sorts....a glory of unicorns...." she said softly, now just standing by the creek.

"Ooh what I seek is is much more magnificent, truely how do you say one of a kind?" he smirked, that smirk since shivers down her spine.

"Sir...any sort of creature like that would have to be only but myth....tales of old to explain the unexplainable....." she said softly.

"Trust me I know of many creatures in this world that their myths do hold truth" he said as his eyes held a feirceness to them that for some reason suddenly she couldnt help but stare into.

She stared at him, scared and wanting to run. "I...what could you be searching for....? but an Elf....."

"They say there is a being here the roams these lands that is truely magnificent" he letting his charm fill the air.

"All creatures....are like my belief....." she said softly. "I am....but an elf....what interest am I to you?" He felt he's heart pulled towards her's, the beating even louder in his ears.

But he ignored it shoved it to the darkness in his heart, he was a man of business and of entertainment. His heart was withered and was nothing. "Elves are not known to live in the Diaon forest, what is a beautiful woman like yourself doing here?"

"I live just over there with my family.... we have found this area peaceful and beautiful...." she said softly.

"I must admit your home is very breath taking" he said causing her to relax as he looked away from her at the area. Giving her that sense of security.

" we...loved the area... and became protectors of it...." she said gently, looking back towards the creek. "It has a healing property to it...."

"Healing property?" he asked curiously. He was thinking about the family if he could get a full family of Kinulunia.

She nodded. "Yes...this has healing properties....."

Silas felt that need that longing for a woman in his life start to grow in his chest. " No, I will have no woman in my life" he thought to himself trying to push the feeling down once more. "What kind of Healing properties?" he asked curiously.

"mostly healing of wounds of the phywical body....but it is also said to heal emotional wounds....I...sir I really must be going now...." she said moving to turn towards the creek.

Silas knew what he was but something inside of him he just couldnt bring himself to capture her. "I am sorry for taking your time." he turn and began to cross the clearing back to the forest. Getting out of this place his mind would clear and he could get back to his life.

"Sir..." she called to him. "I....what is your name sir?"

"Just forget we ever met miss." he said not answering her question, he hurried towards the edge of the clearing. He had to get away.

As he rushed away, he hear the soft sound of hooves that only a unicorn could make, and a neigh. He spied from his side a silver unicorn move to his right, gracefully moving from the clearing.

Silas stopped moving and he looked around the forest. "Go home! if you follow me you will never see this place again you will never be happy!" He shouted knowing it was her.

A sleek silver unicorn stood off to his side, looking at him sadly. Kaelynn.... he heard.

"Miss Kaelynn Please understand it is safer for you and your family if I just go, no name left nothing you do not need yourself attached to me" he said watching her with those dark eyes of his.

Safer? I... The unicorn headed off to the west. His heart hurt to see her go.

"I'm sorry" he whispered to himself as he headed off through the forest. His dark intentions would never leave him he would in the end use her for his own gain, he wouldnt do that o her. if he could keep her away from him she would never have to suffer his torment.

The light in his heart hurt to see her run off.

But he turned and kept walking off this is how it was supposed to be. He crushed that feeling in is heart letting the cold ice over everything inside of him as he made his way through the forest to return to his life of darkness.

"Sir...what happened? You disappeared..." said one of his men worried.

"Its alright I'm fine, the forest has magic of its own, teh clearings seem to move on their own volition, something we cannot trust here. I believe the legend to be nothing more then myth, come let us leave" he said as they headed towards the main transport vehicle.

"Yes Sir..." the men said as they headed back to the vehicle.

Once they were all back on board he signaled for them to go then headed off back to his room. He went to his icebox and grabed some ice in a wash cloth putting it on his forehead gently. "Damn what did I get myself into" he whispered to himself.

He couldn't get the beautiful Kaelynn out of his mind.

He took deep breaths and just let the darkness fill him pushing away those feelings of lust and who knows what else for Kaelynn, that was not his life, she was not his life.

"Sir.... we are coming close to our destination, sir..." came a call from one of the men several hours later.

Nickoli took it as far as it will go into his mouth.

He arched against him. "OH GOD!" He groaned

Nickoli pulled back his mouth, looking up at him worried. "I...didn't hurt you did I?"

" felt really nice."

Nickoli blushed, and just licked his manhood, sucking just the tip of it.

