Page name: Dela's Banoffee Pie in 30 Photos [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-08-24 15:14:44
Last author: Delladreing
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Dela's Benofee Pie in 30 Photos.

Cooking With Dela

(serves up to eight people)
- 3 bananas
- 1 tin condensed milk (caramelised)
- ½ packet ginger snaps
- 1 packet chocolate digestives
- small bar dairy milk (or equivalent, that is milk chocolate btw for some of you people)
- cadbury's flake
- 100g butter
- whipping cream

Crush the biscuits with a rolling pin or in a food processor.
-Melt butter and dairy milk in a bain marie or a pan on a low heat. Add to crushed biscuits and mix thoroughly.
-Line a baking tin or tray evenly with mix, including up the sides, then cover and place in a fridge for 30 mins to set.
-Slice banana and layer on biscuit base, then pour over an even layer of caramelised milk (not too much as it is very rich). Cover the top of pie with a thick layer of whipped cream.
-Sprinkle broken flake all over the top and refrigerate until ready to serve.

To begin with you shall need to gather your ingredients and needed crockery:

Here we have one dairy milk chocolate bar

One tin of caramaised condensed milk

Ginger Snaps


Chocolate Digestives


One baking tin or as seen her a ceramic dish deep enough to contain a pie

One mixing bowl

Fresh double cream for whipping (as you can see 284ml)

Other ingredients not shown in close up photos include 3 bananas and a chocolate flake bar.


To crush bicuite there are two methods which I use. One is to lay the biscuits out on a sheet of cling film like so:

And then to pull part of it over the top encasing them and covering them. (NOTE: that when using chocolate biscuits it is better to refrigerate them first to prevent the chocolate from sticking to the film)

You can then run a rolling pin over them untill they crumble and then use the film to move them in to a bowl

If however you are short of time like I was, you can put them in a food processor and have them finely crumbled with very little effort on your part.

While allowing the blender to do its thing I took the time out to grease the dish with butter, the hands you see here however are that of my mother, as she says I was doing it wrong :p
Take some of the butter packaging with the butter on it and run it simply around the dish until you feel it to be subtly greased.

Then return to your biscuits which by now should be a fine looking powder, mix the two biscuits together, the end result should be something like this:

At this point you can start to prepare the butter chocolate glue that keeps the base of the pie together. Take 100g of butter

And melt it over a low heat

Then add your bar of chocolate, here I used half of the bar, but really it is up to you, not a great deal is needed, but enough to cover your biscuit mix

Don't worry if it looks like this
its meant to :P

After that you can mix it in thoroughly with the biscuit mix until it is all sticking together and there is nothing "runny" about the mix

Then you spread it evenly in your dish, making sure that it is applied evenly.
After that cover it up and leave it in the refrigerator to set for approximately 30 minutes.

You now have to sort the cream.

Tip the contents out in to a bowl (here we have a jug as some FIEND stole my mini glass bowl!)
Mix it about a bit.

And then you can get the whisk out. Please note, that taking a photo while whisking cream with a high setting whisk is not a good idea! I nearly lost control of the bowl -lol-

Mix until you get a non runny mixture, use your own judgement.

After that your base should be set and you can start cutting up your bananas and spreading them out evenly on the base

Like so:

Then apply a good dollop of condensed milk, spread it evenly (its the custard looking stuff, I forgot to take the photo and remembered while I was applying the cream!) although do not use too much as it is exceptionally rich.

Then spread a thick layer of your whipped cream over the top

For the finnishing touches add a crumbled up chocolate flake bar and then leave your finished pie in the refrigerator to cool until ready to serve.

And there you have it, Dela's Benoffee Pie in 30 Photos :)

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2006-08-24 [Stephen]: Slight spelling error:
One baking tin or as seen her a ceramic dish deep enough to contain a pie

2006-08-24 [Blasphemous Rumours]: Le bunneh chef!

2006-08-24 [Delladreing]: Thanks Stephen I'll fix it later.

And hehe =:)

2006-08-25 [Stephen]: :)
Now, I just need to figure where to get chocolate digestives at.. xD

2006-12-15 [someelf]: -goes work on it when she can- :3

2007-08-27 [Jitter]: Seems tasty! When I can be Arsed to move my mixer onto the counter (it is a huge beast one of those: <img200*0:>)
I am so gonna make this :D

2007-08-27 [Delladreing]: I have one of them! But its too heavy for me to lift XD

Happy pie making :)

2007-08-28 [sequeena_rae]: I haven't got one of those :( *teh sad*

2007-08-28 [Delladreing]: Nooooes

2007-08-28 [sequeena_rae]: I am teh poor lmao

2007-08-28 [Delladreing]: Lol, I'll send j00 one from the place that I got your chocolate machine thingy

2007-08-28 [sequeena_rae]: Lmao nooo, I can beat things by hand >:D

2007-08-28 [Delladreing]: Atsma girl.

2007-08-30 [Jitter]: Haha I got it on my wedding list xD I'm poor too x) I made cake two days ago and it was properly honoured by the family so I'll probably make this pie next week :D

maybe I should post more of my recipes x)

By the way-->Melomakarona not as cool and detailed with pics as yours Dela but it's a really tasty traditional greek cookie syrup thingy we make for Christmas x) ( I tried making them last year and they turned quite okay ^^)

2007-08-30 [Delladreing]: Ooh thank you :D

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