Page name: Darkness before the dawn. [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-09-29 17:25:41
Last author: Talos Cyrion
Owner: Talos Cyrion
# of watchers: 2
D20: 15
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Two brothers, born and raised together, an ancient empire that thinks it knows better. A deamon blade that will be known as the slayer of kings and as Hell blade. A dark race that will threaten the entire world, and a Saviour whom many will hope to claim and use for their own means. A human girl, born into the kingdom of the east.

Chapter 1: Brothers in arms.

Lomien emerged from his tent, surveying the green wood before him. He smiled as he could feel her awakening, for reasons unknown to him she hadn't dismissed the psychic link he had taught her to open up just last evening and since he had forgone any form of rest that night he was made privy to all her dreams. Some of whom made him blush just at a passing thought. Ullari emerged from his command tent, Lomien shook his head with a smile. His younger brother was so full of himself, having been elevated above him to the rank of command to the personal guard "Well you're all puffed up already" Lomien laughed. Ullari scowled "Alittle respect if you will? There's a meeting in two hours, try to be on time and dare i say early? We are headed for that damnable peace talk of yours so since it is your idea you could at least be alittle early" Ullari piped snobishly. Lomien rolled his eyes "yes commander"damn idiot it's gone to his head all ready...and just after a week to he smiled as he walked off. He had a more important meeting, with an equally young an impetuous empress that was dare he imagine, more demanding at times irritatingly clingy. He found Areli, sitting by a pool he had found two weeks ago when they had chosen to make camp in the woods. Normally when she made an appearance she was in full armor, or some sort of stately dress with her hair tied neartly behind her in a ponytail braid. Not so when she met with Lomien. She had on a simply white dress, and she wore her hair down, letting the long light brown locks flow past her shoulders. She eyed him with a smile "Well, you're abit early. What's the matter Ullari piss you off again?" he smiled, she was also slightly more coarse in her demeanor around him "He is young, and in a high place...i'm honestly not at all surprised" she turned to face him "No? Nothing seems to surprise you" her light, almost musical voice rang "I've been serving in this empires armies longer than what you've been alive for my lady, indeed it is quite hard to do so" he bowed respectfully "How about this?" he looked up and her lips met his as she drew her arms softly around him and rested her head on his armored chest "That would qualify as a surprise" he said, blushing. She smiled "It is genuine, i'm not being a tease" He looked down at her, wondering what had bewitched her. Seeing nothing in her eyes or soul to suggest that a look of confusion etched his face. She looked up at him "I thought i told you that you didn't have to come in full armor around me?" she cocked her head to one side "We are at war m'lady, i never leave my place of rest without at least my sword at my side and armor fully doned" she shook her head and back away slightly, walking towards the edge of the pool. She turned back to him "This treaty is not taken to very well by most of the men, your brother included" she spoke softly as he sat down against a tree "It doesn't matter to me what they think, we've won. The mortals have yet to realize just how badly and when they do their moral will be crushed completely so i see no reason to continually butcher their warriors in battle" he said firmly, causing her to shudder a little. She sat down next to him "So what will happen then when this is over?" she sighed "The Council is trying to force me into marrying, they see me as your puppet and want control back over me" she shook her head sadly.

"We will cross that bridge when we return M'lady. They cannot force you to do anything, remember that" he said softly, feeling he had some how dodged a bullet. She shrugged "I was going to try and get Ullari to ask me, but i've had secound thoughts....don't get me wrong i love the fire in his spirit but it is that same thing along with the uncertainty that perturbs me" Lomien looked at her intently, guessing before he heard what she was trying to ask "Let us revisit this when the war is over, i hear already the Vampires and wer-creatures might have united and could be moving towards the southern mountain passes. You have alot to attend to Lady Areli, do not let something so simple cloud your mind" She smiled "How is it that you did not come to the posistion i now hold? You have thus far shown a shrewd acumen for most anything both political and militarily that i could only dream of" he smiled "I am twice you age and have served in many wars both open an many in secret. I have served numerous councils, and i know all their secrets. I could never wish to be elected simply because they were to content to keep me as their loyal servant. Now that you have taken me from them, they seek another way to control you" bitterness edged his voice. She got up an walked to him "What if i where to set the title aside and let you take it up?" He looked at her "You mistake brotherly love and loyalty my lady for something that is not entirely there, now if you'll excuse me the other generals have by now gathered and it is time to march to the appointed place" he said solemnly. She flinched at his sudden dismisal, not understanding why he reacted the way he did.