He groaned in pleasure

He licked the tip.

"Aaaahh.."He moaned

Nickoli stopped blushing.

"D...don't stop."

He started to suck him again.

He moaned in pleasure

He slowly continued to suck.

" about to...c...cum..."

Nickoli pulled back. " are?"

He blushed and nodded

Nickoli licked it again, blushing.

He started to cumm

Nickoli swallowed, but a little ran out of his mouth as he looked up at Miach.

He blushed deeply. "Oh....Nickoli....that were like when you were Victor."

"I...I was??"

He nodded. "When you were taught me everything I know..."


"Could I?"

"Could you.....teach me....?"

He nodded. "Now?"

"I...." He looked down blushing.

He held him close and gently kissed him

Nickoli kissed back.

"I love you."

"I love you too Miach..."

"Too much?"


He kissed him gently

"You will teach me, right?"

"Teach you? to be like Victor?"

"Teach me what Victor...what I had taught you...?"

He kissed him. "Do you want me to start now?"

"When you wish to....Miach..." he whispered.

He started to teach him

Nickoli did all that he taught him.

He moaned in pleasure

He continued to do as Miach had instructed.

He gasped in pleasure clutching the sheets

"Love... you...." he whispered as he continued.


Nickoli continued.

He arched with him turning into putty in his hands

Nickoli worked him more.

He cam hard in him and Miach cried out his name in pleasure

Nickoli fell beside him.

He snuggled into him

"That...was....oh my...."

He held him close. "W...onder...ful..."

Nickoli leaned against him.

They fell asleep

Miach dreamed of Nickoli being killed like Victor had.

He bolted up and held him close

He moaned in his sleep.

He stroked his hair

Miach saw dancing shadows.

He tensed holding Nickoli closer

The shadows died away.

He held him afraid to sleep

"Mi...ach...." he whispered sleepily.



"I...there was a rippling shadow..."


he nodded

Nickoli held on to him.

"Do you know about it?"

He shook his head. "No...."

He held him close

Miach saw it again.

He pointed it out

Baine and the wolf watch

"Oh my baby..."

"They...saved me..."He whispered pointing to them

"Thank you...thank you..." she said.

Baine nodded. He held his mother

"Come in...all of you..."

He followed his mother inside. " father?"

"He's gone out...."

He nodded

"Come..sit...I'll grab us something to drink..."

he sat down

Baine placed a hand on Erebain's shoulder. "What's on your mind?"

" glad to be home...but afraid of what my father will say..."


"Mother is more understanding...he is a traditionalist..."

"All will be well..."

Or should be....

he didn't look convinced as he waited for his father

His father walked into the house. "Erebain?"

he hugged his father crying. "Father...I am so sorry...."

"Sorry...? Oh Erebain you're back..."

" not pure..."


"I...was r...rap..."


He looked down

He held him.

He cried into his father

His back was rubbed.

He fell asleep

He woke later in his bed with the wolf beside him.

He stroked her fur

Baine has been talking to your parents...

"What did he say?"

He's been trying to calm their anger...

"are they...angry with me?"

The wolf shook her head.

He sighed in relief

The wolf licked his cheek.

He stroked her fur

She licked his hand.

"Thank you for being my friend..>"

She licked his hand again. you as well...

He gently hugged her

All will be well...

He nodded

She licked his cheek.

He hugged her

A knock came to his door.

he got up and opened the door

Baine stood there. "'re are you feeling?"

"I...drained...relieved to be home."

"Your parents are too..."

He nodded

Baine patted his head. "All will be well..."

He nodded. "Thank you."

He smiled nodding. "Hungry?"


"You're parent have made some dinner for us...."

He followed

There was a nice meal laid out for them.

He hugged his parents

"We love you...."

"Love you...I missed you so much."

"And us you....." they whispered, hugging him.

he held them like he was afraid they would vanish if he let go

The wolf rubbed against his leg.

He stroked her fur

Baine smiled as he watched.

Erebain's father held them close. "I will protect you better..."

"I love you."

"I love...we love you Erebain..."

he nodded

His mother kissed his cheek. "I'm jsut glad you're back...."

"I am too."

"Get some rest....alright..."

he nodded and went to rest

The wolf followed. I'll stay with you....if that is fine...

he nodded

The wolf laid down on the bed at the foot of the bed.

