Page name: DeathNote L hideout [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-05-06 19:58:51
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L sat in his normal position in that swivel chair with the wheels on the bottom. He had tons of sweets infront of him and he nibbled at them as he stared at the blank screens before him.

Light looked at L for a moment then went back to reading a book he had with him.

"Lighto-kun..." L said still staring at the screens.

Light blinked and looked at L. "Yes? What is it L?"

"Ryuzaki.." L corrected. "But why do you stay all these long hours?" He swiveled in the chair to look at Light. "Doesn't Misa-chan ever want to see you?"

"L...I mean Ryuzaki, Im not focusing on what Misa wants, Im focusing on what we need to do...why do you ask??" Light answered looking at L.

"I want you to bug her home." L looked at Light with his usual eyes. "You will go see her this afternoon. You will be wired of course. Do not say a word about the bugs and cameras that you will place in her room. Understood?"

Lights eyes widened. "What? But why Ryuzaki?"

L spun his chair back towards the screens and began eating his sweets again. "I still believe she is the second kira. I need to keep and eye on her even though she was released from our watch.."

Light shook his head. "No I wont do that Ryuzaki. You cleared her of being the second kira. Why this change all of a sudden?"

"I need to be sure." L seemed to stay calm even though Light refused. "You will do it...." He paused for a moment. "Unless you're Kira..."

"Ryuzaki stop talking like this. We both know Im not kira and we both know neither is Misa!" Light got up from his chair and put his book down.

"That may be true Lighto-kun, but there is still a 2% chance. And i must evaluate all that is possible." L stated.

"Well Im not doing that to Misa." Light started to walk away.

L sat in his chair staring at the screen as if there was something there. He pressed his thumb to his lip like he always did when he was thinking.

Light walked up the stairs and into a room.

L smirked and flicked on a switch turning the screens on. They all showed Light's room.

Light pulled out a magazine and layed on his bed reading it.

L watched Light carefully and looked at every screen looking for clues.

Light stretched and read upside down on the bed. He was thinking really but to hide that fact, he pretend to be intrested in the magazine.

"Hmmm." L hummed to himself. His eyes were fixated on the camera that sat on the side of the bed to show the side of Light's face.

Light got up and stretched as he headed for his bathroom.

L watched everything Light did. He didn't see Light carrying anything so he had nothing to worry about. "Is it in there?" L thought out loud thinking the notebook was in the bathroom.

Light took off his shirt and his pants standing in his boxers. He went into the bathroom and started the shower. He took off his boxers and got in.

L was staring at the empty room and heard from upstairs the shower come on. He smiled. He always wanted to pull a prank on Light so he walked upstairs and knocked on the door. "Lighto-kun..." He said softly hoping that Light wouldnt hear the knock or his name called.

Light looked up at the water splashing on his face, deep in thought.

L opened the bathroom door and peeked in only a little. He stepped in further where he was Light through the foggy glass of the shower. "Lighto-kun?"

With the shower still running and Light still deep in thought, he didnt hear L call his name.

L didn't care much for manors or privacy so he walked in and knocked on the glass door of the shower. "Lighto-kun..."

Light blinked and looked over at the glass seeing a figment. "Yeah Ryuzaki?"

"May i join you? Since the only other shower is Watari's..." L said a little bashful as he pointed in at the shower.

Light blinked. "I-Im almost done I just need to dry off." He turned off the shower. "Can you please pass me the towel??"

L turned around and grabbed the towel with the tip of his thumb and index finger. He grabbed the edge of the towel and handed it to Light. "Here."

Light grabbed it and put the towle around his lower half of his body. "Thank you. Well its all yours...I shouldnt have used all the hot water I wasnt in there long."

L nodded and took off his shirt. "Ok." He looked up at Light. "Thank you."

Light laughed a little. "Dont mention it." He walked out of the bathroom and into his room.

L blinked and took off his clothes. He stepped into the shower and turned it on. He started washing his hair.

Light layed back on his bed reading the magazine again.

L finished up in the shower and stepped out grabbing the towel. He wrapped it around himself and walked into Light's room. "Hello Lighto-kun."

Light looked up. "Hi..."

"What are you reading?"

Light quickly sat on the magazine. "Nothing!"

"Please don't be nervous around me Lighto-kun. We slept together for awhile...remember?" L reminded. He sat on the bed and grabbed the extra towel he was holding and started massaging Light's feet.

Light jumped a little. "R-Ryuzaki!" He pulled his feet away slowly. "Its just a spots magazine I guess you could say..."

L had a look of disappointment on his face. "S-sorry."

"Dont be. Its ok really. I just wasnt expecting that!" Light stated and put his feet back near L.

L hinted a smile and massaged his feet again. He looked up at Light. "Do you like to read?"

Light sat straight up. "Y-You dont have to do this you do know that right?"

"I know." L said. "I just an apology."

Light moved his feet away and sat next to L. "Any apology for what ryuzaki??"

"For accusing you." L stated looking into Light's deep brown eyes.

"I understand why you did it. Its understanble Ryuzaki its a case everyone is a victim!" Light stated.

L nodded. "Precisely. You think much like me Lighto-kun."

Light laughed a little. "Well we are smart guys"

"That is why i worry." L stated in a monotone way.