Ullari had indeed lectured Lomien about appearing later than what he had wished, but was equally flabergasted when Lomien simply dismissed his words and continued on. He was in a fell mood, surrounded by a deep sense of forboding "Brother, what has come over you?" Lomien looked up at him "I don't think we should go, something bodes ill with this suddenly" Ullari snorted "I'll say, you're in a foul mood. This was your idea though and i won't change it simply because of one of your little premonitions" Lomien shook his head "So be it" he whispered. An hour later and he found himself marching in the procession. Areli had asked that he, not Ullari walk by her side, which drew protest from him but was quickly silenced. "M'lady, be careful when you enter the meeting room. Something doesn't feel right" she smiled "Lomien, i assailed you with far more than what i should have. I want you to know that whatever transpires when we arrive home i will always count you as my brother and closest friend" the sincerity in her voice drew a smile from him "To the very end Lady Areli" The procession, some twenty strong continued through the gloomy woods "Dear god what is that smeel?" Ullari growled. Lomien stopped "fall back" he whispered. Areli looked up at him "What did you say?" he looked around anxiously, meeting eyes with Ullari who also looked on edge "Fall ba.." his roar was cut short as a blunt headed hammer slammed into his side "Ambush!" Ullari cried out, slamming his taloned gauntlet into Lomien's assailant. Lomien staggered to his feet. The few remaining body guards fought like cornered animals against the Drow shadow warriors. He heard a cry from Areli "Lomien the humans come!" his heart sank. Seven heavily armoured figures marched inexorably towards them, weapons drawn. Areli stood in the middle between Lomien and the advancing barbarians. Ullari fought desperately against the attacking Drow, but was steadily being driven back. Lomien stood infront of Areli, drawing his sword. They surrounded him. The first he slew quickly, only to be hammered in the back by a secound. He staggered to his knees, looking at Areli as she screamed, trying to fight them off. Her skills though didn't extend to fighting. He parried a blow from an ax which split his sword in twain. He felt his ire rise as flames lept into his hands and in one fell punch gutted the unfortunate "Surrender Elf, you're out matched and wounded" he heard Areli's crys fade into the distance "Death before dishonor" he rasped "What did you say point eared?" The Human lord, warped by dark powers beant down and lifted him up "Death before dishonor!" Lomien roared, plunging a lightning encased fist into the humans' head. The headless lord dropped dead, and the rest quickly followed. Ullari with two of the surviving body guard found Lomien kneeling hunched over next to one of the fallen warrior "Brother, Lomien are you all right?" he ran up and looked around "Where's Areli?" Lomien looked grim faced as he staggered to his feet "easy now, you're in no condition to stand" Ullari steadied him "Where is she?" he asked softly. Lomien shook his head "They took her" he whispered.

Ullari took a step back "What do you mean she's gone?" his voice rose to a roar. Lomien steadied himself and looked him in the eye "They took her, i couldn't prevent them from capturing her...." he turned and walked back towards the camp. Ullari looked around "As head captain and closest to the Empress, i take up the title as regent of Varse as such is my duty till the day i die" The body guard knelt, all except Lomien who stood aghast "You can't be serious brother!" anger played across his words "You think you are capable? You failed in your duty" Lomien gripped Ullari in a bone bruising grip "I chose death before dishonor, i fought until i was nearly dead from exhaustion to protect her" he hissed in his ear "Do not for a minute think you where her closest ally brother, for she wished me to take my place beside her when we returned to the white citadel" he spat the last words as the guards tore him away. He shrugged off their hands as if they where children. Ullari's eyes widened with disbelief, followed by understanding "None the less she made me second in command, and i will stake my claim with the council. First though, Alith akbarin, rally the army for today much blood will be shed. Tell them Areli is dead, and we go to avenge her for surely they will not keep her long" Lomien shook his head "Ullari! this is foolishness!" he cried "Do not wage a campaign of slaughter to satisfy a blood lust" Ullari turned, the blades on his gauntlet flickering as he strode over to Lomien "Do not trifle with me...." his threat was cut short as Lomien took up the gauntlet in his hand, and slowly began crushing it. Ullari's eyes widened "No brother" Lomien said darkly "It is you who shouldn't trifle with me" he released the gauntlet, though now it was dented in places. Lomien saw the advancing High elf army "Ullari there are still elves along the northern border villages, this could jeperdize everything they have sought to work for" Ullari sneered "And what is that to me? We march! all captains to your compainies! we move to battle at once!" Lomien shook his head, leading his company of veterans. The two hour march to the battle plain was uneventful, though Lomien and Ullari both never stopped looking for signs of Areli and her captors.