He tried to sleep

He did fall to sleep with that young man in his thoughts again.

He blushed

"Tell me when you want me to stop..." he whispered, his hands running up and down her sides.

She blushed and moaned softly. " want...I will...go...all the ...way..."She whispered with a blush

Kiar looked down at her. "I want you happy..."

She blushed "I am."

He kissed her, and pulled off her shirt and then her pants, then undressed himself.

She blushed. "Do you"

He looked at her confused.


He stopped, and shook his head.

She blushed. "Um....can we ....get one?I don't want to get pregnant just yet"

He nodded, and stood up, getting dressed. "Where do you get it?"

"The store. " She blushed as she got dressed. "Umm...I will come with you."

"Thank you..."

She blushed and nodded taking him to the nearest store. She looked for their condoms with him she was scarlet

"These just look strange...."

She blushed. " you know...what size we need?"

He cocked an eye. "You want to see?"

She turned scarlet. "Umm...go to the bathroom and measure yourself...she whispered handing him measuring tape

He nodded, and left. He came back and told her, "10 inches..."

She looked for the condom blushing deeply wondering if he could fit

She found huge ones.

She turned scarlet after getting the right size she took him to the cash register. Will he even fit in me?

"What's wrong?" he asked as they headed back to the apartment.

She blushed. "Will"

"I will be gentle...." he whispered, and kissed her.

She kissed back and slowly undressed blushing deeply

He undressed too, put on the condom, and then gently pushed into her, going all of the way. She felt he was huge within her.

She gasped in pleasure but winced at the momentary pain as she bled a little. "Oh...."

Kiar moved slowly and gently within her. "I...won't hurt you...I...promise...." he whispered.

She clung to him in pleasure hesitantly moving

Kiar moved more within her.

She moaned in pleasure clinging to him and moving a little faster

Kiar thrust in farther.

She gasped as she climaxed

He cam in her, holding her tight against him.

She gasped in pleasure and laid against him panting.

He pulled her close, and held her against his chest.

"Love you."

"I love you too, Chris..."

She kissed him

He kissed back.

She snuggled into him

"I love you...."

She smiled falling asleep

She dreamed he was killed.

She bolted up

"Chris?" he asked sleepily.

"I...had a nightmare."

Kiar kissed her. "I love you..."

She kissed back. "I should get home..."

"Are you sure?"

She checked the time

It was nine pm.

"SHIT! I...really need to get home. I am going to be dead meat already..." She started to get dressed

"Move in with me...."

She blushed dropping her shirt. "What?"

"I said...move in with me...please..."

She hugged him and kissed him. "I want to...but my parents wouldn't allow it..."


She looked sad like she really wanted to stay

"I don't want you to be harmed...."

She hugged him. "They never hurt me."

"If you're sure...."

"I can ask them if I can move out..."

He nodded, and kissed her. "Just please be safe..."

she kissed back and finished dressing. She hurried home

"Where have you been!?" yelled her father.

She flinched. "Studying..."

"You're lying to me!"

She backed up. "W...what's wrong?"

"Get to your room!"

She hurried to her room. She showered and got ready for bed


She stiffened. "I didn't....I tried to save you..."


She whimpered. "W...why do you want me to die?"

You killed me...

she shook her head. "I didn't...."

You killed me...


She kissed him.

He kissed back

Kailiena snuggled into him.

he held her

"Could you...stay the night?"

"I don't think I can....I want to though..."

She nodded.

"I need to go. Can I see you after work tomorrow?"

She nodded, sad to see him go. "Yes....always..."

"I love you. Sleep well."

She kissed him. "YOu too...Loki..."

He nodded and headed to his apartment with regret

The street outside was quiet.

he headed inside

He had a message waiting on his voice mail.

He hit it to listen

"All are needed at the base...Now."

He quickly headed there

He was informed that the little girl had been taken, and the man had escaped.

"So you want me to locate them?"


He worked on it

For some reason he couldn't feel them.

He inwardly smiled, but he hoped they were now safe. "I can't find them."

"Keep searching!"

He closed his eyes and pretended to for awhile longer. "I can't..."

He felt the sting of a taser.

He cried out in pain. "I...swear I speak truth."

"Do it again!"

He tried again

Nothing, but then his mind got shocked.

he winced and pain. "Something...shocked me..."

"Try again!"