Light blinked. "Im not fallowing Ryuzaki"

"Well. From everything we can tell now...Kira is very smart, much like your smart. How you think and how Kira thinks is really identical." L stated once again monotone.

Light sighed and got up. "Im not kira. Im going for a walk."

L nodded and left for his room to get dressed. "Very well." L said to Light before he left. "But there is still a chance."

Light kicked L. "Im not Kira shut up!"

L flinched and tilted his head to the side. He went to turn around but side kicked Light. His towel fell off from around his waist revealing his naked body.

Light got up and covered his eyes. "EWWW"'

L giggled slightly and picked his towel back up. "Don't kick me..." He stated bluntly.

"Well just stop saying Im kira and it wont happen again!" Light stated with some attitude.

L turned around without saying a word and left the room into his own room to get dressed. He quickly got dressed and headed back into the main room where the computers and screens were at.

Light sighed and layed on his bed again.

L stared up at the screens with complete interest. He had a pile of sweets infront of him.

Light began to fall asleep on his bed.

L laughed quietly.

Light began to roll around on his bed constantly as if he was having a bad dream.

L tilted his head. "Is lighto-kun ok?" He asked himself.

Light woke up screaming and in a cold sweat. He held his head and looked around.

L blinked and stared in wonder.

"Phew only a dream." Light sighed and fell asleep again.

L smirked lightly and threw a ball of chocolate into his mouth.

Light stayed asleep with a nice peacful look on his face.

A ring at the hideout door rang. L stood up and walked to the door looking through the peek hole. He saw Misa standing on the other side with an oddly cheerful look. L had an assistant open the door and welcome Misa in.

Misa jumoed in when the door was opened. "HI RYUZAKI! Where is Lighto-kun?" She looked around with joy and excitement and yet wonder.

L pointed towards his room. He was sure to turn off the cameras before she entered. "Last time i saw, he was in his room."

"OK!" Misa jumped up and ran to Light's room knocking on the door loudly. "LIGHTO-KUN!"

Light groaned and woke up. ".....ya....what is it...."

"May i come in Lighto?" Misa asked in her cute voice.

Light sat up. "Fine"

Misa opened the door slowly and poked her head in to look at him. As soon as she saw him she ran in and glomped him and hugged him tightly.

L was watching the pair on the cameras. He had been eating 'Hello Panda' treats.

Light groaned a little. "Misa!!"

"Yes Lighto?" Misa asked in her normal high voice.

"Can you not glomp me anymore please!" Light asked

Misa frowned. "Misa is sorry, Lighto-kun."

Light sighed. "Its fine"

Misa quickly hugged him. "When can i judge again?" Misa wispered.

L saw Misa hug Light again and stared with interest. He knew they were probably wispering something.

Lights facial expression changed to a hint of an evil look to it. "Soon Misa soon" He wispered back to her

Misa let Light go and nodded. "Can Misa sleep here tonight?"

"Sure if you want to...but you have to stop talking in third person Misa please" Light said softly.

Misa frowned and looked down. "Sorry, Lighto-kun."

L stared at the two. He wanted to tell them that it was forbidden for her to stay the night but then they would both know that he was watching them. He sat thinking how he could play out the night.

Light sighed and got up. "Im going down stairs!"

L quickly changed the monitors to regular TV. he was watching the news on Sakura TV and putting treats into his mouth little by little.

Light looked at L. "Im going for a walk..."

L nodded with out looking at Light.

Misa sighed. She was left all alone in Light's room.

Light walked outside and then back in. "Nevermind."

L turned around and looked at Light. "Everything alright Lighto-kun?"

"...its Raining out..." Light said with a slight sigh.

L smiled and stood up. "Follow me." He started walking towards the elevators.

Light sighed and followed L slowly. "Where are we going?"

L just continued walking with his hands in his pockets. They reached the elevator and waited for Light to push the button.

Light looked at L. "Ryuzaki where are we going?! I wont push any bottons until you tell me where we are headed!"

"Up..." L stated plainly. He pulled his hand out of his pocket and pushed the button just barely with the tip of his index finger. The door opened and he stepped in and waited for Light.

Light didnt move. "Where the hell are we gonna go?!"

"My favorite place to be." L stated in a monotone way. "Please follow me." He asked once again.

Light sighed and got into the elevator slowly.

L pressed the 'R' button. The elevator started moving and once it reached where they were going it stopped and opened. Right outside of the elevator were empty halls.

Light looked around. "Where are we?"

L stepped out of the elevator and started walking down the hall then stopped, turned and waited for L.

Light followed L slowly.

L came upon two large swinging doors. He pushed the one open and walked through. He closed his eyes and looked up now as the rain drops fells on his skin.

Light looked at L threw the doors.

L looked back at Light. His looked was as if he was asking what was wrong.

"Ryuzaki come back in your gonna get a cold."

L walked out further along the rooftop. He looked at the huge satteleight dish.

Light walked out and stood next to L. "Your gonna get sick out here!"

L looked at Light. "Lighto-kun. Do you like the rain?"

Light looked up. "Ya I do why?"

L nodded. "Just as i thought." He stated. "We think the same Lighto-kun."

"Lets go back in before we catch a cold ok?" Light insisted lightly.

L looked at Light then up at the sky one last time before walking back inside with his hands in his pockets and his back slouched over.

Light walked down the hall way and opened the elevator door and waited for L.

DeathNote RP

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