Word had reached the armies of the North Kingdoms of blood that would be shed, and they came prepared. In the final months before Areli had managed to broker a meeting the men had sought deserate means to counter the powerful high elf army. One of those means had been to turn to the darker arts in order to enhance themselves. The mutations where often only strictly in the form of armor enhancement, however not all where so abhorent and superstitious to stop there. Some, namely the prominent commanders went so far as to invite a Deamon to enter them and posses their bodies. Lomien reached the front line, his company, some six hundred veteran swords men and archers keeping in perfect rank and file. Before him was an army the size of which he had yet to see. Ten thousand heavily armored warriors stood at attention ready to oppose the High elf army, with nearly a thousand being mounted on armored steed or chariot. He paused, while this was perhaps the largest gathering he had seen, he knew that even then it hardly stood a chance against the six thousand high elves, though he also became painfuly aware that this would be amoung the most bitter of battles. Ullari's and the remaining nine other compainies assembled themselves. Lomien strung up his poweful bow, and as one so to did the six hundred men under his command. Ullari smiled "Show no mercy, kill every last one of them" as if on cue the mortal army began marching slowly forward. With a heavy heart Lomien raised his hand, and slowly drew back the arrow he had strung "Fire at will!" He cried out. A black cloud of deadly darts wistled and screamed towards their targets. Many simply ricocheted off the thick armor, but many more found their mark. The men dropped in their scores, but still they marched on. Lomien could see cadres of their elementals making their way forward, some of them threw up sheilds while others hurled energy and earthen blasts at their foes. High elven mages countered and duel with their human opponents. Lomien looked to his captains "How many of you think this has gone on long enough?" they set their bows down, a roaring shout went up. A sword made of fire sparked to life in Lomien's hands as he looked towards the advancing army "Bowmen continue to fire at will, captains with me! Today they shall know fear!" The 30 captains assembled next to him. He looked at them, seeing the eargerness in their eyes. He took off running towards the approaching enemy, followed closely by his captains. They struck like a thunder bolt, even though the human armor was immensly thick it stood little chance against his most experianced veterans. He quickly cut a bloody swath through their left flank, many men simply turned and fled as they where unable to whithstand whaching their fellows being burnt to ashes. He hacked and burned his way to the top, whaching with satisfaction as all along the front lines this was quickly becoming the case. Something however caught his eye, this battle was costing them an immense tole in lives, and at nearly a one for one casualty exchange he was glad they where breaking so easily. Their chariots lay in ruins and most of their heavy cavalry lay either dead or retreating. Still though the fighting was feirce. He was roused from his thoughts as the his own company arrived to help hold the top. His bold charge had payed off, but he was now left with half his captains and nearly two hundred dead or wounded.

As one the spearmen lowered their spears and locked their sheilds in place. Rousing from his medatative stupor Lomien quickly judged the situation "Archers fire at will! Swords men, to the rear ranks, let no one pass!" his orders where quickly followed, but only just in time to meet a desperate counter attack. These men however, bore no armor and thus where even easier to cut aside. They fell in droves as spear and arrow cut them down. The attack lasted for a brief but bloody few minutes before the men again broke. Weary now from the constant fighting, Lomien welcomed the lull. Abrahi led his company of heavily armored palidin guard up the hill "Looks like you had yourself a fight" he smiled. Lomien shook his head at him "They are retreating, they know they have lost now...what are our casualties?" Abarhi looked grim faced "My company is fresh along with an additional seven thousand men that are now marching to join us...i believe the casualties stand at nearly five thousand dead or seriously wounded" Lomien looked shocked. So many in such a short time. He was again roused from his thoughts by the approaching of Ullari "I have a new assignment for you brother" he sighed, not liking the sound of it "The wer-creatures have indeed united and are seeking to marshel together for an all out war on us....your tasked with eradicating this unified army and showing them the error of their ways" Lomien gave a start but nodded tersely "I'll see to it that i have a legion assembled by tomorrow morning" Ullari shook his head "No need, it is hear now" He smiled, his brother had always been so efficient in those ways "Very well" and with that, Lomien and his men quickly assembled and moved south. Ullari turned his burning gaze north ward, already he could here the cries and screams of villages as his army went through and took what they wanted.