He pretended to this time


"I am getting nothing..>"

"Keep trying...!" He stormed off.

He closed his eyes letting his mind wonder

He started to think of Kailiena.

He watched her

She was settle for bed, and then he saw her changing into her night clothing, giving him a new view of her body.

He shifted his view away not wanting to violate her privacy, he did it with allot of reluctance

He was shocked.

he cried out in pain.

He heard guards laughing at him.

he opened his eyes. "Damn it,...."

"What's wrong?" one laughed.

"Shocking me is more of a hindrance than helping

"You looked to be sleeping..."

"I was trying to do as I was told." He snapped

the guard just smirked. "Whatever!"

He glared at them

"get back to it..."

"Than don't shock me."

The guards were ignoring him now.

He sighed and tried one more time to locate them

He saw visions of a world that seem surreal.

He frowned in confusion. "Strange..."

"What?" someone asked.

"I...see another world..."

"What? Is your brain fried?"

He shook his head and described what he saw

"You're insane..."

"That's what I saw."

"Get back to work.... no one's going home til we find those two..."

He tried again growing exhausted

He started to get nothing.


"Go...damn you...."

"I can leave?"

"Didn't I just say that!? Go!"

he went home and showered

He's thoughts were of the two that had escaped/kidnapped.

He hoped they were alright

He's thoughts then drifted to Kailiena.

he laid down and thought of her happily

He had a day nightmare of her being killed.

He bolted up and focused on her

He saw her asleep in her bed.

he watched her

Diaca hugged Eve close.

She fell asleep

She dreamed of her mother again.

She studied her mother to see if she was hurt

She was crying Eve's name

She bolted up

"Eve..." whispered Diaca.

She told her her dream

"Oh Eve..." she whispered.

She clung to her

"We will find her..."

She nodded

Diaca kissed her cheek.

She snuggled into her worried for her mother

Diaca sighed. "We'll find her..."

"I hope so..."

"Hope is always good...."

She hugged her

"Let's go down stairs and I'll fix us a snack...."

She nodded getting dressed

Diaca got dressed too, and walked with her downstairs. She started to work on snacks for them.

She sat down worried for her mother

Diaca put a plate infront of her with cheesecake on it.

"This looks delicious."

"I thought you'd like something sweet..."

"Thank you.'

Diaca kissed her.

She kissed back

Diaca took a bite of the cheesecake.

She did the same

Diaca held a piece out to her on a fork.

She blushed and ate it, she offered her a piece

She ate it.

She smiled

"My Eve..." she whispered.

She leaned against her. "When will we know if she is safe?"

"Hopefully soon...."

She hugged her


"Huh? Mother..."

Eve....I love you...


She heard no more.

She worried about her

Diaca wrapped her arms around her.

She hugged back

She kissed her neck.

She purred

"I love you..."

"I love you."

"I will help you always..."

"I know."

She kissed her.

She kissed back

"Back to bed?"

She nodded

Diaca took Eve's hand and headed back to the bedroom.

She followed

Diaca pulled her down onto the bed and held her close.

She snuggled into her

They both fell to sleep.

She snuggled closer

She dreamed that her father raped Diaca.

She bolted up in fear

Diaca was asleep against her.

She held her close

Diaca kissed her chest in her sleep.

She blushed

She continued more.

She moaned softly

"I love you..."


Diaca looked up at her. "You are the best...."

"You are."

Diaca kissed her deeply.

She kissed back

Eve saw an image of her father looking for her.

She shivered

To experiment on I have done with many others...

Am I getting her back?

Of course...

He started to relax a bit. I wish you would have asked first.

I haven't before...

I want you to from now on dammit!

You haven't missed anyone like this before...

I have, I have tried to find where they went

Some didn't make it...why is it that you want her back so much?

She is powerful and would prove useful for my own testing. How am I suppossed to conduct quality testing if you take the best specimens? And thanks to you that boy got away

He left to find the girl...and he will come back to you once the girl is back to you...I will return the girl soon...

Alright....I must go. He said heading home feeling irritated

he made it home.

he went in ((Go down to Devin and Kiyoshi))

Vann felt that she was not in the city.

he tried to find her flying out of the city and calling his companion to him

His companion joined him.

Find Naya

His companion flew off. He didn't feel her in the imediate area..

He cawed in despair looking for her

he caught her scent near a large manor.

