Page name: Drawings made at age 7-8 [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-01-07 19:45:51
Last author: The Alchemist
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Drawings made at age 7-8

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All the drawings i found so far, don't go further back then age 7 (1993-1994).
I know that i was drawing way before this but i just don't find anything from that periode.

I started to take drawing lessons at age 7, and they made us keep all the drawings in these huge cardboard maps and i still got those so that might be a reason why my archive starts at age 7. I made houndreds of drawings in kindergarten, that was basically the only thing we did back then: playing and making crappy paintings, drawings and those silly macaroni-picture-thingies and that sorta stuff.
I guess my parents just didn't bother to keep my silly childish drawings, they probally thought i wasn't any good anyway. Although... i just asked my mother and she says that she always thought i had talent

I found 15 drawings from this periode, here are 3 ^-^

' Mushroom and Gnome' 


This is the very first drawing that started my carreer, i made it on the first day of artclass. Artclass took place once a week, on wednesday from 13h-16h. My teacher's name was Myriam and the only thing i remember about her is that she had brown hair and a friendly face.

I don't really remember what the assignement for this drawing was, but i guess it was either: 'Draw a gnome' or 'Draw whatever you want'. Anyway, this was the result.

' Alien Planet '


Not much to say about this one, it's my childish vision on what a alien city would look like. I have no idea why i chose those shapes, but i do remember that i was gooofing off a lot back then. this picture already shows that i seriously was no good in painting, if you don't see my disability to paint right now, you will certainly recognise it on some of my other paintings: they are real messed up.

' Church '


this my dear friends, is a church... drawn with no sense of perspective/ depth perception at all ^-^ We had to go outside and draw whatever we saw, i was facing the church so i drew that. The bird wasn't really there, i mean not on that exact spot and he didn't look like that either but hey, i was 7, noone is gonna tell a 7 year old: "dude your bird looks like crap" without saying something about the way-too-2D-curch aswell

going on to Drawings made at age 8-9

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