Lomien marched at the head of the army he was to lead south. He looked back at the burning fires in the distance and couldn't help but wonder if he'd made the right descision in leading the army south instead of maintaining his route north. It would be many months before he would know the answer to that. He forged on to the southern Dwarf city of Stormhold, the march made with no incident. Once there he received a lords welcome. Many there where who respected him in those days and that coming from a dwarf to an elf said a lot. Lord Ancient Ragnarock met him at the gilded gates "Lomien, it has been awhile since our paths crossed. What could possibly bring this strengh in arms so far south from Areli's wars in the north?" his hearty voice rumbled . Lomien shook his head "The Lady Areli is dead, Ullari is the new regeant and i am to forge for him a new path through were-country since they have begun uniting. Ullari fears they would pose a problem and does not wish to deal with it currently so he sends me" The Dwarf looked stunned at the news "First off how is it that the lady is dead? You swore to her such a dreadful oath of protection i'd feared it would be you that would meet an untimely end, and second doesn't your brother know of our strength? We could easily batter aside any attack that could marshal out of the dark lands" he boasted "And for the love of all things good why has the whelp taken up the spot that is in no way his to take?" Lomien raised his hand to stave any retorts from his men "Areli was taken after i had been knocked down and nearly killed myself, Ullari has sent me and i obeyed because he, though my younger brother, is now my new lord to which he came to that position because Areli placed him there to draw attention away from me" Ragnarock sighed "Lomien, this bodes ill for the land, i do not think Ullari sent you here just to quell a triffling were rebellion....i think he wants you out of the way" Lomien gazed at him intently "We have been brothers in arms along time Lord storm hold, but it is not my place to second guess those who have been placed over me" Ragnarock flinched at the stern address "So be it" he replied "I take it you are here then to re-arm and rest up before pursueing your goals?" Lomien nodded "Well then you know where to go" Lomien looked on as his old friend marched back into the deep mines before following in. The vast underground city of Storm hold was truely a sight to behold, though to confine it to a cavern would be cheep indeed. Vast and intracate aqua ducts criss crossed over and around multi storied buildings built into mountian, there was little in next to nothing in the shape of natural light so great burning torches abound at every corner and building. Lomien however paid this no heed. The Legion of elves where not permitted entrance into the city and where compelled to camp at its' gates. Lomien however had his own personal forge and now set about with a dark purpose. While in the north and unbeknownst to Ullari, Lomien had raided a human mage college, and in so doing had uncovered a grimoire on black magic weapons. It was to this that Lomien now set about. He etched the prescribed runes in his own blood to the metal that would comprise the blade. He had brought along a few human mages just for the purpose of creating this dark weapon. With shimmering silver dust he drew a pentagram along the floor of his shop, placing one of the shuddering young mages at each point of the star. After forging the blade he set the weapon at the center and looked at each mage in turn "I know not what the consequences of this rite will be, but you in penance for your unwarented war upon the realm have sworn to me that you will carry out this ritual to atone for the lives lost by your now dead lord" he intoned, standing back behind a pulpit "The author of this incantation describes it as a blade that will become blacker than black, whose power is to capture an enemies soul and enslave their powers to the weilder" he opened the book "Begin" a sonorous chanting began. At first the blade merely shimmered, cackling with ethereal energies, but then the light started dimming as if being drawn into the blade itself. Lomien cast a cautious glance at the mages, drumming up his own considerable power to counter anything that might be wrought. It was not the mages though that this power was building. One by one the mages collapsed, screaming in silent terror as their mouths fused shut and their skin began to boil away. One of them, the youngest by the name of Celest looked terrified as she fought to stave off the powers that sought to destroy her as well. She looked pleadingly at Lomien, who in turn held the emergeant forces at bay, forcing them back from the girl and containing them finally. The damage though was done. All the mages where dead except for Celeste who had mysteriously survived. The sword lay at the center, the pentegram that was supposed to contain the energies lay broken. The silver dust scattered.

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