He headed that way and called his companion back to him

He's companion flew up to him.

He headed toward the place

He made it there, and saw a young man head into the manor and a young girl in a skimpy outfit close the door.

he flew in carefully

The manor was huge inside.

He searched for Naya

He smelt her scent.

he went that way

It lead to a small hall.

He went down the hall At the end was a door.

He tried to get in

He was able to get inside.

He looked for her

He could smell her, but she wasn't there. There was that man, Kristoph's scent in the room, and two others.

He flew to find her again fearful for her

Her scent went out a back door, but there was still the young man here that he had seen and the girl with the skimpy outfit.

He felt torn he instructed his companion to look for Naya and then went to help the other children

As he searched he counted over a hundred young teens to young adults.

He started to release them and get them outside. " are free!"

They just looked at him.

He cursed and tried to get them to leave. " must go for your safety!"

"Master wouldn't like that..."

" are being used!"

Some of the men started towards him. They all looked as if they had been experimented on. "No...."

he cursed and left them turning into a raven and searching for any he might be able to save

He heard a scream of "...NO!"

he hurried that way

He got there ((Go down))

"I love you too Kiyoshi...and...Tarsas, too..."

"I want you happy."

Devin nodded.

"Should we head back to the house?"

Devin nodded. "I don't' want Tarsas to worry about us..."

He nodded and lead the way

Devin stayed close to him.

They got back

Devin looked around. "He's not back yet...."

"I know..."

Devin went and sat down on the couch.

he sat down next to him

Devin laid down on the couch, resting his head on Kiyoshi's lap.

They fell asleep

"Hmm..." Tarsas thought as he saw them. he gently woke Devin. "I'm home."

Devin sat up. "Tarsas....Kiyoshi went for a walk early..I...I hope that was okay...." he said softly.

"Of course.' He said ruffling his hair

Devin looked at Kiyoshi. "I...we both fell asleep..."

He gently picked him up. "Allow me to tuck you in."

Devin blushed, holding on.

He tucked him into the bed and kissed him

Devin kissed him back. "How were" he asked.

"There were problems at work." He kissed him and started to remove his clothes

Devin watched him, his heart beating faster.

He kissed his neck. "I love you."

"I love you too...." Devin whispered out.

"If you don't want it tell me."

"" he whispered. "I....want to make you happy...."

He gently kissed him. "I don't want to hurt you."

"I love you....."

He kissed him and gently slid his tongue into his mouth

Devin opened his mouth more.

He slipped a hand under his shirt still kissing him

He gasped, blushing.

"I want to make love to you..."

Devin blushed.

He kissed his neck. "Will you let me?"

Blushing Devin nodded.

He slowly removed both their clothing. And began tracing kisses down his chest. He slowly began to suck him

Devin gasped.

He slipped a finger gently into his ass

"Tarsas...." he whispered, gasping.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"I..." he shook his head.

He gently thrust in and out

He gasped, arching his back.

He cam hard in him

Devin laid there then limp. "Tarsas..." he whispered.

He held him close

Devin fell to sleep in exhaustion.

He fell asleep as well

Devin curled into his arms.

Devin woke up

Devin looked around.

Tarsas slept next to him

Devin slowly got up, pulled on his pants and went to check on Kiyoshi.

He was curled up on the couch looking scared

"Kiyoshi...?" whispered Devin walking over to him, scared.

He looked at him and hugged him. "Where were you? I...heard noises..."

Devin hugged back "Tarsas.....came home...and woke me.....and....." Devin went silent, looking down, scared what Kiyoshi would think of him.

"Did he hurt you?!"

" Kiyoshi... he loves me....." Devin said softly looking back up at him. He snuggled into him, sitting on the couch.

He hugged back. "Than what happened?"


"Did what?"

"I love know that....right? I love you...and I love him....I...."

"I love you...what did he do?"

Devin blushed, and gently touched Kiyoshi between the legs.

He blushed deeply but his eyes went wide. "He touched you?!"

Devin looked away. "You're upset...I....I'm sorry....I love you...and I love him...."

He held him close. "I am not long as you wanted it...but we are underaged..."

"You're not going to say anything are you? I don't want to go back to the orphanage......"

He hugged him. "No...but be careful..."

"I...I will Kiyoshi...I love you and I love Tarsas..." Devin said softly hugging back.

