Page name: Drawings made at age 15 [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-01-22 21:03:13
Last author: The Alchemist
Owner: The Alchemist
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Drawings made at age 15

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Not a productive year. I attended at lots of side-activities and it seems i didn't had much time to draw. I only found 2 drawings from this periode. One is a bad version of Tomb Raider, the other was a better portrait of Holy Valance, that i sadly enough never finished

' Tomb Raider '


jip, this went totally wrong, but that's how you learn, by making mistakes. I started paying more attention to my portraits from now on, i studied the faces closely in every detail possible, and THAT is what helped me so much at drawing portraits. I made a tutorial on how to do this, the link can be found in my house.

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