He kissed him

Devin kissed Kiyoshi back.

"Will to me...what he did to you?"

She was helped up but a strong hand. "You were promised to me....and you need to be more careful...."

She slapped his hands away. "You...tried things...with me!"

"You had to know that I was real..." he said, taking hold of her wrists.

She smacked him listing everything he said and did. "You could have been kinder! Leave me alone"

"I can't leave you are my bride to be..."

"W...what?! I am only sixteen! and you are a monster!"

"I was promised to have you on your sixteenth birthday by your parents..."

"What?! They had no right....and I have no desire to marry you...especially how you treated me!"

"They promised you to me since your birth."

she tore away from him trying to get to her mother and father. "WHY? YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME! HE WAS THE ONE WHO TOUCHED ME!"

"I am a god...and you will be mine as promised..." he said pulling her to his chest.

She struggled. "MOM!"

"I'm sorry sweety..." she whispered.

" didn't even ask me....I don't know him...what about what he did?! It isn't right!" Tears ran down her cheeks.

"Let my sister go!"

"Stay out of this little boy..."

She called her brother's name

Uchini attacked the god. "Let her go!" The god backhanded him.

"No...leave him alone!"

The god pulled her against him, and then the feeling of the room changed. It was colder.

She shivered. "Uchini?"


"What did you do?!" She shivered in fear

"I took you home..."

Tears rolled down her face. "I...please...don't make me marry you..."

"Too late..." he laughed.

"We haven't married yet...and you are cruel!"

He forcefully kissed her.

She bit down on his lip as hard as she could

He growled. "You are my bride!"

She struggled. "Never!"

She was pulled along behind him.

She struggled

She was pushed back against a bed.

She sprang up away from it

"Back down!"

"No...please don't do this!"

"I said back down!"

She backed away

he pulled her down. "I said back down..."

She struggled. "Leave me alone!"

She was pushed down and pressed into the bed by what had to be his body.

She struggled tears in her eyes. "NO!"

"Quiet, my love..." he whispered, then kissed her neck.

She struggled. "I don't love you! I don't know you!"

"You will soon...."


He kissed her neck again, nipping it.

She struggled tears in her eyes

"All...mine..." she felt a hand go between her legs.

"NO!"She screamed as she kicked at him

Finger pressed into her.

She clawed at him. "NO! SOMEONE PLEASE!"

A hand pushed her hands above her head.

She kicked out at him struggling.

"You are mine...stop struggling..."

She continued to struggle. "I'm not ready and I don't love you!"

"You are sixteen...and mine...."

She struggled. "NO! YOU PERVERT!"

He's whole hand entered her, hard.

She screamed and struggled

His hand pulled out of her, and his other hand moved away from her. She heard something unzip.

She screamed and scrambled away

Strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her from the bed.

She started to scream and struggle. "Please! I am not ready!"

She was met with silence. The strong arms carried her close to a strong chest. The breeze around her told her that they were moving fast.

She struggled still panicked

They soon came to a stop, and she was held against the man's chest as he sat down, holding her in his lap.


She was held closer still, a face being buried into her neck. ((No kissing...but he was sooo worried.....))

She struggled still scared

"I have you...." came a whisper. ((She's scared, so I can see her not recognizing his voice.


"Aw... you won't merry me even if I asked, sis....?"


"Yeah sis....I have you...."

she buried her face in his chest crying

"It's alright....I have you sis....always...."

"He...touched me...."

"I won't let him touch you again..."

she nodded what are we going to do?"

She stayed close to him as they walked. They saw a frog hop across the black 'river'.


"Oh...maybe....we could cross it..."

He hesitantly put a foot on it. "It...doesn't hurt."

Zyasmia touched it with a finger. "You're....right...."

"What should we do?"

"I don't know..."

"Let's continue following it..."

She nodded. "Yes brother..."

He walked with her

the sun became warm on their heads.

He looked at his sister to see if she was sleepy

She was hugging onto his arm.

"Are you tired?"

She nodded slowly.

He looked for a place they could rest

He saw a rock formation.

he lead her over to that

She sat down in the shade.

He sat next to her

She leaned against him, yawning. "It' hot...."

"I know..."

She yawned.

He laid down to rest

She curled against him, falling to sleep.

He fell asleep too

He dreamed they were still at the house, and he was beaten for running off with Zyasmia.

he bolted up


"Bad dream..."


He hugged her

She hugged back. "I love you brother...."

"Love you."

She snuggled against him.

He closed his eyes

She fell back to sleep against him.

he held her protectively

She whispered his name.

He stroked her hair

"Don't.....leave me...." she whispered in her sleep.

he held her closer

"Brother...." she whispered.



"I love you too." He said hugging her

She hugged close to him.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just glad I'm here....with you..."

"I am glad we are free."

"Me....too...." she whispered.

"Are you ready to go?"

She nodded.

He walked with her once again

She held his hand.

He followed the road again

The road just seemed to go on forever.

"Where does it end?"

Zyasmia shrugged. "I hope....soon...."

"Me too..."

Up ahead of them, they both see a grouping of trees that is far on the other side of black road and still a distance a way.

"Should we head there?"

"It would get us out of the heat..." she said softly.

he nodded

Zyasmia cautiously took a step onto the black 'river'. "'s hot..."

He gently pulled her back. "are you ok?"

"It's hot..." ((Think of their not really made for a hot street...))

((I know.)) He examined her feet

They were lightly red, but not burnt.

He scooped her up and carried her

Zyasmia held onto him.

He walked toward the trees

"Oh....look at those trees...they're so big!"

"I know..."


he studied them

The trees were very tall and they reminded them of their home world.

He looked around

Christoph walked with an unopened letter toward the address his mother had told him to go to. She had been more angry this time than before and had him pack a bag with some of his belongings. She had told him he couldn't come back, even if his father turned him away. He wasn't sure if he should be happy or sad.

He came up to a huge manor. ((so nervous and scared...)

He went to the door and rang the door bell

A young girl with big breasts, and wearing a skimpy outfit answered. "Yes?"

"Oh...I guess I have the wrong place....sorry..." He said turning to leave a blush of embarrassment on his face. She shouldn't wear that...

"Sir....are you looking for Master Kristoph?" she asked.

he froze. "Y...yes...but...why are you wearing that?"

"It is as Master wishes...please come in...."

He frowned uneasily but followed

She lead him down a long hall and then knocked on a door once before just leaving him. The door opened and a man stood there infront of him. He smirked. "Yes...?"

"Umm...are you Kristoph?"

"Yes I am..."

He handed over the envelop. " your son."

"A son...I have no children..."

"That's not what mother said..."He said. "She said the note will explain things..."

He grabbed the note reading it. "Hmmm..."

he waited watching his father

He grabbed him and started to drag him down a hall.

"Ouch! You're hurting me..."

Kristoph threw him into a room, locking the door behind him. He seemed to study him, leaning his back against the door.

He rubbed his wrist growing uneasy. "W...what?"

"What a handsome boy...."

He looked uneasy. " your son..."

"You're point?"

" underage...what...what do you mean my point?"

He kissed him.

He pulled away."NO!"

Kristoph threw him back onto the bed, smirking.

"NO! Please!"

Kristoph moved over to him, and kissed him again.

He bit him

He backhanded him. "Stop fighting!"

He cried and tried to run out

Kristoph grabbed his wrist pulling him back, grabbing his manhood through his pants, and kissed his neck.


Kristoph threw him into a bedroom, and locked the door, and smirked at him.

He whimpered in fear backing away

"I think I'm going to have some fun with you..."

he whimpered in fear. " your son..."

Vann burst in growling. He grabbed Christoph gently and ran with him

Kristoph chased after. "Give me back my child!"

Christoph clung to Vann's hand as they ran.

They made it outside to a large field.

Vann looked around safe place they could escape by

There was a large forest far ahead of them.

he hurried that way with the boy

Dark ravens headed after them.

He tried to speak to them

One swooped down, clawing at them. There was something unnatural about them.

He used his magic to attack back and called real ravens to his aid

The ravens and dark ravens started to attack each other.

"please be ok my friends..." he murmured as he pulled Christoph into the forest

He didn't hear the fighting ravens any more, the trees of the forest blocking the sound.

He lead him deeper in. "Are you alright?"

"Y...yea...but...he is my father...I have nowhere to go..."

"Than live with my sister and I."

His companion landed in a near by tree.

"Have you found my sister?"

His companion nodded.

"Take us to her."

The companion started to lead them through the woods.

He followed with Christoph

They saw a cave ahead.

He headed that way cautiously

He felt there was another presence with her.

He frowned and cautiously moved in

He and Christoph see a young ordinary woman with white hair holding a five year old little girl, who was crying into her.

"Miss...are you hurt?" Vann said looking for Naya ((You'll have to move Mary/Lei/Naya up at the top, just before Nickoli/Miach....))

Raidon drove toward the address the investigators had given his adopted parents, both excited and apprehensive at the possibility of meeting his biological father

He drove up to a large three story townhouse.

"Is this the place?" he murmured to himself. He parked and went to the door knocking

A tall man answered the door. He looked Raidon over with a smirk. "May I help you?"

"Are you Claude?"

"Who are you??"

"My name is Raidon...I am Claude's son."

"I have no children..."

"There is a resemblance between us...are you a virgin? I doubt that is the case based on your age, and protection fails sometimes...and the private investigators pointed you out as being my biological father. Can you deny the resemblance?"

Claude stalked up to him. "You do look like me...but do not speak to me as you did or you will regret it..."

"I'm sorry...but you didn't seem very receiving of the mother is in prison...after the investigators found her she confessed to trying to kill me...."

"Really?" he said cocking an eyebrow.

"Yes...I just wanted to get to know my biological father."

"Really? YOu wish to know me....that's funny..."

"Why is it so funny?"

Claude smirked, narrowing his eyes.

He took a step back. "I guess it was a mistake coming here. Sorry for the intrusion." He said as he turned and began to leave

Claude grabbed his wrist, jerking him back to him, and he kissed him.

His eyes widened and his cheeks were tinted in pink. "S...stop! I am your son...and underage!"

"Perfect age...." he whispered.

he backed away in fear. "I am your son..."

Claude swiftly sent a hand down his pants, gripping and massaging his member.

"Ahh." He gasped, his blush got deeper and it looked like he both hated and loved the touch, ""Electricity started to course through Claude seemingly from his manhood


He moved back. "Not as much fun when you get shocked huh?" Lightning crackled in his hand

Claude grabbed his wrist, pulled down his pants, and swallowed his manhood.

He gasped loudly but pleasure seemed to be mixed into the gasp. He struggled and shocked Claude. Claude felt a pull to him. "YOU'RE MY FATHER....STOP!"

Claude pushed him down on the bed, sucking him move.

His body arched in pleasure but he tried to struggle

You like it.... Claude took his manhood deeper into his mouth as a finger traced his asshole.

His body trembled in pleasure. ""

You and I like it too much for me not to....

He panted. "P...please...."

He sucked harder, teasing his ass.

He clutched the sheets his body shaking. "P...please...d...don't stop..."

Claude stopped smirking.

he was panting but no longer struggling

"What a good boy...."


Claude laughed. "Why should I?" he questioned.

He started to kiss him

Claude kissed back then pushed him to the bed, sucking him again.

he body arched in pleasure and he clung to him. " me..."


"P...please..." He looked at him with begging eyes

Claude just went back to sucking him deeply.

He clung to him gasping

He continued until he was about to cum

He arched as he started to cum. "Claude..."


" me...please..."

"No..." Claude stood up and left the room. There was the sound of a click.

he started to pleasure himself. the sound coming from the room

A girl brought in a tray of food

He tried to dart out

The girl looked confused.

He was grabbed by his wrist.

He looked to see who grabbed him

Claude held his wrist. "Where do you think you are going?"

He wrapped his arms around him and snuggled against him. "Don't leave me..."

"Why do you say that?"

"I need you..."

Claude cocked an eyebrow. "You don't need just want me...."

He shook his head clinging to him. "I need and want you."

"Don't make me laugh..."

He had tears in his eyes as he looked into his eyes. He looked sincere. "I swear..."

"I...don't know....I....." Claude was confused for the first time.

He held him close. "I will do anything for you...anything."

"I'm your...Father..."

"You said you didn't care...and you did....that...please...I love you."

"I did it because you were asking for it..."

"Am I not asking for it now?"

"You were asking for it before you were so willing..."


"By fighting me..." he smirked.

"Than...should I fight you again?"

Claude gripped him between the legs.

He gasped in pleasure

Claude couldn't banish him from his mind


For some reason he wanted to protect him and keep him for himself

He heads back.

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